Full Moon Magick
I do not vouch for this spell, but maybe, if you want it badly enough, and if the incantation is said with enough power and comviction… ??
While touching water on a full moon or during a solar eclipse say the following:
Mermaid now let it be.
Mermaid when wet so mote it be.
Human when dry so shall it be.
On land I walk.
In the sea I swim with a long_______(tail color) tail.
Blessed be.
And by the power of 3x3x3.
In sea I swim.
When dry I walk.
So mote it be.
So mote it be.
~Author Unknown
This spell is dangerous on many levels. First, it calls for the use of herbs that are poisonous, and possibly illegal. Secondly, evil spirits are in and of themselves dangerous and are usually better left alone.
The Spell:
Make a magic circle on the ground, at twelve o’clock, on a night on a night when the moon is full (one of about seven feet in diameter is most appropriate) in the center of the circle, a wood fire, heating thereon an iron vessel containing one pint of clear spring water, and any seven of the following substances:
- Hemlock (2 – 3 ounces),
- Henbane (1 to 1 1/2 ounces),
- Saffron (3 ounces),
- Poppy seed (any amount),
- Aloe (3 crachms),
- Opium (1/4 ounce),
- Asafoetida (2 ounces),
- Solanum (2 to 3 drachms),
- Parsley (any amount.).
Whilst the mixture is heating, the experimenter prostrates himself in front of the fire and prays to the Great Spirit of the Unknown to confer on him the property of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a werewolf. His prayers take no one particular form, but are quite extempore; though he usually adds to them some such recognized incantation as:
“Come, spirit so powerful! come, spirit so dread.
From the home of the werewolf, the home of the dead.
Come, Give me thy blessing! come, lend me thine ear!
Oh spirit of darkness! oh spirit so drear!
Come, mighty phantom! come, great Unknown!
Come from thy dwelling so gloomy and lone.
Come, I beseech thee; depart from thy lair.
And body and soul shall be thine, I declare.
Haste, Haste, Haste, horrid spirit, Haste!
Speed, Speed, Speed, scaring spirit, speed!
Fast, Fast, Fast, fateful spirit, fast!”
He then makes the following formal declaration:
“I (insert name) offer to thee, Great spirit of the Unknown, this night of (insert date) my body and soul, on condition that thou grantest me, from this night to the hour of my death, the power of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a wolf. I beg, I pray, I implore thee-Thee, unparalleled Phantom of Darkness, to make me a werewolf, a werewolf”!
And striking the ground three times with his forehead, he gets up. As soon as the concoction in the vessel is boiling, he dips a cup into it, and sprinkles the contents on the ground, repeating the action until he has sprinkled the whole interior of the circle. Then he kneels on the ground close to the fire, and in a loud voice cries out:
“Come, oh Come!”
And, if he is fortunate, a phantom manifests itself over the fire. Sometimes the phantom is indefinite – a cylindrical, luminous, pillar-like thing, about seven feet in height, having no discernible features: sometimes it assumes a definite shape, and appears either as a monstrous hooded figure with a death’s hood, or as a sub-human, sub-animal type of elemental.
Whatever form the Unknown adopts, it is invariably terrifying. It never speaks, but indicates its assent by stretching out an arm, or what serves as an arm, and then disappears. It never remains visible for more than half a minute. As soon as it vanishes, the supplicant, who is always half mad with terror, springs from the ground and rushes home, or anywhere to get again within the reach of human beings.
By the morning, however, all his fears have departed; and at sunset he creeps off into the forest, or into some equally secluded spot, to experience, for the first time, the extraordinary sensations of metamorphosing into a wolf, or, perhaps, a semi-wolf, i.e., a creature half man and half wolf; for the degree of metamorphosis varies according to locality. Though it is at sunset that the change most usually takes place the transmutation back to man generally occurring at dawn.
From: Werwolves by Elliott O’Donnell
There is an old saying that “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Which usually means that you cannot or should not have or want more than you deserve or is reasonable, or that you cannot or should not try to have two incompatible things. The proverb’s meaning is similar to the phrases “you can’t have it both ways” and “you can’t have the best of both worlds.”
It doesn’t happen very often, but when Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Lunar Eclipse all happen on the same day (January 31, 2018), it is a perfect time for magick to overcome seeming limitations, to ask for more than you deserve or what is reasonable, and to imagine that you could indeed somehow, some way, have the best of both worlds.
I am calling it the Once In A Blue Moon You Have Your Cake And Eat It Too Spell. This spell can be used during any Full Blue Moon.
You will need the following ingredients:
- Bird Seed
- Honey
- Cornmeal
- Coconut Oil
- Wine or Spirits
The idea is to make a special cake, take it out into nature on the evening before. Offerings are made, prayers are said, and the cake is then left as a gift. By leaving it out on the evening before, the cake is charged by the energy of the moon and the night, as the new day dawns, this energy is dispersed into the world at large. It may take a fair amount of time for the spell to come to fruition, and a key element is that once the spell is made, it is released and forgotten.
Making The Cake
- Setting Your Intention
Before you start with the actual spell, it is important to set your intention. What do you want to accomplish? What impossible, incompatible, impractical, unreasonable thing do you want? Usually, when working magick, it’s important to be really specific, but in this case, generalities are fine. For example: I want to be happy. I want to be rich. I want true love. I want to be young again…
- My Cup Runneth Over
“My Cup Runneth Over” is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means “I have more than enough for my needs.” How fun it would be to use this as a measurement for the first ingredient in our magickal moon cake.
With this in mind, pour a heaping cup of bird seed into a large bowl. This can be a tea cup, a coffee cup, or a measuring cup, the amount doesn’t have to be exact. The amount of bird seed will, however, determine the size of your cake.
Run your fingers through the seeds, and think about all the little things that would need to come together to make your wish come true. Think also about how fertile a tiny seed is, what a powerful little package it is. Allow your fingers to fill the seeds with a sense of purpose. Your purpose.
- Sweeten The Pot
The expression “sweeten the pot” means to make something more desirable. The expression originally comes from gambling; when players make new bets, they will sometimes say they are “sweetening the pot” as they throw chips in. This means the pot (i.e. the money that will be won by the person with the best hand) is larger and therefore more desirable to all players.
This spell is a bit of a gamble, and we do want our cake to be desirable. So now that we’ve filled all of our little seeds with a sense of purpose, it’s time to add the honey.
Pour enough honey into your bowl of seeds to coat each one. One or two tablespoons will probably be sufficient. It will depend on how much birdseed there is. You need just enough honey to turn your pile of dry seeds into a sticky ball.
- Grease Some Palms
To grease someone’s palm, a phrase that dates from the early 16th century, is to bribe them. The metaphor comes from the idea of applying grease to a machine to make it run smoothly. There is also a saying that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” which conveys the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention. The purpose is “to facilitate, expedite, ease, or aid something or some process; to make or help things run more smoothly or more easily.”
I love the idea of using Coconut Oil as our grease of choice, since coconuts grow on palm trees, and we’re greasing some palms. It will be easier to add it to our sticky ball if it’s been warmed up a bit and is in liquid form.
About a quarter of a cup should do if you’ve used about a cup of seeds, but you may need more. Be sure and rub some on the palms of your hands, maybe give some thought to the squeaky wheels that might need smoothing.
If your mixture of seeds and honey still seem soft and crumbly after adding the coconut oil, add more coconut oil, and then chill it for a little while. The coconut oil should solidify and even though it might be delicate, your cake should hold together pretty well. The chilling can be done either before or after the next step, which is adding the cornmeal.
- Ripe For Harvest
What we plant in the soil of contemplation,
we shall reap in the harvest of action.
~Meister Eckhart
Corn, by its very nature is a sacred and vital plant. Its presence allows the people to live, thrive, grow and prosper. Because of this role, Corn Meal can be used to bless people, places, and objects. Imagine that whenever corn meal is used in this capacity that it is like a blanket of energy. It surrounds and marks the intended target with its powerful spirit, lending it gifts of vitality, fruitfulness, and rejuvenation. Keeping the idea of this blanket in mind, you can also see it as a mantle of sorts. When it is sprinkled over a person or object, that mantle is shared and covers the object, making it sacred as well.
With this in mind, spread a generous handful of cornmeal over your mixture. Shape it into a round moon shaped disk, covered completely with cornmeal, top and bottom. If the cake seems too soft, you can chill it in the freezer for a few minutes, this should solidify the coconut oil, and the cake will harden enough for gentle handling.
Performing The Ritual
For this you will need a place in nature to leave your cake. It will be best if you can leave it on a natural altar, such as a flat rock. If that is not available, you could leave it at the base of a tree, on a large round leaf, or in a circle of leaves, twigs, and/or small stones.
Begin at sunset, or just after dark. Place your cake on the altar of your choice. And then pour a circle of wine around it, and invoke the Powers, the Gods, and Spirits. Say:
From strong earth below me
To the wide sky above me
I call the Powers, the Gods,
Those in Spirit who love me.
I want my cake. I want to eat it too.
Here is one I made for you.
I thought I couldn’t ~ but maybe I could.
I thought I wouldn’t ~ but maybe I would.
I thought you can’t ~ but maybe you can
Make the impossible ~ a possible plan.
Now, in your own words explain what you are asking for.
Take a few moments to really feel the energy, and then say thank you, swipe your hands together twice to cut the connection, and walk away. Don’t look back.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
You need three things:
- Jasmine essence, essential oil, or flowers
- A quartz crystal.
- Symbols of each of the four elements – earth, fire, air, and water
Jasmine is the flower of femininity. (I am supposing this magic to be directed to a woman — of course men do want to lose weight too. If this is the case, choose an essence such as Patchouli or Vanilla). It is the flower of senses, of pleasure, of physical attraction. The best suited therefore to bring you back in touch with the pleasure of being in your skin, of looking and feeling attractive, the feeling that exudes naturally from a healthy and balanced body. In fact all the responsibility for weight problems resides somewhere in the body’s loss of its ability to stay balanced.
Deficiencies on the emotional or mental plane are interfering with the body’s natural wisdom. When its balance is impaired its happiness is lost. Through jasmine you may magically evoke that lost sensuous joyfulness. With the crystal quartz you focus your energies on the issue at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.
Begin the process during the day, when the moon is full. Cleanse and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Place the jasmine flowers or essence and also the quartz crystal in front of you together with symbols of the four elements (earth, fire, air, and water).
As you call the powers an element will present itself to you, according to where the imbalance is in you. That will of course change the shape of the incantation.
If you are not sure how the elements might present themselves, here are some ideas:
- Air = words and language, aromas and sounds, breathing, flying
- Earth = substance and things, plants and herbs, gardening, drumming,
- Water = emotions and feelings, liquids and water, swimming, cleansing,
- Fire = action, passion, heat, creating, light and color,
In this example I will use the element air – on the basis of this example you can work out the different variations.
So air is in this case the element which speaks, the power which will help you with this magic. Words belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and relax deeply to ask your subconscious to give you a word – the key word for this magic.
For a few minutes you are sitting with your eyes closed, thinking of nothing. When you sense your mind beginning to wander astray, touch the quartz — its magical powers will help immediately to focus your attention again. Soon the key word will form itself in your conscious mind: in this example it is “independence”. It does not matter that you understand why this particular word should be your key word. Certainly a reason is there, your unconscious has its own deep wisdom — but it is not important that you should be consciously aware of its motives.
Every night, from the full moon to the black moon, you will rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your naked body. While doing this, let the key word “independence” stay in your mind.
As you revel in the fragrance of the jasmine, relaxing, images will come to your mind, suggestions as to how to expand on the independence in your life. Maybe you will have a vision on yourself learning a foreign language.
Following these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you want it to work you will have to find a way. The quartz will help you with that. If you find yourself saying “I have too much to do, I cannot possibly fit this in, I never was good at languages anyway.” etc., touch the crystal and feel its energy for a few seconds. It will immediately give you clarity and firmness of purpose, and you will be able to see what you need to do, and have the determination to do it.
Every night, before going to sleep, rub the essence on your body, and experiment with your key word. Keep the crystal with you at all times for this period — to touch it whenever you feel that you need to do so.
Thanks to the magic of the flower, of the crystal, and of the key word given to you by the power air, a deep change will start in this period. A change which will enable you to regain your natural balance, and the grace and beauty that go with it.
Source: Old Witchcraft
Items you’ll need:
- Floating candles
- A large bowl
- Water
- Matches
- A pen
Create sacred space with candles, sage smudging, and setting up altars with powerful totems, or items of special significance.
If possible, stand or sit under the Moon. Allow yourself to feel a direct relationship to it, as a mover of the living waters of the Earth and within our own bodies.
Do a grounding exercise, to bring you out of the chatter of small talk and into ritual space. Feel the earth under your feet and shake out the tension in the body.
Place the large water-filled bowl in front of you, or in the middle of your gathering on a table.
Write what you are releasing on the candle that you will be floating. It’s not important that the writing shows up, just that the intention is there.
As you place the candle into the bowl, declare what you’re releasing.
Light the candle.
Allow yourself to feel the transfer of what you’re releasing to the candle. As a group focus on letting go into the water, holding hands if that feels right.
Celebrate this release by sharing a feast under the full Moon!
Allow the candle to keep burning in the bowl as a symbol of the letting go process. The flame is a purifier, and symbolizes the sparks of inspiration as well. If you blow out your floating candle, and your bowl is in your home, relighting it will remind you of your commitment. Place inspiring pictures and totems around it that remind you of who you’re becoming. Above all, give yourself kudos for honoring your own growth.
Source: Paganwiccan
This year (2018) is particularly unique in that January and March both contain two full moons while February has no full moon. This means that there are two Blue Moons.
The Blue Moon is an especially magickal time, think of it as a lunar bonus round, a chance to ask for special “once in a blue moon” favors, or to work with “once in a lifetime” spells.
Here are the 2018 dates:
- Jan 31
- March 31
The 2018 January Blue Moon is also a Supermoon, and a total Lunar Eclipse so this will be an especially powerful time for magickal workings.
Here’s a great spell to utilize the magical properties of the Blue Moon. You will need the following:
- A square of blue cloth or sturdy blue christmas wrapping paper. Ideally, the cloth or paper will have moons and stars printed on it, alternatively you can decorate it yourself with glitter glue, stickers, etc.
- 13 safety pins.
- Paper and a pen.
- Length of gold cord or ribbon.
- Bottle of Champagne, a glass, and a corkscrew.
Get centered, and sit down with your pen and paper and make a list of all the things you would want but which seem impossible. This includes anything that you find yourself repeatedly asking for. Think of “once in a lifetime,” or “once in a blue moon,” or “that couldn’t possibly happen to me,” things. The longer the list is, the better.
Now, look at each thing on your list and really think about it. Is this something you really want? If it showed up at your front door tomorrow morning would you really accept it? Are you sure this is for you? Cross off any items that you can’t say YES to with enthusiasm.
Pick your top thirteen “geez I wish I could have that” items from your list. Cut your paper into thirteen moon shapes and write one wish on each one. Write it in a positive, affirmative way, such as: “I win millions of dollars in the lottery.” or “I get an all expenses paid month long vacation in Fiji with the person I love.”
Open up the square of cloth or paper, and pin the 13 wishes to it with safety pins. (The safety pins insure safety and security for you as your wishes unfold.). Now fold the cloth into a neat little bundle and tie it with the gold ribbon or cord.
Take the champagne, the glass, corkscrew, and your bundle outside under the full moon. Hold the bundle up and say the following:
Please grant me these wishes
With harm to none
And bring me a life filled
With love and with fun.
I give you permission
on this special night
To unbind whatever
I may have closed tight
to slip past the blocks
to move through whatever might
stop you from granting
these wishes tonight.
By the grace of the Goddess
By the grace of the God
As I say
It is done
So mote it be.
Now, uncork the champagne, and pour it into the glass. Hold up the glass of champagne and make a toast (say a heartfelt blessing) to the moon, and pour a small amount on the ground. Then make a toast to the Goddess and the God (a blessing and a thank-you), and pour a small amount on the ground. Then toast to yourself (something loving and kind), and drink the rest of the champagne in the glass.
Put the bundle in a place where things get worked on regularly, such as desk drawer, office cabinet, or tool box. On New Year’s Eve of the following year, make a list of all the wonderful and amazing things that happened since this spell, then toss the bundle (unopened) into a fire with thanks and gratitude.
~Madame Fortuna
On any day or evening from the new to full moon, sit quietly and close your eyes. Relax. See yourself as the energy of prosperity. Be the energy of prosperity. Chant, or repeat in your mind:
Circle, circle, round round;
round round, circle round.
Calm and center yourself, thinking of yourself as the energy of success and prosperity. BE the energy of prosperity. This spell is a terrific one to do anytime, and is especially helpful when those financial worries start to get you down.
~Silver Raven Wolf
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity
Drawing Down the Moon refers to ritually connecting with the power and wisdom of a Full Moon divinity. In some Wiccan traditions, this is done by the priest of a group calling the Moon Goddess into the priestess in order for her to become the living embodiment of the deity during the ritual. However, there also are other types of Drawing Down the Moon rituals.
In the Circle Craft tradition, all participants in a group ritual Draw Down the Moon by simultaneously evoking the Moon Goddess within themselves. We also Draw Down the Moon as a personal rite by the following method:
Do a personal Drawing Down the Moon ritual in a private place where you are not likely to be disturbed. Create sacred space. Then, hold your arms up above your head, curving them slightly and holding your palms toward each other so that as you do this you get a sense of being a great chalice. Invoke the Full Moon Goddess or some other Full Moon Divine form you wish to link with.
As you do the invocation, call to mind the image of a shining disc of Moonlight coming down into yourself through your sacred chalice posture. Drink in the power, wisdom, and light of the Moon Goddess. Then, slowly move your arms so that your hands overlap each other on your heart area. Experience yourself as becoming one with the disc of Moonlight and the Moon Goddess.
Experience yourself glowing with Lunar radiance, power, and wisdom, and continue to resonate for several minutes. Then, receive, reflect on, and remember your experiences and any guidance that comes to you. When you sense it is time to end the ritual, give thanks to the Moon Goddess and Sacred Moon. Then, end the ritual and eat some food to aid in grounding. Write about your experiences.
By Selena Fox
Three nights before the cycle of the full moon, you should begin this three-day spell to remove the negative energy preventing abundance from coming your way. Repeat the following ritual bath on each of the three days leading up to the full moon with the last day being on the day the full moon starts. You should use the same candles for each of the three ritual baths.
The Ritual Bath:
To a warm bath, add money bath salts, which are made from a variety of formulas but generally have a strong patchouli scent. Light some general candles around the bath to reach the ambient lighting you prefer. Imagine a soft white light entering through your head and feet to cleanse the negativity from you. Focus on this goal as you enter the bath. Relax and meditate on the obstacles and stresses in your life melting away into the water.
As you drain the water from the tub, your negativity will follow the water down the drain.
Next, cast a circle and light a God and Goddess candle and place it upon your altar. Also place on the altar a green pillar candle that you have anointed with lodestone oil. Visualize your financial goals as already achieved. Put all of your energy into the candle. Finally, rub the candle down with a mixture of cinnamon and cloves. Light the candle and burn money incense while focusing on your goals.
Repeat this ritual for three days so that the last day is upon the full moon.
Found at: Simple Magick
On the night of the full moon, go into your garden, pour a libation of fresh spring water, and say:
Plants of wonder plants of power
Increase in potency by minute and hour
I conjure you now, I charge you with strength
I give you life of infinite length
And boundless magical energy
As I will it, plants, charged you be.
Don’t forget to bless your garden spirits as well. Leave some fragrant herbs strewn in the garden, or string some silver bells, and say the following:
All members of the Sprite and Fey
I offer myself to you this day
For spiritual harvest and your work here below
So that I may flower and blossom and grow
And learn of myself and that up ahead
While working or playing or dreaming in bed
And in return, there is nothing I ask
But that within your magic spirit can bask
Author unknown
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