In Italy, August 13 is the Day of Hekate. Hekate is an exceptionally powerful spirit. She holds dominion over life, death, regeneration, and magic. She rules wisdom, choices, expiation, victory, vengeance, and travel. Hekate guards the frontier between life and death. She is an intermediary between the spirit world and that of humans. She is the witness to all crimes, especially those against women and children.
Here’s a Hekate Ritual from “Moon Magick” by D.J. Conway. While this ritual can be done on any day dedicated to this Queen of the Night, the Spirit World, and Witchcraft, I thought this might be something interesting for today:
You will need:
- a ritual dagger
- small cauldron
- a wand
- an apple
- a piece of black cloth
- a small bit of salt
- other ritual items you might choose to use.
Put the apple in the cauldron and cover the cauldron with the black cloth. Cast your circle. With the wand tap the cauldron five times and say:
Hekate, Wise one, I ask your blessings.
Lift the Veil for me that I may greet my spirit helpers,
Long-ago friends from other lives, and those who are new.
Let only those who wish me well enter within this sacred place.
Uncover the cauldron. Take out the apple, raise it in offering, and lay it on the altar.
Hekate, your Magick cauldron is the well of death and rebirth
An experience each of us under goes again and again.
Let there be no fear in me, for I know your gentleness,
Here is your secret symbol of life in death.
Cut the apple crosswise with the dagger. Contemplate the revealed pentagram in the core. Put the two halves of the apple back into the cauldron and cover them again with the black cloth.
Only the initiated may know your hidden Mysteries.
Only the true seekers may find the spiral way.
Only those who know your many secret faces
May find the Light that leads to the Inner Way.
Put a pinch of salt on your tongue:
I am mortal, yet immortal.
There is no end to life, only new beginnings.
I walk beside the Goddess in her many forms.
Therefore, I have nothing to fear.
Open my mind and heart and soul
To the Deep Mysteries of the Cauldron, O Hekate.
Do a meditation on seeking the Dark Moon goddess. Listen to her messages. Be aware of any new guides and teacher who may come through to help you.
7 Responses to Day of Hekate
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Rachel Athena Morrigan: Lunantishees Day
Joyce: Cat Nights Begin
Ahying: good-vibes
JustinTyr Rackley Odinson: 4308da299f5ec8508039c68edd6df434
And what do you do with the apple afterwards? Eat it the next morning? bury in a crossroad?
Thank you
i guess whatever our intuition instructs… emmmmmmm, dunno…
I would leave it near a crossing for (whoever or whatever). It is an offering to Hekate,
that makes sense, yes
Sorry I’m new to this. ~ After the apple, prayer and meditation… Another words once you’re done. Do you close the circle, and go about your day?
yes i guess that is procedural… i never really get the closing of the incantation/prayer; like “righteo, thanks, emmmmm that’s all… bye bye”