For protection and blessings by the goddess Bast, of yourself and your cat pets, set up an altar with cat pictures and/or statues. These pictures and statues can be of any kind of cat, domestic or wild. Place a picture of yourself, your family, and some of your cats there also. Have two green candles on the altar. This ritual can be performed by itself or as part of a cast circle ritual.
Note: This ritual also calls for a sistrum, which is a sort of rattle made of metal, and deeply associated with the goddess Bast and Egyptian magick. If you don’t have one, use a bell or small wind chimes instead.
To begin the ritual, take the sistrum and slowly dance or walk around the ritual area, shaking the sistrum as you go. Begin and end in the East and move clockwise. Chant as you go:
Joy comes from Bast, the Lady of Cats
The goddess loves and protects all animals.
As a daughter/son of Bast, I call upon her
To pour out her blessings.
Return to the altar and shake the sistrum while you say:
Hail, Bast, Lady of Cats.
Hail, Goddess of earthly delights.
Teach me to rejoice in the being that I am.
Teach me to love and be happy.
If you have pictures of your cats, look at them now with love and happiness. If you don’t have pictures, call up their images mentally. Call each cat by name as if presenting him/her to the goddess. Be alert to the atmosphere around you, for you will very likely experience the presence of the goddess in some manner.
When you have finished, take the sistrum and go to the East. Shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The ears of Bast are sensitive
to every word of harm sent against me and my pets.
My cats and I are protected.
To to the South, shake the sistrum five times and say:
The claws of Bast are sharp in my defence.
My cats and I are protected.
Move to the West. Shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The teeth of Bast are bared to evil-doers.
My cats and I are protected.
Finally, go to the North and shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The eyes of Bast can see through darkness.
Nothing escapes her notice.
My cats and I are protected.
Return to the altar. Shake the sistrum three times. Say:
Listen well, all those who would harm me and mine.
Here is erected a mighty fortress, an unbreakable shield.
You cannot enter here. Your evil thoughts return to you.
The gate is locked against you.
Visualize a green light filling the room, caressing you and the pictures of your cats. Don’t be surprised if your cats themselves enter the room to soak up this blessing.
Lovely Cat-Goddess, I thank you for your blessings.
Keep us in safety, good health, and happiness.
Protect my little ones wherever they may roam.
Blow a kiss to the goddess and extinguish the candles. As a special treat, both to Bast and to your cats, present your pets with a catnip toy to play with.
From: Moon Magick
To petition Bast (the goddess of cats) for healing of cats, chant the following before her picture/statue while holding an actual picture or mental image of the sick animal:
Lift the hand of disease.
Restore health!
Cast out all illness.
Restore health!
Pour your healing powers through (name of cat).
Bast! Restore Health!
Repeat the chant 5 times, or until you feel it is complete.
From: Moon Magick
Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:
“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”
When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:
“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”
Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.
“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.
I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.
I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.
Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”
Drink the spring water. Say:
“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”
Eat some sprouts. Say:
“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”
Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm
Prick a red apple full of holes with a needle, invoking the name and image of your beloved as you pierce. Sleep with this apple between your legs, as high as you like. The next day, dress the apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on an altar dedicated to Aphrodite and/or surround the apple with burning red candles.
When the candles have burned down, incorporate this apple into pie, cake, or pastry and serve to the one you love.
If you suffer from a real sense of defilement, petition the spirits of the sea to provide healing and cleansing. Although there are many such spirits, Aphrodite and Yemaya are particularly powerful and benevolent. Petition either spirit or both. They are compatible with each other.
Journey to the beach with a bouquet of roses. (Six yellow roses for Aphrodite and/or seven white roses for Yemaya.)
Stand in the shallow water. Dip each rose in sea water and then massage it, gently, one at a time, over your body, stroking downwards: down your legs, down your arms, as if you are removing something. Use a light touch. Toss each rose into the sea after you’ve used it to cleanse yourself.
When all the roses have been given to the ocean, enter deeper water and allow significant waves to pass over you, seven for Yemaya, six for Aphrodite. If you’re afraid of the deep water, or if you are not a strong swimmer, sit or recline in the shallows and let the water pass over you.
Ask these beautiful, benevolent spirits to cleanse you and replenish your aura and energy. When you are done, turn around, walk out of the water and go home.
Found in: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy.
Here is a simple ritual to invoke her blessings:
- Set up your altar with a picture of Kwan Yin and either a stick or a cone of lotus incense.
- Bow 3 times to Kwan Yin
- Offer one or more glasses of water which Kwan Yin will bless.
Invite Kwan Yin to come to you and appear. Bring the palms of your hands together as if in prayer. Recite the following:
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon this household!
May the Light of Kwan Yin be in my soul!
May the Wisdom of Kwan Yin be in my mind!
May the Virtue and Purity of Kwan Yin be in my feelings!
May the Strength and Vitality of Kwan Yin be among the members of my household!
May the Health and Well-Being of Kwan Yin be manifest through out my body, and radiate through the garments I wear!
May the Grace of Kwan Yin be in my worship!
May the Talents and Genius of Kwan Yin be manifest through my senses!
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon me”
Recite the following short mantra 10 times:
Na Mo Kwan Yin Boddhisattva.
Finally, drink the water blessed by Kwan Yin. This water now has healing powers.
Dedicate this practice of the Kwan Yin Great compassion Mantra to the benefit and enlightenment of all beings.
Close your shrine in whatever way feels appropriate.
Found at: Order of the White Moon
The date of the invocation/chant to Cerridwen is unknown. Its origins date back to the Celtic centuries of Scotland. Chant the following invocation as often as desired to summon the power of Cerridwen into your body, soul, and spirit. Through this invocation, may your Being become Her living Temple of Witchcraft.
Chant the ancient chant three times, and your answer will be there:
Amores Cerridwen
calami carbones stultorum moenia chartee
calami carbones stultorum monia chartee
Found at: Gaia Moon
Nemesis, also called Adrasteia (the inevitable). She is portrayed as a winged goddess wielding a whip or a dagger, and often holding an hourglass. She was the goddess of destiny, and divine anger against mortals who broke moral laws or taboos. Nemesis was a harsh, unremitting force representing acceptance of what must be. At times she would intercede with the Fate deity Atropos to allow a longer lifespan.
Often we have someone in our lives who consistently works at being a real trial to us. This person is sometimes called “our Nemesis,” which isn’t accurate. The problem, however, can fall under the power of the goddess Nemesis. She can remedy or sweep away interpersonal problems, provided we ourselves are not the cause of them. If we are contributing to the upset, she will stand back and make us work it out. So before you call upon Nemesis, be certain that you have rightfully accepted your share of the responsibility.
Use a black candle for Nemesis, anointing it from the end to the wick with patchouli or orange oil. This will help to create a balance or bring your life back into balance. Place a sliced apple in a dish next to the candle. Light the candle and sit facing it. Explain everything about the interpersonal problem to the goddess in your own words. Then say:
The hand of Nemesis balances the scales of justice.
She untangles the threads spun by the Fates.
Lift the burden of this problem, great Nemesis.
Guide me to the solution.
If there can be no harmony, separate us one from the other.
Untangle my life-thread, Nemesis.
This I do ask with a sincere heart.
Now sit quietly and listen with your mind. Meditation at this time can often calm you and provide possible solutions. You may even be told that you must make decisions and follow through with them. Listen, but look at everything logically. Some solutions may be too drastic and painful to implement. In this case, ask for an alternate solution to the problem.
From Moon Magick
In this ritual the Greek Goddess Nemesis, a deity of fate and vengeance, is seen in the role of being the complementary opposite of ones ego referring to the inner self as the center of both personalities. Habits and actions taken against ones real desires create the opposite to the same degree and thereby form an anti-personality of ones ego, which in this case is identified with the principle of Nemesis.
Disturbances on the plane of reality due to actions against ones subconscious desires can be eliminated by ritual union with this personal demon-sister/brother and enable one to reach ones inner self, which is defined as the mean value of both the personalities.
The effect of this ritual, if performed correctly, would by definition be fatal. Therefore the operation is strictly limited to the part of the psyche which the magician wishes to explore. A Sigil representing this portion of the psyche is forcibly activated during the ritual in order that the magician may seek answers to his problems within the chosen area in the personality.
No specific wishes or desires can be used for this purpose, only general ones. This is a necessary restriction to avoid being overwhelmed by any unpleasant effects. The magician should be aware of this when constructing the Sigil.
Nemesis Conjuration:
The ritual is performed sitting on the ground in the posture of the Rune Perthro. The head may rest on the lower part of the arms, and the face should be covered by the cowl of the robe.
Perthro is the rune of fate. Perthro is not a gentle or passive rune, although it is aligned with a feminine polarity.
Perthro is the relentless force of water. Unstoppable, controllable only to a point, and then, suddenly – with no warning – the water is out of control, drowning everything and smashing it to bits and pieces as flotsam is slammed and hammered into buildings or structures. Perth clears a path for change.
Statement of intent:
It is my will to take a step towards the center of my self by union with my opposite through this Sigil!
Creating the Sigil:
Write out your statement of intent, modifying it in any way that feels appropriate. Then remove all the vowels from the sentence, and rewrite all the remaining letters. Next remove all the repeating letters so that it’s now just a string of non repeating consonants. Make a symbol or picture by combining the remaining letters with the Perthro symbol. Play with your design until it looks aesthetically pleasing to you and the combination of the letters are hidden. In other words, you want it to look not at all like what it started out to be.
Now, let the meaning of the symbol, let your statement of intent go completely. Allow yourself to forget the Symbol’s meaning, forget the desire behind the original sentence completely. Remembering the desire ruins the ultimate effect. Destroy all the things you’ve written to make the Sigil. Let nothing be a reminder of its meaning. Remember only what it looks like.
Charging the Sigil:
This specific Sigil will be charged by having the image of it in your mind as you do the conjuration:
The following incantation is given while visualizing a winged figure of opposite sex who approaches the magician. The figure wears the chosen Sigil on his/her breast and is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
mighty, terrifying and beloved sister.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the goddess of my god,
you, who are the demon of my demon.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the demon of my god,
you, who are the goddess of my demon.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are part of me which I am not,
you, who are the counterbalance on the scales of my fate.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, whose wings carry us to our mutual central Kia.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are my ultimate fear,
you, who are my ultimate desire.
you, with whom to unite is the sigh of
ecstasy and the silence of death.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
for you are my path and I am our aim
I call upon you to meet me in this Sigil.
Come to me oh Nemesis
and guide me through this Sigil to our mutual central Kia!
Start hyperventilation during the reading out of the incantation. The visualized figure with the Sigil coming closer and closer to finally melt into your own body. When this point is reached shout out:
(I move the wings of the secret wisdom within me!)
End the ritual with laughter – this will banish any negativity, and cleanse and heal you and your surroundings.
From: Chaos Matrix
To bless a special candle take a hand-dipped beeswax candle appropriate for your purpose. On the night of the full moon, when the moon is visible in the sky, either go outdoors or look at the moon through the window. Hold the candle in both hands and present it to the moon saying:
Hail Aradia, Queen of Light;
Stand I naked in thy sight;
May this candle blessed be;
Diana and Hecate.
The phrase ‘stand I naked’ does not mean ‘without clothes’. It actually refers to being vulnerable and in need of the assistance of the Triple Moon Goddess.
Source: Sacred Wicca
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