Monthly Archives: January 2017
Take a fully blooming rose, and chant:
________ and __________,
side by side,
Passion and desire fill your hearts and loins.
May this night be one of great delight!
Scatter the petals in the bed and sleep with your lover in it, and make passionate love together. The next day, gather the petals together, and put them into two pink or red cloth (preferably silk or linen) and keep under each one’s pillow.
This little spell will be an excellent tonic for those whose sexual excitement in a relationship is fading. Even better if performed just before a full moon, or in a moon travelling through Libra.
Some dates are just waiting for the right spark to make them truly passionate. Here are just the right ingredients to throw in that spark.
You will need:
- Red lipstick
- Rose Oil
Before your date, put on that red lipstick. Dab some oil on your temples and chest, saying:
From seed to bud,
Root to flower,
As a rose I open to the sun.
As all should open to my power!
Touch a dab of the oil onto your lips, press them together, and smile. Visualize yourself as a bright red rose opening, then go on your date.
Source unknown.
- Your favorite pen/ red in color
- White paper
- A piece of mica
- A piece of black satin fabric
This spell is best done on a Friday because Friday is governed by the Goddess Venus.
On your piece of paper write your first name and your lover’s full name. Draw a square around them and while you eyes are closed chant the following seven or nine times:
“Our fate is sealed,
we are one”
Cut the square out, place a piece of mica on top of it and wrap it in the black satin. When you are finished you will need to find a body of water to place your spell in, the water will carry your message.
Found at: Lynnlu Hub Pages
At the first sight of the New Moon, spin sunwise on one foot, murmuring:
Twist a man
(give his name if you have a strong preference)
around me
just like I’m twisting around you!”
At ten o’clock on a Saturday night, wrap a piece of his clothing around a ham bone. Put in bundle in a plastic bag. Seal the end tightly with red string.
Place in bag in a large plastic container. Pour in 3 cups of salt water. Cover with lid. Let it sit, undisturbed and unnoticed, for seven days.
The next Saturday, at ten in the morning, take the remains and wrap what is left in a newspaper. Bury away from yard and property unnoticed.
Source Unknown
Perhaps one of the most ill understood and belittled types of Everyday/Mundane Magic is exactly Love Magic, that is, the Magic one makes use of to attract Love, Sex and Emotions to one’s life. I myself cannot understand why so many sneer at it. Frankly, I find the act of casting a spell and making Magic to attract one’s Heart Desire and Soul Counterpart one of the most serious and divine acts of worshiping the gods in a human being. Just recall a time when you were deeply in love and you will remember how human it felt and yet so close to god(dess)head. It felt like this both ways too, because the keyword for eternity as far as love is concerned is reciprocation.
To be truly in love is an act of complementary that transcends all dualities, it is the Pursuit of Pleasure, a joyous and willing surrender of selves in a Battle where both partners are winners, it is sharing, intimacy and play. Who teaches whom, it is impossible to say. Lover and Beloved become united in the Explosion of Senses, Tastes, Textures and Colors, in the Adventure of Lovemaking, physical and emotional to experience then the Divine manifest within and without themselves. Have you ever thought that the Universe is always making love to itself, ever changing, and that this is also called Evolution?
Therefore, as far as my experience goes, love and lovemaking within the context of Mesopotamia was and still should be seen first and foremost as a religious experience. One cannot forget the fact that the Sacred Marriage Rite was at the core of Mesopotamian Religion, and it was the celebration of the Bond of Heaven and Earth between Lover and Beloved represented by the union of the king and shepherd of the land and his heavenly consort, the High Priestess of Inanna/Ishtar, the Great Goddess of Love and War, and shared by all Mesopotamians in the privacy of their homes in sacred dates.
For when the right stars shone in the skies especially to announce the return of springtime, in the first New Moon of the season it was the sacred duty of the king to wed the High Priestess of Inanna/Ishtar in the Holies of Holies of the sacred man-made mountain, the ziggurat, to ensure fertility for the land and the people in all levels and spheres. Indeed, if we study carefully Mesopotamian love poetry of the Third Dynasty of Ur, especially the Bridal Songs and The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi (the forerunner of the Song of Songs), we may perhaps find some reasons to propose a proto-Tantra centered in the prototypal couple Inanna/Ishtar and Dumuzi/Tammuz.
In what follows, love spells as quoted in the literature will be presented for your joy and delight. Please note how spontaneous and uninhibited are the male and female voices that long for the Beloved and the Lover united as One. These spells are indeed more than 3,000 years old, and it is clear to me that Mesopotamians were a much jollier lot than us as far as love and singing the Beloved was concerned.
Incantations are as follows:
Be aware that some of them are quite explicit and may not be suitable for everyone.
- Get up
- I Have Made A Bed
- Becoming More Explicit
- Seated on Her Thighs
- May I Not Miss My Prey
- Against Arousal
- The Harpstring
Great Lover and Beloved who is reading me right now, and yes, I am talking to you, Reader of Mine, start making love be in your life NOW, open up the doors of your mind, heart, body and soul to Seduction and Allure. Indeed, I am inciting you to be practical: if your partner is around, blow him/her a kiss, treat him/her with something thoughtful. If he is away, there are so many forms to communicate these days. Use them then!
If you don´t have a partner, treat yourself then! Waiting for the Beloved to come your ways must be a magical time. Bride or Bridegroom of the Perfect, Sacred Marriage of your Dreams, this is who you are. Value yourself. You are everything you need to start, continue and live happily ever after with your prospective Beloved. Did I make myself clear?
Most of all, wish and witch and wait for results to come your way. Keep the flame of desire alight, wait in perfect love and perfect trust, in stillness that is not idle and get results that do show potential. Be creative too. The Sure Thing is Happy Expectation and Delight, not anger, power-over or frustration. Remember this and embrace the future now, at this very moment.
May Joy, Laughter and Creativity, the Sources of Inspiration for Love Everlasting that you also make be in the physical world be yours to share in all spheres!
To Inanna and Enki, in love and laughter, trust, humor and dare, as it was, is and will always be.
Exerpt from an essay by Lishtar
Here are some words of advice for novice spell casters:
- By aligning your energies with the lunar cycle, and tapping into the natural tides and currents of life, you will increase the effectiveness and power of your spells.
- Because the moon turns the tide and our bodies are mainly composed of water, we wax and wane with the moon.
- Generally, psychic energy is highest when the moon is waxing (becoming full) and weakest when it is waning (diminishing).
- To attract something into your life, work when the moon is waxing.
- For banishing spells and to remove negativity and bad situations, work when the moon is waning.
- The most important ingredient of any spell is love.
- Thought and prayer are very powerful, and what makes the magic work is faith.
- Any spell you cast should come from the heart, and you should direct your thoughts like an arrow toward a magnet.
- Spells work in spirits’ time. What is sent out mentally leaves an etheric trace, which adds power to the spell when repeated or reworded.
- Both words and thoughts are a powerful vibratory force. You must believe that what you wish for will come true, and you must not be afraid that it will.
Place peppermint leaves on top of a photograph of the person who needs help healing. (This could be a picture of you, if you wish.)
“Charge” a blue candle with your desire for perfect health for the person in the photo. (This has to do with anointing the candle and “charging it” with your desire while preparing it) Carve the candle with the individuals name, along with a good health symbol. (I like to use the symbol for the Red Cross)
Burn the candle beside the photograph. When the candle has burned down, dispose of the peppermint leaves outdoors in a bush, under a tree, etc…Repeat as needed, with fresh peppermint leaves each time.
Spell by Rose Ariadne
Goal: To come up with new ideas.
Optional extras: A yellow candle (to represent intellect); a cauldron or empty bowl (to represent the open possibilities)
Note: The best time to cast is early morning, just as the sun is rising. Stand in front of the empty bowl, light the candle, and hold out your empty hands in front of you. Try to visualize yourself as being as open and empty as the bowl, waiting to be filled with ideas and inspiration.
The incantation:
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Open up my mind and heart
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Let the thinking process start
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Send ideas new and old
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Planning subtle or actions bold
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Show the path to resolution
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Grant to me the best solution.
After: Write down any ideas that come to you.
Fill a silver spoon with sugar, and carry it around the house in a counter clockwise direction.
The silver spoon will banish negativity, and the sugar will empower and sweeten your opportunities. Leave the spoon undisturbed for seven hours, and then cast the sugar to the winds, asking for speedy, positive changes in your life.
From Silver’s Spells for Prosperity
By Silver RavenWolf
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