Magickal Powers
Archangels and the Angelic Host, uplift me with your expanded Light and Love. I am ready to receive your guidance and radiance on the multi-dimensional levels of my being so that I may expand my dedication as a Light Worker and increase the Light that I hold, working for the good of humankind and for the good of Planet Earth.
Archangels Michael and Faith, protect me and increase my faith. Help me align my will with the Divine Will. Help me bring the energy of all that I Am and all that I have ever been into true attunement with Source. Energize me with purpose and majesty. Gift me with the power of the first ray of GOD.
Archangels Jophiel and Constance (Christine), illuminate me with wisdom, insight, and the ray of enlightened Love. Help me to meditate upon the Light. Help me to see and be the Light that I Am and radiate this light to others. Energize me with constant attunement and application of the love and light. Gift me with the power of the second ray of GOD.
Archangels Chamuel and Charity, resonate divine love and gratitude to me so that by the Law of Resonance, I may experience the fullness of divine love and then administer truth, love and light to others. Help me to forgive myself and others in order to dissolve Karma and evolve Love. Energize me so that I may carry adoring love into activity and assist in accomplishing GOD’s Divine Plan on Earth. Gift me with the power of the third ray of GOD.
Archangels Gabriel and Hope, assist me in the resurrection of my emotional, mental, etheric, and physical bodies and personality self into my Higher or Christed Self. Grant me the eternal hope necessary to sustain and maintain myself during this time of transformation and acceleration. Energize me so that I may walk in purity and bring the sweet essence of harmony to the conflict that spins out upon the face of Earth. Help me to be myself an expression of the Divine, the face of peace everlasting. Gift me with the power of the fourth ray of GOD.
Archangels Raphael and Mary, heal and align my physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies and help me to be a vehicle for healing others. Assist me in developing concentration. Help me dedicate myself to the path of ascension for Earth and self. Help me to pierce within the heart of Creation and draw forth what is needed as a model to heal separation. Gift me with the power of the fifth ray of GOD.
Archangels Uriel and Aurora Grace, Great Doves of Peace, bring peace to my body, feelings, and mind so that I can live in a state of Grace and be a signpost of peace to others. Energize me with ray of devotion and ministration so that I may be as a guardian angel to others. Gift me with the power of the sixth ray of GOD.
Archangels Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, help me transmute fear into love and assist me in calling for that which I need for my re-emergence into Higher Consciousness. Envelope me in the violet flame of freedom that your ray implies. Help invocation, transmutation, and transformation become the ceremony of each holy day that I may take part in ushering in the Golden Age. Gift me with the power of the seventh ray of GOD.
Source: Dr Joshua David Stone
Beloved Grand Master Melchizedek, I call you forth into my life as a guiding force of God current. I ask for alignment with your thought-form of Sacred Wisdom. I ask to merge with your resplendent Light Body so that I may reflect the splendor of Universal benevolence and enlightenment. I ask to bathe in your Spacious Heart and in the refined frequencies that bear your hallowed golden signature.
Melchizedek, transport me up to the Thrones by your mercy and open my God Eyes so I may glimpse a reflection of my Origin. Help me drink in the image and lock the vision into the Present Now.
Help me to travel the pathways of memory, tracing my Divine Heritage, owning my Power, sensing my Glory, deciphering my distant past and Glorified future.
As I call my Spirit back into Me from all incarnations, Help me to come as I Am into the fullness of Who I am and walk the Earth.
Melchizedek, please fill me with your blessings and encodements of light. Activate my chakra system and higher bodies with the touch of your Rod of Power. Help me to be a true Melchizedek Initiate-reflecting love, wisdom, and power of the One Most High in my thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions. Help the Ideal become real to me. Thank you.
~source: Dr Joshua David Stone
This prayer can help you open, or increase, your ability to see psychically. For extra clairvoyant power, hold a clear quartz crystal up to your third eye (the area between your two eyebrows) while saying this prayer:
Divine light, please enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity, and the ability to clearly see across the veil. Powerful Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye!
Archangels Hamiel, Jeremiel, Raphael, and Raziel, I thank you for your Magical Divine energies and assistance with my spiritual sight now!
Victorious Horus, thank you for stationing your eye in front of my own, so that I may see multidimensionally like you!
Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending me energy from your third eye to my own so that I may see love in everything and everyone!
Dearest Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for fully opening me up to see truth, beauty, light, and eternal life!
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Spell work first begins with your own moral responsibility when performing magick. When you perform any magick spell or enchantment, you must be honest with yourself and accept that you are doing it not only for the good of yourself, but also for everyone else.
“What goes around comes around,” according to the law of witchcraft, and ill intentions sent out may be visited upon you – usually threefold. So remember, never cast spells in a moment’s impulse, in anger, or to hurt or upset others. Each time you cast a spell, think about your motives. Are they with goodwill, with no intentions of hurting anyone else?
Everytime you work with the magickal world, accept that there are unseen powers that may be difficult to contact. This is why performing spells at certain times of year creates the right interface between you, the spell, and the magickal powers of the heavens.
As witches, we must respect the workings of the universe and its magick, and it may be that at times we simply didn’t quite get it right. Perhaps we just didn’t believe in the magick enough for it to work. Perhaps our timing was off. What you must never do is worry or dwell on spells that don’t work. Rather, move on, try again, and most of all find deep within yourself a real sense of belief. The next time, you will succeed.
When casting spells, you must truly believe in the magick of the universe. You must truly believe that what you are doing is going to work and that you’re going to make something beneficial happen. Once you have accepted this, you will be quickly on your way to creating spells that will help you to form your own destiny, just as you want it to be.
~Spells For A Magical Year
With a magical horn positioned precisely at the intuitive center (also known as the brow or third eye chakra), unicorns are strong symbols of psychic power.
To enlist a unicorn’s help in activating your intuitive abilities, relax, close your eyes, and envision yourself in a fairy forest. Journey deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest, knowing that you are approaching a unicorn spirit guide. In time, you will make contact.
When you do, get to know your guide:
- What does he or she look like?
- Where in the fairy forest does he or she like to hang out?
- What is his or her name?
- And what messages does he or she have for you about how to activate your intuitive gifts?
When your communion with this magical, inter-dimensional creature feels complete, thank him or her with an offering or a gift. Whatever feels right to you will do, but keep in mind that unicorns have been known to enjoy apples, crystals, shiny objects, and bubbly drinks.
In the future, you can consult with this guide to receive intuitive messages and learn how to further activate and calibrate your psychic and intuitive gifts.
Source: Tess Whitehurst
Did you know that when you eat or drink anything, whatever you are eating or drinking will become a part of your structure – this cannot be undone. With this in mind, here is a great way to incorporate Rune Magick into your actual physical being.
Runes are a magickal alphabet invented long ago, and these days are most often used for divination. With this spell, they can also be used to give yourself a huge boost of energy and power as well. To familiarize yourself with Runes and what they mean you can visit the following posts on the Divination website:
The way this works, is that we are going to make some amazing and delicious Rune Cookies. And then, using an “If…Then” magickal technique, we are going to incorporate the Living Energy of your chosen Rune (or Runes) into your physical being.
- Note:
This is a great idea for a coven or group. The cookies can be made in advance and then shared with the group in a ritual setting. Alternatively, you can have a group of friends over for a Rune Cookie party.
First, make the cookies:
I found this recipe at benebelle wen. She has a great tutorial and lots of fun pictures to go with it. These black sesame shortbread rune cookies look like beautiful stone runes but are also absolutely delicious to eat. The recipe is just for straightforward black sesame shortbread cookies. She took it a step further and turned the cookies into runes.
You’ll need the following ingredients:
- 2.5 cups of all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup of toasted black sesame seeds
- 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup unsalted softened butter
- 1 cup granulated white sugar
- 1 large egg
- 1 tablespoon whole milk
First, cream together the wet ingredients: the softened butter with the sugar, and then beat in the egg, and then add the whole milk.
Next, grind the toasted black sesame into a fine powder. You can use a mortar and pestle and while grinding, add some happy vibes by chanting mantras, or magickal rhymes. I Am the Mother is a nice one, or you can use one of your own that you like.
Then sift in the all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder in with the grounded black sesame flour. This is the “dry” mix. Combine the dry and wet mix together to form a dough.
The recipe says to refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes. You can let it chill while you explore the various Runes and their meanings. Maybe you’ll get an idea for what you might want to incorporate into your consciousness and your life.
Roll the dough into about 3/4-inch balls, just a bit under 1 inch. You’ll want your hands floured while you work with this dough. Then use the bottom of a glass to stamp the balls down into flat discs. Make sure the bottom of the whiskey glass is evenly floured or else your dough balls with stick to the glass.
Use a dull knife to carve the rune symbols into the discs. A cheese knife or butter knife will work just fine. You can carve just the Rune symbols that you have decided to incorporate into your life, or you can make a full set of Runes. It’s up to you.
Bake in an oven preheated to 350 degrees F for 12 – 15 minutes.
These cookies are not just for looks. They’re tasty. Light, buttery, sweet but not over-the-top sweet, and rich with that black sesame flavor and aroma. Yum!
Now for the If… Then Technique
Because we are planning to purposely incorporate the energy of the Runes into our physical selves, it will be important to decide which Rune (or Runes) you would like to use. I would suggest no more than three. Any left over cookies can be frozen and used at a later time.
Ok, so now that you’ve selected the Rune cookie of choice. Pick it up, and realize that once you take a bite and swallow, this cannot be undone.
Say out aloud:
- “If I eat this, that will mean I will have instant access to ….
…. state the key qualities of the Rune that you wish to incorporate.”
Take a bite! Take your time and savor the flavor as you chew and swallow the cookie. Repeat three times. You can either take three bites of the same cookie, or eat three separate cookies.
Variations can include:
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will become…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will be able to…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…”
For example, if you choose the Uruz Rune, it might sound like this:
- If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have instant access to…
…Limitless potential, infinite possibilities, sustained strength, renewal, and untamed power. - If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…
…Physical strength and speed, and untamed potential. - If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…
…A time of great energy and health.
We are all born with different degrees of psychic abilities but for whatever reason, we have learned to ignore it. Through the years, our God given intuition gets dull and muted. Our inner voice is silenced as we lose touch with our spiritual self.
Relying on our intuition can help us in our every day. By listening to our gut, we can make better decisions in our life because our intuition always points us in direction that helps us.
The good news is that we all have the ability to develop and sharpen our psychic abilities. By practicing every day, you can get back to your God given intuition and develop powerful psychic abilities.
What Is Intuition?
Ever have that “funny feeling” that something bad is going to happen or just “know” what someone is about to say. This is Intuition.
Intuition goes by many names; gut feeling, sixth sense, innate wisdom, inner sense, instinct, inner voice, or spiritual guide. Whatever you call it, it’s the driving force of your spirit and is always accessible to you.
Some believe that intuition is knowledge stored in your subconscious mind. Others believe it is the spirit world helping guide you through your life journey.
In order to access this amazing ability, you have to continually practice and develop it. Through daily practice, you can sharpen your senses and uncover abilities you never knew you had!
Different Psychic Abilities
There are five “clairs” that are simply an extension of our five senses. We are all unique and therefore use our intuition differently. Most of us have at least one of these powers. Which one do you have?
- Clairvoyance
Also called Psychic Seeing, this is the ability to clearly see non-physical things like auras, energies, visions and spirits. A clairvoyant person will pick up a though and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision or symbol in their mind’s eye.
- Clairaudience
Also called Psychic Hearing, this is the ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.
- Clairsensitive
Clairsensitive means clear feeling or clear knowing. It is defined by having intuition or a gut feeling, but at a heightened level. A clairsentient person often has precognitive thoughts, dreams or hunches and is often described as an empath.
- Clairaroma
This ability gives a person the ability to smell an odor or aroma when nothing is present in the physical world. People have reported smelling flowers, perfume or cigars shortly after a loved one dies.
- Claigustus
Claigustus is a taste in the mouth one gets. For example, a person might get a citrus fruit taste in their mouth when thinking of a deceased relative or when they are getting a sign from the other side.
Sharpening Your Psychic Powers
Whenever you develop your own intuitive powers, you are opening yourself up to different energies; both higher and lower level energies. It is important to always protect yourself from negative energies. Before starting any ritual, light a Spiritual Protection Candle and imagine a bright light entering the top of head. Allow the light to flow down and fill your entire body all the way down to your toes. Continue this visualization while reciting the following:
The Light of God fills and surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God Protects me.
May all messages be from the Light
for the purposes of Healing and Love.
Note, you can substitute “The God” or “The Goddess” for God in the above recitation.
Exercise #1
Ask someone to bring a small object to you, like a piece of jewelry. Don’t look at it. Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes while rubbing your hands together to get the energy moving. Have this person place the object in your hand and continue to relax. Focus on feeling the energy in this object and notice if you get any impressions on the owner of the object. Do you feel anything? Get any impressions? If not, don’t worry! It takes time to develop these senses so don’t give up!
If you do feel something, write it down. Don’t filter anything. Relay any thing you wrote down to the person who brought you the item and ask for feedback. The more you do this, the more validation you will receive.
To increase your psychic ability, add Yerba Santa Leaves and Uva Ursi Leaves to your baths. You can also mix Anise Seed with Camphor and burn to help make you more clairvoyant or to improve your psychic abilities.
Exercise #2
Ask a friend to hide the object that has a lot of energy in it, like a wedding ring or an article of clothing, in your house. Then try to connect with this energy and find where it is hidden.
Light our Intensity Psychic Talents Candle next to a glass of water. Read Psalm 78 and concentrate on your own God given psychic abilities. Also Vanilla Incense can also improve psychic powers.
Exercise #3
Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and make sure you are comfortable. When you feel centered and calm, imagine yourself projected into the next day. Think about what is happening, whom you are with and what others are wearing. When you feel like you have enough information, write down your predictions for tomorrow. Keep practicing and you’ll notice that your predictions get more and more accurate.
Use Meditation Oil, Ambergris Oil, Lemongrass Oil or Lucky Prophet Oil on your candles or on your body to help develop your psychic abilities.
Developing your intuition is vital if you choose to live a spiritually aware life. If you practice daily, you will be surprised on how psychic you truly are!
If you feel psychically blocked:
If you are not able to tap into your psychic energies, then chances are, you are allowing things to block them. There are tons of different things that can cause these energies to become blocked and several are much more common than you might think.
If these things are happening/present in your life then changing them might really make a difference. You are capable of so much more than you realize. Through overcoming these obstacles you will uncover so much more strength than you could have ever imagined.
7 Things That Are Likely Blocking Your Psychic Energies:
- Allowing stress to build within your life.
If you refuse to face the stress before you it will only continue to build up. Once it reaches a certain point it will begin having serious negative effects on you. This can really squash a lot of your positive energies, not just the psychic ones.
- Bottling your emotions inside.
Bottling your emotions inside will cause a lot more damage than you think. While you might forget things for a bit they will come out sooner or later. This causes your energy to change as time passes and brings the psychic energies within to a halt.
- Surrounding yourself with negative people.
If you are allowing toxic people a place in your life you need to stop. Cutting ties with these toxic individuals will help bring back the flow of your psychic energies. While it might not sound like much, the more you’re around toxic people the more toxic you become as well.
- Forgetting to ground yourself.
If you do not ground yourself properly you are putting yourself and your energies at risk. When we are not grounded others can and will drain us. When someone is draining you of your energy, you are left with nothing.
- Ignoring your well being (not taking care of your body).
You must take care of your body. Your well being matters, if you are the kind of person that does not exercise or eat right you need to make some changes. Your body needs to be taken care of.
- Not striving for mindfulness.
Mindfulness is something a lot of people forget about. If you are not mindful then you are most likely either stuck in the past or obsessing over the future. Neither of those things will promote the flow of psychic energies.
- Being ‘too busy’ to get outside.
If you are not spending any time in nature that needs to change. The more time you spend in nature the more your energies will grow. being in nature is one of the most amazing ways to promote positive energies.
- Ask for what you need
If you don’t need it, don’t ask for it. The magical power of a spell is driven by a true need; if you’re asking for a second yacht, you probably won’t get any results that you would like.
- Don’t fence yourself in
The most likely reason for a spell to fail is if you’re asking for something too specific – you want to give yourself and the universe as much room to maneuver as you can. Don’t focus on details, focus on the feeling you want to have when things work out right. Close your eyes and try to find that feeling “out there;” if you find it, either move toward it or reach out and bring it toward you.
- Pay attention to the tides
The second most likely reason for a spell to fail is if the time is just wrong. Remember that spells work within the bounds of nature, and sometimes the wind and the tides are working against you. When that happens, the best thing you can do is to put a finger to the wind and figure out where you can go, working with the natural flow of things; or just wait it out until the tides shift in your direction.
- Give something back
If you’re asking for something, it’s a good idea to offer something in return, at least as a token gesture – a flower, or a bit of food, or a coin, for instance (no live animals, please).
- Remember other people are using magick too, whether they know it or not:
Most people have some natural magical ability, whether they know it or not, and an instinct for taking care of themselves. If you try to cast a spell that is inherently detrimental to another person, you will meet resistance from that person’s magical energy. The magickal universe is a crowded place, and things will work out best for you if you manage to navigate a path that avoids direct conflict with your fellow beings.
- Follow up with mundane action
Another important point about spells is that it’s very important to follow up with mundane action. If you cast a spell for money, don’t expect a check to just show up in your mailbox the next day; get out and look for a job, or at least buy a lottery ticket (magick doesn’t work terribly well with those, by the way, because everybody who buys a lottery ticket throws a bit of magick into it, whether they know what they’re doing or not). The idea is to make a point of putting yourself into situations where the magick has a chance of working.
Source unknown
Life isn’t always easy… and most of the people feeling the “pain” are desperate for anyone to help. This usually means they want someone to “fix it” for them by casting a spell for them. They don’t BELIEVE that Magick inside them exists… and/or they don’t BELIEVE they can use it to change their lives.
It sounds corny, but it’s true. You’ve got to BELIEVE in yourself and the Magick energy you were born with in order to bring miracles into your life… and transform your situation into one you’ve always dreamed about.
But you can’t just go to some online spell caster, or have someone else say a chant, light some candles, and have everything change.
YOU’VE got to do it… it’s the ONLY way. And it is VERY easy, and things can change EXTREMELY quickly. But you’ve got to believe in yourself and the power your Magick energy has to bring miracles into your life.
Source unknown
Here we have a list of thirteen steps for successful spell casting:
- One: Think clearly about what you need.
If you need a car, perhaps it would be best to do a spell that will help you to bring a car into your life, rather than asking for a few thousand dollars to come your way so that you can buy a car. Magic can work in many ways and you might be limiting yourself if you don’t stay open to all possibilities! But remember, magic works best if you really need something, rather than just desiring it.
- Two: Set a goal that is clear, concise and unambiguous.
Focus only upon one work of magic at a time. For best results, don’t scatter your power, channel it in one direction.
- Three: Avoid distractions when performing your spell.
To be effective in your magic, you must be fully focused upon your intentions. Put time and energy into preparing yourself and your spell. Find a location where you can work your spell in private, without any distractions.
- Four: Choose the right timing for your spell.
By choosing particular days, and by working in harmony with the phases of the moon, you can enhance the effectiveness of your spell. The days of the week and the phases of the moon all have specific energies associated with them, and by knowing the right time for your spell, you can give it greater power. Working magic is like swimming in the ocean, you are going to get to your destination quicker and easier if the currents and tides are moving in the direction you are wanting to go. You can still get there even if everything is going against you, but it will not be as easy to achieve your goal.
- Five: Use appropriate symbols for your spell.
When doing the spell, have appropriate music, incense, colors, objects and tools around you to reinforce the message of the spell to your subconscious.
- Six: Set a time for a result.
Include in your spell an indication of when you would like to see a result. If your spell is for greater prosperity, include a date for when you would like to see that extra cash in your wallet or purse.
- Seven: Create a simple rhyme to use during the spell.
Chanting a few appropriate words that you have written yourself, will have a much better effect than reading text from an ancient spell book. Repeat your wording lots of times during your spell. Repetition is the key to sending a message to your subconscious.
- Eight: Use the “For the good of all!” clause.
When creating the wording for your spell, remember to include the phrase, “For the good of all!” This phrase will help your spells to enhance your life, without having your good fortune being at the expense of another.
Another useful phrase is, “This or something better now comes to me.” Often that which you want at this point in your life may be different to what you really need, and it’s only when you look with hindsight from a future point in time that you can realize this. So, by asking “for this or something better,” you leave yourself open to greater possibilities becoming available to you.
I have heard so many examples of spells going wrong when the “For the good of all!” wording is not taken into consideration. One friend did a spell to get $1,000 for a holiday, and two weeks later his house was burgled, and the insurance reimbursement check ended up being $1,000 exactly.
Another person I know did a spell so that she could have some time off work, and she promptly broke her leg, requiring three months off work! I have also heard (many times) about people who do a spell to lose weight, and they get diarrhea, or excessive vomiting, or both. They sure lost weight, but not in a healthy way. Be careful for what you wish for, because you may get it!
- Nine: Realize the consequences of having what you asked for.
Apart from the examples just given, there are other consequences to be aware of. When something comes into your life, certain responsibilities come along with it. For example, when doing a spell to get a car, remember that along with the car comes registration costs, petrol and repair bills, perhaps monthly loan repayments, etc. Are you in a position to handle these?
A Law of Exchange is always at work when magic is used. Sometimes what you have wished for seems to come out of thin air, with little effort on your part, but often it will arrive from more mundane sources. For example, it may be that after doing a spell for a car, you win $20,000 in the lottery and you can buy it… Or it may simply be that you are offered the chance to do extra hours at your work, or a second job turns up so that you are then in a financial position to afford a loan for the dream car. Are you prepared to give this extra energy to the universe/gods in exchange for the items you wished for?
Another way in which money can become available to you after casting a prosperity spell, is through being asked if you want to sell something that is of value to you. Are you willing to part with that family heirloom if someone makes an offer out of the blue?
- Ten: Avoid using words that you don’t understand.
Spell books are great for getting ideas, but the spell will work better if you put it into words that are meaningful to you. In the book “The Key of Solomon the King” there is a spell for gaining inspiration, and at one point the spell-caster is supposed to say the Hebrew words, “Vegale hamicata umsa terata yeh dah ma baxasoxa un horah himesere…” But this sort of wording does nothing to focus awareness upon the aim of the spell.
It is much better to make something up yourself. For example, for an “inspiration” spell, you could scry into a water-filled cauldron and say the words, “Beneath the stars and moon so bright, from cauldron deep and candlelight, the answer that I seek tonight is now revealed into my sight.”
- Eleven: Use positives not negatives.
Make sure that the wording of your spell is phrased in a positive manner. For example, with a health spell don’t use wording such as “I don’t want to be sick anymore.” Your subconscious doesn’t recognize words like “don’t want”, it can only focus on words that it can put an image to, i.e. the word “sick”.
Spells are basically affirmations that include images or symbols, so while doing a healing spell, visualize yourself as healthy and turn this phrase around to something like, “I am healthy, I am strong – all the day and all night long!”
- Twelve: Be realistic.
Expect miracles, but don’t go overboard! A love spell will help you to attract romance into your life, but a love spell to attract a Hollywood movie star as your lover is unrealistic. Even Merlin would have trouble with that one!
- Thirteen: Raise power for the spell (if appropriate).
You can raise power to help send your wishes off into the universe by drumming, chanting, dancing, or even by running around your magical circle. Power raising is like pumping up an air rifle before aiming and releasing the energy, so after raising energy, drop to the ground and visualize your spell as fully manifest. See it in your mind clearly, and send this image into the universe knowing that it has already come true.
- Please remember:
A magic spell will not work by simply repeating some words that you find in a spell book. The magic of a spell is contained within you – your needs, your desires, and the energy you are prepared to put into the working of the spell. If there is no personal power in your spell, it is only words.
Author: Don McLeod
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