There is a lot to celebrate in December. This is a list of pretty much everything that goes on during the last month of the year. Many of these dates change from year to year. The days that change are marked with this » symbol.

December Lore and General Info

Astronomical Events

Astrological Events

Depending on which astrological system you adhere to, these are the signs that show up in December of 2021. Be aware that some of these dates will vary from year to year. Unlike the Sun signs which might just shift by 1 or 2 days, the dates of the various Moon signs will vary widely from year to year. The same holds true for the Chinese Zodiac. The Celtic Tree Signs are based on an arbitrary system and stay the same from year to year.

The December Sun begins in Sagittarius and finishes up in Capricorn:

The moon cycles through the signs as follows:

You will notice that the Moon might begin the day in one sign and by the end of the day may have moved into another sign, so timing matters if you are wanting to be precise.

The Celtic Tree Signs in December:
  • Elder: Nov 25 – Dec 22
  • Pine: Dec 22 (tree of the Winter Solstice)
  • Dec 23 – Is not ruled by any tree. It is the traditional day of the proverbial “Year and a Day” in the earliest courts of law.
  • Birch: Dec 24 – Jan 20 –  Month of the Birch Tree
The Alternative Celtic Zodiac is as follows:
  • Hornbeam: Dec 1 – Dec 10
  • Aspen: Dec 11 – Dec 20
  • Beech: Dec 21 (Winter Solstice)
  • Apple: Dec 22 – Jan 1
The Chinese Calendar and Zodiac

We are currently in the year of the Ox (sometimes referred to as the Cow).  Each Month is also assigned a specific animal. Here’s what shows up in December 2021.

  • Pig » Nov 7 – Dec 6 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Pig  » Nov 5 – Dec 3 (Lunar Calendar – 10th Lunar Month)
  • Rat » Dec 7 – Jan 4, 2022 (Chinese Zodiac – Stem Branch Calendar)
  • Rat » Dec 4 –  Jan 2, 2022 ( Lunar Calendar – 11th Lunar Month)

Note: The traditional Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Stem Branch Calendar, not the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which I think is really confusing.  Because of a difference in time zones, the lunar months will have a different pattern between China and the USA.

Lucky and Unlucky Days

You might want to plan moving, traveling, major purchases, court dates, and weddings around these dates, avoiding the unlucky days and utilizing the lucky ones. Interestingly, the 15th is both lucky and unlucky.

  • These are the lucky days in December:
    15, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 25. 
  • These are the unlucky days in December:
    6, 11, 14, 15 and 21.

Fatal Days

The seventh is a fatal day for human life,
The tenth is with a serpent’s venom rife.

Holidays and Holy Days

Many of the holidays begin on the eve of the night before and end on the eve of the day of. It’s also important to remember that the dates of archaic festivals and feast days may vary widely depending on the source.

December 1

December 3

December 4

  • 4: Bona Dea – a Roman festival for women only

December 5

December 6

December 14

December 15

December 17

  • 17 » Friday the 17th
  • 17: Beginning of Saturnalia – festival of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. The most popular Roman festival, for on this day the roles of master and slave were reverted.

December 18

  • 18: Eponalia

December 19

December 21

December 23

  • 23: The Larentalia (Larentinalia) – festival of Acca Larentia the Roman goddess who gave the early Romans their land

December 24

December 25

  • 25: Christmas
  • 25: The Birthday of Mithra – the Persian god of light and wisdom.
  • 25: Festival of the Invincible Sun God
  • 25: Feast of Frau Halle – Germanic goddess

December 26

December 27

December 28

December 29

December 30

December 31

Saint Days

There is a surprising amount of magick associated with Saint days. This is a very short list of the Saint days in December, there are many many more. As time goes by I may end up listing them all, but for now, this is what I have.

Recipes For December

Many more seasonal recipes, including recipes for new and full moon ceremonies, ancient Greek and Roman holidays, Asian festivals and etc can be found here: Seasonal Recipes.


Any December lore, almanac, astrological, and celebration dates that have been shared after this post was published can be found by searching the December posts to see what’s new.

A lot of work went into this post. It was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers for The Pagan Calendar, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

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