Monthly Archives: July 2017

In some Wiccan traditions, Lammas is the time of year when the Goddess takes on the aspects of the Harvest Mother. The earth is fruitful and abundant, crops are bountiful, and livestock are fattening up for winter. However, the Harvest Mother knows that the cold months are coming, and so she encourages us to begin gathering up what we can. This is the season for harvesting corn and grain, so that we can bake bread to store and have seeds for next year’s planting. If you would like to hold a Lammas harvest ritual, here’s how:

What You Need:

  • A candle to represent the Harvest Mother
  • Stalks of wheat
  • A loaf of bread
  • Ritual wine (optional)

This ritual celebrates the beginning of the harvest season and the cycle of rebirth, and can be done by a solitary practitioner or adapted for a group or coven setting. Decorate your altar with symbols of the season — sickles and scythes, garden goodies like ivy and grapes and corn, poppies, dried grains, and early autumn foods like apples. If you like, light some Lammas incense.

Have a candle on your altar to represent the Harvest Mother — choose something in orange, red or yellow. These colors not only represent the blaze of the summer sun, but also the coming changes of autumn. You’ll also need a few stalks of wheat and an un-sliced loaf of bread (homemade is best, but if you can’t manage, a store-bought loaf will do). A goblet of ritual wine is optional.

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now.

Light the candle, and say:

The Wheel of the Year has turned once more,
and the harvest will soon be upon us.
We have food on our tables, and
the soil is fertile.
Nature’s bounty, the gift of the earth,
gives us reasons to be thankful.
Mother of the Harvest, with your sickle and basket,
bless me with abundance and plenty.

Hold the stalks of wheat before you, and think about what they symbolize: the power of the earth, the coming winter, the necessity of planning ahead. What do you need help planning right now? Are there sacrifices you should be making in the present that will be reaped in the future?

Rub the stalks between your fingers so a few grains of wheat fall upon the altar. Scatter them on the ground as a gift to the earth. If you’re inside, leave them on the altar for now — you can always take them outside later. Say:

The power of the Harvest is within me.
As the seed falls to the earth and is reborn each year,
I too grow as the seasons change.
As the grain takes root in the fertile soil,
I too will find my roots and develop.
As the smallest seed blooms into a mighty stalk,
I too will bloom where I landed.
As the wheat is harvested and saved for winter,
I too will set aside that which I can use later.

Tear off a piece of the bread. If you’re performing this ritual as a group, pass the loaf around the circle so that each person present can take off a small chunk of bread. As each person passes the bread, they should say:

I pass to you this gift of the first harvest.

When everyone has a piece of bread, say:

As the grain dies, it transforms to bread,
and brings us life through the winter.
We bless this bread, and it blesses us in return,
and we are thankful for the gift of the harvest.

Everyone eats their bread together. If you have ritual wine, pass it around the circle for people to wash the bread down. Once everyone has finished their bread, take a moment to meditate on the cycle of rebirth and how it applies to your own life – physically, emotionally, spiritually. When you are ready, if you have cast a circle, close it or dismiss the quarters at this time. Otherwise, simply end the ritual in the manner of your tradition.

Article by Patti Wigington

A book of Anglo-Saxon charms advised the crumbling of the Lammas loaf into four pieces and the burying of them in the four corners of the barn to make it safe for all the grain that would be stored there. You can also use this old spellcraft in a protection spell for your home.

Here’s how:

Bake a Lammas loaf, and when it is cool break it into four pieces – don’t cut it with a knife – and take one to each corner of your property with the words:

I call on the spirits
Of north, and south, east and west
Protect this place.

Leave the bread for the birds to eat or bury the pieces.

A recipe for Lammas bread can be found here: Lammas Bread


War Water, also known as Water of Mars, draws on the power of iron. Although it’s most famously used to send notorious and powerful hexes, War Water also creates a powerful, protective shield that repels danger of all kinds. War water is easy to make, here’s a recipe: War Water

Before you initiate the bath, first cleanse the home with War Water, especially the room in which you will bathe.

  • Add War Water to the bath water.
  • Immerse yourself completely three times.
  • Drain the water and allow yourself to air dry.
  • As an optional extra, add seven or nine bay leaves to the bath.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

War Water causes hexes but it also repels and removes them. Here’s a simple way to use it:

Add War Water to your bathwater. Light a white candle. As you soak, focus on the idea that the water is cleansing you and forming a protective barrier that no negative energy can penetrate. When you finish with the bath, visualize any negative energy that might have been attached to you, flowing down the drain. Dry yourself with a white towel.

War Water is not difficult to make, here’s a link to a simple recipe: War Water

by Madame Fortuna

Three nights before the cycle of the full moon, you should begin this three-day spell to remove the negative energy preventing abundance from coming your way. Repeat the following ritual bath on each of the three days leading up to the full moon with the last day being on the day the full moon starts. You should use the same candles for each of the three ritual baths.

The Ritual Bath:

To a warm bath, add money bath salts, which are made from a variety of formulas but generally have a strong patchouli scent. Light some general candles around the bath to reach the ambient lighting you prefer. Imagine a soft white light entering through your head and feet to cleanse the negativity from you. Focus on this goal as you enter the bath. Relax and meditate on the obstacles and stresses in your life melting away into the water.

As you drain the water from the tub, your negativity will follow the water down the drain.

Next, cast a circle and light a God and Goddess candle and place it upon your altar. Also place on the altar a green pillar candle that you have anointed with lodestone oil. Visualize your financial goals as already achieved. Put all of your energy into the candle. Finally, rub the candle down with a mixture of cinnamon and cloves. Light the candle and burn money incense while focusing on your goals.

Repeat this ritual for three days so that the last day is upon the full moon.

Found at: Simple Magick

When using fire and ice together, you are calling for a natural balance to take place. It can be a balance of the self, a balance of a situation, or even a balance of the checkbook. This is a great spell to do during an Eclipse.

You will need:

  • A large clear glass bowl
  • Equal amounts of water and ice
  • 3 floating candles (these can be multicolored, white, gray, or brown)
  • Handful of salt

Place the ice in the bowl. Add the salt and say, ” I cast off any negativity and purify this ice. It is blessed by the Goddess and the God.” Add enough water to make the surface smooth, and bless it in the same manner.

Place the candles in the bowl and say:

“I call upon my higher self
to bring my being into harmony.
I will myself to be balanced in all situations.
So mote it be!”

Clap your hands three times and light the candles. This is a good time to reflect on which areas of your life need balance the most. It also is a beautiful sight to sit and watch the ice melt while the flames dance. Spend an appropriate amount of time in reflection before you close your circle or leave the area.

From: Elemental Witch

Calling a situation into balance can be a bit tricky. For example, suppose you are upside down in your finances – more going out than you can bring in. You can use fire and ice to call for a balance. Here is a spell that can be used to bring balance to any situation.

You will need the following:

  • An empty paper milk carton (quart size)
  • Water, to fill the milk carton
  • A gray or brown taper candle as tall as the milk carton
  • A pencil
  • Piece of string
  • Cooking spray
  • Large bowl or cauldron (gallon size)
  • Sand or soil

Spray the inside of the carton with cooking spray. Tie the string to the wick of the candle. Wrap the other end of the string around the pencil. Place the candle in the milk carton and use the pencil to hold it upright by placing the pencil across the top of the carton. (You may cut small notches in the top of the carton if needed.)

Carefully fill the carton with water, leaving about an inch of the candle above the water line. Place it in the freezer. When the water is frozen solid, tear the carton away. Place the candle in your cauldron, or other large ceremonial bowl, to which a thick layer of sand or soil has been added.

Note: The bowl or cauldron must be deep enough that the layer of sand or soil will easily absorb all the melting ice without covering (and thus putting out) the lighted candle.

Say, “I call upon the universal forces of my Lord and Lady to bring balance to my life. I will that my current financial situation become balanced in the most beneficial way for me and my loved ones. As I will it, so it shall be.” (This can be reworded to fit your specific situation exactly.)

As you light the candle, visualize yourself happily spending and receiving money in perfect balance, always having enough for what is needed. Allow the candle to burn completely down, and then pour the water and sand out under a tree.

Another Note: This spell can be modified to fit any situation in which balance is needed. Simply change the wording of the spell, and visualize the desired balance.

Found in: Elemental Witch

We all suffer from stress at one time or another, and in a workplace it is often difficult to reverse the situation. This spell can be taken to your workplace or used in other stressful situations, with minimum disturbance. For healing and magic, the earth, or Mother Earth, from whence all things spring, is unsurpassed. Add a little Borage, the flower of courage, and some of your own essence, and even the most difficult of predicaments can be overcome.

Here is a Mediterranean spell to charge you with the strength to overcome a stressful situation. The items you will need are as follows:

  • A handmade cloth bag
  • Some dry earth
  • A small bunch of Borage flowers


Make a small bag. It can be very plain and simple, but it is important that you stitch it together by hand, so that you are putting your self-essence into it. The bag needs to be large enough for you to get both hands inside, with a drawstring to secure it. As a special touch, embroider your initials on it in your favorite color.

On a bright, sunny day collect a few handfuls of dry earth and some borage flowers. Feel the sun’s rays warming your body and the flowers and the soil in your hands, and store the memory carefully.

Dry the Borage flowers, then place them with the earth in your bag. pull the drawstring to secure them. keep the bag in an accessible place. When things are going badly or you need a pick-me-up, it will only take a few moments to place your hands in the bag, touch the dried Borage flowers, reflect on your stored memories, and let Mother Earth work her magic.

By PentaGold

Consider the herbalist’s scales: things are carefully weighed out to achieve a desired balance. Magic plays with balance too. Sometimes the desire is for all forces to be equal and harmonious. At other times goals are accomplished by deliberately, consciously tipping the scales to provide the required effect.

Left and Right:

Once upon a time, not too long ago, the concept of Dualism associated the direction right with God, high, male, and all those good things. Thus children were forced to use their right hands, the dexterous hand, whether that was their dominant hand or not. Children who were naturally left-handed (the sinister hand) literally had it beaten out of them until they were dexterous too. Consider various phrases: in the right, Mr. Right, the left-hand path, a left-handed compliment.

Connections between genders and these directions, however, predate Dualism and Christianity. They exist in completely unrelated cultures, including some that were isolated for a very long time. Hawaiian magic, for instance, associates left with female, right with male as surely as the Chinese and many Asian, African and European traditions. Frequently offerings to female deities are made with the left hand (by both men and women) while offerings to males are made with the right (by both men and women). Feng shui suggests that it’s beneficial for women to sleep on the left side of a common bed, while a man should sleep on the right. (Although spells intended to reverse the power dynamic within a relationship may suggest those sides be switched.)

Sometimes spells direct that an action be performed with either your left or right hand. Either one of two things is being requested.

1 – Because left is yin and yang is right, the left side of everyone’s body is yin or affiliated with “female forces” while the right side is yang and affiliated with “male forces.” Most frequently a spell’s success depends upon accessing one force or emphasizing one quality over the other.

2 – Sometimes the spell’s success depends upon not using your dominant hand. Because until recently everyone was forced to be right-handed, many older spell books will specify casting a spell with your left hand, because it’s assumed that everyone is right-handed. This is, obviously, no longer the case.

In newer spell books, where the importance lies in not using your dominant hand, this is specified in spell-directions. Left-handed people will be directed to use their right hands. Where no such direction is given, if the only stipulation is to use your left hand, then this applies to everyone across the board.

Article from: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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