
Juno may be petitioned for safety and shelter. Her ancient Roman temples housed shelters for abused wives. Herein though is the catch: Juno is intrinsically tied to legal marital rites. You must actually be legally wed to request her assistance with this matter. She will assist with former husbands as long as once upon a time, there was a legal wedding ceremony. If you were a June bride, consider yourself automatically under her protection.

The spellwork is simple:

  • Burn orris root powder on lit charcoals.
  • Offer Juno one beautiful rose and tell her what you need.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Oshun is not only a goddess of love, sensuality, and sexuality – she is also the protectress of women and children. She is the orisha who is known to alleviate menstrual disorders, help us heal from physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, and increase our fertility – not an orisha to take lightly!

Oshun abides by the riverside. To invoke her spirit and pay homage to her sassy ways, you will need to work with an intimate partner.

  • Begin by setting out a brass or ceramic candleholder
  • Place a few cinnamon, honey, or orange-scented candles on the candle holder.
  • Light the candles.
  • Gaze into the flames and reflect on the beauty and mystery of Oshun

In unison, whisper the praise poem:

Barewa lele (The beautiful one emerges)
Umale (The spirit-god)
Arele umawo (One of the family reincarnated)

Repeat until you are both relaxed and comfortable.

  • Spread honey on each other’s lips and elsewhere if you’d like.
  • Share the honey between you.
  • See where this leads.

Afterward, as you go through your normal routine. Pay attention, and look around you and see which of Oshun’s gifts appeal to you. Collect a few items such as tumbled glass, driftwood, or river rocks. Bring these back to your altar at home.

From: Four Seasons of Mojo


Birthday rituals around the world are conducted and candles are placed on a cake and blown out, the one whose birthday it is, blows out the candles and makes a wish, this in itself is an act of magick, and the person blowing out the candles feels a sense of well being when this is done. The cake is then cut and eaten and those eating it each make a wish, by doing this they are participating in magick.

Many of us may remember making a wish and blowing out candles on our birthday cakes as kids; some of us still do this today, but when we were kids many of us were probably completely unaware that by making this wish by the light of a burning mini candle in an offering of flour and sugar we were working our first simple spells. With birthdays being a great day of astrological alignment for use, it’s a great time to set aside a few minutes to do some wish magick not unlike that stuff we did as kids.

One thing is the simple use of a small incantation when blowing out your birthday candles that you might be presented with. Recite this while visualizing your wish. When you blow out the candle see your wish and desire being carried on the smoke up to the Gods and the Universe to fulfill.

”A year has come,
A year has passed,
I’ll make my birthday wish at last.
Magick powers old and new,
Make my birthday wish come true!”

Candle magick is ideal on your birthday so even common, simple candle magick with a single candle in a color corresponding to your astrological sign, carved with your zodiac symbol and name, along with any runes or symbols representing a specific desire, can be a great way to cast a simple wish spell for yourself. Use these color correspondences to find your candle color:

  • Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Sky Blue
  • Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Lavender
  • Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): Red
  • Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Green
  • Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Pink
  • Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Silver
  • Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): Gold
  • Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Navy
  • Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Green
  • Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Red
  • Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Navy
  • Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): Brown

I have also seen wish spells for birthdays that involve taking a piece of paper or parchment and inscribing it with a rune representing something you desire for the coming year and place it under a new potted plant. As you tend the plant in the coming year you are symbolically tending your desire represented on the paper under the pot.

Ideally magick worked on your birthday should be magick that might be considered “selfish” in nature. It’s a day to honor yourself and to prepare for seeing your wishes come to fruition over the next year. But, while doing that, also acknowledge and celebrate any accomplishments as well. Always give thanks for what you have before asking for more!

You can also use the cake itself as part of the magick. A birthday cake prepared with love brings positive energy to the recipient.

Food is a magickal tool and can be used for positive change in your life. The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. When preparing foods for specific magical purposes, cook with purpose and care. Keep your goal in mind, love, money, protection, health, fertility, sex, strength, psychic awareness. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

It is never too early or too late to practice magick. So whenever your birthday is, give it a little bit more magickal consideration. It’s a day that is all about you, so honor yourself and the Divine within.

Source: Jess Carlson

Hecate rides a chariot drawn by dragons, symbolizing her dominion over the menstrual process. Other emblems include a broomstick, a flaming torch to light the way through dark passages, and a key that unlocks all doors, gates, and roads including the birth canal.

Petition Hecate for safe, smooth delivery prior to going into labor. In addition midwives may always request Hecate’s assistance, guidance, and protection. The same ritual spell serves laboring women and midwives alike.

  • Put thirteen separated but unpeeled garlic cloves on a plate.
  • Cover them with honey, lavender honey if at all possible. (You can also infuse plain honey with lavender blossoms.)
  • Leave this at a crossroads, preferably at midnight, but at least after dark, either on the final day of any month or during the Dark Moon Phase.
  • Murmur your prayers and petitions and go home, without looking back.

If you hear dogs or see them, especially black dogs or lone dogs unaccompanied by people, this is very auspicious (but should not be taken as an invitation to approach a strange dog, if caution suggests otherwise.) Hecate also sometimes manifests in the form of a black cat.

Note: This spell can be used for any project or idea that you are working to “birth” or “bring into the world.” Just be sure that it is something about which you care deeply.

Source: Coven Of Hecate

The chant below brings swift justice to those who treat you unfairly. Take caution in using it, though, especially if you have also behaved inappropriately. Hecate’s justice knows no bounds. She sees to it that all involved get precisely what they deserve.

Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea.
Bring justice now, I ask of thee!
Right the wrongs that have been done,
Avenge me now, Oh mighty one.
Turn misfortune back to those
Who cause my problems and my woes.
And heap upon them karmic debt
Lest they all too soon forget
Their wrongful actions, words and deeds
Don’t let them get away scot free.
Bring them forth from where they hide
Bring swift justice-wield your knife.
Hasten, Dark One, hear my plea,
do what it is I ask of thee.

From Spells of Magic

Find a quiet place, light a candle if you wish, and then begin the following chant. Chant until you begin to feel a deep connection to the Goddess. Then be silent. Your guidance will come.

Speak to Me
Speak to me,
Speak to me Goddesses.
Speak to me,
Speak to me all the Gods.

~ by Phoenix

This one is cool because what you do is insert the actual names of the goddesses, gods, and whomever you are invoking. For example: Hekate, Diana, Isis, Gaia, Ancestors, your choice.

Drawing Down the Moon refers to ritually connecting with the power and wisdom of a Full Moon divinity. In some Wiccan traditions, this is done by the priest of a group calling the Moon Goddess into the priestess in order for her to become the living embodiment of the deity during the ritual. However, there also are other types of Drawing Down the Moon rituals.

In the Circle Craft tradition, all participants in a group ritual Draw Down the Moon by simultaneously evoking the Moon Goddess within themselves. We also Draw Down the Moon as a personal rite by the following method:

Do a personal Drawing Down the Moon ritual in a private place where you are not likely to be disturbed. Create sacred space. Then, hold your arms up above your head, curving them slightly and holding your palms toward each other so that as you do this you get a sense of being a great chalice. Invoke the Full Moon Goddess or some other Full Moon Divine form you wish to link with.

As you do the invocation, call to mind the image of a shining disc of Moonlight coming down into yourself through your sacred chalice posture. Drink in the power, wisdom, and light of the Moon Goddess. Then, slowly move your arms so that your hands overlap each other on your heart area. Experience yourself as becoming one with the disc of Moonlight and the Moon Goddess.

Experience yourself glowing with Lunar radiance, power, and wisdom, and continue to resonate for several minutes. Then, receive, reflect on, and remember your experiences and any guidance that comes to you. When you sense it is time to end the ritual, give thanks to the Moon Goddess and Sacred Moon. Then, end the ritual and eat some food to aid in grounding. Write about your experiences.

By Selena Fox

You will need the following ingredients (be sure to charge or bless them all before you begin):

  • Strawberry tea (one bag)
  • Small wand or stick from a willow tree
  • Sea salt
  • 2 pink candles
  • A mirror
  • One pink drawstring bag
  • One quartz crystal
  • A copper penny
  • A bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
  • 1 teaspoon dried jasmine
  • 1 teaspoon orris-root powder
  • 1 tsp. strawberry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon yarrow
  • 10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
  • 10 plus drops strawberry oil

On a Friday morning or evening (the day sacred to Venus) take a bath in sea salt in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress, sip the strawberry tea. Use a dab of strawberry oil as perfume or cologne. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best.

Cast a circle with the willow wand around a table the other ingredients. Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl. While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud:

“Oh, Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms
and nurture and bring forth the Goddess within me.”

Gaze deeply into the mirror after you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud:

“I represent the Great Goddess, Mother of all things.
I shine in the light of the Golden Wings of Isis.
All that is great and loving only belongs to me.”

Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and crystal. Carry it with you always [or until you find another love]. Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where you will smell the fragrance. Repeat this ritual every Friday if necessary.

Needless to say, you should replace the goddess name with one that you attune to.

This spell seems to be written for a woman. However, that does not truly exclude anyone, including you. As well as calling on the Mother Goddess you can call, as well, the Father God (or Horned One).

You could use something like:

“Great Father God, guide me with your loving will
and keep me strong and patient with your wisdom.
Nurture and bring forth the God within me.”

“I am the Great Father God, Mentor and Father to all,
I shine in the Holy radiant light of Ra.
All that is great and loving, only, belongs to me.”

Now, you can call on one or the other, whomever you feel will help you best. I would think both would be best, but that’s just a personal thing. And if anything written above doesn’t appeal to you, change it. The spell will only work if you feel comfortable with it. If the words don’t appeal, look for a poem, or create your own calling of the GODS. Remember, not only are you calling the Goddess and God, you ARE the Goddess and God.

Adapted from: Ancient Spells Witchcraft Book by Khakani

Prepare for the ritual in your usual way. According to your personal preference, begin with the following:

  • Ground and Center
  • Cast and Raise circle
  • Call quarters

Invitation to the God:

Lord of the night, join me now in this sacred space.
Your Lady rides high in the sky and soon will be in and of me.
Come now to join me in the ancient holy rites.
So Mote It Be !

Spend a few moments becoming aware of the God presence and light the God candle. Most likely a gold, orange or red candle.

Invitation to the Goddess:

Blessed be Lady Moon, mother of all life.
I invite your presence in my circle tonight.
Join me in the joyous enchantment of this Esbat night.
For behold, I stand here in the light of your love to worship
in the ancient way and to spin moon magick like my ancestors before me,
I seek to invoke your primal creative power, that my rite shall be successful.
Hear me now, my mother, as I bless your bounty and your goodness.
bless me in turn with your eternal tenderness.
wrap me in your warm silvery light.
hold me forever in the protective embrace of your boundless arms.
So Mote It Be!

Spend a few moments connecting with the energies of the full moon and light a Goddess candle, usually silver. Honor with songs, cakes and ale, or special reading. At this time you may perform the Drawing Down the Moon ritual or any other magickal workings.

When you are complete, release the god and goddess and thank them for their help and attendance. Release the quarters. Lower and open the circle:

The circle is open
but never broken,
So Mote It Be!

From: Moon Magick

  • Themes: Wishes; Peace; Beauty; Pleasure; Cycles; Time; Mediation
  • Symbols: Falling Stars; Sweetgrass; Peace Pipe
  • Presiding Goddess: Wohpe

About Wohpe:

This Lakota goddess’s name literally means “meteor.” Among the Lakota she is considered the most beautiful of all goddesses. She generates harmony and unity through the peace pipe, and pleasure from the smoke of sweetgrass. Stories also tell us that she measured time and created the seasons so people could know when to perform sacred rituals. When a meteor falls from the sky, it is Wohpe mediating on our behalf.

To Do Today:

Go stargazing! At this time of year, meteors appear in the region of the Perseids, as they have since first spotted in 800 Ad. People around the world can see these, except for those who live at the South Pole. If you glimpse a shooting star, tell Wohpe what message you want her to take back to heaven for you.

To generate Wohpe’s peace between yourself and another (or a group of people) get some sweetgrass (or lemon grass) and burn it on any safe fire source. As you do, visualize the person or people with whom you hope to create harmony. Blow the smoke in the direction where this person lives, saying:

Wohpe, hear my message sure;
keep my intentions ever pure.
Where anger dwells, let there be peace.
May harmony never cease.

Afterword make an effort to get a hold of that person and reopen the lines of communication.

From: 365 Goddess

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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