In many cultures, it is considered bad luck to compliment a baby or to remark about a child’s beauty as bad fairies might take notice. Flattery and envy attracts the evil eye, so wise mothers and crones will speak in reverse, ironically commenting: “How ugly that child is!” Or: “I’m sorry, Mrs. Duffy. Your baby is hideous!”
If a stranger has the bad manners to offer a compliment, or a fixed adoring gaze on a babe, the mother can deflect it by asking the person to spit on the child. Returning home, mothers can also perform a simple charm to protect her family by spitting on the children upon entering the house. If she forgets, the grandmother can do it.
Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:
“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”
When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:
“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”
Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.
“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.
I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.
I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.
Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”
Drink the spring water. Say:
“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”
Eat some sprouts. Say:
“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”
Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm
Did you ever meet someone, an elder perhaps, someone wise and calm, joyful and seemingly ageless, who seems to possess a deep inner peace? Someone who seems to have lived forever, seen everything and has the answers and advice to help us with all our problems?
If we don’t know someone like this, we wish we did, or we long for these qualities in ourselves—the patience and understanding to overcome any obstacle and the ability to learn from our challenges, while keeping a youthful glow and enjoying each day, and finding beauty in everything and everyone around us. Sounds impossible, right? We often attribute these characteristics to fantasy figures. But there truly are people who live this way, yet if we don’t personally know any of them, it seems like fantasy.
So, let’s use fantasy as a bridge to reality, through the magic of the unicorn. Legends of the unicorn speak of them as wise and immortal creatures. This spell is for the unicorn to help us age gracefully with a youthful carefree spirit. This is for people of any age, to ensure the lively and energetic qualities of vitality and joy and, in addition, to help us learn patience and gain wisdom.
You will need:
- A unicorn statue of any size or color
- A piece of white ribbon
- Essential oil or other fragrance blend of your choice
Use your intuition when selecting the oil or blend of oils. Choose a scent that uplifts you and makes you feel cheerful or one you associate with happy memories. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil on the ribbon.
Visualize the unicorn, a wise and experienced sage. She has lived forever and endured many challenges with grace, and now she is bestowing her magic upon you. Make this visualization as detailed as you desire.
If this proves difficult, suspend your disbelief; pretend you are a child again. You meet a unicorn in the wild. Because you carry the white ribbon, the unicorn knows you are a kindred spirit. This ribbon is your link to the unicorn. You drape it around the unicorn’s neck and the two of you walk as companions through the forest. The unicorn confers wisdom upon you. This special wisdom contains the secrets for a happy life, whatever that may be for you.
Tie the ribbon around the statue. This is symbolic of your meeting with the unicorn and your initiation into her mysteries. The secrets will unfold throughout your life as you need them. One of the ways your higher spirit can help you discover what you need is through the use of symbols; the symbol of the unicorn can be a gentle and inspiring teacher and guide.
Speak this chant as you tie the ribbon:
Unicorn of legend, Unicorn of myth,
May your youthfulness and spirit stay with me.
Unicorn of mystery, Unicorn of magic,
May your endurance always offer possibility.
Unicorn of purity, Unicorn of power,
May your strength be at my side in every way.
Unicorn of inspiration, Unicorn of peace,
May your gentleness and grace bless all my days.
Source: Llewellyn
You will need:
- 1 wine glass of water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 red candle
- 1 light blue candle
- 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results)
- 1 round hand-held mirror
Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying:
“Beauty be within me.
Beauty now set me free.”
Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say:
“Beauty, beauty come to me.
Beauty, beauty set me free.”
Let the candles burn down all the way.
- The Gay Mage
- Everything Under the Moon by Starwitch
- Art by: til-til
The three leafed clover is often used in rituals designed to protect or to keep one looking youthful and fair. This spell is best performed on May 1st, but I do believe that it can also be done on any Spring morning.
To keep looking young, gather dew on May Day morning, just before the Sun rises. Put into this water three clover stalks. Let these steep all day out of the Sun’s rays. The next morning, again before the sun rises, rub a little of the water on your face. Do this every morning until the water is used up. Cover the bowl with a cloth to keep the water clean and store in a place where it will remain untouched until the following morning.
Source: Magickal Ingredients
You need three things:
- Jasmine essence, essential oil, or flowers
- A quartz crystal.
- Symbols of each of the four elements – earth, fire, air, and water
Jasmine is the flower of femininity. (I am supposing this magic to be directed to a woman — of course men do want to lose weight too. If this is the case, choose an essence such as Patchouli or Vanilla). It is the flower of senses, of pleasure, of physical attraction. The best suited therefore to bring you back in touch with the pleasure of being in your skin, of looking and feeling attractive, the feeling that exudes naturally from a healthy and balanced body. In fact all the responsibility for weight problems resides somewhere in the body’s loss of its ability to stay balanced.
Deficiencies on the emotional or mental plane are interfering with the body’s natural wisdom. When its balance is impaired its happiness is lost. Through jasmine you may magically evoke that lost sensuous joyfulness. With the crystal quartz you focus your energies on the issue at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.
Begin the process during the day, when the moon is full. Cleanse and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Place the jasmine flowers or essence and also the quartz crystal in front of you together with symbols of the four elements (earth, fire, air, and water).
As you call the powers an element will present itself to you, according to where the imbalance is in you. That will of course change the shape of the incantation.
If you are not sure how the elements might present themselves, here are some ideas:
- Air = words and language, aromas and sounds, breathing, flying
- Earth = substance and things, plants and herbs, gardening, drumming,
- Water = emotions and feelings, liquids and water, swimming, cleansing,
- Fire = action, passion, heat, creating, light and color,
In this example I will use the element air – on the basis of this example you can work out the different variations.
So air is in this case the element which speaks, the power which will help you with this magic. Words belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and relax deeply to ask your subconscious to give you a word – the key word for this magic.
For a few minutes you are sitting with your eyes closed, thinking of nothing. When you sense your mind beginning to wander astray, touch the quartz — its magical powers will help immediately to focus your attention again. Soon the key word will form itself in your conscious mind: in this example it is “independence”. It does not matter that you understand why this particular word should be your key word. Certainly a reason is there, your unconscious has its own deep wisdom — but it is not important that you should be consciously aware of its motives.
Every night, from the full moon to the black moon, you will rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your naked body. While doing this, let the key word “independence” stay in your mind.
As you revel in the fragrance of the jasmine, relaxing, images will come to your mind, suggestions as to how to expand on the independence in your life. Maybe you will have a vision on yourself learning a foreign language.
Following these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you want it to work you will have to find a way. The quartz will help you with that. If you find yourself saying “I have too much to do, I cannot possibly fit this in, I never was good at languages anyway.” etc., touch the crystal and feel its energy for a few seconds. It will immediately give you clarity and firmness of purpose, and you will be able to see what you need to do, and have the determination to do it.
Every night, before going to sleep, rub the essence on your body, and experiment with your key word. Keep the crystal with you at all times for this period — to touch it whenever you feel that you need to do so.
Thanks to the magic of the flower, of the crystal, and of the key word given to you by the power air, a deep change will start in this period. A change which will enable you to regain your natural balance, and the grace and beauty that go with it.
Source: Old Witchcraft
Items Needed:
- 2 apples
- a knife
Get an apple and cut it in half horizontally across the middle. Once you cut it you will see a five pointed star. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or the affected area. Now say:
“Apple, sacred fruit of the Goddess,
with this gift, I do caress the blemish that brought me shame,
I banish now this affliction in your name”
Now get the other apple and cut it vertically from top to bottom. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or affected area as well. Then say:
“I love and accept myself as I am today,
Clear skin I summon to come my way,
By my will – so mote it be,
Three times three times three”
Bury the first apple by a tree, bush or flower that is outside. Bury the second apple by water. If you can’t find a place with water, just bury it anywhere and pour water over it.
Source: Blessed Be Me
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