
  • 1 tsp. of rose water
  • 3 tbsp. sea salt or Kosher salt
  • 1 small bowl of spring water
  • 1 clean glass container
  • 1 new compact mirror
  • 1 small storage glass bottle (green or blue)

You can buy the bottled water as long as you know that it’s really spring water. But it’s best if you get the water from a running stream or other “live” body of water that you know the water is clean.

Before the Rite:

Cleanse and sterilize the bowl and the glass container with boiling water.

Time and Place:

Midnight during a Full Moon phase. Out of doors under the moon, or near a window that will reflect the light of the moon.


Set out your work cloth and all ingredients upon it. Take five or six deep breaths to relieve the stress of the day. Ground and center. Cast your magick circle in whatever way is familiar to you. Hold your arms outstretched in the Goddess position (arms out at the sides like you’re cradling the Universe, palms up). Say:

In the cloak of the midnight hour
I call upon the Ancient Power
I seek the presence of the Lady and Lord
To bless this water that I will pour.

At this point, you should feel the energy of Earth Mother and Skyfather move abut your feet and head. Feel your own energy expand around your navel and then unite with Divinity. Take your time; no need to rush.

Pour the rose water into the bowl of spring water. Pick up the bowl of water, hold it toward the light of the Moon, and say:

In my hands I hold the essence of the Goddess.
I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal works.

Feel the energy of the Moon Goddess pulsate down into the water. Imagine her silver light descending from the heavens and impregnating both the water and yourself. You will feel a “glowy” sensation. Set the water down and pick up the salt. Feel the power moving in your arms as you raise the salt toward the moon. Say:

In my hands I hold the essence of Earth Mother,
She whose bounty sustains all living creatures.
I hereby consecrate this salt to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal work.

As with the water, imagine the energy of the Moon Goddess empowering the salt.

Set the salt down and pour a little into the bowl of water, and stir clockwise three times. Repeat this process twice more. With the bowl in your left hand (receiving) and the mirror in your right (sending), reflect the light of the moon off the mirror and into the bowl. After a few moments say:

This liquid is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity in any time and any space.

Set the bowl and mirror down and hold out both of your hands, palms down, over (not touching) the bowl, about one inch above the water.

Let the vibrations of your body come alive. Open your third eye chakra and imagine a glowing purple light emanating from it. Form and open triangle with your hands over the water and project the light into it. In your mind, see the water change color and glow. Feel the power and energy flow from your head down through your arms and up from your feet and out from your arms simultaneously. When you feel the energy begin to dissipate, slowly lower your hands and say:

As I will
So mote it be
With the free will of all
And harm to none
This formula is done!

You may ground your energy in two ways. Either place your hands physically upon the ground and feel the energy drain into Earth Mother, or imagine your energy as a force field around you, and quietly step back out of the skeleton of energy and watch it collapse in upon itself and melt into the ground.

Transfer the water to your storage container and store it away until you are ready to cleanse and concencrate your sacred space. Be sure to clean up after yourself by putting all things away in their designated places so that you will be able to find them again next when they’re needed.

-Written by Silver RavenWolf

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