Releasing Spells
If you’re truly ready to release a substance, craving, or addictive pattern from your life, this is a very powerful method. After saying this prayer, you’ll likely find that all cravings are gone. Or, you might have an experience that leads you to give up the addiction for good.
First, imagine that the item, person, or situation that you want to release is sitting on your lap. Then imagine that it’s floating in front of your navel. See or feel all the cords, webs, and roots extending from y our navel to the items you’re releasing. Then say this prayer:
Archangel Raphel, beloved angel of healing!
Babaji, teacher of overcoming the physical world!
Beloved Devi, who cares so deeply!
Shining Maat, bringer of Divine light!
Serapis Bey, overseer of ascension!
Please cut the cords of addictions and cravings from me.
I now fully release any and all patterns of addictions, and
I completely embrace my freedom and physical health.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Best performed during the waning moon. Light a pink candle for self-love; anoint it with the oil of your choice. Next light a brown candle. Engrave the number of pounds you want to lose on it, then visualize banishing the excess weight. Runes can be carved on it if you wish. Incense can be burned; visualize the smoke carrying away the excess poundage. Adapt the spell to your own personal needs.
Source: Old Witchcraft
Items you’ll need:
- Floating candles
- A large bowl
- Water
- Matches
- A pen
Create sacred space with candles, sage smudging, and setting up altars with powerful totems, or items of special significance.
If possible, stand or sit under the Moon. Allow yourself to feel a direct relationship to it, as a mover of the living waters of the Earth and within our own bodies.
Do a grounding exercise, to bring you out of the chatter of small talk and into ritual space. Feel the earth under your feet and shake out the tension in the body.
Place the large water-filled bowl in front of you, or in the middle of your gathering on a table.
Write what you are releasing on the candle that you will be floating. It’s not important that the writing shows up, just that the intention is there.
As you place the candle into the bowl, declare what you’re releasing.
Light the candle.
Allow yourself to feel the transfer of what you’re releasing to the candle. As a group focus on letting go into the water, holding hands if that feels right.
Celebrate this release by sharing a feast under the full Moon!
Allow the candle to keep burning in the bowl as a symbol of the letting go process. The flame is a purifier, and symbolizes the sparks of inspiration as well. If you blow out your floating candle, and your bowl is in your home, relighting it will remind you of your commitment. Place inspiring pictures and totems around it that remind you of who you’re becoming. Above all, give yourself kudos for honoring your own growth.
Source: Paganwiccan
- Color: Purple
- Elements: Fire and Water
- Altar: On a purple cloth set a vase of many flags, a plate of offering cakes, and a great chalice of wine for the libation.
- Offerings: Offering cakes made with honey and olive oil. Aid in the freedom of another being.
- Daily Meal: Anything the community wants.
Papa Liber
Mama Libera
We honor you!
You who are liberty and freedom,
Yet whose priestesses are elder women
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had experience
And understood the many prisons
In which life will try to trap us.
You who are in the spirit
Of the great phallus borne into
The marketplace for all to see and touch
Yet whose wreath is laid upon it
By a virtuous matron whose body
Has not strayed from her wedding vows,
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had the choice of many chains
And freely chosen those bonds
In which one wishes to spend one’s days.
Liberty in all its contradictions,
Freedom in all its ambiguities,
The state which we can never quite define
Your country which we can never find on a map
Yet we always know
When we have touched its shores.
(The libation is passed around, and blessed, and then poured out. Each member of the community may choose what work they will do that evening, and none is to be given orders, yet they must explain the following day why they did choose in that way.)
Note: This ritual is appropriate for any day that celebrates liberation and freedom, as well as the Roman holiday of Liberalia.
Found in: Pagan Book of Hours
A difficult person is someone who throws their emotional energy at you , causing you upset and shock, making you feel defenseless. A difficult person is someone who persecutes you or obstructs your path in life. A difficult person is someone who tries to cause you emotional or physical harm or damage your reputation. A difficult person is someone who tries to steal your belongings, wealth, or creativity.
Such people can be dealt with, but the golden rule is that you should not at any juncture wish them harm. What you must wish them is self- knowledge. You can direct the thought energy of self-knowledge to them in such a way that they will lose their sting toward you.
Do this exercise twice a day, in the morning and evening. Continue it for 3 or 9 days. Longer, if necessary.
Sit quietly, focusing upon the individual and picturing them in your mind. Then direct this thought toward them, speaking it out loud either three or nine times.
“May all blessings flow to you. May self-knowledge flow to you. I reclaim the power you have taken from me, it is mine to take back, it is my right. May love and good fortune come to you now. As I speak now you are no longer a problem for me! Your difficult energy dissolves into wisdom. You regard me with respect.”
At the end of this clap your hands three times very loudly to seal your invocation.
This exercise works with great effect. Think of this as a spiritual kick in the backside that leaves no bruise, creates no harm, and gives you a compassionate view of the situation and the difficult person or people concerned.
A solar eclipse occurs as the Sun casts the Moon’s shadow across the Earth. It unites the powers of Sun and Moon, light and darkness, logic and intuition. It is “a day without a night, a night without a day,” magically suspended from normal routines: a cosmic exception that proves the rule of Sun and Moon.
An eclipse is a perfect time for changing patterns. Use its power to break curses, bad habits, and so forth. Choose a small item representing what you want to dispel.
At the time of the eclipse, take the item far from your home. Hold it and concentrate on all that binds and limits you, symbolized by this object. Then say:
Eclipse, break
through the past
Smashing all
that held me fast.
Shadow come,
shadow go,
Take this nasty
thing I throw.
Throw the item as far away from you as possible. Quickly bury it where it falls, then say:
Hide it far, far away
Lost between the night and day.
Leave it there, let it be,
Never more to
trouble me!
Cover the site with fallen leaves or grass to obscure it. Then walk away without looking back.
– By: Elizabeth Barrette
On a sturdy, preferably dead, bush or shrub still planted in the ground, in a place where the winds blow clear and free, tie or push onto the tip of a branch or twig one leaf for every one of the ills that is bothering you. If you tie the leaf, do so loosely and use a natural fiber cord.
This is all you have to do, for the North Wind will rise and, perhaps slowly, untie and free the leaves, thereby releasing energy and going to work to alleviate the ills besetting you.
This spell works over a period of days or even weeks, not minutes, so leave the shrub after performing the spell. If you wait and watch, the wind might never rise. Of course, it gives you a head start to perform this work during a stiff North breeze.
From: Earth Power
Aquamarine evokes the purity of crystalline waters, and the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. Hold an aquamarine in your hand and chant:
Carry away my troubles with the sea
Bring serenity to me.
Hold on to the stone tightly and let your sorrows wash into the stone and away from you. Do this three days in a row, and then cleanse the stone in a river, a large body of water, or a steady stream of water from a natural source such as a spring or well.
This is a spell to create a happy home. For this spell, gather the following items:
- 1 white candle
- White paper and a pen with red ink (or Dove’s blood ink)
First hold the white candle in both hands and think of all your sorrows and why things are the way they are.
Set the candle down and write down all of your worries, disappointments, and fears on the white paper. Anoint this paper and your writing with honey. Fold it three times.
Light the candle and slowly burn the paper carefully with a fireproof bowl below it. As you do this, chant:
Sadness to the flames
Spirit of Fire quenches my pain
As you chant, visualize your home being happy. If you have children, you could visualize your children well fed and happy, your husband or partner playing with the children and you smiling through it all. For other home situations, visualize whatever it is that would bring happiness to your home.
Repeat for as long as is needed.
Spell By Rose Ariadne
This spell is simple and requires no searching for exotic ingredients. It is performed to draw people to you (friends) and enhance your sexual attraction (if you desire more than friends) In many ways, this is a confidence and self esteem spell. You can focus on a specific person during the rite in order to strengthen the bond between you or to draw that person to you. Remember the laws of return however: That which you send out will often return to you.
Do a thorough physical cleaning of your bathroom, and cover any mirrors with material (white or pink towels or sheets are nice) Then draw a bath and to the water add a small handful (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup) of sea salt or other available salt while saying:
“Negativity is washed away,
I am renewed as of today!
Many heads will turn my way,
the ones I chose will wish to stay.”
Light three white votive candles or place three floating candles in the bath tub, focus on your body, how sensual it is, how beautiful you are. Everyone is beautiful, this spell is just drawing out your best! Women have a strange image of what men desire, and men have an equally odd image of what women desire. This is probably our society’s influences, like TV. Focus on what you like about yourself (there is something). You may also begin to focus on that specific person if desired.
Turn off the lights and turn on your favorite music if possible, something that makes you feel reckless and sexy, or calm and at peace with yourself, depending on your taste, mood, and the desired end result you want. For example, for sex, you may want a sexy rock album, for general attraction, you may want a happy mellow song. The feeling that the music evokes in you is important.
Enter the bath and relax, make sure every part of your body is immersed in the water at least once. If you don’t have a bathtub, tie the salt up in a wash cloth while saying the above words, and use it in the shower.
When you are finished (I spend about an hour and a half in the bathroom and shave, shampoo, etc. beforehand) repeat the original words, plus this ending line, so you’ll say:
“Negativity is washed away,
I am renewed as of today!
Many heads will turn my way,
the ones I chose will wish to stay.”
“I am blessed, I am loving,
I am loved and love myself! I am love!”
It may sound kinda funny, but this one really works. Feel free to intuitively add what you like to this, sandalwood or rose soap, incense, a glass of your favorite ritual beverage, bath oil… especially those made with herbal extracts or essential oils, our favorite perfume or cologne, a special bath towel purchased for this ritual only, etc. Your intuition will only serve to refine this working and enhance its effects!
Source: The Gay Mage
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