You will need:
- 1 wine glass of water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 red candle
- 1 light blue candle
- 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results)
- 1 round hand-held mirror
Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying:
“Beauty be within me.
Beauty now set me free.”
Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say:
“Beauty, beauty come to me.
Beauty, beauty set me free.”
Let the candles burn down all the way.
- The Gay Mage
- Everything Under the Moon by Starwitch
- Art by: til-til
- White or pink candle
- A length of morning glory vine – long enough to weave into a circle
- Small mirror – preferably round
- A morning glory leaf
- A morning glory flower
- Small magnet or lodestone
Light the candle. Take the piece of morning glory vine and weave it into a circle. As you weave the vine, chant the following:
Mighty Cosmic Guardians of Love and Goodness
I call upon thee.
When the circle is complete, place in the center of it a small mirror. If your mirror is larger than the circle you made with the vine, place it on top of the mirror. Put the flower in the center of the circle, on top of the mirror. As you do, say the following:
My Magic Circle of Love is complete.
I now create the New Self-Image
of charm and charisma
that I wish to Project to the Whole world.
I now Overcome and feelings of self-consciousness
or inferiority
and I condition my Inner Mind
to thoughts of Self-Confidence,
Poise and Charm.
I send out thoughts of Love to All People and I Know
that people will Love Me in return.
I Know there is that within me which
all people recognize as Worth-While and Desirable,
and everyone whom I meet
Loves this self of Mine recognizes its worth.
Next to the flower place a leaf from the morning glory vine, and as you do say the following 3 times:
I know there is a Perfect Lover
waiting to Love and Cherish me.
Place a magnet, or lodestone on the mirror next to or on top of the leaf and flower. Say the following:
My Circle of Love is Complete
and I now Invoke the law of Magnetic Attraction and
Draw this Perfect lover onto me.
As I have said, so shall it be.
Allow the candle to burn down completely. The mirror, botanicals, and magnet can be wrapped in velvet and placed under your pillow, or carried with you.
Thrift stores often have wonderful little compact make-up cases complete with mirror. Something like that would be great for this little spell, and will allow you to keep it intact and to carry it with you as well and also simple to slip under your pillow at night. Be sure to clean a used make-up case thoroughly and give it a dip in salt water to purify the energies. Also, if you do use a compact make-up case, press and dry the flower and leaf before the spellwork.
Not sure your magnet will fit inside? Lightweight craft magnets come in many different thicknesses and sizes – some are 1/16″ thick and should fit nicely into any case.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
If there is an artificial light in the room where you want to cast this spell, ensure that it is not too bright but not too dark too. Now, look in the mirror and pay all the attention to yourself. This spell involves imagining yourself turning into a wolf. Focus on all those parts that will transform. Here, I am talking about parts like the nose, the shoulders, and the hair on your body. Initially, don’t worry about becoming a wolf, but start getting your mind to accept the real you.
This will be repeated for a few days. I usually advise between three and five days. It is preferable that you do this at the same time on each day. This is a way of ensuring that you create the kind of positive energy which you will need later when you transform.
How to transform into a werewolf in real life:
Now it’s time to transform. You no longer need a mirror for this, and you can do werewolf spell without a full moon. However, it is still important that you do the spell at the same time each day. At this stage, your imagination is going to play a major role. Start imagining yourself turning into a werewolf. Remember that concentration is extremely important.
Create a picture in your mind where you become a wolf. Use this alpha werewolf spell to feel the claws, the sharp teeth, and the fur. In the beginning, this may be a challenge, but as you practice, you will become better at it. Repeat this for several weeks. However if you still don’t feel yourself transforming into a werewolf after doing this for a month, this may be the wrong spell for you.
From: Voodoo and Magic
You will need the following ingredients (be sure to charge or bless them all before you begin):
- Strawberry tea (one bag)
- Small wand or stick from a willow tree
- Sea salt
- 2 pink candles
- A mirror
- One pink drawstring bag
- One quartz crystal
- A copper penny
- A bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
- 1 teaspoon dried jasmine
- 1 teaspoon orris-root powder
- 1 tsp. strawberry leaves
- 1 teaspoon yarrow
- 10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
- 10 plus drops strawberry oil
On a Friday morning or evening (the day sacred to Venus) take a bath in sea salt in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress, sip the strawberry tea. Use a dab of strawberry oil as perfume or cologne. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best.
Cast a circle with the willow wand around a table the other ingredients. Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl. While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud:
“Oh, Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms
and nurture and bring forth the Goddess within me.”
Gaze deeply into the mirror after you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud:
“I represent the Great Goddess, Mother of all things.
I shine in the light of the Golden Wings of Isis.
All that is great and loving only belongs to me.”
Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and crystal. Carry it with you always [or until you find another love]. Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where you will smell the fragrance. Repeat this ritual every Friday if necessary.
Needless to say, you should replace the goddess name with one that you attune to.
This spell seems to be written for a woman. However, that does not truly exclude anyone, including you. As well as calling on the Mother Goddess you can call, as well, the Father God (or Horned One).
You could use something like:
“Great Father God, guide me with your loving will
and keep me strong and patient with your wisdom.
Nurture and bring forth the God within me.”
“I am the Great Father God, Mentor and Father to all,
I shine in the Holy radiant light of Ra.
All that is great and loving, only, belongs to me.”
Now, you can call on one or the other, whomever you feel will help you best. I would think both would be best, but that’s just a personal thing. And if anything written above doesn’t appeal to you, change it. The spell will only work if you feel comfortable with it. If the words don’t appeal, look for a poem, or create your own calling of the GODS. Remember, not only are you calling the Goddess and God, you ARE the Goddess and God.
Adapted from: Ancient Spells Witchcraft Book by Khakani
The evil eye is a popular belief that somebody can voluntarily or involuntarily bring disease and disgrace to another person by looking at them, usually brought on by envy. In some cultures, the belief is focused on children, where someone can inadvertently give a child the evil eye by complimenting them, as it draws in negative energy. If you think you or someone you know is suffering from the evil eye, you can use the methods below to help diagnose and cure it.
Diagnosing the Evil Eye
Before taking steps to cure the evil eye, one must first be assured that the evil eye is indeed the cause of the malady or the misfortune.
- Notice the symptoms.
The negative energy of an envious person can cause physical symptoms that are not related to a disease, such as weakness, eye infections, upset stomach, fever and nausea. Also, it is likely that the affected person will have personal, family or professional problems without any apparent cause.
- Follow the coal method.
This method is practiced in Eastern Europe. Simply drop a piece of charcoal into a pan of water. You can also use the head of a match that has burned. Sinking is a good sign, while floating means a person or child has been affected.
Usually a parent or healer performs these rituals, if the sufferer is a child. If not, the sufferer can perform them.
- Try the wax method.
Another method is to drip hot wax into holy water. Watch how the wax reacts. If it splatters, it means you or the child you are testing for have the evil eye. The same is true if it sticks to the side. People in the Ukraine employ this method.
- The oil method.
With this method, the person diagnosing the condition drops oil into water. If it forms an eye, the child is thought to have the evil eye. Another way is to pour oil over a lock of the affected person’s hair into a glass of water (preferably holy water). If the oil sinks, then the person has the evil eye.
Methods For Curing the Evil Eye
- Try the touch method.
The easiest way to cure the evil eye, according to some, is to have the person who caused the evil eye touch the child. Since the evil eye is usually unintentional, the person should have no problem with simply touching the child. The child can be touched on the hand or forehead.
This belief is most prominent in Hispanic cultures. And the method is believed to work because evil eye is sometimes caused by a person complimenting a child without touching him or her. Having the person then touch the child resolves it.
- Use an egg.
In Mexico and Latin countries, some parents use an egg. They pass the egg over the child’s body, commonly a prayer is said along with this such as the Our Father, and then put the egg in bowl beneath the pillow. They leave it there during the night and check to see if the white is foggy in the morning. If it is, the child was affected by the evil eye. This method also cures the evil eye at the same time.
We have a nice little post on one method of using the egg for cleansing. It can be found here: A Cleansing Ritual
- Try hand gestures.
Some say that making certain gestures with your hand can ward off or cure the evil eye. One gesture is the mano cornuto, which is just a fist with the index and pinkie extended (horned hand). Point your hand down when making this gesture. Another is the mano fico, where you stick your thumb in between your index finger and middle finger (fig hand) in a fist.
Some Italians carry a little red horn (corna) around by wearing it or keeping it on a key chain. The horn is worn in place of making the horned hand sign.
- Find a six-sided mirror.
One method said to cure the evil eye is the use of a mirror to reflect back bad energy. This method is used in China. You simply hang the mirror in a front window or on the front door.
Some people in India also use mirrors to cure or ward off evil eye. However, instead of placing it in the home, small mirrors are sewn into clothes or worn on the body.
- Use a healer.
Folk healers often provide cures for the evil eye. If you don’t feel confident in healing the evil yourself, you can try a healer, who will perform the rituals for you.
Preventing the Evil Eye
Prevention is better than a cure, and there are a number of different ways to prevent being a victim of the evil eye. Here are just a few of them:
- Use a pink coral bracelet. Some suggest that putting a pink coral bracelet on your child will help protect against the evil eye. Others suggest having the child wear a buckeye has the same effect.
- Try a red string. In Jewish cultures, parents use a red string to fend off the evil eye. For instance, sometimes it’s tied around a crib bar or the stroller handle.
- Have the baby wear a jet amulet. In some Hispanic cultures, babies wear an amulet made of black jet. Often, it’s shaped as a small fist. You may see it with red and black beads on a gold chain.
- Use the spit method. When someone gives your child a compliment, you can try spitting over your left shoulder three times and then touching wood (or knocking your own head) three times. This method is most often used in Russia.
- Scatter salt. One Sicilian method of protection is to scatter salt on the floor inside the front door or outside the house. The salt (with innumerable grains) is supposed to confuse evil-casters.
- The urine method. Another method Sicilians use is the urine method, where everyone in the house pees in a bucket. Then the urine is spilled in front of the house. It’s similar to the practice of “marking your territory” used by animals predators the world over.
- Try an eye charm. Many cultures use eye charms to protect against evil eye. You can wear one on a necklace, for instance, or use one as a key chains. In Turkey, these little charms are made out of blue glass, but other cultures make them out of other materials.
More information about the Evil Eye, along with more preventions and cures, can be found here:
- 1 tsp. of rose water
- 3 tbsp. sea salt or Kosher salt
- 1 small bowl of spring water
- 1 clean glass container
- 1 new compact mirror
- 1 small storage glass bottle (green or blue)
You can buy the bottled water as long as you know that it’s really spring water. But it’s best if you get the water from a running stream or other “live” body of water that you know the water is clean.
Before the Rite:
Cleanse and sterilize the bowl and the glass container with boiling water.
Time and Place:
Midnight during a Full Moon phase. Out of doors under the moon, or near a window that will reflect the light of the moon.
Set out your work cloth and all ingredients upon it. Take five or six deep breaths to relieve the stress of the day. Ground and center. Cast your magick circle in whatever way is familiar to you. Hold your arms outstretched in the Goddess position (arms out at the sides like you’re cradling the Universe, palms up). Say:
In the cloak of the midnight hour
I call upon the Ancient Power
I seek the presence of the Lady and Lord
To bless this water that I will pour.
At this point, you should feel the energy of Earth Mother and Skyfather move abut your feet and head. Feel your own energy expand around your navel and then unite with Divinity. Take your time; no need to rush.
Pour the rose water into the bowl of spring water. Pick up the bowl of water, hold it toward the light of the Moon, and say:
In my hands I hold the essence of the Goddess.
I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal works.
Feel the energy of the Moon Goddess pulsate down into the water. Imagine her silver light descending from the heavens and impregnating both the water and yourself. You will feel a “glowy” sensation. Set the water down and pick up the salt. Feel the power moving in your arms as you raise the salt toward the moon. Say:
In my hands I hold the essence of Earth Mother,
She whose bounty sustains all living creatures.
I hereby consecrate this salt to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal work.
As with the water, imagine the energy of the Moon Goddess empowering the salt.
Set the salt down and pour a little into the bowl of water, and stir clockwise three times. Repeat this process twice more. With the bowl in your left hand (receiving) and the mirror in your right (sending), reflect the light of the moon off the mirror and into the bowl. After a few moments say:
This liquid is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity in any time and any space.
Set the bowl and mirror down and hold out both of your hands, palms down, over (not touching) the bowl, about one inch above the water.
Let the vibrations of your body come alive. Open your third eye chakra and imagine a glowing purple light emanating from it. Form and open triangle with your hands over the water and project the light into it. In your mind, see the water change color and glow. Feel the power and energy flow from your head down through your arms and up from your feet and out from your arms simultaneously. When you feel the energy begin to dissipate, slowly lower your hands and say:
As I will
So mote it be
With the free will of all
And harm to none
This formula is done!
You may ground your energy in two ways. Either place your hands physically upon the ground and feel the energy drain into Earth Mother, or imagine your energy as a force field around you, and quietly step back out of the skeleton of energy and watch it collapse in upon itself and melt into the ground.
Transfer the water to your storage container and store it away until you are ready to cleanse and concencrate your sacred space. Be sure to clean up after yourself by putting all things away in their designated places so that you will be able to find them again next when they’re needed.
-Written by Silver RavenWolf
Place a silvered mirror, face up on an altar or other sacred place so that the light of the Full Moon shines upon it. In the center of the mirror, place a symbol to represent the one seeking healing. The symbol could be a photo, crystal, lit candle, piece of jewelry, lock of hair, name on a card, or some other object. Use the symbol on the mirror in the Moonlight as a focal point as you imagine that the one needing healing is becoming well and then is healthy.
After the ritual, deliver the symbol to the subject of the healing rite as an additional way of transmitting healing. Cleanse the mirror you used by washing it with pure spring water or passing it through Mugwort smoke or some other incense so that the mirror will be ready for you to use for other healing work in the future.
On the Eve of Samhain, (the night before Halloween), get a white candle, matches and mirror for this spell. At dusk, go to a haunted area or a place you feel the spirits are especially powerful. Make contact by walking about and allowing your mind to roam. Light your white candle and stare into it saying:
Clear as midnight,
the spirits are bright.
Ghostly curiosity
brings you to me.
As a form takes shape,
I am not asleep.
Spirit awake,
take your shape.
Let the candle flicker. Glance into the mirror and look past your shoulder. Do you see mists or lighted balls in the reflection? This is how ghosts typically appear. Return to the area on the next three nights. Take some pictures. At home, place your mirror face down. Mirrors trap spirits. Some spirits will track you as you search for their reflections. If you want your those to leave, just say so. Follow this up by putting a broom over your transom and burning sage.
~by Susan Sheppard
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