You would be surprised by the amount of negative energy that lives in your home. The more you refuse to let go and remove it, the worse you will feel.

When our homes are overwhelmed with negative energies we will feel stressed and uneasy on a much deeper level than normal. That being said, removing those negative energies is a lot simpler than you might think. To be completely honest, getting rid of them is a lot easier than preventing them from entering your home.

Below you will find the best method I have found in more recent times in regards to removing negative energies. This is easy and effective if you are dealing with what you think are negative energies this is worth trying. If after the first day you don’t notice a change, negative energies might not be the problem you are facing.

Sea Salt Water Room Cleanse


  • 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar
  • 2/3 Tablespoons of Sea Salt
  • 1 Full Glass of Water
  • 4 Drops of White Sage Oil

Note: Frankincense or clove oil can be substituted if need be


First, pour the sea salt into your empty glass and fill the glass with the water. Once you have done this add in the vinegar and then the white sage oil. You do not have to mix this, just leave it as it is and place it in your room or make multiple glasses and place one in each room for a full house cleanse. Leave each glass for a full 24 hours and then check to see if you notice a difference in appearance. Be sure no one has moved or even touched the glass at all.

If the water has not changed at all, then that room is clear of negative energy but if it has changed be it in color or just a slight texture difference that is observable pour the glass outside at least a good ten feet from your home and do this again in the same room until you no longer notice a difference. Usually, in rooms with lots of negative energies, you may have to do it for a full week. This works because the white sage oil is able to remove negativity and the other ingredients work together to amplify this, sea salt also works to absorb the negative energies being pushed into it. All of these things make up a wonderful negative energy fighting team.

Now, the reason why we do not flush this water or merely wash it down the sink is because when you do that you are leaving residual negative energies behind in the pouring process. By taking the glass of negativity outside and pouring it away from your home you are removing the negativity completely and giving it back to Mother Earth so that she can transform it into something positive on her own time. I also would suggest bringing a fresh glass of clean water with a positive affirmation over it to pour on top to ensure that the negative energies begin their transformation quickly.

I hope that this helped you in some way. While it may sound a bit crazy I promise you this has worked wonders in my home. I did this for a full week and now my home feels much more open and less tense. Once you do this I strongly recommend doing it once a month as to continue to remove negative energies so that they do not get built up to that same degree again. What do you think, will you be giving this a try?

Found at: Awareness Act

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