Monthly Archives: June 2020

To encourage someone to love you more, the following can be done:

For nine successive days, rise early, boil Lovage root in water to make a tea, hand-bathe your genitals and face in this before dawn, carry the wash basin to a crossroads, call the name of the one you love, and throw your used bath water toward the sunrise.

Found at: Encyclopedia of Herbology

A fifteenth-century medical book tells us: “So that your wife stays faithful forever mix celery juice and honey and rub your genitals with the mixture. This way she will be satisfied and will want no one else but you.”

Consider too this German saying:

Fry me eggs, sweetheart,
with celery and lettuce,
on Sunday we will go courting,
my mother told me this.

This aspect of celery is also well known in France, the country of savoir vivre and l’amour, as in the following: “If a woman knew what celery does to a man, she would be willing to go from Paris to Rome to find it.” And, “If a man knew what celery does for him, he would plant his garden full of it.”

Celery is also used as a cure for impotence. Several sticks of celery need to be boiled in a saucepan of water until the celery turns into a pulp. The person with the problem needs to eat this while it is still hot, and can then look forward to a night of successful lovemaking.

Source: Encyclopedia of Herbology

Your house is a sentient being with it’s own spirit and soul.

Some people identify this spirit as their household deities or friendly house spirits. But some people have altogether forgotten how important the spirit of their house is.

Talk to your house.

Houses that have been ignored tend to be dull, tired and susceptible to hauntings and negative energies.

So, talk to your house. Listen to its aches and pains. Say hello.

Tell it that you come in peace, tell it that you are there to listen to it speak. Be grateful to your house, and watch the energies of your home transform themselves into joy.

Source: Unknown

Here’s something simple you can do whenever you just need to chill out, or calm down:

If you ever feel your emotions building up and becoming overwhelming, place your hands under lukewarm flowing water.

Water is a powerful and natural healer. It calms and cleanses emotions, quickly eliminates tension, and dissolves low vibrational and negative energies. This is the reason many empaths and highly sensitive people feel most at peace and in their element when near bodies of water.

Note: This works particularly well during highly charged moon phases and planetary shifts.

Source: Alex Myles

Here’s a convenient and easy way to stir up a little trouble for someone who needs a little push. It’s best used to provide a gentle nudge if you feel that a person is rushing headlong in the wrong direction.

Here’s how it works:

Grab a small jar with a nice tight fitting lid. Fill it a quarter of the way with vinegar. Add lots of black pepper and a little salt. Write the person’s full name on a scrap of paper. Drop the paper into the jar while stating what it is that you’d like to cause trouble with. Seal the jar and shake it up. The more often you shake it, the more trouble will be caused.

When you feel that you have caused enough trouble for them, pour the contents of the jar out in a place that is not close to where you live or work. Crossroads and graveyards are good choices. Use your intuition. Wash the jar well with soap and water, and leave it in the sun for several days.

This type of magick is best used with caution, and good intentions because negative magicks can backfire really easily.

This is a fun magickal activity that is also great for children. Collect dandelions that have gone to seed. One easy way is to take a jar with you and snip the heads off letting them drop into the jar.

So not put a lid on the jar yet. First, and this is important, allow them to dry thoroughly by placing the jar in a warm space. If you put the lid on too soon, the seed heads will get damp and moldy and the whole thing will be a mess.

When the dandelions are nice and dry, put a lid on the jar. And label it “My Jar of Wishes.” They will keep for a very long time.

Whenever a wishing spell is called for, you can take your jar of wishes outside, pull out a dandelion, and blow on it allowing the seeds to disperse in the wind.

As you do this you can say:

“Dandelion wishes grant for me
All that I wish for
And so shall it be!”

Source: Unknown

Here are thirteen spiritual truths that you will learn over time as you practice magick and connect with the Gods and the Powers That Be:

  1. Magick really happens.
  2. The Universe is listening.
  3. What we give, we get.
  4. There are no coincidences.
  5. We create what we feel.
  6. Optimism attracts positivity.
  7. Your gut is your Spirit Guide.
  8. Love heals hatred and misery.
  9. Prayers work.
  10. Meditation works.
  11. Chanting works.
  12. Full moons are magickal.
  13. New moons are magickal.

Source: Unknown

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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