Here is a great spell for good luck and for having your wishes come true:

Gather together:

  • 4 red candles
  • 4 green candles
  • Cinnamon
  • Glass of wine
  • Edible seeds or nuts
  • Round pebble

The red candles are for luck and the green for prosperity, but you may wish to substitute other colors more suitable to your specific wish. The seeds hold the promise of regrowth.

Here’s what to do:

Alternating the colors of the candles, make a large circle with them, aligning them to the eight compass directions. Put the glass of wine in the center of the circle, and place the dish of seeds and/or nuts next to it. Keep the pebble in your left hand through out the spell. The pebble represents the turning Circle of Life in the universe.

Sprinkle Cinnamon around the circle in a clockwise direction, then light the north candle. Once that candle is lit, enter the circle take your place at the center. Now, take a seed or nut, dip it in the wine, make your wish, and then eat it. Savor the flavor, the texture, enjoy the moment.

Working your way around the circle in a clockwise direction, light each candle. As you light each candle, take a seed or nut and dip it in the wine, make your wish and eat it, being sure to take the time to enjoy it. Do this until all the candles are lit.

When finished sit in the middle of your glowing circle. Drink the rest of the wine as a toast to the world. Once you have thoroughly enjoyed the moment, snuff the candles, toss a handful of seeds outside for the birds, and keep the pebble for good luck.

For an extra boost of power, do this spell when the moon is waxing.

Spell by: Madame Fortuna

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