Clarity Spells
This prayer can help you open, or increase, your ability to see psychically. For extra clairvoyant power, hold a clear quartz crystal up to your third eye (the area between your two eyebrows) while saying this prayer:
Divine light, please enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity, and the ability to clearly see across the veil. Powerful Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye!
Archangels Hamiel, Jeremiel, Raphael, and Raziel, I thank you for your Magical Divine energies and assistance with my spiritual sight now!
Victorious Horus, thank you for stationing your eye in front of my own, so that I may see multidimensionally like you!
Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending me energy from your third eye to my own so that I may see love in everything and everyone!
Dearest Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for fully opening me up to see truth, beauty, light, and eternal life!
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
For this spell you will need the following:
- a quiet place to work
- a smooth flat surface or table top
- one small cotton drawstring bag
- a small quartz crystal
- a small white candle
- equal parts of the following herbs: Rosemary, Lavender, and Chamomile
Clean your work surface and place the rosemary lavender and chamomile in a pile on the table in front of you. Light your candle, and take a deep cleansing breath. It is time to begin.
With your finger or fingers (which ever feels comfortable) draw a meandering path in the herbs – starting from the center. This represents the current flow of clarity that up till now has been the norm… take your time… enjoy the play of finger and herb…. this is the last time you will take a long and arduous journey to clear thought and vision.
When you are done “playing,” take the palm of your hand and smooth out the herbs, erasing the patterns and designs that were just drawn. Now, say:
Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined
As you say those words, use your forefinger (your pointing finger) to draw a spiral design in the herbs starting from the inside out, drawing it in a counter-clockwise direction. This is the spell of undoing…. undoing the necessity for wavering and doubt… undoing dead ends and blind alleys.
Once again take the palm of your hand and smooth out the herbs, erasing the spiral design… do this slowly and thoughtfully… Now, once again say the words:
Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined
and use your finger to draw a spiral design, this time moving from the outside in… in a clockwise direction… spiraling gently into the center, and when you are done place the crystal in that center spot.
Spend some time thinking about how easily clear thought and vision can spiral into your mind, your heart, your experience, your dreams, … how effortless it can be… a smooth gentle spiral… Imagine that the spiral is not just flat on the surface of your work space… but three dimensional… and real.
Repeat the spell words one last time… say it like you mean it. These are words of power. Claim them.
Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined
Clap your hands 3 times, loudly ,.. and then quickly scoop the herbs and the crystal into your drawstring bag… pull the drawstring tight… It is done!
Any time you feel an extra need for clarity or vision … you can open the bag and inhale the scents. This spell is best performed when the moon is new.
~courtesy of Madame Fortuna
Michael the Archangel’s flaming sword illuminates dreams and provides safety as you linger in dreamland. This dream oracle affirms whether a spiritual petition or request is appropriate or not. This spell is based on surviving remnants of Alexandria’s Magical Papyri. The request for the dream is made using a magic lamp.
This spell doesn’t assume that you have a special ritual lamp. Oil lamps were once common household articles, like a table lamp is today: it wan’t a big deal back then for a spell to suggest using one, any more than a modern spell’s request for a spoonful of salt is an inconvenience. An everyday oil lamp may be used, or you can dedicate and charge a special lamp just for spell casting.
- Set aside some time – as this spell will take a while to complete
- Cleanse and purify yourself thoroughly using whatever methods you prefer.
Light the lamp - Speak to the lamplight, (using the incantation below) observing it, reacting to it until it burns out.
- Repeat the following incantation periodically throughout the vigil. It must also be recited at the very conclusion:
Lamp, light the way to Archangel Michael,
If my petition is appropriate,
show me water and a grave
If not, show me water and a stone.
Be silent, go to sleep, and dream.
NOTE: The symbols of “water and grave” and “water and stone” were used at the dawning of the Common Era. Use them if you like or select others that suit you better; just announce explicitly the identities of the symbols.
Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
This spell won’t make you get excellent grades from failing grades overnight. However it does make it easier for you to learn things and understand them more quickly. I did this spell for a friend of mine and it ended up working for both of us! It is best done during a waxing moon.
You will need:
- Gold candle
- Yellow candle
- Orange candle
- Cinnamon incense
- Mint
- Mace
- Oil of your choice.
Line up the candles with the gold in the middle. Mix the mint, mace and oil together an anoint the candles with the mixture, and then light them.
I invoke thee Zagzagel to aid me in my ___ and understanding.
Please bring out my full potential in all I do.
An harm ye none so mote it be.
This isn’t exactly a spell, but it’s a really easy way to connect with your own inner voice, and it might give you some ideas for spell work in the future. For example, you could cast a spell for harmony between your “Inner Mother” and your “Rebellious Child.” I’m sure that as you read through the list, and think about who speaks to you from within, more ideas will come to you.
Here’s the basic concept:
Since we each have so many inner voices, every day there are all kinds of “committee meetings” going on inside our heads. The one speaking right now is the one who is curious, who loves to learn.
You don’t need to call your inner voices a “Committee” if you don’t want to. Feel free to name them something different if you’d like. Here are some ideas:
- The Inner Family
- Inner Parts
- Inner Tribe
Identifying your inner voices:
As you read the list below, take a separate piece of paper (or your journal) and make your own list. You will find that you will identify with some of the inner voices listed here, and some you will pass right over. That’s perfectly okay. You are the only one who truly can identify your own inner voices. You might find that some of them sound exactly like people you grew up with.
- The Critic
- The Peacemaker
- The Organizer
- The Caretaker
- The Happy Child
- The Poet
- The Fighter
- The Gypsy
- The Hermit
- The Grump
- The Guru
- The Yogini
- Miss Responsible
- The One Who Loves to Cook
- The One Who Was Shamed
- The Healer
- The Good Mother
- The Nature Lover
- The Professional/Business Woman
- The One Who Waits
- The Inner Cheerleader
Take a look at the list you made of your own inner Committee. Some of the voices on your list are clearly positive. Some are more neutral. And some may seem negative and bothersome. This is all okay! They are each needing to be heard.
A few of them may seem to be dominant, the ones who are continually “running the show.” Others may be living on the fringes, unable to speak, silenced and hidden in the shadows. Remember that each part of you wants to be seen, heard, named and honored.
I have found that simply noticing a voice (especially a shadowy voice that doesn’t seem to like me) diminishes its power over me.
What to do about it:
An excellent way to connect with and bring harmony to your inner tribe is to make a picture to represent each one. This can be done in the form of small collages, one for each voice – or you could do some scrap booking, giving each voice it’s own separate page. This is a great project for self exploration – and is easily done by going through magazines and pulling out images and words that speak to you about the individual selves. You may find that you begin to identify many more inner voices as you continue the practice of inner listening, and as you continue to go through magazines finding images that call to you..
Found at: KaleidoSoul a website that facilitates the making of “soul collages” bringing your inner voices out in the form of collaged cards.
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