Candle Magick
To ensure that your life is blessed with good luck through the net twelve months, perform this simple spell at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
You will need:
- A green candle
- Cinnamon, Cypress or Lotus essential oil
First, open every door and window of your house to allow the spirit of the old year to depart.
Go outside and light a green candle that has been anointed with a few drops of cinnamon, cypress, or lotus oil, and, without uttering a single word, reenter your house through the back door.
Walk through every room with the candle in your hand, go back outside through the front door and then in again by the back.
Additionally, you may place a silver coin, a piece of coal and a piece of bread on a windowsill or porch at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and then bring them into the house after you rise from bed on New Year’s morning.
~Gerina Dunwich
You can perform this ritual for animals recuperating at home, as well as for those at the veterinarian. Light a white candle, and visualize a protective dome of warm soothing light surrounding your pet. When your emotions are calm and your thoughts are still, ask the Great Mother for her assistance by saying:
“Mistress of the Beasts,
send your healing, courage, strength, and love
to [pet’s name] in this time of need.”
Courtesy of: Lynne Sturtevant
You will need:
- 1 wine glass of water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 red candle
- 1 light blue candle
- 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results)
- 1 round hand-held mirror
Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying:
“Beauty be within me.
Beauty now set me free.”
Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say:
“Beauty, beauty come to me.
Beauty, beauty set me free.”
Let the candles burn down all the way.
- The Gay Mage
- Everything Under the Moon by Starwitch
- Art by: til-til
Here is a great spell for good luck and for having your wishes come true:
Gather together:
- 4 red candles
- 4 green candles
- Cinnamon
- Glass of wine
- Edible seeds or nuts
- Round pebble
The red candles are for luck and the green for prosperity, but you may wish to substitute other colors more suitable to your specific wish. The seeds hold the promise of regrowth.
Here’s what to do:
Alternating the colors of the candles, make a large circle with them, aligning them to the eight compass directions. Put the glass of wine in the center of the circle, and place the dish of seeds and/or nuts next to it. Keep the pebble in your left hand through out the spell. The pebble represents the turning Circle of Life in the universe.
Sprinkle Cinnamon around the circle in a clockwise direction, then light the north candle. Once that candle is lit, enter the circle take your place at the center. Now, take a seed or nut, dip it in the wine, make your wish, and then eat it. Savor the flavor, the texture, enjoy the moment.
Working your way around the circle in a clockwise direction, light each candle. As you light each candle, take a seed or nut and dip it in the wine, make your wish and eat it, being sure to take the time to enjoy it. Do this until all the candles are lit.
When finished sit in the middle of your glowing circle. Drink the rest of the wine as a toast to the world. Once you have thoroughly enjoyed the moment, snuff the candles, toss a handful of seeds outside for the birds, and keep the pebble for good luck.
For an extra boost of power, do this spell when the moon is waxing.
Spell by: Madame Fortuna
Apollo is a spirit of omnivorous sexuality. His romantic desires for men and women are equally strong; what seems to be the bottom line of attraction for him is beauty, intelligence, and talent, rather than gender. His is a complex myth.
Classical Greek mythology paints him as the handsomest, most talented, most clever spirit of all, yet the women he pursues inevitably run from his embrace. Apollo had better luck with male lovers, with whom he had happy, successful relationships. Request his assistance, especially with someone who’s hard to get.
Here’s how:
Carve and dress a large yellow or gold candle and dedicate it to Apollo. You can use any love drawing oil. Roll the candle in powdered Saint John’s Wort. Burn it and make your appeal.
Apollo’s sacred creatures include crows and mice. Significant or surprising appearances may signal your response.
It is never a good idea to work magic to make a particular person love you. First because it interferes with that person’s free will, and is thus against the Wiccan Rede. Secondly, because you will never know if they love you for yourself or because of your magic, which, in the long term, will be self-destructive. It is however, perfectly alright to work to bring love into your life.
This spell is most effective when worked on a Friday when the energies of Venus are strongest. Take a pink candle and carefully inscribe your initials into it about half way down. Surround the letters with 7 carefully engraved hearts.
Anoint this with 7 drops of Rose oil and place it in a secure holder surrounded by 7 small pieces of Rose Quartz. (Many rock and gemstone supplier sell bags of mixed stone chips, and if you know your stones, these are excellent for working spells.)
Before you light the candle, close your eyes and visualize the Goddess Venus standing before you, ask her to bring love to you and then light the candle. Keep it close to you whilst it burns. Ensure you have enough time to let it burn all the way down, without having to leave it unattended.
When your candle has burnt all the way down take the pieces of Rose Quartz and anoint each one with a drop of Rose oil and wrap them in a pink cloth. Tie this tightly with gold thread and carry it with you for a full cycle of the Moon, 29 days.
From: The Real Witches Year
You Will Need:
- One black candle
- A candleholder
- Matches
- Black or white pepper
- Salt
- A carving tool
- Anointing oil (this can be any kind of oil you prefer)
Begin by slowly sprinkling salt in a counterclockwise circle around you and your work area, visualize the salt creating a barrier, protecting you during your ritual. Call the target of your banishing spell to mind and carve your intention into the candle. For example, you might carve “Mark will never speak to me again” or “My anxiety is gone”. You may also wish to carve a banishing sigil into your candle.
You can create your own sigil, or if you need some ideas, here are some examples:
When you’ve finished, anoint your candle with the oil and sprinkle the pepper over it. Set the candle into your candle holder and light it, speaking your intention aloud. If it feels good you can turn your intention into a mantra to chant while the candle burns.
Allow the candle to burn itself out, this should be done on a fireproof surface and again, away from pets. Depending on your choice of candle, it may take several hours to completely burn. Do not leave your candle unattended!
If you don’t wish to burn the entire candle you can carve a line halfway or a third of the way down the candle and confine your spell carving to the top portion. This can be tricky if you use a taper candle, be gentle so as not to snap it. When the candle burns to this line you may blow it out and reserve the rest of the candle for another banishing spell.
Source: The Traveling Witch
This spell will give you peace of mind and is especially good for when you are having trouble sleeping.
You will need:
- 1 white candle
- 4 pink candles
- 1 piece of paper
- Instructions:
Place the pink candles around the white one, and light them. On the paper write the following:
Take my problems
That I write
I will have peace
All the night.
Now write down the problems and situations that are interfering with your peace of mind. When it is complete, burn the paper and allow the candles to burn completely down overnight.
Found at: Spells Of Magic
To bless a special candle take a hand-dipped beeswax candle appropriate for your purpose. On the night of the full moon, when the moon is visible in the sky, either go outdoors or look at the moon through the window. Hold the candle in both hands and present it to the moon saying:
Hail Aradia, Queen of Light;
Stand I naked in thy sight;
May this candle blessed be;
Diana and Hecate.
The phrase ‘stand I naked’ does not mean ‘without clothes’. It actually refers to being vulnerable and in need of the assistance of the Triple Moon Goddess.
Source: Sacred Wicca
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