May 26 is World Dracula Day, and a celebration of vampires. So, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. It is said that peppermint repels vampires just as effectively as garlic, and can be easier to administer. The addition of garlic to the peppermint gives an added boost.
- Hang fresh peppermint leaves around one’s neck at bedtime. This is also reputed to have an aphrodisiac effect, so maybe you’ll be too busy to worry about the vampires. 🙂
- Grind dried peppermint leaves and garlic cloves together, forming a powder. Place some of this powder in a bag and wear around your neck. This is no longer an aphrodisiac. 🙁
- Make a powder by grinding dried peppermint and garlic together. Cast a circle with this powder around your bed just before bedtime. It is said that infernal beings will not enter this circle.
- Add essential oil of peppermint to a vial of grapeseed oil. Keep the bottle beside your bed. Anoint your neck with the oil before retiring for the night or as needed.
Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
With World Dracula Day coming up on May 26, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. Of course these can be used any time of the year that you feel they might be needed.
Banishing Spell #1
This spell is for the Obsessive-Compulsive Vampire. Place fishing nets over entrance doors and windows of the place you’d like to protect. Allegedly the vampire must compulsively count all knots before entering. He or she will either be caught in the sunlight or simply give up and find another home.
Fishing nets may be replaced or supplemented with sieves; the vampire will be forced to count the holes instead.
Banishing Spell #2
Lilac oil reputedly repels vampires and is certainly more fragrant than garlic. It’s very difficult to find real lilac oil, most of what is commercially available is synthetic; presumably vampires can tell the difference. So it’s best to make your own, the lingering aroma should keep the vampire out of the house, too.
Infuse olive oil with lilac blossoms. Rub the oil on the body as needed.
Banishing Spell #3
To banish a vampire from territory larger than just your private home and presence is simple enough… provided you have his sock.
The vampire’s left sock is specifically needed. Stuff it with graveyard dirt, preferably from his or her own grave, blended with rocks from the cemetery. Toss this into running water outside the limits of the area you wish to protect.
Important note:
Make sure the water is flowing away from, rather than in to, the area you are protecting.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
The three leafed clover is often used in rituals designed to protect or to keep one looking youthful and fair. This spell is best performed on May 1st, but I do believe that it can also be done on any Spring morning.
To keep looking young, gather dew on May Day morning, just before the Sun rises. Put into this water three clover stalks. Let these steep all day out of the Sun’s rays. The next morning, again before the sun rises, rub a little of the water on your face. Do this every morning until the water is used up. Cover the bowl with a cloth to keep the water clean and store in a place where it will remain untouched until the following morning.
Source: Magickal Ingredients
This blessing spell for livestock is meant to be performed on St George’s day (April 23 by the Julian calendar, or May 6 by Gregorian calendar) .
Preserve a palm blessed on Palm Sunday (If this isn’t available or appropriate you may substitute a sacred protective plant, such as wormwood or rosemary.)
Place this before a sacred image, together with two whole raw eggs and a pot filled with raw barley.
Light candles before the image. (Some versions of this spell specify a church candle.) Use the flame from a candle to light a torch.
Group all the animals to be protected in a circle.
One person circles around the animals carrying the torch, while a second person sprinkles Holy Water, or another protective water formula onto the animals, using the palm frond, rosemary or wormwood plant.
The animals are then driven to pasture by slapping them with the palm frond, rosemary, or wormwood plant.
When this is complete, throw the palm frond plant into running water. Sow the barley in the ground, and break the eggs on the ground away from your property.
Found in: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Saint George’s Eve is an extremely potent night for fertility rites. Crusaders encountered Saint George in Semitic West Asia and brought him home to Europe, where he is most famous for killing the dragon. Or did he? And why is he so helpful to women who wish to conceive? Some believe Saint George to be Baal in disguise.
Baal, Semitic weather deity and bane of the biblical prophets, exemplifies male thunder gods who rain down fertility on a parched region. The image of the dragon or great snake is often used to represent menstruation, the monthly heartache of women wishing but failing to conceive.
Women once flocked to a Syrian shrine devoted to Saint George. Its attendant priests developed such a reputation for working miracles of conception that suspicious husbands soon forbade their wives to go, preferring no children at all to the “miracle” children.
There’s no need to discover the ruins of this shrine. St George can assist your quest in the privacy of your own home.
Here’s how:
Hang a new white nightgown from a fruitful tree on Saint George’s Eve. Leave it overnight. Inspect the garment in the morning. If any living creature is found within it, the woman can expect to conceive before next Saint George’s Day.
To activate the spell put the nightgown on immediately. Having sex while wearing it wouldn’t hurt either.
The most common form of life discovered in the nightgown is a bug or worm. Should you discover a snake wrapped up in your clothing, this is a powerful blessing and promise. A variation of the spell from Kurdistan actively seeks the snake’s blessings.
It is as follows:
Lay your nightgown at the foot of a tree or in its branches in an area known to be infested with snakes, the more venomous the better. Leave it overnight. Return to get the clothing the following day. If a snake is sitting on, or is in any way touching your nightgown, you should be pregnant within the year.
Take the clothing (but not the snake!) home, put it on and make love without laundering it first.
Saint George’s Day is celebrated on 23 April, the traditionally accepted date of Saint George’s death in AD 303. For Eastern Orthodox Churches which use the Julian calendar, 23 April corresponds to 6 May on the Gregorian calendar.
Gather together a green votive candle and a yellow votive and dress them with patchouli oil. Place the candles near (but not near enough to scorch) the plant you wish to protect and grow vibrantly and say the following words as you light the candles:
“Floral health
I beseech thee now
Be kind, Flora!”
Allow the candles to burn completely.
In Roman mythology, Flora was a goddess of flowers and the season of spring and calling upon her will ensure the health and well being of your plants. Repeat this spell for every plant in your garden or home.
The Lemuria, is an ancient Roman festival in honor of the Lemures, the spirits of dead family members who wander the earth on these three spring nights (May 9, 11, and 13). This is a banishing ritual to ensure that no bad energy and no angry or hungry ghosts can hang around. A simple version can be found here: The Lemuria.
Note: While this ritual is specific to The Lemuria, I see no reason why it cannot be used anytime this type of banishing is needed.
- Colors: Black and grey
- Element: Air
- Offerings: None. This is a banishing. All carry cymbals, drums, or noisemakers.
- Daily Meal: Goat meat. Beans.
Upon cloth of black and grey set a bowl of beans, nine black candles, a brazier with incense of agrimony and rue, a bottle of good wine, a bowl of clean spring water, a knotted rope, a bowl of asafoetida, and a skull.
Lemuria Invocation
(First the one who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual stands forth, takes the knotted rope from the altar, and unknots it, and throws it into the brazier.)
Shades of those who have gone before us!
Ghosts and demons, inside us and outside,
Hear us!
We cast you out!
We drive you before us!
Begone from house and hearth,
Begone from mind and heart,
Begone from roost and stall,
Begone from field and garden,
Begone from path and road,
Begone from all places
Where you might harry us!
We scatter you before us on the wind!
We cast you out!
We drive you before us!
(The officiant makes the sign of the ficus towards the west, and all follow in turn. Then the officiant washes their hands in the clear spring water, and brings the bowl to all, who wash in turn. The water is poured out in the libation well. Then the beans are passed around, and all take a handful or a mouthful. Each spits or throws the beans in a different direction.)
Hace ego mitto,
his redime meque meosque fabis!
Manes exite paterni!
Manes exite paterni!
Manes exite paterni!
(All walk through the house and around the boundaries of the property, clashing cymbals and beating drums and making noise to drive away all evil spirits. This ritual repeats for three days, only on odd-numbered days, which are luckier than even-numbered days.)
Found in: Pagan Book of Hours
Here’s a great spell for May Eve, Beltane, or anytime you wish to summon faery folk.
~You will need powdered ginger and a small spoon. Set out candles at the compass directions: yellow in the east, red in the south, blue in the west, green in the north. Place a crystal or other stone beside each candle. Stand in the center of the room and send out thoughts of welcome. Chant the following:
“O spirits of plants and earth and trees, O little ones of every form, show yourselves to me, I ask, if you please. I mean no harm. Gaurdian spirits, watchers fair, our lives are joined. All things we share. Join me in friendship now, and kindness, and love.”
~ Go to the east. Light the candle. Sprinkle a little ginger by the candle, and say: “Nature spirits, faeries, dryads, and sylphs. Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”
~ Go to the south. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger, and say: ” Star beings and devas, little beings of light, Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”
~ Go to the west. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger, and say: “Water sprites,nymphs, naiads and undines. Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to to all.”
~ Finish by going to the north. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger and say: ” Little ones of the moonbeams, Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”
Sit quietly for a time, thinking about the fairy folk, be aware of their featherlight touches your body. Listen for their musical voices in your mind. Talk to them if you wish. When communication is finished, stand in the center of the circle. Raise your arms high, saying:
” All thanks and blessings be, To those of air, earth, sky, and sea. Go in peace. And all shall be well.”
Blow out the candles starting in the south and go counterclockwiseor widdershins.
~Madame Fortuna
In a woodland clearing, spread a clean green cloth. On it place small cakes and flowers, especially primroses, in a circle. Imagine the magic around you and say:
O Fairy Queen,
Upon your white steed,
Within me plant
A magic seed.
From you may spring
Many new beginnings.
Great Queen,
Accept these offerings.
Leave the items and walk around the altar three times, then slowly walk the path back to your home. Listen for the sound of laughter and bells and know you are blessed.
~Nancy Bennett
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