This powerful prayer can help you clear away blocks so that you can more clearly hear your Divine guidance.
Note: Instead of using the word “God” you can substitute “Goddess” “Gods” “Master of the Universe” “Divine Mother” “All Father” or whatever you prefer and feels most comfortable. Feel free also to use alternatives for “Jesus, Moses, Babaji, and Yogananda.”
Here’s the prayer:
God, I deeply desire a closer relationship and clearer communication with You. I ask for Your assistance in opening me up so that I can clearly hear, see, feel, and know Your messages for me.
Jesus . . . Moses . . . Babaji . . . Yogananda . . . each of you demonstrated the ability to clearly hear God during your lifetimes on Earth. I ask your assistance in teaching me your ways. Please work with me so that I’m fully open to hearing God’s messages and that I trust what I hear.
Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Moses. Thank you, Babaji. Thank you, Yogananda.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Healing a Child
If a child is in need of healing or relief from pain, then say this prayer. It’s been said that when parents pray on behalf of their children, those prayers are answered first in Heaven.
I also recommend handwriting the prayer and placing it face up on a cabinet or shelf in the child’s bedroom. If the child is old enough to say prayers, ask the child to say the prayer with you:
Thank you, God, for my child’s perfect health. Thank you for peace within my child’s body. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your powerful healing energy, which heals everything rapidly with each breath my child takes. Thank you, Damara, for gently comforting and reassuring me and my child. Thank you, Hathor, for clearly instructing me on how I can best help my child. Thank you, Mother Mary, for watching over all of us and sending us your Divine healing love.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Healing a Pet
If your cat, dog, or other animal has a physical challenge, then you’ll want to call upon the great animal healers in Heaven to help and heal. As you say this prayer, either look at your pet in the flesh or in your mind, or gaze at a photo of your beloved furry friend:
Healers in Heaven, I love [name of pet] with all my heart. Please join my love with yours and send it to [name of pet]. Dearest Aine, I ask that you surround my pet with your bright silver energy of peace and happiness. Dearest Raphael, I ask that you encircle my pet with your emerald-green energy of health and wellness. Dearest Dana, I ask that you help my pet’s system to be balanced and in its natural state of vitality. Dearest Saint Francis, I ask that you communicate with my pet and let me know what I can do to bring my pet comfort.
Thank you Aine . . . Raphael . . . Dana . . . Saint Francis . . . for your healing work. Thank you for my pet’s perfect health. Thank you for my pet’s comfort. Thank you for lifting our spirits. I now surrender this situation to you and God with complete faith and confidence.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
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As we travel we are all faced with choices. Hecate is the goddess of the crossroads. Go to her if you need to make a decision in matters having to do with travel or life opportunities.
Take three apples and go to a three-way crossroads that is not busy with traffic, ideally at night. Cut each in half so the pentacle formed of the seeds is showing. Thinking of your choices, place one-half of an apple at each intersection. Then make your wish and place the last three halves in the center, where the roads join. Ask for Hecate’s help in making your decision.
Go home and eat an apple or drink an apple beverage before bed. Dream of possibilities. Save apple seeds to plant in the crossroads area next spring, and ask again for Hecate’s blessings.
By: Nancy Bennett
Find a quiet place, light a candle if you wish, and then begin the following chant. Chant until you begin to feel a deep connection to the Goddess. Then be silent. Your guidance will come.
Speak to Me
Speak to me,
Speak to me Goddesses.
Speak to me,
Speak to me all the Gods.
~ by Phoenix
This one is cool because what you do is insert the actual names of the goddesses, gods, and whomever you are invoking. For example: Hekate, Diana, Isis, Gaia, Ancestors, your choice.
Michael the Archangel’s flaming sword illuminates dreams and provides safety as you linger in dreamland. This dream oracle affirms whether a spiritual petition or request is appropriate or not. This spell is based on surviving remnants of Alexandria’s Magical Papyri. The request for the dream is made using a magic lamp.
This spell doesn’t assume that you have a special ritual lamp. Oil lamps were once common household articles, like a table lamp is today: it wan’t a big deal back then for a spell to suggest using one, any more than a modern spell’s request for a spoonful of salt is an inconvenience. An everyday oil lamp may be used, or you can dedicate and charge a special lamp just for spell casting.
- Set aside some time – as this spell will take a while to complete
- Cleanse and purify yourself thoroughly using whatever methods you prefer.
Light the lamp - Speak to the lamplight, (using the incantation below) observing it, reacting to it until it burns out.
- Repeat the following incantation periodically throughout the vigil. It must also be recited at the very conclusion:
Lamp, light the way to Archangel Michael,
If my petition is appropriate,
show me water and a grave
If not, show me water and a stone.
Be silent, go to sleep, and dream.
NOTE: The symbols of “water and grave” and “water and stone” were used at the dawning of the Common Era. Use them if you like or select others that suit you better; just announce explicitly the identities of the symbols.
Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
O you glorious and benevolent angels,Urzla, Zlar, Larzod, Arzal, who are the four angels of the East, I invocate you, adjure and call you forth to visible apparition in and through the great prevalent and divine name of the Most Holy God Erzla, and by the ineffable and efficacious virtues and power thereof, whereby you are governed and called forth, it being therefore absolutely necessary, pre-ordained, appointed and decreed.
Now therefore do I most earnestly entreat and powerfully adjure you, O you benign angels Urzla, Zlar, Larzod, Arzal, in this potent name of your God Erzla to move and appear visibly, and show yourself to me in this crystal stone (or mirror) here before me.
And in and through the same, to transmit your ray to my sight and your voice to my ears that I may audibly hear you and plainly see you and include me in your mysteries wherefore I do most earnestly adjure you, O benevolent and amicable angels, Azla, in the most excellent name of your God, Erzla, and I as a servant of the highest do efficaciously invoke you to appear now perfectly visible to me, O you servants of mercy, come and show yourselves firmly unto me and let me partake of the secret wisdom of your creator.
From the Clavicula Salomonis
Old Mother Goose, when
She wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air
On a very fine gander.
Today, Mother Goose is limited to the nursery, her rhymes intended to entertain only the youngest, least sophisticated children, yet MotherGoose’s namesake bird links her to a host of powerful spirits: Aphrodite, too, rides through the air on a goose. The bird is sacred to Egyptian Hathor and Roman Juno, both valiant protectors and advocates for women.
In the Middle Ages, the once sacred goose became associated with witchcraft and disreputable women. Attempts to discredit Lilith and the Queen of Sheba depict them as dangerously beautiful, seductive women, with one goose’s foot peeping from beneath a skirt.
Interestingly, the recent backlash against “nursery rhymes” being taught to our children has a lot to do with the content of the rhymes; if you’ve never read them as an adult, you may not realize just what they actually “say.” In fact, most of the “nursery rhymes” were not originally intended for children!
Why is Mother Goose never portrayed as a plump Grandmotherly type bouncing a grandbaby on her knee? Why always an elderly hag? Gasp! Could Mother Goose be the prototype of the stereotypical “witch”?
Witches were the keepers of knowledge for the common folk– it was she who nursed the sick babe as well as birthed calves or treated illnesses. She was a “wise woman”. She was a valued member of her community; but, as in any human endeavor, she was not infallible. It was when things went wrong that this woman – often old with no close family ties – was accused of heinous acts. (We are all human and tend to blame others for our misfortune. In today’s society we hire a lawyer and go for blood… in earlier times… they just went for blood.)
One thing is certain… if “she” were one individual, she was passing down oral history, lore and adages… from people of other eras. In the early days, before they were “collected” into the somewhat familiar form of today; these rhymes were actually methods of preserving history, customs, lore and fears for the common man. (We need to recall that the majority of people in the earlier centuries could neither read or write. That is why roving troubadours, bards and minstrels were so popular.)
Here is a short grimoire of Mother Goose spells, charms, chants, and divinations, taken from the 1916 edition of “The Real Mother Goose.”
Hawthorn Beauty Spell
The fair maid who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at break of day,
And washes in dew from the hawthorn-tree
Will ever after handsome be.
Rain Begone Chant
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day;
Little Johnny wants to play.
Bridal Protection Spell
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a sixpence in her shoe!
Bee Omens and Luck
A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.
Storm Prediction Lore
As the days grow longer
The storms grow stronger.
Lucky Pin Spell
See a pin and pick it up,
All the day you’ll have good luck.
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you’ll have all the day.
Friday Dream Divination
Friday’s dream,
on Saturday told,
Is sure to come true,
be it never so old.
Sneezing Divination for the Days of the Week
If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger;
If you sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
If you sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter;
If you sneeze on a Thursday, something better;
If you sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
If you sneeze on a Saturday, joy tomorrow.
Rain Prediction
A sunshiny shower
Won’t last half an hour.
Saturday Night Love Ritual
On Saturday night
Shall be all my care
To powder my locks
And curl my hair.
On Sunday morning
My love will come in.
When he will marry me
With a gold ring.
Counting Love Divination
One, he loves;
Two, he loves;
Three, he loves, they say;
Four, he loves with all his heart;
Five, he casts away.
Six, he loves;
Seven, she loves;
Eight, they both love.
Nine, he comes;
Ten, he tarries;
Eleven, he courts;
Twelve, he marries.
Health Wealth and Wisdom Ritual
Cocks crow in the morn
To tell us to rise,
And he who lies late
Will never be wise;
For early to bed
And early to rise,
Is the way to be healthy
And wealthy and wise.
To Stay Young
Tommy’s tears and Mary’s fears
Will make them old before their years.
Birthday Predictions
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for its living,
But the child that’s born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Collected from various sources including an article by Ashlynn Ward found at Lady of the Earth, Project Gutenberg, and The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Goal: To come up with new ideas.
Optional extras: A yellow candle (to represent intellect); a cauldron or empty bowl (to represent the open possibilities)
Note: The best time to cast is early morning, just as the sun is rising. Stand in front of the empty bowl, light the candle, and hold out your empty hands in front of you. Try to visualize yourself as being as open and empty as the bowl, waiting to be filled with ideas and inspiration.
The incantation:
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Open up my mind and heart
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Let the thinking process start
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Send ideas new and old
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Planning subtle or actions bold
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Show the path to resolution
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Grant to me the best solution.
After: Write down any ideas that come to you.
You will need paper, pencil (a pen won’t do), and a nice big eraser. A white vanilla scented candle.
Step 1: Light the candle, and then think of one thing in yourself that keeps you from trusting or maybe even hearing your inner voice, your own opinions, your own hopes and dreams.
Step 2: With your pencil, write a description of your block on the piece of white paper.
Step 3: Think about this block for a while, and all the ways in which your life would be improved if it could only be erased.
Step 4: Pick up the eraser, and begin to erase what you wrote on the paper. As you are erasing, say the following prayer three times:
Lady, cleanse me of this block.
Help me know through and through that:
the earth has wisdom, my body has wisdom,
a tree has wisdom, my heart has wisdom,
a bird has wisdom, my mind has wisdom,
Lady, cleanse me of this block.
Help me realize:
an ocean holds knowledge, just so does my mind
a fox has wiles, just so am I wily;
a child knows God, and so do I.
Help me find my innate wisdom and knowledge.
Lady, cleanse me of this block.
Help me know of these things:
common sense feeds the soul;
lyrical mysticism and visionary hope
belong in the everyday world;
I can grow and stretch a bit spiritually, every day.
Step 5: If any smudges or pencil marks remain on the paper, if any trace of the original writing can still be seen, take the pencil now and turn them into stars, spirals, flowers, and suns. When there is no trace left of what you originally wrote, the ritual is complete. Snuff the candle and say:
Thank you Goddess.
~ Francesca de Grandis
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