Archangels and the Angelic Host, uplift me with your expanded Light and Love. I am ready to receive your guidance and radiance on the multi-dimensional levels of my being so that I may expand my dedication as a Light Worker and increase the Light that I hold, working for the good of humankind and for the good of Planet Earth.
Archangels Michael and Faith, protect me and increase my faith. Help me align my will with the Divine Will. Help me bring the energy of all that I Am and all that I have ever been into true attunement with Source. Energize me with purpose and majesty. Gift me with the power of the first ray of GOD.
Archangels Jophiel and Constance (Christine), illuminate me with wisdom, insight, and the ray of enlightened Love. Help me to meditate upon the Light. Help me to see and be the Light that I Am and radiate this light to others. Energize me with constant attunement and application of the love and light. Gift me with the power of the second ray of GOD.
Archangels Chamuel and Charity, resonate divine love and gratitude to me so that by the Law of Resonance, I may experience the fullness of divine love and then administer truth, love and light to others. Help me to forgive myself and others in order to dissolve Karma and evolve Love. Energize me so that I may carry adoring love into activity and assist in accomplishing GOD’s Divine Plan on Earth. Gift me with the power of the third ray of GOD.
Archangels Gabriel and Hope, assist me in the resurrection of my emotional, mental, etheric, and physical bodies and personality self into my Higher or Christed Self. Grant me the eternal hope necessary to sustain and maintain myself during this time of transformation and acceleration. Energize me so that I may walk in purity and bring the sweet essence of harmony to the conflict that spins out upon the face of Earth. Help me to be myself an expression of the Divine, the face of peace everlasting. Gift me with the power of the fourth ray of GOD.
Archangels Raphael and Mary, heal and align my physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies and help me to be a vehicle for healing others. Assist me in developing concentration. Help me dedicate myself to the path of ascension for Earth and self. Help me to pierce within the heart of Creation and draw forth what is needed as a model to heal separation. Gift me with the power of the fifth ray of GOD.
Archangels Uriel and Aurora Grace, Great Doves of Peace, bring peace to my body, feelings, and mind so that I can live in a state of Grace and be a signpost of peace to others. Energize me with ray of devotion and ministration so that I may be as a guardian angel to others. Gift me with the power of the sixth ray of GOD.
Archangels Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, help me transmute fear into love and assist me in calling for that which I need for my re-emergence into Higher Consciousness. Envelope me in the violet flame of freedom that your ray implies. Help invocation, transmutation, and transformation become the ceremony of each holy day that I may take part in ushering in the Golden Age. Gift me with the power of the seventh ray of GOD.
Source: Dr Joshua David Stone
Beloved Grand Master Melchizedek, I call you forth into my life as a guiding force of God current. I ask for alignment with your thought-form of Sacred Wisdom. I ask to merge with your resplendent Light Body so that I may reflect the splendor of Universal benevolence and enlightenment. I ask to bathe in your Spacious Heart and in the refined frequencies that bear your hallowed golden signature.
Melchizedek, transport me up to the Thrones by your mercy and open my God Eyes so I may glimpse a reflection of my Origin. Help me drink in the image and lock the vision into the Present Now.
Help me to travel the pathways of memory, tracing my Divine Heritage, owning my Power, sensing my Glory, deciphering my distant past and Glorified future.
As I call my Spirit back into Me from all incarnations, Help me to come as I Am into the fullness of Who I am and walk the Earth.
Melchizedek, please fill me with your blessings and encodements of light. Activate my chakra system and higher bodies with the touch of your Rod of Power. Help me to be a true Melchizedek Initiate-reflecting love, wisdom, and power of the One Most High in my thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions. Help the Ideal become real to me. Thank you.
~source: Dr Joshua David Stone
This prayer can help you open, or increase, your ability to see psychically. For extra clairvoyant power, hold a clear quartz crystal up to your third eye (the area between your two eyebrows) while saying this prayer:
Divine light, please enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity, and the ability to clearly see across the veil. Powerful Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye!
Archangels Hamiel, Jeremiel, Raphael, and Raziel, I thank you for your Magical Divine energies and assistance with my spiritual sight now!
Victorious Horus, thank you for stationing your eye in front of my own, so that I may see multidimensionally like you!
Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending me energy from your third eye to my own so that I may see love in everything and everyone!
Dearest Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for fully opening me up to see truth, beauty, light, and eternal life!
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
If your cat, dog, or other animal has a physical challenge, then you’ll want to call upon the great animal healers in Heaven to help and heal. As you say this prayer, either look at your pet in the flesh or in your mind, or gaze at a photo of your beloved furry friend:
Healers in Heaven, I love [name of pet] with all my heart. Please join my love with yours and send it to [name of pet].
- Dearest Aine, I ask that you surround my pet with your bright silver energy of peace and happiness.
- Dearest Raphael, I ask that you encircle my pet with your emerald-green energy of health and wellness.
- Dearest Dana, I ask that you help my pet’s system to be balanced and in its natural state of vitality.
- Dearest Saint Francis, I ask that you communicate with my pet and let me know what I can do to bring my pet comfort.
Thank you Aine . . . Raphael . . . Dana . . . Saint Francis . . . for your healing work. Thank you for my pet’s perfect health. Thank you for my pet’s comfort. Thank you for lifting our spirits. I now surrender this situation to you and God with complete faith and confidence.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Stand before your altar. Relax, and begin.
Feel the earth below you, the firm ground. Experience the earth as upholding you, as maintaining your weight. Feel the earth holding you, rather than you pushing against the earth.
Earth Mother, I stand upon you today and recognize that we begin with you and we will end with you. Uphold me now as I give praise, and support me as I receive blessing.
A child of the earth, I come before the Gods, the Spirits of Nature, and the Ancestors to offer praise. I seek to establish ties, to offer to them and open to them in return.
The waters support and surround me.
The land extends about me.
The sky stretches out above me.
At the center burns a living flame.
I call out to the Keeper of the Gates.
Though I walk on uncertain paths,
Though I travel on unmapped ground,
Guide me, ward me, and relay my voice
As I offer prayers and praise.
In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin.
I call out to my ancestors, those who came before me, you of my blood and you of my heart. I seek to give you praise, to remember you now, and to honour you.
Think on your ancestors: see their faces, smile with joy at their presence. If you have praise to give them, do so now.
I call out to the spirits of this place, the spirits of nature who are the soul of this land. I seek to give you praise, to call out to you now, and to honour you.
Think on the nature spirits: the faeries of the wood, the spirits of the land. If you have praise to give them, do so now.
I call out to the deities, first children, eldest and wisest. It is you to whom we look for guidance, and you who grant the greatest blessings. I seek to give you praise, to honour you now, to give you due worship.
Think on the deities: the great ones who bless our lives, who watch over us and show us that unconditional love. If you have praise to give them, do so now.
Optional: If you have a patron deity, one that you might wish to offer to specifically, now is the time to do that. If not, simply move to the next portion.
Today, I have given of my praise and myself.
With love in my heart and devotion on my tongue
I call out now, with all my soul:
Accept these offerings!
Take a moment to visualize, as you shout this last statement, all of your blessings, praise, and intent flowing up to the gods, out to the spirits of nature, and down to the ancestors. Hold yourself in that moment, watching your praises flow from you, and prepare yourself for what may be offered in return.
Now, take your divination tool up. If you don’t have one, you can use an athame, feather, wand, or even your hand.
As I have given to the Powers, I open to them. If there are blessings to be had, what might the nature of those blessings be?
Draw three symbols: one for the Ancestors, one for the Nature Spirits, and one for the Deities. Examine each one, think about the omen offered, and consider how it might translate into blessings.
Now, take these omens and concentrate on them, holding forth a cup of water or other beverage, saying:
Indeed, the Powers offer me blessings. Now I seek the manifestation of those blessings, the outpouring from the Powers that offer them. To those who enter this exchange, pour forth your blessings into my cup!
Envision the blessings before you, either as a mist, or a vortex of energy, or as pictographic representations of individual blessings. Watch them pour into the cup, mixing and infusing with the liquid already inside.
This in my hands is a holy cup of magic, the great blessings offered to me as joyful return of my praises to the Kindreds. Here are the deep waters that flow within the earth and that rain from the sky. These are the waters of life!
I accept this blessing, and I drink it with love and knowledge of the Powers!
Now, with joy in my heart, I give thanks: To the Deities, thank you for your blessings. To the Nature Spirits, thank you for your blessings. To the Ancestors, thank you for your blessings. To all those Powers who have aided me, thank you for your blessings.
[If you made an offering to a patron above, make sure you thank him or her first: thank in the reverse order from invitation.]
To the Keeper of the Gates
For guiding me and warding me
Thank you for your protection.
In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.
Mother of all, to you I will return all things I have left unused. For supporting and upholding me in this rite, I thank you!
This rite is ended!
There are quite a few steps to this ritual, and that is one of the things that makes it special.
If you are worried about “not having the right materials”, do not worry. You can substitute as you need, and use symbolism as you need (for example, if you don’t have a yule log, use a fallen tree branch, some twigs, etc…)
Take a warm bath with cinnamon, mint and rose petals to improve psychic awareness. Relax… let the warm sooth you, and consume you.
Decorate the sacred space with gold and silver spheres to represent the returning sun, and wreaths to symbolize the turning Wheel.
Have oak shavings ready as a base for your incense. Add any other personally meaningful herbs to this mixture and start burning it before the invocation to help prepare the sacred space.
Finally, put a candle representing the sun at the southern point of the circle.
Cover the altar with a pale green cloth – the color of early sprouts, which represents continuance. Add red berries for life’s blood; holly; ivy; and pine branches as a symbol of longevity. The pine also welcomes sylvan spirits to your circle.
Have a Yule log at the center point, placing there your God and Goddess candles. Always keep a part of the candles or the log itself for future years; this brings good luck, life, health and providence.
The Ritual
Take up your Athame, butter knife, or finger and Cast the Circle starting in the West, the region where several cultures believe the afterlife resides, the direction of the Dying Sun.
Take a moment to center yourself and begin to cast the Circle. Visualize a white light coming from the tip of the Athame and with arms straight out, turn the blade point out, slowly turning clockwise the light following you.
When you return to the West bring the athamé back to you and say: “As above, so below.” As you say this, visualize the light going above you and below you forming a perfect sphere.
Light the Goddess candle in the Yule log, then move to the Northern point in your Circle. This is the quarter traditionally ascribed to the season of winter.
- Face North and say:
“Ancient Mother, I look for your opulence, but tonight naught but barren trees decorate the land. In this restful moment, let my spirit find healing.”
- Face East and say:
“Ancient Brother, I listen for your winds, but tonight they are still. In this quiet darkness, help me find inspiration.”
- Face South and say:
“Ancient Father, I look for your fires, but tonight the embers only begin to glow more brightly. May this gentle warmth temper my spirit.”
- Face West and say:
“Ancient Sister, I seek your glistening tears, but tonight they are frozen. Beneath this cool blanket, let my emotions find stability.”
- Face center and say:
“Ancient Ones, I seek Your face, but tonight darkness surrounds. Help me find Your spark within to guide my path.”
Sit and close your eyes. Let any remaining tension drain away, then begin listening to the sound of silence. Smell the aromas of oak and herb. Feel the latent energy of everything around you and the magic you’ve placed there. Know it as your own.
Listen to your breath and your heartbeat. Sense the pulse and ebb within as the same energy without. Listen closely; does it whisper a message to you? Does it whisper a name? Do you hear the cry of an animal? Do you hear words that fill you with energy? Linger in this place between Earth and stars until you receive a message. Then return to normal levels of awareness, and write of this experience in your journal.
Turn toward the northern part of your circle.
Think of things that you want to banish, such as bad habits. Say:
“I call to the darkness. Come embrace my __________ (fill in with your negative characteristics).”
Take them to yourself. I release them. As the sun climbs in the sky, take these things with you in retreat, never to return to me again.”
Turn to the south of the circle, light the sun candle, and repeat this chant. Let it naturally grow to fill the entire space with positive vibrations:
“Strong sun, returning sun; the light burns as the Wheel turns. Strong sun, returning sun; the shadows fade; my magic bade. Strong sun, returning sun; the shadows flee, the magic is free!”
Return to the altar now and light the God candle, using the Goddess candle as a fire source (symbolic of the womb).
“Sun Father, Your journey has left you weary. May this light give you strength to reach toward the heavens again with warmth and brilliance.”
After saying so, go through your home and light all its candles, lamps, flashlights, or decorative lights to represent the sun’s return.
- Face West and say:
“Spirit of the West, thank you for cleansing body, mind, and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise purify Earth.”
- Face South and say:
“Spirit of the South, thank you for this warmth of body, mind and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise generate love on Earth.”
- Face East and say:
“Spirit of the East, thank you for this stillness of body, mind and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise bring peace to Earth.”
- Face North and say:
“Spirit of the North, thank you for healing me in body, mind, and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise heal Earth.”
- Face Center and say:
“Ancient Ones, thank you for turning the Wheel that enlightens body, mind, and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise edify Earth.”
From: Rose Ariadne
Here is a great winter solstice ritual to bring in the unconquered sun. It’s very powerful, and requires no special ingredients.
About an hour before sunrise, plant yourself outside, preferably on a hill, or the top of a building. Face the direction where the sun will rise and begin to call the sun. Forcefully project the sound so that you imagine your body shaking; then the room or space where you are shakes; then the world, and finally the whole universe – by which time, you should be sweating. Eventually, you will feel that the sound is coming through, rather than from you.
Names or mantras you can use include the following:
- Shamash (Babylonian)
- Amun Ra (Egyptian)
- Sulis (Celtic)
- Helios (Greek)
- Surya (Vedic)
- Sol Invictus (Roman)
- Inti (Incan)
If it feels more comfortable, you can preface the name with “Hail, Hello, Wake Up,” or something similar. It may also help to begin the call more quietly, and gradually increasing the volume as you grow more comfortable with it.
When the edge of the sun becomes visible above the horizon, drop into a prayer position and remain so until the sun is completely risen. In the event of a cloudy morning, when the sky begins to brighten, you can imagine that the sun is becoming visible.
Note: This is something really powerful to do as a group.
Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy.
Here is a simple ritual to invoke her blessings:
- Set up your altar with a picture of Kwan Yin and either a stick or a cone of lotus incense.
- Bow 3 times to Kwan Yin
- Offer one or more glasses of water which Kwan Yin will bless.
Invite Kwan Yin to come to you and appear. Bring the palms of your hands together as if in prayer. Recite the following:
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon this household!
May the Light of Kwan Yin be in my soul!
May the Wisdom of Kwan Yin be in my mind!
May the Virtue and Purity of Kwan Yin be in my feelings!
May the Strength and Vitality of Kwan Yin be among the members of my household!
May the Health and Well-Being of Kwan Yin be manifest through out my body, and radiate through the garments I wear!
May the Grace of Kwan Yin be in my worship!
May the Talents and Genius of Kwan Yin be manifest through my senses!
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon me”
Recite the following short mantra 10 times:
Na Mo Kwan Yin Boddhisattva.
Finally, drink the water blessed by Kwan Yin. This water now has healing powers.
Dedicate this practice of the Kwan Yin Great compassion Mantra to the benefit and enlightenment of all beings.
Close your shrine in whatever way feels appropriate.
Found at: Order of the White Moon
The date of the invocation/chant to Cerridwen is unknown. Its origins date back to the Celtic centuries of Scotland. Chant the following invocation as often as desired to summon the power of Cerridwen into your body, soul, and spirit. Through this invocation, may your Being become Her living Temple of Witchcraft.
Chant the ancient chant three times, and your answer will be there:
Amores Cerridwen
calami carbones stultorum moenia chartee
calami carbones stultorum monia chartee
Found at: Gaia Moon
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