Cleansing Spells
Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a beautiful ornament. Tell all your troubles to the rock, then put it in the ground overnight, so that the negative energy will soak into the Earth and be neutralized.
You can then retrieve it, wipe it clean, and reuse it.
Here’s something simple you can do whenever you just need to chill out, or calm down:
If you ever feel your emotions building up and becoming overwhelming, place your hands under lukewarm flowing water.
Water is a powerful and natural healer. It calms and cleanses emotions, quickly eliminates tension, and dissolves low vibrational and negative energies. This is the reason many empaths and highly sensitive people feel most at peace and in their element when near bodies of water.
Note: This works particularly well during highly charged moon phases and planetary shifts.
Source: Alex Myles
Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:
“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”
When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:
“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”
Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.
“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.
I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.
I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.
Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”
Drink the spring water. Say:
“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”
Eat some sprouts. Say:
“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”
Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm
This spell employs the unicorn’s potent power of purification to clear, and balance your energy field. First, place an attractive unicorn image on your altar or another flat surface. This could be a framed unicorn greeting card, a crystal unicorn statue, or any other unicorn imagery that speaks to you.
Close to the image, place a white rose and light a white votive candle. Sit comfortably in front of the image. Take some deep breaths and center yourself.
When you feel ready, silently summon a unicorn spirit guide and ask this guide to purify your energy. Then generously mist your entire body and the area around your body with rose water. Feel and express gratitude to your unicorn guide, and know that you can call on this guide regularly for help with energetic purification.
From: Tess Whitehurst
This is a spell for when a toxic person, or unhappy relationship has left you feeling frozen and unable to move on. This spell calls for a “Ghost Apple.” You can read about the magickal qualities of Ghost Apples over at Magickal Ingredients. That post also includes a simple “how to” if you’d like to make a Ghost Apple for use in the following spell.
You will need the following ingredients:
- A Ghost Apple – “This is my problem”
- A plate – “It is on my plate”
- Incense or sage – “I purify with smoke”
- A feather – “I purify with air”
- A small candle – “I purify with fire”
- Salt – “I purify with salt”
- Paper towels – “I wipe the slate clean”
If you do the spellwork indoors, the Ghost Apple will melt quickly, so have everything ready in advance. Place the Ghost Apple on your plate and set them on your altar, saying” This is my problem. It is on my plate.”
Light the incense and hold the Ghost Apple over the top of it so that it fills with the smoke. As you do this, say, “I purify with smoke.” Place the Ghost Apple on your plate, and with the feather, “smudge” or brush the smoke from the incense around the outside of the apple. As you do this say, ” I purify with air.”
Sprinkle salt in a circle around the Ghost Apple, and then over the top of it. Say, “I purify with salt.” Wait and watch as the salt begins to melt the Ghost Apple. Imagine and feel your own walls melting and purifying.
Now, light the candle saying “I purify with fire.” Place the candle close to the Ghost Apple and feel your heart warming and expanding in love. Continue to meditate on this feeling until the Ghost Apple is completely melted and the candle has burned down. If water from the melting ice puts the candle out, that’s fine.
When the ice is completely gone, wipe up the water and salt with the paper towels, and clean the plate. As you do this, say, “I wipe the slate clean.”
Dispose of the paper towels and whatever is left of the incense, and the candle by dropping it into a trash bin far from your home.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
If you suffer from a real sense of defilement, petition the spirits of the sea to provide healing and cleansing. Although there are many such spirits, Aphrodite and Yemaya are particularly powerful and benevolent. Petition either spirit or both. They are compatible with each other.
Journey to the beach with a bouquet of roses. (Six yellow roses for Aphrodite and/or seven white roses for Yemaya.)
Stand in the shallow water. Dip each rose in sea water and then massage it, gently, one at a time, over your body, stroking downwards: down your legs, down your arms, as if you are removing something. Use a light touch. Toss each rose into the sea after you’ve used it to cleanse yourself.
When all the roses have been given to the ocean, enter deeper water and allow significant waves to pass over you, seven for Yemaya, six for Aphrodite. If you’re afraid of the deep water, or if you are not a strong swimmer, sit or recline in the shallows and let the water pass over you.
Ask these beautiful, benevolent spirits to cleanse you and replenish your aura and energy. When you are done, turn around, walk out of the water and go home.
Found in: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
What follows is a simple purification ritual that can be used on crystals and stones, and other sacred objects. This rite is best done at sunrise or during the day, on your altar (if you have one) or on any table that can be used for this purpose.
Fill a basin with pure water and place this to the west on the table or altar. Next, light a red candle and set this to the south. Light some incense and place this to the east. Finally, place a dish or flowerpot filled with freshly dug earth to the north on the altar. In between all these objects, set the stone (or stones) to be purified.
When all is readied, still your mind and pick up the stone in your projective (dominant) hand. Turn your attention toward the bowl of earth. Place the stone on it and cover with fresh earth. Say something to the effect of:
I purify you with earth!
Leave the stone there for a few minutes, all the while visualizing the earth absorbing the stone’s impurities. Then remove it, dust it clean, and hold it in the incense smoke. Pass it nine times through the smoke, from the right to the left, saying words like these:
I purify you with air!
Next, quickly pass the stone through the candle’s flame several times, saying:
I purify you with fire!
The fire burns away all negativity. Now place the stone in the water and say this or your own words:
I purify you with water!
Visualize the water washing it clean. Leave the stone in the water for a time, then dry it with a clean cloth and hold it in your receptive hand. Is the stone “clean”? If not, repeat this simple ritual as many times as necessary, until your are sure it has done it’s work. Afterward, store the stone in a special place. It is ready for use in magick.
From: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic
The Crystal Fountain is a place of peace and tranquility, you can visit whenever you feel stressed or tired. Here you can ask a question and seek the answer in the waters.
Lie down comfortably, with your arms by your sides and your legs uncrossed, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Visualize yourself walking through the woods on a Summer’s evening. The trees along each side of the path are Oak and Ash and Elm, and they move softly in the gentle night breeze.
The air moving through their branches seems to whisper a welcome. The ground beneath your feet is soft and mossy, and cool. You slip off your shoes to make contact with the earth. Above you the sky is a deepening blue and the Full Moon lights your way.
As you walk, you hear the sound of running water, and through the trees you glimpse a small stream, tumbling over rocks and making music which complements the night. Turning a bend, you see a small waterfall descending into a pool almost at your feet. Take a step towards it and kneel at its edge.
Reflected in the rippling waters you see the face of the Moon and below the surface stones and crystals of differing colors. Gazing at the Moon’s reflection you ask your question and then, dipping your hand into the waters, you withdraw a stone. Look carefully at the stone and remember it.
Now give your thanks to the Moon and the waters, and return to the here and now. Remember the stone and seek the answer to your question through its meaning.
This is a really nice meditation for cleansing and healing as well. Instead of asking a question and dipping your hand into the waters, step into the water and ask to be healed and cleansed. Take plenty of time to relax and allow the magickal waters of the crystal fountain to cleanse and heal you. When you are complete, take time to relax as you return to the here and now. And as always, be sure to express your gratitude.
From: The Real Witches’ Year
Okay, you just had a date that was a huge disaster, the Titanic of all dates. Such a date leaves a huge psychic slime stain. This spell will cleanse your aura and remove any ugly traces.
You will need:
- Some salt (sea salt or rock salt)
- a good broom
- a dustpan
First, take off all the clothes you wore on the date. Throw them in the washer, and toss in some of the salt with the soap. Then scatter salt about your house or apartment saying:
Out, out
Throughout and about,
All good come in
All evil stay out!
Then take a shower and place a fist-full of salt on your head. Close your eyes. Let the salt dissolve in the water and run down your body, saying:
Out, out, Throughout and about,
All good come in,
All evil stay out!
Dry off and get dressed. Sweep your house, collecting all the salt you tossed around in the dustpan. Empty the dustpan out a window or door saying:
Out out,
Throughout and about,
Friends come in,
(date’s name) stay out!
He’s history…Anything he/she sends, return it with salt on it. Forget about him/her!
Source: Unknown
You would be surprised by the amount of negative energy that lives in your home. The more you refuse to let go and remove it, the worse you will feel.
When our homes are overwhelmed with negative energies we will feel stressed and uneasy on a much deeper level than normal. That being said, removing those negative energies is a lot simpler than you might think. To be completely honest, getting rid of them is a lot easier than preventing them from entering your home.
Below you will find the best method I have found in more recent times in regards to removing negative energies. This is easy and effective if you are dealing with what you think are negative energies this is worth trying. If after the first day you don’t notice a change, negative energies might not be the problem you are facing.
Sea Salt Water Room Cleanse
- 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar
- 2/3 Tablespoons of Sea Salt
- 1 Full Glass of Water
- 4 Drops of White Sage Oil
Note: Frankincense or clove oil can be substituted if need be
First, pour the sea salt into your empty glass and fill the glass with the water. Once you have done this add in the vinegar and then the white sage oil. You do not have to mix this, just leave it as it is and place it in your room or make multiple glasses and place one in each room for a full house cleanse. Leave each glass for a full 24 hours and then check to see if you notice a difference in appearance. Be sure no one has moved or even touched the glass at all.
If the water has not changed at all, then that room is clear of negative energy but if it has changed be it in color or just a slight texture difference that is observable pour the glass outside at least a good ten feet from your home and do this again in the same room until you no longer notice a difference. Usually, in rooms with lots of negative energies, you may have to do it for a full week. This works because the white sage oil is able to remove negativity and the other ingredients work together to amplify this, sea salt also works to absorb the negative energies being pushed into it. All of these things make up a wonderful negative energy fighting team.
Now, the reason why we do not flush this water or merely wash it down the sink is because when you do that you are leaving residual negative energies behind in the pouring process. By taking the glass of negativity outside and pouring it away from your home you are removing the negativity completely and giving it back to Mother Earth so that she can transform it into something positive on her own time. I also would suggest bringing a fresh glass of clean water with a positive affirmation over it to pour on top to ensure that the negative energies begin their transformation quickly.
I hope that this helped you in some way. While it may sound a bit crazy I promise you this has worked wonders in my home. I did this for a full week and now my home feels much more open and less tense. Once you do this I strongly recommend doing it once a month as to continue to remove negative energies so that they do not get built up to that same degree again. What do you think, will you be giving this a try?
Found at: Awareness Act
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