Here’s a great spell for May Eve, Beltane, or anytime you wish to summon faery folk.

~You will need powdered ginger and a small spoon. Set out candles at the compass directions: yellow in the east, red in the south, blue in the west, green in the north. Place a crystal or other stone beside each candle. Stand in the center of the room and send out thoughts of welcome. Chant the following:

“O spirits of plants and earth and trees, O little ones of every form, show yourselves to me, I ask, if you please. I mean no harm. Gaurdian spirits, watchers fair, our lives are joined. All things we share. Join me in friendship now, and kindness, and love.”

~ Go to the east. Light the candle. Sprinkle a little ginger by the candle, and say: “Nature spirits, faeries, dryads, and sylphs. Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”

~ Go to the south. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger, and say: ” Star beings and devas, little beings of light, Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”

~ Go to the west. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger, and say: “Water sprites,nymphs, naiads and undines. Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to to all.”

~ Finish by going to the north. Light the candle. Sprinkle ginger and say: ” Little ones of the moonbeams, Please hear my call. Good spirits enter this circle I made. Good spirits only, and kindness to all.”

Sit quietly for a time, thinking about the fairy folk, be aware of their featherlight touches your body. Listen for their musical voices in your mind. Talk to them if you wish. When communication is finished, stand in the center of the circle. Raise your arms high, saying:

” All thanks and blessings be, To those of air, earth, sky, and sea. Go in peace. And all shall be well.”

Blow out the candles starting in the south and go counterclockwiseor widdershins.

~Madame Fortuna

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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