Tree Magick
When an animal goes missing, one common immediate response is to post signs requesting information and assistance from others. This Russian spell takes that notion a step further: assistance is requested from Earth’s various spirit powers, so that they will locate and send your animal back home. As with standard signs, a reward is posted. Should the spell work, be sure to pay it.
Write messages on three pieces of birch bark – one for each of the nature Tsars. It should read as follows:
I’m writing to the Forest Tsar and the Forest Tsarina
and their small children.
I’m writing to the Earth Tsar and the Earth Tsarina
and their small children.
I’m writing to the Water Tsar and the Water Tsarina
and their small children.
I’m writing to inform you that _______ (insert your name)
has lost a _______
(insert color, gender, description, and type of animal including as much descriptive material as you feel is necessary to identify and distinguish your animal from others.)
If you have him/her please send him/her back
without delaying one day, one hour, one minute, one second.
If you don’t comply with my wish,
I swear to pray and testify against you.
If you comply with my wish,
I shall give you _______ (insert specific pledge).
Fasten one message to a tree in the forest, Bury the second in Earth. Attach a small stone to the third and throw it into some living water (such as a river, ocean, creek, lake, etc).
The animal is expected to find its way home shortly.
The Forest Tsar is chief of all woodland spirits; the Water Tsar is chief of all water spirits and so on. Adjust this spell if necessary to suit your circumstances.
For this spell to find a lost cat or other small pet, you’ll need the assistance of a tree, rock, or other outdoor entity—preferably one in your yard or very near your home. Take one of your pet’s favorite toys and some pet food to the tree. Tell the tree about your pet and that you are concerned because of how long he or she has been missing. Ask the tree if it will help you by providing a beacon for your pet to follow to get home. Leave the pet food near the tree. If a small rock gets your attention, bring it and the pet toy into the house. Keep them near the door. Every time you pass the toy, thank the tree for its help in providing a beacon for your pet.
Source: Therese Francis
The oak tree is lucky for money and health. Try to catch a falling oak leaf in autumn, before it touches the ground. Keep the leaf safely in your purse or wallet to ensure it will never be empty. If an oak leaf accidentally catches you on your person, this is very lucky and you should keep it safe. Likewise, if a bramble catches on your clothes it is considered lucky.
Find an empty acorn cup still attached to an oak leaf or twig. Gather ash seeds (the keys). Murmur over them:
“Acorn cup and ashen key
bring my true love back to me.”
Place them under your pillow on three consecutive Friday nights, repeating the incantation each time. If your beloved has not returned by then, it’s time to consider the possibility that this is not your true love.
This is a spell that can be used to help you get whatever it is that you want: healing, guidance, courage, peace, harmony, love, success, money, energy, insight, power… anything. What is required is a clear idea of what you want and/or need, a tree receptive to your need, a leaf from that tree, a charcoal tipped stick, piece of flexible vine, and a dime.
When you have found the tree you are going to be working with, spend a few minutes getting centered and soaking in the energy of the place and developing a sense of connection with the tree. Then, sitting beneath your chosen tree, write or draw a symbol of your need onto the leaf with your charcoal tipped stick.
Rise and walk nine times around the tree clockwise, saying the following or similar words:
Ancient one of the ancient Earth,
Older than time can tell,
Grant me the power at your command
To charge my magic spell.
Repeat as often as necessary until you have walked nine times around the tree.
When finished, tie the leaf around the trunk as tightly as you can with the vine. If this isn’t possible, find a branch and tie it on there. When you are sure that the leaf is secure, take the dime and bury it at the foot of the tree in the Earth in payment for its help. Now leave the area and let the tree do its work.
If, when you return to the tree, the leaf is gone – don’t worry. The forces have been set in motion.
From: Earth Power
This is so simple that I’m not even sure if it qualifies as being a “spell.” It does, however, work like magick. When your energy is dragging, sit with your back pressed against a tree trunk and let the tree’s limitless energy flow into you. Very excellent if you have been walking or hiking long distances and also if you have been ill.
From Earth Power
The following is of archaic Celtic origin. On the surface it is a triple recital of the thirteen months of the lunar year. Each word, however, is the name of one of the sacred trees, which in turn each have deep philosophical and magickal implications. Additionally, the thirteen, taken in sequence, tell in rich detail the life of the Sacred King and the archaic Legend of the Goddess.
All Witches should know or be strongly encouraged to study and research the hidden meanings behind this, working from the material provided by the poet Robert Graves (The White Goddess) .
Very powerful when done as a group, this chant can be done by the solitary practitioner as well. Provided here are the instructions for a group ritual, which can then be adjusted to suit an individual practice.
Prior to commencing the chant, everyone gathers in the circle, with the implications of the chant being described by whoever is leading the ritual. Pause in silence for a period of thirteen heartbeats while everyone meditates on what has been said, then the leader of the ritual intones the words of the chant loudly and in a rich voice. The chant is recited with all in the circle responding, three or nine times, as deemed appropriate. The chant is closed with the final invocation. If available, incense may be thrown into an incense brazier at the close of the chant. Everyone should remain silent for a while afterwords.
Here is the chant, which is repeated by all in the circle, slowly, and sounding each letter long and resonantly:
Repeat three or nine times as desired. I personally like the idea of repeating each individual name three times, and then repeating the entire sequence three times (which adds up to nine).
The leader of the circle closes with the following calling:
Solo Tibi Cordis,
Quotidianam Facio,
Blessed Be!
From: A Grimoire of Shadows
This is a very simple magickal procedure that allows you to find a place in nature that you can go to whenever you have a need to feel loved.
Because this is a tree spell, all you need is a place that you can easily go where there are trees and a little privacy. This could be your own back yard, a park in your neighborhood, or any place you know of that seems appropriate. Even a cemetery will do just fine.
First, set in your mind the idea that you are going to find your own “Loving Tree.” Then, begin your search.
Go to each tree, choosing first the ones that appeal to you the most. Touch the tree trunk. You can either stand against it with your back touching the tree, you can hug it if you want to, or you can simply place the palms of your hands on the tree trunk. You will need to actually touch some part of the tree, so if the tree’s trunk isn’t accessible, touch the lower branches.
Then, close your eyes and feel the energy. What does it feel like? If if feels like a surge of power, you have found a “Power Tree. ” Take time to notice whatever feelings you have when you are touching the tree. Some trees are “Laughing Trees,” and you know this right away, because you immediately feel like laughing.
If at first you feel nothing, be patient. It may take a little bit of time for the tree’s energy to reveal itself to you. You’ll know your “Loving Tree” when you find it, because you will feel happiness and peace as well as a feeling of love and being loved.
If no tree seems right, you may need to consider looking in a different place. However, before you give up on your chosen spot, see if there are any large shrubs in the area, try one or two of them. My “Loving Tree” is actually an Autumn Olive, a very small shrub like tree – very beautiful. Birds and butterflies love her too.
Crafted by Sunshine Rose Buletti
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