Crocodiles, like snakes, are simultaneously fearsome, dangerous creatures and potent symbols of spiritual and psychic protection. Pregnant Isis, after all, hid in the crocodile infested swamps of the Nile Delta. It was the safest spot she knew.
In ancient days, the papyrus plant, which once lined the Nile, was a hieroglyphic emblem for Lower Egypt, especially that Nile Delta swampland. It also served as a protective emblem from crocodiles, lending new meaning to Moses’ cradle on the Nile, formed from papyrus. This symbol (shown below) can be used in a variety of ways to create a protective talisman.
- Draw the hieroglyph on parchment paper and carry it.
- For intensive protection, draw the hieroglyph onto the body with henna, or if danger is constant, consider a tattoo.
- Carry a photograph of living papyrus plants as a talisman or post it in a prominent location.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead suggests carrying the plant sweet inula to ward off crocodiles both living ones and those that haunt the spirit realm.
- Wear it in a charm bag to protect against actual visitations.
- Sleep with the herb in a dream pillow or beneath your pillow if unfriendly crocodiles are infesting your dreams.
From Burma we have this tidbit:
- Carry iron pyrites as a protective charm against crocodiles.
Crocodiles shed their teeth, continually growing new ones. Naturally shed teeth have a prophylactic effect: string them and wear on necklaces and anklets to prevent attack. Alternatively, carry the teeth in a medicine bag.
To make a crocodile charm bag, place a piece of gold pyrite into a drawstring bag together with crocodile teeth and/or an image of a crocodile. Carry for protection.
From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Runes are an ancient alphabet that has been dated as far back as 8000 BCE. Although the Latin alphabet may be more efficient and practical for writing, the Runes convey much more than simple sounds and vowels; they are powerful symbols which carry great magical properties. According to Norse Mythology, Runes were gifts from the gods themselves. They radiate mana, magickal power, and can be used to deliver a blessing or a curse.
Here’s how:
Choose the Rune that best represents – and transmits – your desire. Write that Rune onto a slip of paper. The qualities and powers of each Rune can be explored in the following posts:
Maneuver it so that the target of your spell thinks that he or she dropped this paper, or else place it within other papers that the target then picks up. The target has to accept the Rune willingly, even if they are unaware of it.
When the target takes up the Rune paper, especially if it is then placed in his or her pocket, he or she is effectively accepting the Rune – curse or blessing – whatever the case may be.
This is an especially nice way to gift someone with magick on special occasions, such as birthdays, graduations, weddings, or anniversaries.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
You Will Need:
- One black candle
- A candleholder
- Matches
- Black or white pepper
- Salt
- A carving tool
- Anointing oil (this can be any kind of oil you prefer)
Begin by slowly sprinkling salt in a counterclockwise circle around you and your work area, visualize the salt creating a barrier, protecting you during your ritual. Call the target of your banishing spell to mind and carve your intention into the candle. For example, you might carve “Mark will never speak to me again” or “My anxiety is gone”. You may also wish to carve a banishing sigil into your candle.
You can create your own sigil, or if you need some ideas, here are some examples:
When you’ve finished, anoint your candle with the oil and sprinkle the pepper over it. Set the candle into your candle holder and light it, speaking your intention aloud. If it feels good you can turn your intention into a mantra to chant while the candle burns.
Allow the candle to burn itself out, this should be done on a fireproof surface and again, away from pets. Depending on your choice of candle, it may take several hours to completely burn. Do not leave your candle unattended!
If you don’t wish to burn the entire candle you can carve a line halfway or a third of the way down the candle and confine your spell carving to the top portion. This can be tricky if you use a taper candle, be gentle so as not to snap it. When the candle burns to this line you may blow it out and reserve the rest of the candle for another banishing spell.
Source: The Traveling Witch
In this ritual the Greek Goddess Nemesis, a deity of fate and vengeance, is seen in the role of being the complementary opposite of ones ego referring to the inner self as the center of both personalities. Habits and actions taken against ones real desires create the opposite to the same degree and thereby form an anti-personality of ones ego, which in this case is identified with the principle of Nemesis.
Disturbances on the plane of reality due to actions against ones subconscious desires can be eliminated by ritual union with this personal demon-sister/brother and enable one to reach ones inner self, which is defined as the mean value of both the personalities.
The effect of this ritual, if performed correctly, would by definition be fatal. Therefore the operation is strictly limited to the part of the psyche which the magician wishes to explore. A Sigil representing this portion of the psyche is forcibly activated during the ritual in order that the magician may seek answers to his problems within the chosen area in the personality.
No specific wishes or desires can be used for this purpose, only general ones. This is a necessary restriction to avoid being overwhelmed by any unpleasant effects. The magician should be aware of this when constructing the Sigil.
Nemesis Conjuration:
The ritual is performed sitting on the ground in the posture of the Rune Perthro. The head may rest on the lower part of the arms, and the face should be covered by the cowl of the robe.
Perthro is the rune of fate. Perthro is not a gentle or passive rune, although it is aligned with a feminine polarity.
Perthro is the relentless force of water. Unstoppable, controllable only to a point, and then, suddenly – with no warning – the water is out of control, drowning everything and smashing it to bits and pieces as flotsam is slammed and hammered into buildings or structures. Perth clears a path for change.
Statement of intent:
It is my will to take a step towards the center of my self by union with my opposite through this Sigil!
Creating the Sigil:
Write out your statement of intent, modifying it in any way that feels appropriate. Then remove all the vowels from the sentence, and rewrite all the remaining letters. Next remove all the repeating letters so that it’s now just a string of non repeating consonants. Make a symbol or picture by combining the remaining letters with the Perthro symbol. Play with your design until it looks aesthetically pleasing to you and the combination of the letters are hidden. In other words, you want it to look not at all like what it started out to be.
Now, let the meaning of the symbol, let your statement of intent go completely. Allow yourself to forget the Symbol’s meaning, forget the desire behind the original sentence completely. Remembering the desire ruins the ultimate effect. Destroy all the things you’ve written to make the Sigil. Let nothing be a reminder of its meaning. Remember only what it looks like.
Charging the Sigil:
This specific Sigil will be charged by having the image of it in your mind as you do the conjuration:
The following incantation is given while visualizing a winged figure of opposite sex who approaches the magician. The figure wears the chosen Sigil on his/her breast and is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
mighty, terrifying and beloved sister.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the goddess of my god,
you, who are the demon of my demon.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the demon of my god,
you, who are the goddess of my demon.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are part of me which I am not,
you, who are the counterbalance on the scales of my fate.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, whose wings carry us to our mutual central Kia.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are my ultimate fear,
you, who are my ultimate desire.
you, with whom to unite is the sigh of
ecstasy and the silence of death.
Come to me oh Nemesis,
for you are my path and I am our aim
I call upon you to meet me in this Sigil.
Come to me oh Nemesis
and guide me through this Sigil to our mutual central Kia!
Start hyperventilation during the reading out of the incantation. The visualized figure with the Sigil coming closer and closer to finally melt into your own body. When this point is reached shout out:
(I move the wings of the secret wisdom within me!)
End the ritual with laughter – this will banish any negativity, and cleanse and heal you and your surroundings.
From: Chaos Matrix
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