Healing Spells
If you experience a physical challenge, it’s comforting to know that you have access to powerful healers. This prayer can supplement any other spiritual or medical treatment you’re implementing:
Beloved Jesus, loving healer of God . . . beloved Aine, loving healer of God . . . beloved Archangel Raphel, loving healer of God . . . beloved Archangel Zadkiel, loving healer of God . . . beloved Saint Therese, loving healer of God. The love of God is now inside of me. I am completely filled and healed with the love of God. Jesus . . . Aine . . . Raphel . . . Zadkiel . . . Therese . . .
I am so grateful for the ministering, healing, and comfort that you bring to me . . . thank you for surrounding and filling me completely. I am now completely well. I now feel absolutely wonderful, filled with the spirit of love in all ways. I am energized. I am happy. I am rested and refreshed.
Thank you, God. Thank you Divine healers.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
If your cat, dog, or other animal has a physical challenge, then you’ll want to call upon the great animal healers in Heaven to help and heal. As you say this prayer, either look at your pet in the flesh or in your mind, or gaze at a photo of your beloved furry friend:
Healers in Heaven, I love [name of pet] with all my heart. Please join my love with yours and send it to [name of pet].
- Dearest Aine, I ask that you surround my pet with your bright silver energy of peace and happiness.
- Dearest Raphael, I ask that you encircle my pet with your emerald-green energy of health and wellness.
- Dearest Dana, I ask that you help my pet’s system to be balanced and in its natural state of vitality.
- Dearest Saint Francis, I ask that you communicate with my pet and let me know what I can do to bring my pet comfort.
Thank you Aine . . . Raphael . . . Dana . . . Saint Francis . . . for your healing work. Thank you for my pet’s perfect health. Thank you for my pet’s comfort. Thank you for lifting our spirits. I now surrender this situation to you and God with complete faith and confidence.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
If a child is in need of healing or relief from pain, then say this prayer. It’s been said that when parents pray on behalf of their children, those prayers are answered first in Heaven.
I also recommend handwriting the prayer and placing it face up on a cabinet or shelf in the child’s bedroom. If the child is old enough to say prayers, ask the child to say the prayer with you:
Thank you, God, for my child’s perfect health. Thank you for peace within my child’s body. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your powerful healing energy, which heals everything rapidly with each breath my child takes. Thank you, Damara, for gently comforting and reassuring me and my child. Thank you, Hathor, for clearly instructing me on how I can best help my child. Thank you, Mother Mary, for watching over all of us and sending us your Divine healing love.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
For protection and blessings by the goddess Bast, of yourself and your cat pets, set up an altar with cat pictures and/or statues. These pictures and statues can be of any kind of cat, domestic or wild. Place a picture of yourself, your family, and some of your cats there also. Have two green candles on the altar. This ritual can be performed by itself or as part of a cast circle ritual.
Note: This ritual also calls for a sistrum, which is a sort of rattle made of metal, and deeply associated with the goddess Bast and Egyptian magick. If you don’t have one, use a bell or small wind chimes instead.
To begin the ritual, take the sistrum and slowly dance or walk around the ritual area, shaking the sistrum as you go. Begin and end in the East and move clockwise. Chant as you go:
Joy comes from Bast, the Lady of Cats
The goddess loves and protects all animals.
As a daughter/son of Bast, I call upon her
To pour out her blessings.
Return to the altar and shake the sistrum while you say:
Hail, Bast, Lady of Cats.
Hail, Goddess of earthly delights.
Teach me to rejoice in the being that I am.
Teach me to love and be happy.
If you have pictures of your cats, look at them now with love and happiness. If you don’t have pictures, call up their images mentally. Call each cat by name as if presenting him/her to the goddess. Be alert to the atmosphere around you, for you will very likely experience the presence of the goddess in some manner.
When you have finished, take the sistrum and go to the East. Shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The ears of Bast are sensitive
to every word of harm sent against me and my pets.
My cats and I are protected.
To to the South, shake the sistrum five times and say:
The claws of Bast are sharp in my defence.
My cats and I are protected.
Move to the West. Shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The teeth of Bast are bared to evil-doers.
My cats and I are protected.
Finally, go to the North and shake the sistrum five times. Say:
The eyes of Bast can see through darkness.
Nothing escapes her notice.
My cats and I are protected.
Return to the altar. Shake the sistrum three times. Say:
Listen well, all those who would harm me and mine.
Here is erected a mighty fortress, an unbreakable shield.
You cannot enter here. Your evil thoughts return to you.
The gate is locked against you.
Visualize a green light filling the room, caressing you and the pictures of your cats. Don’t be surprised if your cats themselves enter the room to soak up this blessing.
Lovely Cat-Goddess, I thank you for your blessings.
Keep us in safety, good health, and happiness.
Protect my little ones wherever they may roam.
Blow a kiss to the goddess and extinguish the candles. As a special treat, both to Bast and to your cats, present your pets with a catnip toy to play with.
From: Moon Magick
To petition Bast (the goddess of cats) for healing of cats, chant the following before her picture/statue while holding an actual picture or mental image of the sick animal:
Lift the hand of disease.
Restore health!
Cast out all illness.
Restore health!
Pour your healing powers through (name of cat).
Bast! Restore Health!
Repeat the chant 5 times, or until you feel it is complete.
From: Moon Magick
It’s no accident that the caduceus, the staff entwined with double serpents, is the modern symbol of the medical profession. Snakes are the primary animals of healing and have been so since ancient days.
Once maintained in the temples of healing that were the first hospitals, their venom both heals and harms. Their old skin fades and grows dull, only to be shed painlessly as the snake emerges vivid and youthful once again, revived and refreshed. Because they lack limbs, snakes are always in contact with Earth. They burrow in Earth’s crevices, live in the sea and in trees; they are privy to all Earth’s secrets. Snakes are the guardians and sometimes sharers of Earth’s wisdom, the guardians of her treasures, including secrets of healing.
This magical diagnostic technique is especially suited for conditions that defy conventional identification or treatment. An image of a snake is required. It may be a photograph, a stone fetish, or other artistic rendering, however, it must fit comfortably under your pillow and not disturb your sleep.
- Bring the image to bed with you before going to sleep.
- Gaze into the snake’s eyes and charge it with its mission: to reveal the mysteries of your ailment and its required treatment.
- Place the image under your pillow, then go to sleep. The goal is to incubate the required dream.
- Repeat this ritual until the dream has been received, clarified, and understood and no further dreams are required.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
You can perform this ritual for animals recuperating at home, as well as for those at the veterinarian. Light a white candle, and visualize a protective dome of warm soothing light surrounding your pet. When your emotions are calm and your thoughts are still, ask the Great Mother for her assistance by saying:
“Mistress of the Beasts,
send your healing, courage, strength, and love
to [pet’s name] in this time of need.”
Courtesy of: Lynne Sturtevant
Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:
“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”
When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:
“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”
Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.
“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.
I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.
I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.
Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”
Drink the spring water. Say:
“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”
Eat some sprouts. Say:
“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”
Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm
Four leaf clovers allegedly possess magickal healing powers. If you can’t find one, create one. This spell is especially beneficial if one person does it for another.
Find a four leaf clover, or cut a four leaf clover shape from paper or a sheet of copper or tin. Empower it with blessings of healing, and then hang it near the patient or within their line of sight to magickally ease pain, bring joy, stimulate healing, and speed recovery.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
If anyone in the home should fall sick, take a crystal bowl filled with well-water and wash the hands and the face of the patient with it. Then, carry it to the garden door, and call for the cat of the household. When she appears, say to her:
Cat spirit, bright as sixpence,
Chase the devil a long long distance.
His soul I hold in these drops of water ~
May he be routed before next moon’s quarter.
Then you must throw the water away onto the garden, so that it passes over the cat but does not fall on her. She will, as likely as not, run away as if in pursuit of some spirit, and for this you must thank her three times over by using her magickal name.
In throwing the water over her to the ground, you have created the magickal veil of Isis, which summons the demon of the illness and draws it away from your loved one so that the cat may carry it away from the house.
Before the next moon’s quarter, that is, before a week has passed away, the one who has fallen sick should be on the mend.
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