Ritual Magick

Magick circles are often used for more complex work because they protect you from a wide variety of unwanted energies, which can get in the way of your spell.

Magick circles are best done outside, because you are then drawing directly on the electromagnetic forces of the landscape. You can first practice this at home, but it puts you directly in touch with the magick in nature if you can do it outside. Choose a quiet place, perhaps your garden, in the countryside, in a par, or even on a beach.

Take a compass if you aren’t very good at working out which direction you are facing!

Facing east, stand upright, extend your right hand, and point your index finger to the ground. As you slowly pivot around, draw an imaginary circle around you on the ground in a clockwise direction until you arrive at the east again. As you draw the imaginary circle, repeat the following:

“I draw this magick circle for protection and to show I am at one with the heavens and the spirits of the four directions.”

Next, you have to call in the spirits.

With your right hand outstretched again, point your finger to the east and call in the spirit of the east. Say:

“I call you, spirit of the East, to help me be touched with inspiration and innovative ideas.”

Repeat this charm in each of the other three directions, doing so in a clockwise direction, and calling on the individual attributes of each direction.

  • East – Inspiration/Innovation
  • South – Passion/Growth
  • West – Introspection/Inner Work
  • North – Protection/Permanence

Note: You can use whatever words you choose to call in the directional energies, just be sure to do them in order in a clockwise direction.

Now that you have called in the spirits, stand quietly for a moment in the center of your magick circle and quietly prepare yourself for the next stage of whatever spell you are working with.

When the spell is complete, open the circle by thanking each one of the directional energies, Often, this is done in a counter-clockwise manner beginning with the North and then working around to end in the East.

Declare the circle to be open. A nice way to close a circle is with the following chant:

The circle is open
But unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess
Be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And Merry meet again.

~Spells For A Magical Year

Natural magic uses the actual reality of the world to create similar effects in dissimilar places. Using these principals to become a vampire requires a shamanistic approach. In this method ritual and concentration are combined to try and commune with the universe in such a way that you gain an understanding of how to affect the change you want. In the case of a vampire you are trying to eject the soul from the body, while finding a new and viable source of energy. This is a difficult thing to accomplish, and can take many months or years to accomplish.

The rejection of ones soul from ones body by choice is theoretically impossible, so this method generally has to be preformed on others. The rituals used are very similar to those used to create a zombie, and often result in a creature with similar intelligence and lack of self will.

The specific actions and thoughts necessary to perform this act are going to be very specific to your culture and particular mind set. As such the best way to learn this procedure is to do it, spending hours in concentration, and using rituals which are meaningful to you to gain a better understanding of the truths of the universe around you.

Some methods you may want to try are rhythmic dancing, transcendental meditation, the use of spiritual journeys or fasts, and most important a dedication to being more aware of the nature of your own soul, in order to gain a better understanding of your relation to the spiritual world. The use of a teacher or shaman will greatly speed this process up, as they will be able to evaluate you from their own more enlightened position, and determine the methods that would work best for you individually.

One thing to note is that when creating a vampire, it is not always necessary to infuse them with a need for blood. This illegal and dangerous habit is also very difficult to develop, as the synthesis of blood and or souls into life energy is very complex. It is often easier to create a vampire which is fueled by chemical or physical energy.

By J.L.N. Lewitin, courtesy of AncientThoughts.com

There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over the head of the Dzambhala symbolized by its image. The White Dzambhala is a wealth granting aspect of the Compassionate Buddha and in this form sits on a turquoise dragon, surrounded by four dakinis each signifying a Buddhist cosmic family and a compass direction. Dakinis are powerful female angels who help Dzambhala bring riches into the lives of those who do the water ritual daily while reciting their mantras.

It is important to generate an altruistic intention when doing this practice. When your desire to become rich is only to benefit yourself, it deprives the practice of much power. When your aspiration is fueled by your great desire to help others however, the ritual takes on much added power. Even when your motivation is inspired by your great wish to benefit your loved ones, this is far better than just thinking of yourself.

Thus for those needing the money to fund their children’s education, to buy a house for the family, to pay for hospital bills for instance… and you think through these needs of yours before doing the ritual then, it will establish a good and pure motivation that really adds great strength to the practice.

The Preparations

Firstly, get an image of the White Dzambhala. Commit the image of Dzambhala to memory. Notice that White Dzambhala is sitting on a turquoise dragon and is carrying a white trident in one hand and a banner in another.

Secondly, get images of the four Dakinis. These are beautiful offering Goddesses from the four Buddhist families, each of whom live in a different direction. From the East comes blue coloured Vajra Dakini who holds a thunderbolt in her right hand; from the South comes Ratna Dakini who holds a jewel in her right hand; from the West comes Padma Dakini and she holds a lotus in her right hand; and from the North comes green coloured Karma Dakini who holds a sword in her right hand. Commit the images of the dakinis to memory to aid you in your visualizations as you recite their mantra.

Thirdly set up your crystal bowl in which you place an inverted glass to place a flat surface on which you place White Dzambhala in the center surrounded by the four dakinis.

Finally prepare a jug of fresh water filled to the brim; it should have a thin spout from which you will pour water over White Dzambhala’s crown as you recite his mantra. Do this pouring slowly and with great loving gentleness.

Mantra Practice

Begin by generating a good motivation… then start reciting the mantra of White Dzambhala:

Om Padma Krodha Arya
Dzambhala Hridaya Hum Phat

As you recite, start offering the water on the head of Dzambhala. Do this slowly but steadily and note that it should be a fine stream of water. As you pour the water with your right hand, snap the fingers of your left hand in front of your heart and recite the mantra a minimum of seven times and preferably 108 times. If you have a rosary of 108 mala beads, use this and make it your designated mala for doing this practice. At times when you are in a rush, you can recite 21 or 28 times.

The Visualization

As you recite the Dzambhala mantra and pour the water on his head, think that from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of Dzambhala’s mongoose come an unceasing flow of wish-fulfilling jewels and dollar notes, millions and millions of dollars. The flow of wealth comes like beautiful water falling down from the mountains. Think that Dzambhala is experiencing great bliss from the water so he promises to help you by bringing big wealth for your family and your business.

The Four Dakinis

Next you must turn your attention to the four dakinis. If there is any water left, you can also pour over the heads of the dakini images. If not, then all you need to do is to recite the mantras of the four dakinis as follows. Recite 21 sets of these mantras.

Om Vajra dakini hum phat
Om Ratna dakini hum phat
Om Padma dakini hum phat
Om Karma dakini hum phat
Sarwa Siddhi hum


When you have finished reciting all the mantras, it is important to dedicate the practice and the ritual just performed to your family and to the success of all your financial aspirations. The water used for the ritual can be used to make tea or to pour over plants or into your fish tanks or water features…

You can also place a White Dzambhala image under the falling water in a small waterfall. Place this in the North, East or Southeast of your living area… and keep the water flowing through the day. You can turn off the waterfall in the night. If you have such a waterfall in the house, it is also a good idea to recite the mantra 21 times in front of the waterfall, as this creates the great merit of invoking Dzambhala’s assistance for the family or the business. You can also create this water feature in your office.

Found at: World Of Feng Shui

Stand before your altar. Relax, and begin.

Feel the earth below you, the firm ground. Experience the earth as upholding you, as maintaining your weight. Feel the earth holding you, rather than you pushing against the earth.

Earth Mother, I stand upon you today and recognize that we begin with you and we will end with you. Uphold me now as I give praise, and support me as I receive blessing.

A child of the earth, I come before the Gods, the Spirits of Nature, and the Ancestors to offer praise. I seek to establish ties, to offer to them and open to them in return.

The waters support and surround me.
The land extends about me.
The sky stretches out above me.
At the center burns a living flame.  
I call out to the Keeper of the Gates.
Though I walk on uncertain paths,
Though I travel on unmapped ground,
Guide me, ward me, and relay my voice
As I offer prayers and praise.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin.

I call out to my ancestors, those who came before me, you of my blood and you of my heart. I seek to give you praise, to remember you now, and to honour you.

Think on your ancestors: see their faces, smile with joy at their presence. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

I call out to the spirits of this place, the spirits of nature who are the soul of this land. I seek to give you praise, to call out to you now, and to honour you.

Think on the nature spirits: the faeries of the wood, the spirits of the land. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

I call out to the deities, first children, eldest and wisest. It is you to whom we look for guidance, and you who grant the greatest blessings. I seek to give you praise, to honour you now, to give you due worship.

Think on the deities: the great ones who bless our lives, who watch over us and show us that unconditional love. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

Optional: If you have a patron deity, one that you might wish to offer to specifically, now is the time to do that. If not, simply move to the next portion.

Today, I have given of my praise and myself.
With love in my heart and devotion on my tongue
I call out now, with all my soul:
Accept these offerings!

Take a moment to visualize, as you shout this last statement, all of your blessings, praise, and intent flowing up to the gods, out to the spirits of nature, and down to the ancestors. Hold yourself in that moment, watching your praises flow from you, and prepare yourself for what may be offered in return.

Now, take your divination tool up. If you don’t have one, you can use an athame, feather, wand, or even your hand.

As I have given to the Powers, I open to them. If there are blessings to be had, what might the nature of those blessings be?

Draw three symbols: one for the Ancestors, one for the Nature Spirits, and one for the Deities. Examine each one, think about the omen offered, and consider how it might translate into blessings.

Now, take these omens and concentrate on them, holding forth a cup of water or other beverage, saying:

Indeed, the Powers offer me blessings. Now I seek the manifestation of those blessings, the outpouring from the Powers that offer them. To those who enter this exchange, pour forth your blessings into my cup!

Envision the blessings before you, either as a mist, or a vortex of energy, or as pictographic representations of individual blessings. Watch them pour into the cup, mixing and infusing with the liquid already inside.

This in my hands is a holy cup of magic, the great blessings offered to me as joyful return of my praises to the Kindreds. Here are the deep waters that flow within the earth and that rain from the sky. These are the waters of life!

I accept this blessing, and I drink it with love and knowledge of the Powers!


Now, with joy in my heart, I give thanks: To the Deities, thank you for your blessings. To the Nature Spirits, thank you for your blessings. To the Ancestors, thank you for your blessings. To all those Powers who have aided me, thank you for your blessings.

[If you made an offering to a patron above, make sure you thank him or her first: thank in the reverse order from invitation.]

To the Keeper of the Gates
For guiding me and warding me
Thank you for your protection.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.

Mother of all, to you I will return all things I have left unused. For supporting and upholding me in this rite, I thank you!

This rite is ended!

~Michael J Dangler

Did you know that when you eat or drink anything, whatever you are eating or drinking will become a part of your structure – this cannot be undone. With this in mind, here is a great way to incorporate Rune Magick into your actual physical being.

Runes are a magickal alphabet invented long ago, and these days are most often used for divination. With this spell, they can also be used to give yourself a huge boost of energy and power as well. To familiarize yourself with Runes and what they mean you can visit the following posts on the Divination website:

The way this works, is that we are going to make some amazing and delicious Rune Cookies. And then, using an “If…Then” magickal technique, we are going to incorporate the Living Energy of your chosen Rune (or Runes) into your physical being.

  • Note:

This is a great idea for a coven or group. The cookies can be made in advance and then shared with the group in a ritual setting. Alternatively, you can have a group of friends over for a Rune Cookie party.

First, make the cookies:

I found this recipe at benebelle wen. She has a great tutorial and lots of fun pictures to go with it. These black sesame shortbread rune cookies look like beautiful stone runes but are also absolutely delicious to eat.  The recipe is just for straightforward black sesame shortbread cookies. She took it a step further and turned the cookies into runes.

You’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2.5 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup of toasted black sesame seeds
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted softened butter
  • 1 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tablespoon whole milk

First, cream together the wet ingredients: the softened butter with the sugar, and then beat in the egg, and then add the whole milk.

Next, grind the toasted black sesame into a fine powder. You can use a mortar and pestle and while grinding, add some happy vibes by chanting mantras, or magickal rhymes.  I Am the Mother is a nice one, or you can use one of your own that you like.

Then sift in the all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder in with the grounded black sesame flour. This is the “dry” mix. Combine the dry and wet mix together to form a dough.

The recipe says to refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes. You can let it chill while you explore the various Runes and their meanings. Maybe you’ll get an idea for what you might want to incorporate into your consciousness and your life.

Roll the dough into about 3/4-inch balls, just a bit under 1 inch. You’ll want your hands floured while you work with this dough. Then use the bottom of a glass to stamp the balls down into flat discs. Make sure the bottom of the whiskey glass is evenly floured or else your dough balls with stick to the glass.

Use a dull knife to carve the rune symbols into the discs. A cheese knife or butter knife will work just fine. You can carve just the Rune symbols that you have decided to incorporate into your life, or you can make a full set of Runes. It’s up to you.

Bake in an oven preheated to 350 degrees F for 12 – 15 minutes.

These cookies are not just for looks. They’re tasty. Light, buttery, sweet but not over-the-top sweet, and rich with that black sesame flavor and aroma. Yum!

Now for the If… Then Technique

Because we are planning to purposely incorporate the energy of the Runes into our physical selves, it will be important to decide which Rune (or Runes) you would like to use. I would suggest no more than three. Any left over cookies can be frozen and used at a later time.

Ok, so now that you’ve selected the Rune cookie of choice. Pick it up, and realize that once you take a bite and swallow, this cannot be undone.

Say out aloud:

  • “If I eat this, that will mean I will have instant access to ….
    …. state the key qualities of the Rune that you wish to incorporate.”

Take a bite! Take your time and savor the flavor as you chew and swallow the cookie. Repeat three times. You can either take three bites of the same cookie, or eat three separate cookies.

Variations can include:

  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will become…”
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…”
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have…”
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will be able to…”
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…”

For example, if you choose the Uruz Rune, it might sound like this:

  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will have instant access to…
    …Limitless potential, infinite possibilities, sustained strength, renewal, and untamed power.
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I’m going to enjoy…
    …Physical strength and speed, and untamed potential.
  • If I eat this, then it will mean that I will experience…
    …A time of great energy and health.

What follows is a simple purification ritual that can be used on crystals and stones, and other sacred objects. This rite is best done at sunrise or during the day, on your altar (if you have one) or on any table that can be used for this purpose.

Fill a basin with pure water and place this to the west on the table or altar. Next, light a red candle and set this to the south. Light some incense and place this to the east. Finally, place a dish or flowerpot filled with freshly dug earth to the north on the altar. In between all these objects, set the stone (or stones) to be purified.

When all is readied, still your mind and pick up the stone in your projective (dominant) hand. Turn your attention toward the bowl of earth. Place the stone on it and cover with fresh earth. Say something to the effect of:

I purify you with earth!

Leave the stone there for a few minutes, all the while visualizing the earth absorbing the stone’s impurities. Then remove it, dust it clean, and hold it in the incense smoke. Pass it nine times through the smoke, from the right to the left, saying words like these:

I purify you with air!

Next, quickly pass the stone through the candle’s flame several times, saying:

I purify you with fire!

The fire burns away all negativity. Now place the stone in the water and say this or your own words:

I purify you with water!

Visualize the water washing it clean. Leave the stone in the water for a time, then dry it with a clean cloth and hold it in your receptive hand. Is the stone “clean”? If not, repeat this simple ritual as many times as necessary, until your are sure it has done it’s work. Afterward, store the stone in a special place. It is ready for use in magick.

From: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic

Here is a great winter solstice ritual to bring in the unconquered sun. It’s very powerful, and requires no special ingredients.

About an hour before sunrise, plant yourself outside, preferably on a hill, or the top of a building. Face the direction where the sun will rise and begin to call the sun. Forcefully project the sound so that you imagine your body shaking; then the room or space where you are shakes; then the world, and finally the whole universe – by which time, you should be sweating. Eventually, you will feel that the sound is coming through, rather than from you.

Names or mantras you can use include the following:

  • Shamash (Babylonian)
  • Amun Ra (Egyptian)
  • Sulis (Celtic)
  • Helios (Greek)
  • Surya (Vedic)
  • Sol Invictus (Roman)
  • Inti (Incan)

If it feels more comfortable, you can preface the name with “Hail, Hello, Wake Up,” or something similar. It may also help to begin the call more quietly, and gradually increasing the volume as you grow more comfortable with it.

When the edge of the sun becomes visible above the horizon, drop into a prayer position and remain so until the sun is completely risen. In the event of a cloudy morning, when the sky begins to brighten, you can imagine that the sun is becoming visible.

Note: This is something really powerful to do as a group.

Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy.

Here is a simple ritual to invoke her blessings:

  • Set up your altar with a picture of Kwan Yin and either a stick or a cone of lotus incense.
  • Bow 3 times to Kwan Yin
  • Offer one or more glasses of water which Kwan Yin will bless.

Invite Kwan Yin to come to you and appear. Bring the palms of your hands together as if in prayer. Recite the following:

May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon this household!
May the Light of Kwan Yin be in my soul!
May the Wisdom of Kwan Yin be in my mind!
May the Virtue and Purity of Kwan Yin be in my feelings!
May the Strength and Vitality of Kwan Yin be among the members of my household!
May the Health and Well-Being of Kwan Yin be manifest through out my body, and radiate through the garments I wear!
May the Grace of Kwan Yin be in my worship!
May the Talents and Genius of Kwan Yin be manifest through my senses!
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon me”

Recite the following short mantra 10 times:

Na Mo Kwan Yin Boddhisattva.

Finally, drink the water blessed by Kwan Yin. This water now has healing powers.

Dedicate this practice of the Kwan Yin Great compassion Mantra to the benefit and enlightenment of all beings.
Close your shrine in whatever way feels appropriate.

Found at: Order of the White Moon


This spell is dangerous on many levels. First, it calls for the use of herbs that are poisonous, and possibly illegal. Secondly, it calls for whirling around with a pot of smoking hot herbs over your head. Thirdly, evil spirits are in and of themselves dangerous.

The Spell:

Drawing a circle from seven to nine feet in radius, in the center of which a wood fire is kindled- The wood selected being black poplar, pine or larch never ash. A fumigation in an iron vessel, heated over the fire, is then made out of a mixture of any four or five of the following substances:

  • Hemlock (2 – 3 ounces),
  • Henbane (1 to 1 1/2 ounces),
  • Saffron (3 ounces),
  • Poppy seed (any amount),
  • Aloe (3 drachms),
  • Opium (1/4 ounces),
  • Asafoetida (2 ounces),
  • Solanum (2 to 3 drachms),
  • Parsley (any amount.)

As soon as the vessel is placed over the fire so that it can heat, the person who would invoke the spirit that can bestow upon him the property of metamorphosing into a wolf kneels within the circle, and prays a preliminary impromptu prayer. He then resorts to an incantation.

“Hail, Hail, Hail, great wolf spirit, Hail!
A boon I ask thee, mighty shade.
Within this circle I have made.
Make me a werewolf strong and bold.
The terror alike of young and old.
Grant me a figure tall and spare;
The speed of the elk, the claws of the bear;
The poison of snakes, the wit of the fox;
The stealth of the wolf, the strength of the ox;
The jaws of the tiger, the teeth of the shark;
The eyes of a cat that sees in the dark;
Make me climb like a monkey, scent like a dog;
Swim like a fish, and eat like a hog.
Haste, Haste, Haste, lonely spirit, Haste!
Here, wan and drear, magic spell making,
Findest thou me – shaking, quaking.
Softly fan me as I lie.
And thy mystic touch apply.
Touch apply, and I swear that when I die,
When I die, I will serve thee evermore,
Evermore, in grey wolf land, cold and raw.”

The incantation concluded, the supplicant then kisses the ground three times, and advances to the fire, takes off the iron vessel, and whirling it smoking round his head, cries out;

“Make me a werewolf! Make me a man-eater!
Make me a werewolf! Make me a woman-eater!
Make me a werewolf! Make me a child-eater!
I pine for blood! Human blood!
Give it to me! Give it to me tonight!
Great Wolf Spirit! Give it to me, and heart, body, and soul, I am yours!”

The trees begin to rustle, and the wind begins to moan, and out of the sudden darkness that envelops everything glows the tall, cylindrical, pillar-like phantom of the Unknown, seven or eight feet in height. It sometimes develops further, and assumes the form of a tall, thin monstrosity, half human and half animal, grey and nude, with very long legs and arms, and the feet and claws of a wolf, but surrounded with the hair of a women, that falls about its bare shoulders in yellow ringlets.

It has wolf’s ears and a wolf’s mouth. Its aquiline nose and pale eyes are fashioned like those of a human being, but animated with an expression too diabolically malignant to proceed from anything but the super-physical. It seldom ever speaks, but either utters some extraordinary noise-a prolonged howl that seems to proceed from the bowels of the earth, a piercing, harrowing whine, or a low laugh of hellish glee, any of which sounds may be taken for its assent to the favor asked.

It only remains visible for a minute at the most, and then disappears with startling abruptness. The supplicant is now a werewolf. He undergoes his first metamorphoses into wolf form the following evening at sunset, reassuming his human shape at dawn; and so on, day after day, till his death, when he may once more metamorphose either from man form or wolf form, or vice versa, his corpse retaining which ever form assumed at the moment of death. As far as I know from this process once a werewolf always a werewolf is an inviolable rule.

From: Werwolves by Elliott O’Donnell

In this ritual the Greek Goddess Nemesis, a deity of fate and vengeance, is seen in the role of being the complementary opposite of ones ego referring to the inner self as the center of both personalities. Habits and actions taken against ones real desires create the opposite to the same degree and thereby form an anti-personality of ones ego, which in this case is identified with the principle of Nemesis.

Disturbances on the plane of reality due to actions against ones subconscious desires can be eliminated by ritual union with this personal demon-sister/brother and enable one to reach ones inner self, which is defined as the mean value of both the personalities.

The effect of this ritual, if performed correctly, would by definition be fatal. Therefore the operation is strictly limited to the part of the psyche which the magician wishes to explore. A Sigil representing this portion of the psyche is forcibly activated during the ritual in order that the magician may seek answers to his problems within the chosen area in the personality.

No specific wishes or desires can be used for this purpose, only general ones. This is a necessary restriction to avoid being overwhelmed by any unpleasant effects. The magician should be aware of this when constructing the Sigil.

Nemesis Conjuration:

Posture of the Rune Perthro

The ritual is performed sitting on the ground in the posture of the Rune Perthro. The head may rest on the lower part of the arms, and the face should be covered by the cowl of the robe.

Perthro is the rune of fate. Perthro is not a gentle or passive rune, although it is aligned with a feminine polarity.

Perthro is the relentless force of water. Unstoppable, controllable only to a point, and then, suddenly – with no warning – the water is out of control, drowning everything and smashing it to bits and pieces as flotsam is slammed and hammered into buildings or structures. Perth clears a path for change.

Statement of intent:

It is my will to take a step towards the center of my self by union with my opposite through this Sigil!

Creating the Sigil:

Write out your statement of intent, modifying it in any way that feels appropriate. Then remove all the vowels from the sentence, and rewrite all the remaining letters. Next remove all the repeating letters so that it’s now just a string of non repeating consonants. Make a symbol or picture by combining the remaining letters with the Perthro symbol. Play with your design until it looks aesthetically pleasing to you and the combination of the letters are hidden. In other words, you want it to look not at all like what it started out to be.

Now, let the meaning of the symbol, let your statement of intent go completely. Allow yourself to forget the Symbol’s meaning, forget the desire behind the original sentence completely. Remembering the desire ruins the ultimate effect. Destroy all the things you’ve written to make the Sigil. Let nothing be a reminder of its meaning. Remember only what it looks like.

Charging the Sigil:

This specific Sigil will be charged by having the image of it in your mind as you do the conjuration:

The following incantation is given while visualizing a winged figure of opposite sex who approaches the magician. The figure wears the chosen Sigil on his/her breast and is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.


Come to me oh Nemesis,
mighty, terrifying and beloved sister.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the goddess of my god,

you, who are the demon of my demon.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are the demon of my god,

you, who are the goddess of my demon.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are part of me which I am not,

you, who are the counterbalance on the scales of my fate.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, whose wings carry us to our mutual central Kia.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
you, who are my ultimate fear,
you, who are my ultimate desire.
you, with whom to unite is the sigh of
ecstasy and the silence of death.

Come to me oh Nemesis,
for you are my path and I am our aim
I call upon you to meet me in this Sigil.

Come to me oh Nemesis
and guide me through this Sigil to our mutual central Kia!

Start hyperventilation during the reading out of the incantation. The visualized figure with the Sigil coming closer and closer to finally melt into your own body. When this point is reached shout out:

(I move the wings of the secret wisdom within me!)

End the ritual with laughter – this will banish any negativity, and cleanse and heal you and your surroundings.

From: Chaos Matrix

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

Christmas !

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