Monthly Archives: September 2016
This is a very simple magickal procedure that allows you to find a place in nature that you can go to whenever you have a need to feel loved.
Because this is a tree spell, all you need is a place that you can easily go where there are trees and a little privacy. This could be your own back yard, a park in your neighborhood, or any place you know of that seems appropriate. Even a cemetery will do just fine.
First, set in your mind the idea that you are going to find your own “Loving Tree.” Then, begin your search.
Go to each tree, choosing first the ones that appeal to you the most. Touch the tree trunk. You can either stand against it with your back touching the tree, you can hug it if you want to, or you can simply place the palms of your hands on the tree trunk. You will need to actually touch some part of the tree, so if the tree’s trunk isn’t accessible, touch the lower branches.
Then, close your eyes and feel the energy. What does it feel like? If if feels like a surge of power, you have found a “Power Tree. ” Take time to notice whatever feelings you have when you are touching the tree. Some trees are “Laughing Trees,” and you know this right away, because you immediately feel like laughing.
If at first you feel nothing, be patient. It may take a little bit of time for the tree’s energy to reveal itself to you. You’ll know your “Loving Tree” when you find it, because you will feel happiness and peace as well as a feeling of love and being loved.
If no tree seems right, you may need to consider looking in a different place. However, before you give up on your chosen spot, see if there are any large shrubs in the area, try one or two of them. My “Loving Tree” is actually an Autumn Olive, a very small shrub like tree – very beautiful. Birds and butterflies love her too.
Crafted by Sunshine Rose Buletti
This spell won’t make you get excellent grades from failing grades overnight. However it does make it easier for you to learn things and understand them more quickly. I did this spell for a friend of mine and it ended up working for both of us! It is best done during a waxing moon.
You will need:
- Gold candle
- Yellow candle
- Orange candle
- Cinnamon incense
- Mint
- Mace
- Oil of your choice.
Line up the candles with the gold in the middle. Mix the mint, mace and oil together an anoint the candles with the mixture, and then light them.
I invoke thee Zagzagel to aid me in my ___ and understanding.
Please bring out my full potential in all I do.
An harm ye none so mote it be.
This is a spell to create a happy home. For this spell, gather the following items:
- 1 white candle
- White paper and a pen with red ink (or Dove’s blood ink)
First hold the white candle in both hands and think of all your sorrows and why things are the way they are.
Set the candle down and write down all of your worries, disappointments, and fears on the white paper. Anoint this paper and your writing with honey. Fold it three times.
Light the candle and slowly burn the paper carefully with a fireproof bowl below it. As you do this, chant:
Sadness to the flames
Spirit of Fire quenches my pain
As you chant, visualize your home being happy. If you have children, you could visualize your children well fed and happy, your husband or partner playing with the children and you smiling through it all. For other home situations, visualize whatever it is that would bring happiness to your home.
Repeat for as long as is needed.
Spell By Rose Ariadne
Fate, it is said, may be influenced in your favor if you know your personal magic word.
To find it, light a white candle and sit facing south. Take a dictionary; close your eyes and turn the book around several times so that you are unaware of which way it is facing.
Eyes closed, fan the pages until you feel compelled to stop at a certain page.
Eyes still closed, wander about the page using your forefinger until you feel inclined to pause. Open your eyes, look at the word under your finger. If there is more than one word, pick the first that jumps out at you from the page. This is your magic word.
You can remind yourself of your magic word mentally or verbally whenever you wish to tune in to a situation, or whenever you feel you need a boost of energy. It will change the vibration around you and attract good influences.
Important note:
It is better not to talk about your word too much – if at all. The more you verbalize about it, the less power it will have. Too much talking about something, particularly something sacred and magical, tends to dilute the energy. This does not mean that your word must be a “secret”. It does mean that it is important to keep your “magic word” to yourself, and for sure do not share it with anyone who would make light of it, or belittle you in any way.
Found in: The Good Spell Book
For hundreds of years the Psalms have been used with surprising results for helping to solve many of the problems that arise from daily living. Pow Wow, or Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Magick, uses the Psalms extensively with good success. If you would like to try it, the following list will aid you in deciding which Psalm to use for your problem.
When using the Psalms, it is important to softly sound the words so that the vibrations gently fall or vibrate upon your ears. If you can chant the Psalm in this soft tone, so much the better. At the end of the Psalm, imagine/petition your desire with as few words as possible.
- To bring peace or blessings to the home – Psalm 1, 128
- To cast out evil influences from another – Psalm 29
- To change an unhappy situation into a happy one – Psalm 16
- So daily needs can be obtained and avoid harm – Psalm 77
- For defense against enemies, rivals, and assailants – Psalms 3, 59, 70
- To do good and avoid evil – Psalm 87
- For anyone who drinks too much – Psalm 87
- If enemies caused you to lose money and be mistrusted – Psalm 41 and 43 (3 times daily for 3 days with appropriate prayer to your situation.)
- For possession by an evil spirit – Psalm 66
- If appearing before a judge and want a favorable verdict – Psalm 20
- To free yourself from harmful or evil habits – Psalm 69
- To have good luck in all you do – Psalm 57
- To receive grace, love, and mercy – Psalm 32
- To bring harmony between people or groups – Psalm 133
- To receive Holy Blessings – Psalm 62
- So idle gossip will not harm you or cause agitation – Psalm 36
- For illness or bad health – Psalm 23, 35, 38
- If the law is taking measures to punish you – Psalm 35
- To be respected and loved by others – Psalm 47
- To keep the love of friends and acquire more friends – Psalm 133
- To make your home lucky – Psalm 61
- To petition for material needs (money, food, clothing, etc.) – Psalm 41
- To have more friends – Psalm 111
- Before moving into a new home for luck and blessings – Psalm 61
- To rid yourself of strong negative influences – Psalm 19
- To overcome an enemy in a just manner – Psalm 70
- To overcome trouble and loss from business partners – Psalm 63
- To bring peace and harmony between families – Psalm 98
- For protection from an enemy who will not leave you alone – Psalm 109
- To receive justice and a favorable hearing from a lawsuit – Psalm 119
- For reconciling between man and wife – Psalm 45, 46
- To reconcile with an enemy – Psalm 16
- To release from the heart deep seated hate, envy, and spite – Psalm 137
- To remove negative influences you feel around yourself – Psalm 10
- To be accepted, liked, and respected by all – Psalm 47
- To revenge yourself from secret enemies – Psalm 53 – 55
- To be safe from any planned robberies or danger – Psalm 50
- For safety if traveling alone at night – Psalm 122
- For someone in prison to be released early – Psalm 26
- For a person who wishes greater spiritual awareness – Psalm 99
- For spiritual support in stress or affliction – Psalm 3, 25, 54
- For thanksgiving or recovery from illness – Psalm 30
- For a safe ending in your travels – Psalm 34
- For trouble by slander – Psalm 38, 39
- For all your undertakings to be fortunate and advantageous – Psalm 65
- To protect against unjust slander – Psalm 36
- To win a lawsuit if opposed by an unjust or revengeful person – Psalm 35
From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas
Combined with the Law of Names is the Law of Words of Power. This law is greatly used today, some think its usage is over exaggerated. Words or terms like teacher, professor, doctor, technician, priest, the Pope hold some people in awe.
For example, many, especially Catholics, are just as overwhelmed by the Pope as ancient people were of the village witch doctor or sorcerer. They believe him to be holy and possess a higher power which illustrates the Pope or witch doctor only possess the power which people give them. If their authority was not recognized by the people their power would be worthless.
In the above example the Pope who is widely recognized is given respect. But, the reverse can also be true, strange and mysterious words can effect people differently. The word “abracadabra” can have a great effect on some people, especially those uneducated or who believe in magic, particularly when it is spoken by someone they respect. The word “abracadabra” has no meaning by itself; however, its significance comes from its mysteriousness to the listeners and the authority of the one saying it. It the listeners have little or no regard for either the word or the speaker then “abracadabra” loses all effect on the audience.
The power of the sound of words is demonstrated in chanting which was used by ancient peoples as it is by Neo-pagans. Chanting is the repetition of words and sounds which usually are meaningful to the ones chanting them. It is employed in religious, ceremonial and magical rites. Chanting, often combined with dancing, drumming, rattling and hand-clapping is generally performed to alter the consciousness and raise power.
Found at: The Mystica
Light a green candle and sprinkle some mint around the base of it. (This can be mint leaves, mint essential oil, or even a handful of peppermints.)
Sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax. See yourself as the energy of prosperity. Be the energy of prosperity. Imagine that you are in the center of a radiating circle of prosperity.
Chant out loud or repeat in your mind:
Circle, circle, round, round
Round, round, circle, round.
Do this for however long is comfortable. Open your eyes, remind yourself that you are the energy of prosperity. Put out the candle or allow it to burn down.
Note: This spell is best performed when the moon is full, however it can be used any time you feel a need.
Source unknown
This is a spell to be done on the night of a full moon:
In a moment,
hold out your hands in front of you,
as though you were holding
a sphere
the size of a small melon.
Imagine that you are holding the moon.
The full moon.. is in your hands.. and you are holding it.
you can see it..
bright and shining in your hands
just like it is bright and shining in the sky.
Into this sphere,
I want you to pour all your troubles,
all your cares,
all your worries
and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds
and make our thinking unclear
and our motivation murky.
Let them all pour into this amazing container –
thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future,
all of it.
It’s quick once it gets going.
When you have poured in all your current cares,
take the sphere in both hands,
lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.
back up into the sky.
each day as the moon wanes..
your troubles are waning along with it..
Take a deep breath
and enjoy.
Source: Unknown
Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.
Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.
Write your problem on a slip of paper. Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.
Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.
Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon. Bury the apple.
Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…
Spell by: Rose Ariadne
The idea is to relax in your personal meditational spot – you know where it’s nice, cozy, silent and you’re sure not to be disturbed for at least half an hour, and build up some Zee Energy. Burn some frankincense or copal incense or whatever works for you.
When you think you’ve reached a highly charged, powerful state envision a cone of power going counter-clockwise (for banishing) like a cyclone above your house, slowly bring the cone down into your house and envision all the little nasty energies being taken up into the cyclone squealing and kicking and being enveloped by the giant cone.
Drive the cone down below your house and deep into the earth, using the earth’s magnetic field to rise through the cone and clear out all the little nasty creatures and energies. Once you are sure nothing is clinging, when you feel that the earth energy has cleared it, take the cone back up into your house and go through the process again, a little bit stronger and more determined this time, so as any smart little things can be washed out in the “rinse cycle”.
Again, plunge the cone deep into the earth and clear it again. When it has cleared, allow the cone rise out of your house, high into the sky, and disperse into the sunshine.
Relax and feel the positive energy and the lack of negativity in your house. Focus now on positive thoughts and the things that you love. All is well.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
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Mauro: Ritual To Become A Werewolf
Mauro: Becoming A Werewolf Ritual
Janet Silva: Wheel of Fortune Change Your Luck Spell
Linda: Sweet Thoughts Bottle Spell
AnnD: Chant For Guidance