Get Rid Of
If you’re truly ready to release a substance, craving, or addictive pattern from your life, this is a very powerful method. After saying this prayer, you’ll likely find that all cravings are gone. Or, you might have an experience that leads you to give up the addiction for good.
First, imagine that the item, person, or situation that you want to release is sitting on your lap. Then imagine that it’s floating in front of your navel. See or feel all the cords, webs, and roots extending from y our navel to the items you’re releasing. Then say this prayer:
Archangel Raphel, beloved angel of healing!
Babaji, teacher of overcoming the physical world!
Beloved Devi, who cares so deeply!
Shining Maat, bringer of Divine light!
Serapis Bey, overseer of ascension!
Please cut the cords of addictions and cravings from me.
I now fully release any and all patterns of addictions, and
I completely embrace my freedom and physical health.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a beautiful ornament. Tell all your troubles to the rock, then put it in the ground overnight, so that the negative energy will soak into the Earth and be neutralized.
You can then retrieve it, wipe it clean, and reuse it.
Here is a really simple spell to remove obstacles by tapping in to the power of the setting sun.
You will need:
- A handful of sand or dry dirt
Holding the sand in your hand, face the setting Sun and ask His assistance by saying something like:
Ancient Sun, with Your last breath
Send obstacles now to their death
Destroy all fences, break all locks,
Rid me of all stumbling blocks
Bring them all to swift demise
So they can no longer rise
And hold me back from what I need
Or my ability to succeed
Crumble them just as this dust
So I move onward as I must.
Turn in a counterclockwise circle three times, while seeing obstacles being reduced to nothingness. Then, facing the Sun again, blow the sand from your hand. Know that the Sun will handle the problem.
From: Every Day Sun Magic
They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are a number of simple vampire prevention spells.
- Scatter iron over the suspected grave.
- Scatter garlic cloves over the grave.
- Hammer iron nails into the earth over the grave – as many as possible, and at least a hundred.
- Grow brier roses near the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
- Do all of the above just to be on the safe side.
Or you could do this:
Spindles are an ancient symbol of life and death. The Fates traditionally wield a spindle with which they spin the thread of life – and a pair of shears to cut that thread. Three days after a burial, stab nine spindles into the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Vampires, like genies, may be trapped in bottles. Choose a glass or metal bottle, presumably the vampire can bite through a plastic one. This spell works on the same principle as a fly-trap.
Here’s how it works:
Place some kind of food the vampire likes inside the bottle, but not blood. This spell works on a vampire who is understood to have once been a regular person with predilections for human food. Find something particularly tempting and put it in the bottle.
You will know when the vampire is in the bottle when you observe a bit of straw or fluff within. Seal the bottle up securely.
The bottle and the vampire may be destroyed by throwing the sealed bottle into a fire. If it is a clear glass bottle, it can be left in the sun with the lid off. The sunlight should soon turn the vampire into ash.
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
May 26 is World Dracula Day, and a celebration of vampires. So, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. It is said that peppermint repels vampires just as effectively as garlic, and can be easier to administer. The addition of garlic to the peppermint gives an added boost.
- Hang fresh peppermint leaves around one’s neck at bedtime. This is also reputed to have an aphrodisiac effect, so maybe you’ll be too busy to worry about the vampires. 🙂
- Grind dried peppermint leaves and garlic cloves together, forming a powder. Place some of this powder in a bag and wear around your neck. This is no longer an aphrodisiac. 🙁
- Make a powder by grinding dried peppermint and garlic together. Cast a circle with this powder around your bed just before bedtime. It is said that infernal beings will not enter this circle.
- Add essential oil of peppermint to a vial of grapeseed oil. Keep the bottle beside your bed. Anoint your neck with the oil before retiring for the night or as needed.
Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
With World Dracula Day coming up on May 26, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. Of course these can be used any time of the year that you feel they might be needed.
Banishing Spell #1
This spell is for the Obsessive-Compulsive Vampire. Place fishing nets over entrance doors and windows of the place you’d like to protect. Allegedly the vampire must compulsively count all knots before entering. He or she will either be caught in the sunlight or simply give up and find another home.
Fishing nets may be replaced or supplemented with sieves; the vampire will be forced to count the holes instead.
Banishing Spell #2
Lilac oil reputedly repels vampires and is certainly more fragrant than garlic. It’s very difficult to find real lilac oil, most of what is commercially available is synthetic; presumably vampires can tell the difference. So it’s best to make your own, the lingering aroma should keep the vampire out of the house, too.
Infuse olive oil with lilac blossoms. Rub the oil on the body as needed.
Banishing Spell #3
To banish a vampire from territory larger than just your private home and presence is simple enough… provided you have his sock.
The vampire’s left sock is specifically needed. Stuff it with graveyard dirt, preferably from his or her own grave, blended with rocks from the cemetery. Toss this into running water outside the limits of the area you wish to protect.
Important note:
Make sure the water is flowing away from, rather than in to, the area you are protecting.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
- Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.
- Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.
- Write your problem on a slip of paper.
- Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.
- Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.
- Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon.
- Bury the apple. Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…
Source: Rose Ariadne
Taking the Law Of Three into consideration, this is how to make a spell for revenge or to hurt someone back who’s hurt you or someone you love, but at the same time how to remain perfectly safe and serve the highest good of all concerned.
Here’s how:
Think about the person in question, paying special attention to their shortcomings, and the hurtful things they do.
Now consider their higher self, think about how they are totally failing to live up to the best that they could be, and not living their life in a good way.
Now, choose a POSITIVE QUALITY that if it was bestowed on this person, would create maximum conflict and damage in their lives.
For example:
A vicious drug dealer who exploits people would have a really hard time of it if they were to all of a sudden develop a heart full of compassion. Or if they were to have deep insight into how their actions affect others, along with a strong sense of responsibility for the people they come in contact with, or even just a driving need live an honorable life, to always tell the truth, or make the world a better place.
For such a person, just about any positive quality, such as:
- Compassion
- Honor
- Love
- Empathy
- Generosity
- Honesty
- Understanding
- Connecting to higher spiritual sources
- Enlightenment
- Heart and soul opening
- … etc.
If even one of the above qualities became suddenly real within them, it would cause a real “crash and burn” in their current activities. Their lives, relationships, goals, identities, the structures and guidelines by which they live would fall apart. And they would suffer GREATLY in the process.
You, on the other hand, will GAIN greatly. You stand to profit thrice –
- You get your revenge and suffering payback.
- You get to do “the right thing” in consultation with their higher selves.
- YOU get back what YOU send out threefold as a bonus.
Light a single, simple candle and sit before it. Call up the person and the person’s higher self. Wait until you have a clear mental picture or strong inner connection.
Ask the higher self for a positive quality which would derail that person’s current life, and put them on the path to something beneficial and to those connected to them.
Now, speak that quality and gift it to the person:
Upon the planes in which I live,
The gift of [insert quality] I now give,
To [insert name of revenge target] with all my heart and soul,
To change [him/her] and to make [him/her] whole;
By all on high and law of three,
This is my will, so shall it be.
Visualize the person strongly in the candle flame for a short but intense time, then blow out the candle. It is done.
Source: SFX 2002
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