Monthly Archives: December 2016
The following is of archaic Celtic origin. On the surface it is a triple recital of the thirteen months of the lunar year. Each word, however, is the name of one of the sacred trees, which in turn each have deep philosophical and magickal implications. Additionally, the thirteen, taken in sequence, tell in rich detail the life of the Sacred King and the archaic Legend of the Goddess.
All Witches should know or be strongly encouraged to study and research the hidden meanings behind this, working from the material provided by the poet Robert Graves (The White Goddess) .
Very powerful when done as a group, this chant can be done by the solitary practitioner as well. Provided here are the instructions for a group ritual, which can then be adjusted to suit an individual practice.
Prior to commencing the chant, everyone gathers in the circle, with the implications of the chant being described by whoever is leading the ritual. Pause in silence for a period of thirteen heartbeats while everyone meditates on what has been said, then the leader of the ritual intones the words of the chant loudly and in a rich voice. The chant is recited with all in the circle responding, three or nine times, as deemed appropriate. The chant is closed with the final invocation. If available, incense may be thrown into an incense brazier at the close of the chant. Everyone should remain silent for a while afterwords.
Here is the chant, which is repeated by all in the circle, slowly, and sounding each letter long and resonantly:
Repeat three or nine times as desired. I personally like the idea of repeating each individual name three times, and then repeating the entire sequence three times (which adds up to nine).
The leader of the circle closes with the following calling:
Solo Tibi Cordis,
Quotidianam Facio,
Blessed Be!
From: A Grimoire of Shadows
This is something nice to do as a substitute for the New Years Resolutions we make and break every year.
Make a list of the real wants and needs that you have within you. Maybe you need to give yourself more time, or speak out about the desire for recognition of the person you really are… Only you know what you really want and need. Write it down.
Now, consider the whole nature of gift giving and the appropriateness of the things you yourself have given and received this year. Then, make a present to yourself of one of the things you just listed.
If it requires a phone call, make that call. If it means something must be purchased and you can’t afford it, start by putting pennies in a jar. Do you need to rearrange your schedule? Enroll in a class? Whatever it is… get started right now, today.
Need some help taking that first small step.? Here’s a small blessing spell from me to you:
Take, and welcome joy within you:
Showers, flowers, powers,
Hatfulls, capfulls, lapfulls,
Treasures, measures, pleasures,
All be yours to enjoy.
Blessed Be.
Verse from The Celtic Devotional
Here is an old old spell you can use as a way to say farewell to the Solstice and make a wish for the coming twelve months. It’s less dangerous than it seems, though care should always be taken.
Fill a shallow dish with raisins and pour a few spoonfuls of brandy over them. As you pour the brandy, say the following:
You shall receive whatever gift you may name,
as far as wind dries, rain wets, sun revolves;
as far as sea encircles and earth extends.
Put out the lights, then set the brandy on fire. While it is still going, snatch one of the raisins from the flames. As you put the raisin in your mouth, make a wish. It will be granted in the next twelve months.
When doing this with a group, each person gets just one raisin. when doing it alone, you can pull out 3 raisins and make three wishes.
- 1 amethyst cluster
- 2 crystal points
- 1 bag of sea salt
- Black bag
- Black votive candle in candle holder and matches
- Candy or something sweet to eat
You can make a new start any time, but some times are better than others. When the moon is new, she lends her energy to new beginnings.
The first month of the New Year is also a wonderful time to have a new beginning. The New Year is a strong and special time to wipe the slate clean. You can release all the old negativity. Get rid of old grudges and grievances.
Doing the ritual within twenty days of your birthday is also a powerful time. The time of each person’s birth has special power for that person. Now is the time for your happiness. Now is the time for you to have more love. Now is the time for you to have more abundance. Now is the time for you to have more luck.
Now is the time for YOU!
Getting Ready For The Ritual
To clean the amethyst cluster and quartz crystal points, boil 3 cups of water. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt. When the water is cool, pour it over the amethyst cluster and crystal points. Let the cluster and points dry in sunlight. If you can’t put them outside you can place them in a window where the sun will shine on them.
To give extra strength to the ritual clean your home before doing the ritual. As you clean think that you are “sweeping out the old negativity”. Bathe with strawberry soap or bath gel. Dress in dark colored clothes.
Place the amethyst cluster, quartz crystal points, sea salt, candle and holder, matches, bag and the sweet in a basket or bag and carry them in your right hand to the room where you spend the most time in your home. This can be the living room, den, kitchen, bedroom or any other room that you use most often. Take the items out of the basket with your left hand and place them on a table that you have already cleared and cleaned.
As you light the candle say:
I light the fire that burns the old
This fire burns away past regrets
This fire burns away past hurts
Take a pinch of sea salt in your right hand and toss it over your left shoulder and say:
With this salt I banish negativity
With this salt I refuse old hurts
With this salt I get rid of sorrow
Take the amethyst cluster in your left hand and say:
The power of abundance flows to me
Health, love and protection flow to me
I feel the power of abundance in me
Take both of the quartz crystal points in your left hand and say:
I hold all I need in my hand
The River of abundance is in my hand
Health, love and protection is in my hand
Eat the candy or sweet and say:
Only the sweet flows in my life
Only the good flows in my life
Only the best flows in my life
Let the candle burn out. Place the amethyst cluster where you will see it often. Put 1 crystal quartz point in the most southern corner of the room, with point pointing to the south. Put the other point in the bag and keep it with you or put it somewhere safe.
Now begin that wonderful life you deserve! This ritual may be repeated every 3 months to reinforce the good flow. Enjoy your new life!
Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.
The Iroquois believe our souls communicate to us through our dreams. This spell is best done with like-minded friends.
Gather any objects that appear in your dreams from January 1st to January 10th. It is believed that if you find the objects in your dreams, good luck will be yours for the year because you have given your soul what it desires.
On the night of the January 10, share a potluck feast with your friends. Set the table with a purple cloth for intuition and with a green candle for luck. Have everyone bring the objects they have collected. Share your insights with each other.
~courtesy of Lily Gardner-Butts
[Editor’s Note: If you are having trouble finding the patience for Yule (or any other day) to come around, try the following spell designed to speed up your experience of time so that it goes faster for you.]
There are many spells to accelerate time for the caster. This spell is designed to make time fly, or at least feel like it is. Begin by outlining your altar with roses to form a circle. Next, light three candles and place them upon your alter. Cast your magick circle and repeat the following words:
“Father time by these candles three,
make my days, hours and minutes flee.
I cannot wait as the candles burn.
Time, time, quickly turn.”
If the candles are blown out, assume that your spell worked. If not, repeat the process at a later time until they do.
From: Simple Magick
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