Monthly Archives: November 2018

The purpose of a ritual bath is to cleanse Yourself, both inside and out. It is a rite in and of itself. Here is a general outline of what a ritual bath might consist of:

  • The bath water can be infused with salts, herbs, oils that are in harmony with your purpose.
  • Candles are lit – these too are chosen for color and scent that are appropriate to the moment. Also to set the mood and create an atmosphere of sacred mystery.
  • Incense might be burned as well, to infuse the room with a specific aroma, to cleanse the room with the smoke, or as a fragrant offering to a deity.
  • Music can be used to aid with meditation or visualization.
  • Holy Water (if you have it) can be added to the bath water, or used as a rinse when the bath is complete.
  • Some people like to have a glass of wine to drink and offer as an offering or libation to a chosen Deity.
  • Try to include each of the four elements. Fire (candle, heated water), Earth (salt, herbs), Air (incense, aroma),
  • Water (the bath itself). Think about them as you use, light, or immerse yourself in them.

Suggested Procedure:

When you light the candle, visualize the element of fire blessing you with warmth and light. When you light the incense, again, visualize the fire element. Then, as the smoke begins to rise gently blow the smoke and concentrate on the element of air that breathes through you to gently move the fragrant smoke, Turn on the water, and think about water, how it moves in the oceans, falls from the sky, and is now here – for you. Add your bath ingredients to the water as it flows into the tub, remembering the precious earth that nurtured the plants, and upon which you now stand.

As you lower yourself into the bath, relax and enjoy the warmth of the water and the scents in the air. If you have music playing, allow yourself to drift in the melodies. Relax and totally open yourself so that any negativity, sorrow, angst, worry, anxiety, anger, stress… etc… can be released. Just let it all go.

When you feel you are ready, pull the plug and stay in the tub until all the water has drained. As the water is draining visualize and know that the negative energies that are now in the water are going into the Earth and are grounded. If you did not add Holy Water to the bath, you can pour it on yourself now.

When you rise up out of the tub, you can do a self blessing. Here’s a really simple one that feels really good, especially if you say it several times:

I bless myself
I bless myself
I am
I am

If you have a chosen deity that has been invited to or invoked as part of your ritual, you can change the above blessing to fit. For example: “She blesses me, She blesses me, I am, I am”

If you have wine, and wish to do so, now is the time to pour a libation to the Deity and drink some of the wine. Then dry yourself off, clean up the bathroom, take the remaining libation outside to return it to the earth. And the rite is ended.

The date of the invocation/chant to Cerridwen is unknown. Its origins date back to the Celtic centuries of Scotland. Chant the following invocation as often as desired to summon the power of Cerridwen into your body, soul, and spirit. Through this invocation, may your Being become Her living Temple of Witchcraft.

Chant the ancient chant three times, and your answer will be there:

Amores Cerridwen
calami carbones stultorum moenia chartee
calami carbones stultorum monia chartee

Found at: Gaia Moon

The ancient art of using Power Chants comes to us from the mystical lands of India and Tibet. The Secret of the Power in Chants is that they enable you to Bypass your doubting mind and enables you to reach the Miracle Powerhouse within you-your Inner” of SubConscious mind.

You possess within this Marvelous Inner mind a tremendous Mental and Spiritual Power with which you can literally perform Miracles in your own life. This remarkable Inner Power is what the Great Master Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, called the “Kingdom Within” He taught that you must first find this “Kingdom Within” and then All Other Things would be added onto you.

There are many ways of finding this “Kingdom Within” and one of them is by Repeating an Affirmation Chant over and over until the message of the chant is imprinted upon the Inner mind. Repeating a affirmation, though chants, will lead the inner mind to the State of Consciousness where it Accepts as True that which you wish it to Believe.

When this is accomplished the Powerful Inner Mind will cause to appear as a Reality in your life the things for which you asked in your Chant. Your desires will appear as a Reality in your life without fail if you do not set up doubts in your Consciousness mind by Not Believing in the power of your Chant.

You must be careful not to say aloud or to even think to yourself that your chant has no power or it will not work for you. Repeat your chants—Believing—morning and night, on a regular schedule and then relax in a state of anticipation.

Do not worry about How your Good is to come to you. Just rest assured that your Power Inner Mind will answer your request in the Best Possible way for You.

Power Chant For Money

“I invoke the Powerful Cosmic Guardians of all Worldly Goods and Abundance. I now identify myself with the Infinite Source Of Supply. I am One with the Abundance of the Universe. My “Inner” voice leads and guides me in my quest for Wealth and Prosperity. I am successful in all my undertakings and I am well Rewarded for all my efforts. I Declare that what is Mine will Claim me, Know me, Rush to me. I always have an Abundance of Money. There is a continuous movement toward me of Money. My Mystical Cone of Prosperity is Full and Runneth Over. I now Magnetize my Inner Mind with the thought that Money and Supply—All that I need—are now Mine”.. “So Mote It BE”

Power Chant For Good Luck

“I call upon the Mighty Cosmic Guardians who have the Power to bring Good Luck and Good Fortune to those who demand. it. I Know the Magic Wheel of Fortune now Guides me as I select the chances in the Contests I shall enter. I Declare and Affirm that I am Led and Guided by you, Most Powerful Guardians Of Fortune, to make the Right choices in All games that I shall play. I Affirm my Luck is True and all wages that I shall make are returned onto me a Hundredfold. I am Guided to Success and Abundance…..My Luck Is Good” “So Mote It Be”

Power Chant for Strength and Protection

“I call upon the Powerful, Cosmic Guardians who have the magnetic Force to bring Power and Strength to those who believe. I now Declare and Affirm that I am a living Electro-Magnetic. I am Positive. I have a Strong Will. I am Fearless-absolutely fearless. Nothing can Harm me. I am the Master of my Destiny. I Surround myself with a Mental Atmosphere of Protection. No Harm can penetrate this Positive Armor. Those would harm me shall be Powerless and their “Evil” shall return to them a Thousandfold. I am Strong. I am safe. I am Positive, I am Powerful.” “So Mote It Be”

Power Chant for Love and Romance

‘Mighty Cosmic Guardians of Love and Goodness I call upon thee. My Magic Circle of Love is complete. I now create the New Self-Image of charm and charisma that I wish to Protect to the Whole world. I now Overcome and feelings of self-consciousness or inferiority and I condition my Inner Mind to thoughts of Self-Confidence, Poise and Charm. I send out thoughts of Love to All People and I Know that people will Love Me in return. I Know there is that within me which all people recognize as Worth-While and Desirable, and everyone whom I meet Loves this self of Mine recognizes its worth. I know there is a Perfect Lover waiting to Love and Cherish me. My Circle of Love is Complete and I now Invoke the law of Magnetic Attraction and Draw this Perfect lover onto me.” “So Mote It Be”

Source Unknown

If you have ever been in a situation where personal items disappear from your desk, your room, or your bathroom, then this spell for protection against mysterious disappearance or theft is for you.

When you are away from the place you wish to protect, shield it with an often-used sign of protection:

  • The eye.

On a piece of cardboard, either draw two eyes or paste two eyes cut out from a magazine. Draw the shape of a masquerade-ball mask around the eyes with a thick felt marker and cut it out. Make as many as necessary to place in drawers, in bags, or on your desk.

This spell uses that feeling of being watched that occurs when we are in a room or gallery with photographs or paintings that feature people with prominent eyes.

Source unknown

The Turkey Curse is a curse that is placed on those who seek to harm you; it is used to disorient as well as to frighten off potential predators. This curse is known to be the most beneficial when you are in a circumstance in which you have lost the power or control of the situation.

An example of this would be if you were to be randomly getting mugged on the street and you required immediate justice, you would use the Turkey Curse to debilitate your attackers.

How It Works:

The first thing that you would do in the event of an attack is to stop suddenly in your tracks, drop all of your stuff, and close your eyes. This confuses the attackers right away. But then begin to yell out loud over and over again while spinning three times in a circle:


Then spit at the feet of those you are cursing and while doing so, focus all of your intention on them becoming disoriented while all the while preparing yourself to make a fast exit.

The reason this is such an effective tool when trying to defend yourself is that typically, common criminals are more afraid of crazy people and disease then they are anything else. Therefore part of why this works is because you are technically scaring them. Doing so will at the very least distract them enough so that you can get away and at best you make them leave you alone.

An Electrical Variation:

The point of the turkey curse in this instance is also used to inflict disorientation into the minds of the attackers in regards to machinery, electricity or methods of communication. It has been said to be the curse that causes even a person’s toaster to be out to get them.

In this curse you would focus on any and all electrical objects around the attacker going wrong. Trying to shock them or cause them physical harm. Also this curse is said to last for 30 days as a result of this attacker’s bad ways.


If you were to try to use this curse on someone who didn’t deserve it, say for example just because you are just mad at them and are having a bad day, then it is said that the curse would reverse itself and you would instead be the person effected. Keep this in mind when participating with the Turkey Curse.

The energy behind this particular curse is chaotic and not something that can be controlled. It fights on your behalf for justice so that you can get to safety but it is not meant to be misused in any way.

The Discordian Method

On the more light and fluffy side of the world, the practitioners of Discordia, also known as Discordians (commonly known for their…unconventional methods) also use the Turkey Curse but in a modified way and for different reasons.

Discordians use the Turkey Curse as a way of neutralizing negative energy that is being emitted by a particularly crabby or cranky person to whom they refer as Greyfaces. Greyfaces are people who are stuck in their ways, unhappy, and generally not pleasant to be around.

Most times, Discordians will refer to the GrayFace as the government, or those who are stuck walking a monotonous and lifeless path. The Turkey Curse as designated by Discordia is designed to shake the person loose of their stalemate so that they can see life for the abundant and potentially prosperous place that it can be.

You can also do this to yourself, should you be experiencing a time where you are taking life too seriously and you are feeling a lackluster about the goodness in life; doing so, will help to raise your vibrations back up to more of a workable middle ground.

Discordians try not to take themselves or others, or even life for that matter too seriously, because life, to them, is just a random bunch of stuff that happens and it’s just not worth getting worked up over. The Turkey Curse is used to help those that are in need of a jovial ‘kick in the pants,’ spiritually speaking. And their version (according to the Principia Discordia) goes something like this:

The Turkey Curse, Discordian Style

“Take a foot stance as if you were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs. Face the particular greyface you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction of the negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize. Begin waving your arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you were Mandrake feeling up a sexy giantess.

Chant, loudly and clearly:


The results will be instantly apparent.”

As you can see, the technique utilized by the Discordians is a funnier way to go, but chances are you can use this exact same style to disorient potential attackers. However that does change the spirit in which the Discordians practice this curse. But, they would most likely shrug their shoulders and say, ‘To each his own.’

About These Curses:

The first curse is for self-preservation of the physical kind, and the second example is for self-preservation of the spiritual kind. Health and safety are your birthrights. Happiness and joy is like having a delicious desert. If you use the Turkey Curse wisely, you will find that you are a safer and happier person.

Found at: Aunty Flo

Kuan Yin of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the avian race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

Baast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

Diana, Goddess of the Wild,
Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild,
Hold (name of pet) safely in Your arms
And protect this creature from all harm.
And should the day come that he/she roams
Guide him/her to the path back home.
Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life
Free of hardship, stress, and strife.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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