
This simple spell is best performed at the beginning of the New Year or just after Yule, the first day of Spring, on your birthday, or any other date that represents a new beginning for you.

Gather together a long tinsel garland and some small candles. Using the garland, create a large spiral on the floor and surround it with the candles.

Walk the spiral as you would a labyrinth. Pause at the entrance to visualize what you wish for the New Year. Begin your walk at a pace that feels right, repeating the incantation:

“With each step I take,
with each breath I create,
let my spirit awake
for this wish I make.”

Once you reach the center, verbalize your wish. Retrace your steps out of the spiral, repeating the incantation again.


  • Your spiral can be made from any materials you wish to use, such as flowers, shells, stones, leaves… etc.
  • If this is included in a group ritual, create a grouping of three spirals like those found at Newgrange in Ireland.


Birthday rituals around the world are conducted and candles are placed on a cake and blown out, the one whose birthday it is, blows out the candles and makes a wish, this in itself is an act of magick, and the person blowing out the candles feels a sense of well being when this is done. The cake is then cut and eaten and those eating it each make a wish, by doing this they are participating in magick.

Many of us may remember making a wish and blowing out candles on our birthday cakes as kids; some of us still do this today, but when we were kids many of us were probably completely unaware that by making this wish by the light of a burning mini candle in an offering of flour and sugar we were working our first simple spells. With birthdays being a great day of astrological alignment for use, it’s a great time to set aside a few minutes to do some wish magick not unlike that stuff we did as kids.

One thing is the simple use of a small incantation when blowing out your birthday candles that you might be presented with. Recite this while visualizing your wish. When you blow out the candle see your wish and desire being carried on the smoke up to the Gods and the Universe to fulfill.

”A year has come,
A year has passed,
I’ll make my birthday wish at last.
Magick powers old and new,
Make my birthday wish come true!”

Candle magick is ideal on your birthday so even common, simple candle magick with a single candle in a color corresponding to your astrological sign, carved with your zodiac symbol and name, along with any runes or symbols representing a specific desire, can be a great way to cast a simple wish spell for yourself. Use these color correspondences to find your candle color:

  • Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Sky Blue
  • Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Lavender
  • Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): Red
  • Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Green
  • Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Pink
  • Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Silver
  • Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): Gold
  • Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Navy
  • Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Green
  • Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Red
  • Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Navy
  • Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): Brown

I have also seen wish spells for birthdays that involve taking a piece of paper or parchment and inscribing it with a rune representing something you desire for the coming year and place it under a new potted plant. As you tend the plant in the coming year you are symbolically tending your desire represented on the paper under the pot.

Ideally magick worked on your birthday should be magick that might be considered “selfish” in nature. It’s a day to honor yourself and to prepare for seeing your wishes come to fruition over the next year. But, while doing that, also acknowledge and celebrate any accomplishments as well. Always give thanks for what you have before asking for more!

You can also use the cake itself as part of the magick. A birthday cake prepared with love brings positive energy to the recipient.

Food is a magickal tool and can be used for positive change in your life. The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. When preparing foods for specific magical purposes, cook with purpose and care. Keep your goal in mind, love, money, protection, health, fertility, sex, strength, psychic awareness. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

It is never too early or too late to practice magick. So whenever your birthday is, give it a little bit more magickal consideration. It’s a day that is all about you, so honor yourself and the Divine within.

Source: Jess Carlson

Here is a nice ritual to invoke favor from Weavers of Fate, the Moerae. It is particularly appropriate for birthdays, the New Year, the Kalends of January, or any day of significance and change. The Moerae (or Moirai) were supposed to appear three nights after a child’s birth to determine the course of its life, so this too would be an appropriate time for this ritual.


Who are they?

The Moerae are the three sisters who decide on human fate: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropus. They sing in unison with the music of the Sirens, or so it is said. Lachesis sings of the things that were, Clotho of those that are, and Atropus about the things that will be. They are most honored among the gods because they distribute justly, and have a share in every home. They give men at their birth their share of evil and good, and they punish the transgressions of both men and of gods.

  • Lachesis (the past): the apportioner of lots.
  • Clotho (the present): is the spinner.
  • Atropus (the future): is said to be the eldest, the best and the shortest of the sisters.

It has also been claimed that Tyche (Fortune) was one of the Moerae, and the most powerful of the sisters because beauty, virtue, and good Fame are in her keeping, and also because she finds pleasure in dashing immoderate hopes.

The Ritual

Colors: White, red, and black.

Element: Air

Altar: Drape with cloths of white, red, and black, and place upon it three candles in these same colors, three goblets in these same colors holding white wine, red wine, and elderberry wine, a spindle wound with handspun thread, a piece of woven cloth, and a large knife or pair of shears.

Offerings: Libations of wine.

Daily Meal: Vegan. Should be eaten in silence.

Invocation to the Moerae

(Light the white candle and raise the spindle.) 

Spin truth into words,
Spin words into doom,
Spin doom into fortune,
Spin fortune into life,
Spin my life fine and strong,

O Lady with the spindle
Whose thread is my beginning.

(All take a piece of thread from the spindle. Pour out the white wine as a libation. Light the red candle and lift the woven cloth high.) 

Weave truth into vision,
Weave vision into mind,
Weave mind into spirit,
Weave spirit into life,
Weave my life with depth and color,

O Lady with the shuttle
Whose tapestry is my existence.

(All knot their thread. Pour out the red wine. Light the black candle and lift the shears high.) 

Cut truth away from falsehood,
Cut falsehood away from illusion,
Cut illusion away from matter,
Cut matter away from body,
Cut my body away from my life
When the time comes,
O Lady with the shears
Whose knowing hand is my doom
And also my truth.

(The leader of the ritual drapes his or her head with a cloth of black and walks around the circle, cutting each thread in silence. The cut threads are laid upon the altar as an offering, and all sit in silence, meditating on their Fate and that of the coming year. Leave in silence.)

From: Pagan Book of Hours

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