Kitchen Magick
A fifteenth-century medical book tells us: “So that your wife stays faithful forever mix celery juice and honey and rub your genitals with the mixture. This way she will be satisfied and will want no one else but you.”
Consider too this German saying:
Fry me eggs, sweetheart,
with celery and lettuce,
on Sunday we will go courting,
my mother told me this.
This aspect of celery is also well known in France, the country of savoir vivre and l’amour, as in the following: “If a woman knew what celery does to a man, she would be willing to go from Paris to Rome to find it.” And, “If a man knew what celery does for him, he would plant his garden full of it.”
Celery is also used as a cure for impotence. Several sticks of celery need to be boiled in a saucepan of water until the celery turns into a pulp. The person with the problem needs to eat this while it is still hot, and can then look forward to a night of successful lovemaking.
Source: Encyclopedia of Herbology
- Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.
- Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.
- Write your problem on a slip of paper.
- Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.
- Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.
- Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon.
- Bury the apple. Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…
Source: Rose Ariadne
Did you know that when you eat or drink anything, whatever you are eating or drinking will become a part of your structure – this cannot be undone. With this in mind, here is a great way to incorporate Rune Magick into your actual physical being.
Runes are a magickal alphabet invented long ago, and these days are most often used for divination. With this spell, they can also be used to give yourself a huge boost of energy and power as well. To familiarize yourself with Runes and what they mean you can visit the following posts on the Divination website:
The way this works, is that we are going to make some amazing and delicious Rune Cookies. And then, using an “If…Then” magickal technique, we are going to incorporate the Living Energy of your chosen Rune (or Runes) into your physical being.
- Note:
This is a great idea for a coven or group. The cookies can be made in advance and then shared with the group in a ritual setting. Alternatively, you can have a group of friends over for a Rune Cookie party.
First, make the cookies:
I found this recipe at benebelle wen. She has a great tutorial and lots of fun pictures to go with it. These black sesame shortbread rune cookies look like beautiful stone runes but are also absolutely delicious to eat. The recipe is just for straightforward black sesame shortbread cookies. She took it a step further and turned the cookies into runes.
You’ll need the following ingredients:
- 2.5 cups of all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup of toasted black sesame seeds
- 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup unsalted softened butter
- 1 cup granulated white sugar
- 1 large egg
- 1 tablespoon whole milk
First, cream together the wet ingredients: the softened butter with the sugar, and then beat in the egg, and then add the whole milk.
Next, grind the toasted black sesame into a fine powder. You can use a mortar and pestle and while grinding, add some happy vibes by chanting mantras, or magickal rhymes. I Am the Mother is a nice one, or you can use one of your own that you like.
Then sift in the all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder in with the grounded black sesame flour. This is the “dry” mix. Combine the dry and wet mix together to form a dough.
The recipe says to refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes. You can let it chill while you explore the various Runes and their meanings. Maybe you’ll get an idea for what you might want to incorporate into your consciousness and your life.
Roll the dough into about 3/4-inch balls, just a bit under 1 inch. You’ll want your hands floured while you work with this dough. Then use the bottom of a glass to stamp the balls down into flat discs. Make sure the bottom of the whiskey glass is evenly floured or else your dough balls with stick to the glass.
Use a dull knife to carve the rune symbols into the discs. A cheese knife or butter knife will work just fine. You can carve just the Rune symbols that you have decided to incorporate into your life, or you can make a full set of Runes. It’s up to you.
Bake in an oven preheated to 350 degrees F for 12 – 15 minutes.
These cookies are not just for looks. They’re tasty. Light, buttery, sweet but not over-the-top sweet, and rich with that black sesame flavor and aroma. Yum!
Now for the If… Then Technique
Because we are planning to purposely incorporate the energy of the Runes into our physical selves, it will be important to decide which Rune (or Runes) you would like to use. I would suggest no more than three. Any left over cookies can be frozen and used at a later time.
Ok, so now that you’ve selected the Rune cookie of choice. Pick it up, and realize that once you take a bite and swallow, this cannot be undone.
Say out aloud:
- “If I eat this, that will mean I will have instant access to ….
…. state the key qualities of the Rune that you wish to incorporate.”
Take a bite! Take your time and savor the flavor as you chew and swallow the cookie. Repeat three times. You can either take three bites of the same cookie, or eat three separate cookies.
Variations can include:
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will become…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will be able to…”
- “If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…”
For example, if you choose the Uruz Rune, it might sound like this:
- If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have instant access to…
…Limitless potential, infinite possibilities, sustained strength, renewal, and untamed power. - If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…
…Physical strength and speed, and untamed potential. - If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…
…A time of great energy and health.
Prick a red apple full of holes with a needle, invoking the name and image of your beloved as you pierce. Sleep with this apple between your legs, as high as you like. The next day, dress the apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on an altar dedicated to Aphrodite and/or surround the apple with burning red candles.
When the candles have burned down, incorporate this apple into pie, cake, or pastry and serve to the one you love.
On a Friday night when everyone else in the house is asleep, cut an onion in half. Hold it up, visualize it as a psychic vacuum cleaner. Let it suck up all negativity. Let the onion rest on a table. Hold up one peeled crushed garlic clove. Visualize it as a psychic air cleaner. Leave it out for a little while.
Put both the onion and the garlic in a paper bag and dispose of them outside the home.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
- A red apple
- A needle
- Honey
- Cinnamon
- Red candles
Price the red apple full of holes… with each prick say another desire you have in the realm of Love.
For example: I want someone who really cares about me… or I want a new and special best friend… or I want someone that likes to cook… etc…
Be as specific as you can with all of these wishes…but don’t ask for a specific person. Sleep with this apple by your bedside…put it on a plate to catch any juice that falls.
In the morning, dress the apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on your altar and surround it with burning red candles.
Let the candles burn for 7 minutes…and during that time, sit quietly with your eyes closed, and visualize your exact desires coming into your life… “see” who and what you desire as vividly as possible… along with exactly how you feel.
Then… be ready to find what you seek…but don’t dwell on it or “wait” for it… go on about your life.
Spell by Rose Ariadne
Combine the following ingredients, empowering them one by one by stating aloud the specific function each will perform.
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon (victory, success, to win favor of the Gods)
- 5 cloves (command and compel)
- 1 tablespoon orange zest (symbolizing gold and prosperity)
- 1 teaspoon ginger (luck)
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg ((luck)
- 3 drops pine essential oil (ward off negativity)
Bless the ingredients on your altar. Let the mixture rest in a dark area for a week. Take it out once a day, shake it, and then return it.
If possible, charge this potion under a full moon during its week of rest, to magnify the magical properties it contains. (The power of a full moon is present for three days before and three days after the actual night of the full moon.) After a week, add the mixture to a bucket of warm, clear water for washing.
A floorwash technically refers to the final rinse used to clean a floor or other interior surfaces. It should not be removed but allowed to air-dry, so that its power radiates into the surrounding atmosphere. In other words, the floor should be clean before applying the floor wash.
Traditional methods call for you to scrub the floor on your hands and knees. The repetitive motion and low concentration level needed allow for a shift in consciousness to take place. Incorporating a chant as you wash will boost the powers of the wash and help your goal to manifest even faster. Remember to be as specific as possible in the wording of your chant.
- Important note:
This wash seems to have the side effect of making those who come into contact with it hungry. It smells wonderful.
Found in: Elemental Witch
There is an old saying that “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Which usually means that you cannot or should not have or want more than you deserve or is reasonable, or that you cannot or should not try to have two incompatible things. The proverb’s meaning is similar to the phrases “you can’t have it both ways” and “you can’t have the best of both worlds.”
It doesn’t happen very often, but when Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Lunar Eclipse all happen on the same day (January 31, 2018), it is a perfect time for magick to overcome seeming limitations, to ask for more than you deserve or what is reasonable, and to imagine that you could indeed somehow, some way, have the best of both worlds.
I am calling it the Once In A Blue Moon You Have Your Cake And Eat It Too Spell. This spell can be used during any Full Blue Moon.
You will need the following ingredients:
- Bird Seed
- Honey
- Cornmeal
- Coconut Oil
- Wine or Spirits
The idea is to make a special cake, take it out into nature on the evening before. Offerings are made, prayers are said, and the cake is then left as a gift. By leaving it out on the evening before, the cake is charged by the energy of the moon and the night, as the new day dawns, this energy is dispersed into the world at large. It may take a fair amount of time for the spell to come to fruition, and a key element is that once the spell is made, it is released and forgotten.
Making The Cake
- Setting Your Intention
Before you start with the actual spell, it is important to set your intention. What do you want to accomplish? What impossible, incompatible, impractical, unreasonable thing do you want? Usually, when working magick, it’s important to be really specific, but in this case, generalities are fine. For example: I want to be happy. I want to be rich. I want true love. I want to be young again…
- My Cup Runneth Over
“My Cup Runneth Over” is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means “I have more than enough for my needs.” How fun it would be to use this as a measurement for the first ingredient in our magickal moon cake.
With this in mind, pour a heaping cup of bird seed into a large bowl. This can be a tea cup, a coffee cup, or a measuring cup, the amount doesn’t have to be exact. The amount of bird seed will, however, determine the size of your cake.
Run your fingers through the seeds, and think about all the little things that would need to come together to make your wish come true. Think also about how fertile a tiny seed is, what a powerful little package it is. Allow your fingers to fill the seeds with a sense of purpose. Your purpose.
- Sweeten The Pot
The expression “sweeten the pot” means to make something more desirable. The expression originally comes from gambling; when players make new bets, they will sometimes say they are “sweetening the pot” as they throw chips in. This means the pot (i.e. the money that will be won by the person with the best hand) is larger and therefore more desirable to all players.
This spell is a bit of a gamble, and we do want our cake to be desirable. So now that we’ve filled all of our little seeds with a sense of purpose, it’s time to add the honey.
Pour enough honey into your bowl of seeds to coat each one. One or two tablespoons will probably be sufficient. It will depend on how much birdseed there is. You need just enough honey to turn your pile of dry seeds into a sticky ball.
- Grease Some Palms
To grease someone’s palm, a phrase that dates from the early 16th century, is to bribe them. The metaphor comes from the idea of applying grease to a machine to make it run smoothly. There is also a saying that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” which conveys the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention. The purpose is “to facilitate, expedite, ease, or aid something or some process; to make or help things run more smoothly or more easily.”
I love the idea of using Coconut Oil as our grease of choice, since coconuts grow on palm trees, and we’re greasing some palms. It will be easier to add it to our sticky ball if it’s been warmed up a bit and is in liquid form.
About a quarter of a cup should do if you’ve used about a cup of seeds, but you may need more. Be sure and rub some on the palms of your hands, maybe give some thought to the squeaky wheels that might need smoothing.
If your mixture of seeds and honey still seem soft and crumbly after adding the coconut oil, add more coconut oil, and then chill it for a little while. The coconut oil should solidify and even though it might be delicate, your cake should hold together pretty well. The chilling can be done either before or after the next step, which is adding the cornmeal.
- Ripe For Harvest
What we plant in the soil of contemplation,
we shall reap in the harvest of action.
~Meister Eckhart
Corn, by its very nature is a sacred and vital plant. Its presence allows the people to live, thrive, grow and prosper. Because of this role, Corn Meal can be used to bless people, places, and objects. Imagine that whenever corn meal is used in this capacity that it is like a blanket of energy. It surrounds and marks the intended target with its powerful spirit, lending it gifts of vitality, fruitfulness, and rejuvenation. Keeping the idea of this blanket in mind, you can also see it as a mantle of sorts. When it is sprinkled over a person or object, that mantle is shared and covers the object, making it sacred as well.
With this in mind, spread a generous handful of cornmeal over your mixture. Shape it into a round moon shaped disk, covered completely with cornmeal, top and bottom. If the cake seems too soft, you can chill it in the freezer for a few minutes, this should solidify the coconut oil, and the cake will harden enough for gentle handling.
Performing The Ritual
For this you will need a place in nature to leave your cake. It will be best if you can leave it on a natural altar, such as a flat rock. If that is not available, you could leave it at the base of a tree, on a large round leaf, or in a circle of leaves, twigs, and/or small stones.
Begin at sunset, or just after dark. Place your cake on the altar of your choice. And then pour a circle of wine around it, and invoke the Powers, the Gods, and Spirits. Say:
From strong earth below me
To the wide sky above me
I call the Powers, the Gods,
Those in Spirit who love me.
I want my cake. I want to eat it too.
Here is one I made for you.
I thought I couldn’t ~ but maybe I could.
I thought I wouldn’t ~ but maybe I would.
I thought you can’t ~ but maybe you can
Make the impossible ~ a possible plan.
Now, in your own words explain what you are asking for.
Take a few moments to really feel the energy, and then say thank you, swipe your hands together twice to cut the connection, and walk away. Don’t look back.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
Birthday rituals around the world are conducted and candles are placed on a cake and blown out, the one whose birthday it is, blows out the candles and makes a wish, this in itself is an act of magick, and the person blowing out the candles feels a sense of well being when this is done. The cake is then cut and eaten and those eating it each make a wish, by doing this they are participating in magick.
Many of us may remember making a wish and blowing out candles on our birthday cakes as kids; some of us still do this today, but when we were kids many of us were probably completely unaware that by making this wish by the light of a burning mini candle in an offering of flour and sugar we were working our first simple spells. With birthdays being a great day of astrological alignment for use, it’s a great time to set aside a few minutes to do some wish magick not unlike that stuff we did as kids.
One thing is the simple use of a small incantation when blowing out your birthday candles that you might be presented with. Recite this while visualizing your wish. When you blow out the candle see your wish and desire being carried on the smoke up to the Gods and the Universe to fulfill.
”A year has come,
A year has passed,
I’ll make my birthday wish at last.
Magick powers old and new,
Make my birthday wish come true!”
Candle magick is ideal on your birthday so even common, simple candle magick with a single candle in a color corresponding to your astrological sign, carved with your zodiac symbol and name, along with any runes or symbols representing a specific desire, can be a great way to cast a simple wish spell for yourself. Use these color correspondences to find your candle color:
- Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Sky Blue
- Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Lavender
- Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): Red
- Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Green
- Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Pink
- Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Silver
- Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): Gold
- Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Navy
- Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Green
- Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Red
- Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Navy
- Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): Brown
I have also seen wish spells for birthdays that involve taking a piece of paper or parchment and inscribing it with a rune representing something you desire for the coming year and place it under a new potted plant. As you tend the plant in the coming year you are symbolically tending your desire represented on the paper under the pot.
Ideally magick worked on your birthday should be magick that might be considered “selfish” in nature. It’s a day to honor yourself and to prepare for seeing your wishes come to fruition over the next year. But, while doing that, also acknowledge and celebrate any accomplishments as well. Always give thanks for what you have before asking for more!
You can also use the cake itself as part of the magick. A birthday cake prepared with love brings positive energy to the recipient.
Food is a magickal tool and can be used for positive change in your life. The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. When preparing foods for specific magical purposes, cook with purpose and care. Keep your goal in mind, love, money, protection, health, fertility, sex, strength, psychic awareness. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.
It is never too early or too late to practice magick. So whenever your birthday is, give it a little bit more magickal consideration. It’s a day that is all about you, so honor yourself and the Divine within.
Source: Jess Carlson
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