You will need:

  • Glass jar
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Wooden Popsicle stick
  • Permanent Marker

Put a mixture of one third honey, water, and sugar in a glass jar with a screw top. Take wooden Popsicle stick (or equivalent), write the name of the person who is creating problems through negative thoughts or actions on one side, and the perceived source of the problem (witches, a particular person, etc.) on the other side.

Place stick in the jar and at least once a day, shake the jar vigorously. The person who is having negative thoughts will have an improved ability to relate to those persons or things he didn’t like before. “He’ll have sweet thoughts and won’t know why.”

If this person is someone who is causing you a specific problem, when you shake the jar say:

“Sweet, sweet thoughts of me, you will think, constantly.”

It is said that each time you shake the bottle, the person will think sweet thoughts of you.

From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas

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