General Info

There is a lot to celebrate in March. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the third month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

March Lore and General Info:

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in March of 2022. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

Western Astrology

The February Sun begins in Aquarius and finishes up in Pisces:

The March 2022 Moon cycles through the signs as follows. You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise:

The moon cycles through the signs are as follows:

The Celtic Tree Signs in February:
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Pine: Feb 21 – Mar 2
  • Willow: Mar 3 – Mar 12
  • Lime: Mar 13 – Mar 20
  • Oak: Mar 21 (Vernal Equinox) –  Sign of the Oak Tree
  • Hazel: Mar 22 – Mar 31
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Black Water Tiger.  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in March 2022.

  • Tiger: Feb 4 –  Mar 4 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Tiger: Feb 1 – Mar 2 (Lunar Calendar – 1st Lunar Month)
  • Rabbit: Mar 5 – Apr 4 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Rabbit: Mar 3 –  Mar 31 (Lunar Calendar – 2nd Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in March:
    10 and 24.
  • These are the unlucky days in March:
    1, 2, 5, 8, 12, 14, 16, 28 and 29.

Fatal Days

The first the greedy glutton slays,
The fourth cuts short the drunkard’s days.

Quick Good Luck Chant

Bad luck turn and
Bad luck flee.
Only good fortune
Comes to Me.

Place a pinch of salt on your left shoulder.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

March 1

  • 1: Matronalia – the Festival of Women
  • 1: New Year’s Day in the old Roman calendar.
  • 1: Mother March
  • 1: Feriae Marti – Festival of Mars
  • 1 » Shrove Tuesday
  • 1 » Mardi Gras
  • 1 » Pancake Day
  • 1 thru 9: Navajo Sing – Festival in which fields are blessed in preparation for planting.

March 2

  • 2: Holy Wells Day – the day of Ceadda, the Celtic goddess of healing springs and holy wells.
  • 2 » Night of Hekate Suppers
  • 2 » Ash Wednesday
  • 2 » The 40 days of Lent
  • 2 » Holy Wednesday
  • 2 » Ascent of the Christ of the Gypsies

March 3

March 4

March 5

March 6

March 7

  • 7 » Clean Monday
  • 7 thru 14: Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries. Old Greek festival celebrating the marriage of Goddess Kore and God Dionysos, following their return from Elysium.

March 8

March 10

March 11

March 12

March 13

March 14

  • 14: The Diasia to ward off poverty – Greece.
  • 14: Equirria

March 15

March 16

March 17

March 18

March 19

  • 19: Festival of Anna Perenna – the Roman goddess of the circle of the year.
  • 19: St. Joseph’s Day
  • 19 thru 23: The Mivervalia and Quinquatria, main festivals of Minerva, the Roman goddess of war, wisdom arts and trades.

March 20

March 21

March 22

March 23

March 24

March 25

March 26

March 27

March 28

  • 28: Ragnar Lodbrok`s Day – a celebration in honor of the sacking of Paris

March 29

March 30

  • 30:  Festival of Salus
  • 30: Day of Bau
  • 30 » Pagerwesi (Bali) celebrates Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe. Offerings are made to stave off evil forces, and also for the uncremated dead.
  • 30: Festival of Renenutet

March 31

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days This is a very short list of the Saint days in March, there are many many more.

As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For March

Many seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc. can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any March lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the March posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was which was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in February. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the second month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

February Lore and General Info:

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in February of 2022. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

Western Astrology

The February Sun begins in Aquarius and finishes up in Pisces:

The February 2022 Moon cycles through the signs as follows. You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise:

The moon cycles through the signs are as follows:

The Celtic Tree Signs in February:
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Poplar: Feb 1 – Feb 10
  • Larch: Feb 11 – Feb 20
  • Pine: Feb 21 – Mar 2
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

The month of February begins in the Chinese Year of the Rat. The year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow) kicks in on February 12th  (Chinese lunar New Year Day) and lasts until January 31st, 2022. This will be a White Metal Ox year. Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in February 2021.

  • Cow: Jan 5 – Feb  2 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Cow: Jan 13 – Feb 4 (Lunar Calendar – 12th Lunar Month)
  • Tiger: Feb 4 –  Mar 4 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Tiger: Feb 4 – Mar 2 (Lunar Calendar – 1st Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in February:
    11, 21, 25, and 26.
  • These are the unlucky days in February:
    1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18 and 23.

Fatal Days

The fourth day bringeth down to death,
The third will stop a strong man’s breath.

Quick Good Luck Chant

Bad luck turn and
Bad luck flee.
Only good fortune
Comes to Me.

Place a pinch of salt on your left shoulder.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

February 1

February 2

February 3

February 4

February 5

  • 5 » Burning the Hom Strom
  • 5: Tibetan New Year
  • 5 » Saraswati Day (Bali), in honor of Batari Dewi Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge. No reading or writing is allowed on this day, books are taken to the goddess to be blessed.  Dates vary.
  • 5 » Sarasvati Puja – Vasant Panchami. Dates vary.
  • 5: Fornacalia – The Day of the Ovens – anytime between Feb 5 and Feb 17

February 6

February 7

February 8

February 9

  • 9: Feast of Apollo

February 11

February 12

  • 12: Festival of Artemis – the Greek goddess of the hunt
  • 12 thru 14: Borrowed Days (see also March 29-31)

February 13

  • 13: Get a Different Name Day (Thomas Roy’s Calendar)
  • 13 thru 21: The Parentalis – festival to honor the spirits of the ancestors

February 14

February 15

  • 15: Sigfrid’s Day
  • 15 » Chinese Lantern Festival – 15th lunar day of 1st lunar month
  • 15: Lupercalia – the festival of Lupercus, the Roman god of flocks and fertility.
  • 15: Kamakura Day

February 16

February 17

  • 17 : Feast of Shesmu
  • 17: Toshigoi – Shinto rite honoring the Kami and offering prayers for a bountiful rice harvest.
  • 17: Festival of Quirinus – god of war, storms and thunder

February 18

  • 18 and 19: Spenta Armaiti (Zoroastrian)

February 19

February 20

  • 20: Day of Tacita

February 21

  • 21: Feralia – an ancient Roman Day of the Dead
  • 21: Toshi-goi-no-Matsuri known (also as the Yakuyoke festival) – Shinto rite honoring the Kami and offering prayers for a bountiful rice harvest.

February 22

  • 22: Caristia – Roman holiday of family reunions

February 23

February 24

  • 24: Flight of the King – Regifugium

February 25

  • 25: Day of Mut

February 26

February 27

  • 27 » Meatfare Sunday
  • 27 » Transfiguration Sunday

February 28

  • 28: Saxon Cake Day – cakes offered to the God and the Goddess.
  • 28 » Bun Day or Bolludaguror
  • 28: Kalevala Day – the epic poem, Kalevala is celebrated by the Finns.
  • 28: Old Slavic Velja Noc – Spirits of the dead visit their living relatives, overseen by Veles, Lord of the Dead.
  • 28 thru Mar 2 »  Melasti (Bali) – A purification ceremony that takes place at the beach several days prior to Nyepi

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days This is a very short list of the Saint days in February, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For February

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any February lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the February posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in January. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during this first month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in January of 2022. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

Western Astrology

The January Sun begins in Capricorn and finishes up in Aquarius:

The January 2022 Moon cycles through the signs as follows. You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise:

The Celtic Tree Signs in January:
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Apple: Dec 22 – Jan 1
  • Fir: Jan 2 – Jan 11
  • Elm: Jan 12 – Jan 22
  • Cypress: Jan 23 – Jan 31
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

According to the Chinese Zodiac we are currently in the Year of the Ox. Each Moon is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in January 2022.

  • Rat: Dec 7 (2021) – Jan 4 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Rat: Dec 4 (2021) –  Jan 2  (Lunar Calendar – 11th Lunar Month)
  • Cow: Jan 5 – Feb  2 (Chinese Zodiac)
  • Cow: Jan 3 – Feb 1 (Lunar Calendar – 12th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in January:
    1, 2, 15, 26, 27 and 28.
  • These are the unlucky days in January:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20 and 21.

Interestingly, the 1st and the 2nd are both lucky and unlucky.

Fatal Days

Of this first month the opening day
And seventh, like a sword will slay.

Quick Good Luck Chant

Bad luck turn and
Bad luck flee.
Only good fortune
Comes to Me.

Place a pinch of salt on your left shoulder.

January Lore and General Info:

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source. Some of these dates change from year to year because they are based on the phase of the moon or the days of the week. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

January 1

  • 1: New Year’s Day
  • 1: Shichi Fukujin – Seven Deities of Luck Celebration
  • 1: Gantan-sai – Shinto New Year Holy Day, see also Shogatsu
  • 1: Ethics Day – Day to commit to cultivating personal honor.
  • 1: Taos Pueblo Turtle Dance
  • 1: Apple Gifting Day
  • 1: Daisy Day
  • 1: The Circumcision of Jesus
  • 1 » Ciwaratri or Siwa Ratri  (Bali) – Night of the god Shiva. A time for contemplation and purification, the Balinese do not sleep for one night.
  • 1: Feast of Fools
  • 1: Jump Up Day
  • 1 thru 3: Kalends of January
  • 1 thru 4: Tewa Turtle Dance – celebrating life and the first Creation, when Sky Father embraced Earth Mother and all life was conceived.
  •  1 thru 6: Shogatsu/Shinto New Year’s Festival – The Kami (Nature Spirits) of the four directions are honored, and prayers for happiness, good health, and prosperity are made.

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

  • 7: Russian Christmas
  • 7: Nativity of Christ
  • 7: Genna – Ethiopian Christmas
  • 7: Koshogatsu – Shinto rite honoring Goddess Izanami, partner of God Izanagi.
  • 7: Feast of Sekhmet – Egyptian New Year’s Day (alternative date Aug 7)

January 8

January 9

January 10

  • 10 » Bodhi Day
  • 10: Geraint’s Day (Welsh)
  • 10 » Seijin-no-hi – Coming of Age Day

January 11

January 12

January 13

  • 13 » Day of Ekadashi (Hindu)
  • 13 thru 25: Mid Winter Blot (Midvetr, Midvetrarblot, Jordblot, Thorrablot, Freyrblot) – Old Norse Mid Winter Feast.

January 14

January 15

January 16

January 17

  • 17: Good Luck Day – Festival of Felicitas
  • 17 thru 20 » Mahayana New Year – starts on the first full moon in January

January 19

January 20

January 21

January 24

January 25

January 26

January 27

  • 27 » Dakini Day (Tibetan)
  • 27 thru Feb 3: Powamu Festival (Hopi) – dates vary, an 8 day festival held around the end of January or beginning of February

January 28

January 29

  • 29: Gamelion Noumenia – Old Greek festival honoring all the Gods and Goddesses.
  • 29: Red Carnation Day

January 30

  • 30: Up Helly Aa – Scottish Viking celebration
  • 30 thru 31: Feast of the Charities – dates vary widely also listed as  Jan 17 – 18, Apr 18 – 19, May 26, Jul 9 – 10, or Oct 13.
  • 30 thru Feb. 2: Februalia

January 31

  • 31: Disfest/Disablot
  • 31 » Li Chun (Chinese New Year’s Eve)
  • 31 thru Feb 3: Old European Lunar New Year – Celebration of the Triple Goddess (Goddess of the Moon and the Seasons) being transformed from the Crone into the Virgin; celebrated with ritual bathing of divine images.
  • 31 thru Feb 6 »  Sami Week and Reindeer Race (Norway)
  • 31 thru Feb 8: Navajo Sing – Festival in preparation for the coming agricultural season; celebrated with prayer, chanting, dancing, and healing.

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days This is a very short list of the Saint days in January, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For January

Many seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc. can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any January lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the January posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in December. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the last month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

December Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in December of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The December Sun begins in Sagittarius and finishes up in Capricorn:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in December:
  • Elder: Nov 25 – Dec 22
  • Pine: Dec 22 (tree of the Winter Solstice)
  • Dec 23 – Is not ruled by any tree. It is the traditional day of the proverbial “Year and a Day” in the earliest courts of law.
  • Birch: Dec 24 – Jan 20 –  Month of the Birch Tree
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Hornbeam: Dec 1 – Dec 10
  • Aspen: Dec 11 – Dec 20
  • Beech: Dec 21 (Winter Solstice)
  • Apple: Dec 22 – Jan 1
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in December 2021.

  • Pig » Nov 7 – Dec 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Pig  » Nov 5 – Dec 3 (Lunar Calendar – 10th Lunar Month)
  • Rat » Dec 7 – Jan 4, 2022 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Rat » Dec 4 –  Jan 2, 2022 ( Lunar Calendar – 11th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have a different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones. Interestingly, the 15th is both lucky and unlucky.

  • These are the lucky days in December:
    15, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 25. 
  • These are the unlucky days in December:
    6, 11, 14, 15 and 21.

Fatal Days

The seventh is a fatal day for human life,
The tenth is with a serpent’s venom rife.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

December 1

December 3

December 4

  • 4: Bona Dea – a Roman festival for women only

December 5

December 6

December 14

December 15

December 17

  • 17 » Friday the 17th
  • 17: Beginning of Saturnalia – festival of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. The most popular Roman festival, for on this day the roles of master and slave were reverted.

December 18

  • 18: Eponalia

December 19

December 21

December 23

  • 23: The Larentalia (Larentinalia) – festival of Acca Larentia the Roman goddess who gave the early Romans their land

December 24

December 25

  • 25: Christmas
  • 25: The Birthday of Mithra – the Persian god of light and wisdom.
  • 25: Festival of the Invincible Sun God
  • 25: Feast of Frau Halle – Germanic goddess

December 26

December 27

December 28

December 29

December 30

December 31

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in December, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For December

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any December lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the December posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in November. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the eleventh month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

November Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in November of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The November Sun begins in Scorpio and finishes up in Sagittarius:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in November:
  • Oct 28 – Nov 24: Month of the Reed
  • Nov 25 – Dec 22: Month of the Elder Tree
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Poplar: Nov 1 – Nov 10
  • Chestnut: Nov 11 – Nov 20
  • Ash: Nov 21 – Nov 30
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in November 2021.

  • Dog » Oct 8 – Nov 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Dog » Oct 6 – Nov 4  (Lunar Calendar – 9th Lunar Month)
  • Pig » Nov 7 – Dec 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Pig  » Nov 5 – Dec 3 (Lunar Calendar – 10th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have a different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in November:
    5, 14 and 20.
  • These are the unlucky days in November:
    3, 6, 9, 10 and 21.

Fatal Days

The fifth bears stings of deadly pain,
The third is in destruction’s train.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

November 1

November 2

November 3

November 4

November 5

November 6

November 9

November 11

November 12

November 13

November 15

November 16

November 19

  • 19 » The Feast of Baba Yaga. On the full moon of November, the supreme crone goddess of old Russia is honored with a feast day.

November 21

November 24

November 25

November 27

November 28

November 29

November 30

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in November, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For November

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any November lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the November posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in October. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the tenth month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

October Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in October of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The October Sun begins in Libra and finishes up in Scorpio:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in October:
  • Sept 30 thru Oct- 27: Month of the Ivy
  • Oct 28 to Nov 24: Month of the Reed
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Hazel: Sep 24 – Oct 2
  • Rowan: Oct 3 – Oct 11
  • Maple: Oct 12 – Oct 21
  • Walnut: Oct 22 – Oct 31
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in October 2021.

  • Chicken » Sept 7 – Oct 7 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Chicken » Sept 7 – Oct 5 (Lunar Calendar – 8th Lunar Month)
  • Dog » Oct 8 – Nov 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Dog » Oct 6 –  Nov 4  (Lunar Calendar – 9th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have a different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in October:
    3, 7, 16, 21 and 22.
  • These are the unlucky days in October:
    4, 6, 9, 11, 17, 27 and 31.

Fatal Days

The third and tenth with poisoned breath
To men are foes as foul as death.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

October 1

  • 1: Festival of Fides – the Roman goddess of good faith, honesty and oaths.

October 2

October 4

October 5

October 6

October 7

October 8

October 9

October 11

  • 11: The Meditrinalia – the festival of Meditrina, the Roman goddess of healing.

October 12

  • 12: The Festival of Fortuna Redux – the Roman goddess of successful journeys and safe returns from those journeys.

October 13

  • 13: The Festival of Fontus – the Roman god of springs.
  • 13: Winter Nights – Sacred to Freya

October 14

  • 14 » Elder’s Day (China)
  • 14 » Double Ninth Day (alternatively celebrated on Sept 9)

October 15

  • 15: Equirria

October 16

October 17

  • 17: Double Ninth Day (or Sept 9)

October 19

  • 19: The Armilustrium – the second festival of Mars, the Roman god of war. On this day, military arms were ritually purified and put in storage for winter.

October 20

October 22

October 23

  • 23 » Make a Difference Day (4th Saturday in October)
  • 23: Slap Your Annoying Coworker  Day
  • 23: Swallows depart from San Juan Capistrano Day

October 27

October 28

October 29

October 30

October 31

  • 31: Halloween
  • 31: Nut Crack Night
  • 31 » Christ the King – last Sunday in October (alternative dates Nov 20 thru Nov 26)
  • 31 thru Nov 1: Samhain – the Celtic festival marking the beginning of the winter and the Celtic New Year. Also the rebirth of Caileach Beara, the Celtic goddess who turned to stone on May 1 (Beltane).

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in October, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For October

Seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Roman holidays, Asian festivals and more can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any October lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the October posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in September. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the ninth month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

September Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in September of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The September Sun begins in Virgo and finishes up in Libra:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in September:
  • Aug 5 thru  Sept 1: Month of the Hazel Tree
  • Sept 2 thru Sept- 29: Month of the Vine
  • Sept 30 thru Oct- 27: Month of the Ivy
  • Sept 21 thru Autumn Equinox: Aspen/Poplar
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Pine: Aug 25 – Sept 3
  • Willow: Sept 4 – Sept 13
  • Lime: Sept 14 – Sept 22
  • Alder: Sept 23 (Autumnal Equinox)
  • Hazel: Sept 24 – Oct 2
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in September 2021.

  • Monkey » Aug 7 – Sep 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Monkey » Aug 8 – Sep 6  (Lunar Calendar – 7th Month)
  • Chicken » Sept 7 – Oct 7 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Chicken » Sept 7 – Oct 5 (Lunar Calendar – 8th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have a different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones. Interestingly, the 18th of September is both lucky and unlucky.

  • These are the lucky days in September:
    4, 8, 17, 18 and 23.
  • These are the unlucky days in September:
    9, 10, 16, and 18.

Fatal Days

The third day of the month September
And tenth bring evil to each member.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

September 2

September 4

  • 4: Ludi Romani

September 5

September 6

September 7

  • 7 » The Noumenia
  • » Rosh Hashanah

September 8

September 9

  • 9: Double Ninth Day (alternatively celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th Lunar month)
  • 9 thru 15: The Rishi Stars appear

September 11

September 13

September 16

  • 16 » Yom Kippur

September 17

September 19

  • 19: The Fast of Thoth – this day-long fast honors the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic.

September 20

  • 20 » Keirō no Hi – Respect for the Aged Day  (Japan)
  • 20 » Chinese Moon Festival -The Festival of Chang O, on the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. Some Chinese celebrate this day as the moon’s birthday.

September 21

  • 21 » Sukkot
  • 21: Birthday of Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom also known as Sophia
  • 21: The Feast of the Divine Life – honors the great goddess in her three-fold aspect as mother (creator), daughter (renewer), and dark mother (the absolute)

September 22

September 29

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in September, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

  • 21: Nativity of Blessed Mary

Recipes For September

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any September lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the September posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post which was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

There is a lot to celebrate in August. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the eighth month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

August Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in August of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The August Sun begins in Leo and finishes up in Virgo:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in August:
  • Jul 8 – Aug 4: Month of the Holly Tree
  • Aug 5 – Sep 1: Month of the Hazel Tree
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Cypress: Jul 25 – Aug 4
  • Poplar: Aug 5 – Aug 14
  • Larch: Aug 15 – Aug 24
  • Pine: Aug 25 – Sep 3
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in August 2021.

  • Sheep: Jul 7 – Aug 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Sheep: Jul 10 – Aug 7  (Lunar Calendar – 6th Month)
  • Monkey: Aug 7 – Sep 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Monkey: Aug 8 – Sep 6  (Lunar Calendar – 7th Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in August:
    6, 7, 10, 11, 19 and 25.
  • These are the unlucky days in August:
    15, 20 and 21. 

Fatal Days

The first kills strong ones at a blow.
The second lays a cohort low.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

August 1

August 3

August 4

August 6

August 7

August 8

August 9

  • 9: Festival of Sol Indigis – the Roman sun god
  • 9 » The Noumenia

August 10

August 11

August 13

August 14

  • 14 » Chinese Valentine’s Day

August 15

  • 15: Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary
  • 15: Festival of Torches
  • 15: Herbal Holy Day
  • 15: Krishna Janmashtami

August 17

  • 17: The Portunalia – the festival of Portunes, the Roman god of gates, doors and harbors.
  • 17: Cat Nights begin

August 18

August 19

  • 19: The Vinalia Rustica

August 21

August 22

August 23

  • 23: The Nemesia
  • 23: The Volcanalia – the festival of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire

August 24

  • 24: Mundus

August 25

August 26

August 27

  • 27: Volturnalia


Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in August, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.


Recipes For August

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc. can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any August lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the August posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

The 5 Epagomenal Days (6 during leap years) were inserted into the Egyptian Calendar which had been 360 days long. These days were reserved as birthdays for the gods. The first, third, and fifth of these days were considered unlucky by the Egyptians.

The legend behind the days holds the Nut had been forbidden to have children on any day of the year by her husband Geb. Thoth, upon hearing this, gambled with the moon-god for a fraction of his light. Thoth won and he created the additional 5 days for Nut so she could bear children on these days “not of the year.”

They are as follows:

  • July 27 – 1st Epagomenal Day – Birthday of Osiris
  • July 28 – 2nd Epagomenal Day – Birthday of Horus
  • July 29 – 3rd Epagomenal Day – Birthday of Set
  • July 30 – 4th Epagomenal Day – Birthday of Isis
  • July 31 – 5th Epagomenal Day – Birthday of Nephthys


These dates come from Traci de Regulla in The Mysteries of Isis. She took her dating from Dr. Robert Brier’s Ancient Egyptian Magic. There is a great deal of dispute when it comes to calculating the dates of Egyptian festivals due to problems in their calendar system (it was only 360 days for some period of time).

There is a lot to celebrate in July. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the seventh month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

July Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in July of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

Western Astrology

The July Sun begins in Cancer and finishes up in Leo:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in July:
  • Oak: Jun 10 – Jul 7
  • Holly: Jul 8 – Aug 4
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Apple: Jun 22 – Jul 2
  • Fir: Jul 3 – Jul 13
  • Elm: Jul 14 – Jul 24
  • Cypress: Jul 25 – Aug 4
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in July 2021.

  • Horse: Jun 5 – Jul 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Horse: Jun 10 –  Jul 9 (Lunar Calendar – 5th Lunar Month)
  • Sheep: Jul 7 – Aug 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Sheep: Jul 10 – Aug 7  (Lunar Calendar – 6th Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones.

  • These are the lucky days in July:
    9, 15 and 28.
  • These are the unlucky days in July:
    3, 10, 17, 18 and 21.

Fatal Days

The thirteenth is a fatal day,
The tenth alike will mortals slay.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

July 1

July 2

July 3

July 4

July 5

July 7

July 9

July 10

July 11

July 12

July 13

July 14

July 15

  • 15: Day of Rauni

July 16

  • 16: World Snake Day

July 18

July 19

  • 19 » Umi no Hi – Marine Day
  • 19: Lucaria
  • 19 and 20 » Eid al-Adha

July 20

July 23

  • 23: Neptunalia – the festival of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea.
  • 23 thru Aug 1 » Boryeong Mud Festival

July 24

July 25

July 27

  • 27 thru 31: The Five Epagomenal Days
  • 27: Birthday of Osiris

July 28

  • 28: Birthday of Horus

July 29

  • 29: Birthday of Set
  • 29: Honoring The Thunder God
  • 29: Stikklestad Day – Honors the Asatru martyrs who died rather then submit to gray slavery.

July 30

  • 30: Birthday of Isis

July 31

  • 31: Birthday of Nephthys

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in July, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

  • 11: St Benedict Day
  • 15: St. Swithin’s Day
  • 15: St. Vladimir the Great Day
  • 16: Feast of Our Lady of Carmel
  • 22: Feast of Mary Magdalene
  • 23: Saint Anne’s Eve
  • 25: St. James the Great Day
  • 26: Feast of St Anne

Recipes For July

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holy days, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any July lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the July posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post which was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar. You may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

If an image has posted without permission please leave a comment and I will happily remove it, replace it, give credit, link love ~ whatever you prefer.

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
