Monthly Archives: April 2019
Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:
“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”
When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:
“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”
Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.
“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.
I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.
I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.
Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”
Drink the spring water. Say:
“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”
Eat some sprouts. Say:
“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”
Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm
There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over the head of the Dzambhala symbolized by its image. The White Dzambhala is a wealth granting aspect of the Compassionate Buddha and in this form sits on a turquoise dragon, surrounded by four dakinis each signifying a Buddhist cosmic family and a compass direction. Dakinis are powerful female angels who help Dzambhala bring riches into the lives of those who do the water ritual daily while reciting their mantras.
It is important to generate an altruistic intention when doing this practice. When your desire to become rich is only to benefit yourself, it deprives the practice of much power. When your aspiration is fueled by your great desire to help others however, the ritual takes on much added power. Even when your motivation is inspired by your great wish to benefit your loved ones, this is far better than just thinking of yourself.
Thus for those needing the money to fund their children’s education, to buy a house for the family, to pay for hospital bills for instance… and you think through these needs of yours before doing the ritual then, it will establish a good and pure motivation that really adds great strength to the practice.
The Preparations
Firstly, get an image of the White Dzambhala. Commit the image of Dzambhala to memory. Notice that White Dzambhala is sitting on a turquoise dragon and is carrying a white trident in one hand and a banner in another.
Secondly, get images of the four Dakinis. These are beautiful offering Goddesses from the four Buddhist families, each of whom live in a different direction. From the East comes blue coloured Vajra Dakini who holds a thunderbolt in her right hand; from the South comes Ratna Dakini who holds a jewel in her right hand; from the West comes Padma Dakini and she holds a lotus in her right hand; and from the North comes green coloured Karma Dakini who holds a sword in her right hand. Commit the images of the dakinis to memory to aid you in your visualizations as you recite their mantra.
Thirdly set up your crystal bowl in which you place an inverted glass to place a flat surface on which you place White Dzambhala in the center surrounded by the four dakinis.
Finally prepare a jug of fresh water filled to the brim; it should have a thin spout from which you will pour water over White Dzambhala’s crown as you recite his mantra. Do this pouring slowly and with great loving gentleness.
Mantra Practice
Begin by generating a good motivation… then start reciting the mantra of White Dzambhala:
Om Padma Krodha Arya
Dzambhala Hridaya Hum Phat
As you recite, start offering the water on the head of Dzambhala. Do this slowly but steadily and note that it should be a fine stream of water. As you pour the water with your right hand, snap the fingers of your left hand in front of your heart and recite the mantra a minimum of seven times and preferably 108 times. If you have a rosary of 108 mala beads, use this and make it your designated mala for doing this practice. At times when you are in a rush, you can recite 21 or 28 times.
The Visualization
As you recite the Dzambhala mantra and pour the water on his head, think that from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of Dzambhala’s mongoose come an unceasing flow of wish-fulfilling jewels and dollar notes, millions and millions of dollars. The flow of wealth comes like beautiful water falling down from the mountains. Think that Dzambhala is experiencing great bliss from the water so he promises to help you by bringing big wealth for your family and your business.
The Four Dakinis
Next you must turn your attention to the four dakinis. If there is any water left, you can also pour over the heads of the dakini images. If not, then all you need to do is to recite the mantras of the four dakinis as follows. Recite 21 sets of these mantras.
Om Vajra dakini hum phat
Om Ratna dakini hum phat
Om Padma dakini hum phat
Om Karma dakini hum phat
Sarwa Siddhi hum
When you have finished reciting all the mantras, it is important to dedicate the practice and the ritual just performed to your family and to the success of all your financial aspirations. The water used for the ritual can be used to make tea or to pour over plants or into your fish tanks or water features…
You can also place a White Dzambhala image under the falling water in a small waterfall. Place this in the North, East or Southeast of your living area… and keep the water flowing through the day. You can turn off the waterfall in the night. If you have such a waterfall in the house, it is also a good idea to recite the mantra 21 times in front of the waterfall, as this creates the great merit of invoking Dzambhala’s assistance for the family or the business. You can also create this water feature in your office.
Found at: World Of Feng Shui
Flowers from Good Friday church services may be used to protect cattle. Good Friday is indicated because of the connection to the resurrection. Because of cattle’s intrinsic connection with human fertility, any sacred day with fertility overtones, such as Beltane or Midsummer’s Eve, may be substituted, or a day with personal resonance for you if more appropriate.
- Collect some of the flowers following the conclusion of the service or ceremony.
- Burn the flowers, together with seven teaspoons of flour and three teaspoons of salt.
- Gather up the ashes and sew them into a sachet. Reserve until needed.
Should a cow fall ill from natural or suspicious causes, break the sachet open and rub the ashes over the cow’s belly three times, always in the same direction.
Alternatively, place the unbroken sachet on the ground. Lead the cow over it three times, always walking in the same direction.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Did you ever meet someone, an elder perhaps, someone wise and calm, joyful and seemingly ageless, who seems to possess a deep inner peace? Someone who seems to have lived forever, seen everything and has the answers and advice to help us with all our problems?
If we don’t know someone like this, we wish we did, or we long for these qualities in ourselves—the patience and understanding to overcome any obstacle and the ability to learn from our challenges, while keeping a youthful glow and enjoying each day, and finding beauty in everything and everyone around us. Sounds impossible, right? We often attribute these characteristics to fantasy figures. But there truly are people who live this way, yet if we don’t personally know any of them, it seems like fantasy.
So, let’s use fantasy as a bridge to reality, through the magic of the unicorn. Legends of the unicorn speak of them as wise and immortal creatures. This spell is for the unicorn to help us age gracefully with a youthful carefree spirit. This is for people of any age, to ensure the lively and energetic qualities of vitality and joy and, in addition, to help us learn patience and gain wisdom.
You will need:
- A unicorn statue of any size or color
- A piece of white ribbon
- Essential oil or other fragrance blend of your choice
Use your intuition when selecting the oil or blend of oils. Choose a scent that uplifts you and makes you feel cheerful or one you associate with happy memories. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil on the ribbon.
Visualize the unicorn, a wise and experienced sage. She has lived forever and endured many challenges with grace, and now she is bestowing her magic upon you. Make this visualization as detailed as you desire.
If this proves difficult, suspend your disbelief; pretend you are a child again. You meet a unicorn in the wild. Because you carry the white ribbon, the unicorn knows you are a kindred spirit. This ribbon is your link to the unicorn. You drape it around the unicorn’s neck and the two of you walk as companions through the forest. The unicorn confers wisdom upon you. This special wisdom contains the secrets for a happy life, whatever that may be for you.
Tie the ribbon around the statue. This is symbolic of your meeting with the unicorn and your initiation into her mysteries. The secrets will unfold throughout your life as you need them. One of the ways your higher spirit can help you discover what you need is through the use of symbols; the symbol of the unicorn can be a gentle and inspiring teacher and guide.
Speak this chant as you tie the ribbon:
Unicorn of legend, Unicorn of myth,
May your youthfulness and spirit stay with me.
Unicorn of mystery, Unicorn of magic,
May your endurance always offer possibility.
Unicorn of purity, Unicorn of power,
May your strength be at my side in every way.
Unicorn of inspiration, Unicorn of peace,
May your gentleness and grace bless all my days.
Source: Llewellyn
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Paper
- Pencil or pen
- Coloring items
Casting Instructions:
Draw what your unicorn will look like. Color in your unicorn, according to the element of your choice (fire, earth, air, or water). Draw yourself next to your unicorn. Draw your height next to the drawing of yourself and color yourself in (optional).
Fold the paper hamburger style. Write it’s info in either side ( name, element, breed, coat color, accessories, behavior, wingspan if have any, tail, what it eats, speed, etc). Fold paper hamburger style again.
Write and say this aloud: ” _____ (element) unicorn of mine, come to me, by egg of _____ (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be.” Then fold paper again. Draw a pentagram know either side. Now fold it once more.
Now every night, for three nights, chant, “God/ Goddess, grant my dream unicorn in the real world from egg to end.* then chant, ” _____ (element) unicorn of mine, come to me, by egg of _____ (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be.”
Source: Spells of Magic
With a magical horn positioned precisely at the intuitive center (also known as the brow or third eye chakra), unicorns are strong symbols of psychic power.
To enlist a unicorn’s help in activating your intuitive abilities, relax, close your eyes, and envision yourself in a fairy forest. Journey deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest, knowing that you are approaching a unicorn spirit guide. In time, you will make contact.
When you do, get to know your guide:
- What does he or she look like?
- Where in the fairy forest does he or she like to hang out?
- What is his or her name?
- And what messages does he or she have for you about how to activate your intuitive gifts?
When your communion with this magical, inter-dimensional creature feels complete, thank him or her with an offering or a gift. Whatever feels right to you will do, but keep in mind that unicorns have been known to enjoy apples, crystals, shiny objects, and bubbly drinks.
In the future, you can consult with this guide to receive intuitive messages and learn how to further activate and calibrate your psychic and intuitive gifts.
Source: Tess Whitehurst
Where there is an apple tree, a unicorn is never far. For this wish granting spell, visit an apple tree with a bottle of cold champagne and a moonstone.
Take a moment to relax and connect with the spirit of the tree, as well as its unicorn ally who is likely dwelling nearby, just beyond the veil. When you feel grounded and connected to the magical realm, safely open the champagne and pour it around the roots of the tree.
Then, speak from your heart. Explain that you have come in the hopes of enlisting the unicorn’s help in granting your wish. If you feel a rush of positivity and love, that is an affirmative: the unicorn desires to grant your wish. So speak your wish aloud. Then feel and express gratitude, and place the moonstone by the base of the tree.
Source: Tess Whitehurst
This spell employs the unicorn’s potent power of purification to clear, and balance your energy field. First, place an attractive unicorn image on your altar or another flat surface. This could be a framed unicorn greeting card, a crystal unicorn statue, or any other unicorn imagery that speaks to you.
Close to the image, place a white rose and light a white votive candle. Sit comfortably in front of the image. Take some deep breaths and center yourself.
When you feel ready, silently summon a unicorn spirit guide and ask this guide to purify your energy. Then generously mist your entire body and the area around your body with rose water. Feel and express gratitude to your unicorn guide, and know that you can call on this guide regularly for help with energetic purification.
From: Tess Whitehurst
You will need the following items for this spell:
- White candle
- Milk
- Vanilla
- 1 cotton ball
- 1 fairy wand
- Daisies (the flowers)
Casting Instructions:
Light the candle on a full moon then mix the milk and add vanilla together in the cup with the spoon. Make a circle out of the daisies and put cup inside. After say this spell:
“Moon light magic call all unicorns call the rainbow tonight. Hear my plea transform me make me a unicorn. I will join the fun and help clean up when done. Give me the power to … (choose one from the list below) … so unicorn I shall be”.
- Grant wishes
- Fly with wings
- Give sweet dreams
Say that three times with your hand over potion. Then take the cotton ball dip in potion and dab all over your body. Just snap to become one.
Source: Spells of Magic
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- Invocation to Lord Melchizedek by shirleytwofeathers - No Comment
- Connecting with Fairies by shirleytwofeathers - No Comment
- To Enhance Clairvoyance by shirleytwofeathers - No Comment
- For Release of Addictions and Cravings by shirleytwofeathers - No Comment
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- Spiritual Assistance Spell by shirleytwofeathers - 35 Comments
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- Once In A Blue Moon Spell by shirleytwofeathers - 24 Comments
- Spell To Find A Lost Pet by shirleytwofeathers - 12 Comments
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- Mauro: Becoming A Werewolf Ritual
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- Linda: Sweet Thoughts Bottle Spell
- AnnD: Chant For Guidance