Flower Magick
Flowers from Good Friday church services may be used to protect cattle. Good Friday is indicated because of the connection to the resurrection. Because of cattle’s intrinsic connection with human fertility, any sacred day with fertility overtones, such as Beltane or Midsummer’s Eve, may be substituted, or a day with personal resonance for you if more appropriate.
- Collect some of the flowers following the conclusion of the service or ceremony.
- Burn the flowers, together with seven teaspoons of flour and three teaspoons of salt.
- Gather up the ashes and sew them into a sachet. Reserve until needed.
Should a cow fall ill from natural or suspicious causes, break the sachet open and rub the ashes over the cow’s belly three times, always in the same direction.
Alternatively, place the unbroken sachet on the ground. Lead the cow over it three times, always walking in the same direction.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
You will need the following items for this spell:
- White candle
- Milk
- Vanilla
- 1 cotton ball
- 1 fairy wand
- Daisies (the flowers)
Casting Instructions:
Light the candle on a full moon then mix the milk and add vanilla together in the cup with the spoon. Make a circle out of the daisies and put cup inside. After say this spell:
“Moon light magic call all unicorns call the rainbow tonight. Hear my plea transform me make me a unicorn. I will join the fun and help clean up when done. Give me the power to … (choose one from the list below) … so unicorn I shall be”.
- Grant wishes
- Fly with wings
- Give sweet dreams
Say that three times with your hand over potion. Then take the cotton ball dip in potion and dab all over your body. Just snap to become one.
Source: Spells of Magic
We all suffer from stress at one time or another, and in a workplace it is often difficult to reverse the situation. This spell can be taken to your workplace or used in other stressful situations, with minimum disturbance. For healing and magic, the earth, or Mother Earth, from whence all things spring, is unsurpassed. Add a little Borage, the flower of courage, and some of your own essence, and even the most difficult of predicaments can be overcome.
Here is a Mediterranean spell to charge you with the strength to overcome a stressful situation. The items you will need are as follows:
- A handmade cloth bag
- Some dry earth
- A small bunch of Borage flowers
Make a small bag. It can be very plain and simple, but it is important that you stitch it together by hand, so that you are putting your self-essence into it. The bag needs to be large enough for you to get both hands inside, with a drawstring to secure it. As a special touch, embroider your initials on it in your favorite color.
On a bright, sunny day collect a few handfuls of dry earth and some borage flowers. Feel the sun’s rays warming your body and the flowers and the soil in your hands, and store the memory carefully.
Dry the Borage flowers, then place them with the earth in your bag. pull the drawstring to secure them. keep the bag in an accessible place. When things are going badly or you need a pick-me-up, it will only take a few moments to place your hands in the bag, touch the dried Borage flowers, reflect on your stored memories, and let Mother Earth work her magic.
By PentaGold
Gather your rose on the 27th of June; let it be full blown, and as bright a red as you can get. Pluck it between the hours of three and four in the morning, taking care to have no witness of the transaction.
Convey it to your chamber, and hold it over a chafing dish or any convenient utensil for the purpose, in which there is charcoal and sulfur of brimstone; hold your rose over the smoke for about five minutes, and you will see it have a wonderful effect on the flower.
Before the rose gets the least cool, clap it in a sheet of writing paper, on which is written your own name and that of the man you love best; also the date of the morning star that has the ascendency at that time.
Fold it up and seal it neatly with three separate seals, then run and bury the parcel at the foot of the bush from which you gathered the flower.
Here let it remain untouched till the 6th of July. Take it up at midnight. Go to bed and place it under your pillow, and you will have a singular and eventful dream before morning, or, at least, before your usual time of rising. You may keep the rose under your head three nights without spoiling the charm. When you have done with the rose and paper be sure to burn them.
Found in:
Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World
Flora is the Roman spirit of flowering plants and, by extension, of fertility and the life-force. Her festival, the Floralia, once began April 27th and continued for six days of revelry, especially by women of all ages celebrating their own bodies and natural beauty. The festival was celebrated in the nude until the third century CE, when Roman authorities ordered that revelers be clothed. The festival held out in that form for one more century until all pagan festivals were banned. Vestiges survive in May Day celebrations.
Just as every blossom is unique, so is every body. Flora encourages one to cherish one’s own beauty without comparison to any other. This spell is particularly potent if timed to coincide with Flora’s old festival but may be cast at anytime.
Fill your bathtub with as many fresh flowers as possible, especially Flora’s favorite, beautiful, transient bean blossoms. Enter the bath and understand that you too are among Flora’s unique and perfect blossoms.
Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
The Floralia – the festival of Flora, Roman goddess of fruitfulness and flowers – is celebrated April 28 thru May 1st. Here’s a nice group ritual, it can be modified if you are a solitary practitioner.
- Color: Pink
- Element: Earth
- Daily Meal: Vegan. Beans. Salad with edible flowers in it. Flower jams.
- Offerings: Give flowers to people. Allow a rabbit and a goat to run free in the house.
Upon a cloth of pink set a pitcher of water, pots of earth, flower seeds, incense of flowers, a bowl of beans, and many fresh flowers should be strewn around the room. The candles of Walpurgisnacht (if you have been observing it) should remain and be lit, and a sixth added to them, for Odhinn’s journey continues even as we celebrate Floralia.
Floralia Invocation
Hail Flora, Lady of Beauty!
We must have not only our bread,
And our work, and our discipline,
But we must also have beauty in our lives,
That we may never become mere worms,
Measuring out our dull grey lives,
Never thinking to look around
And see the great beauty
That the Gods have made for us.
Let us look upon their gifts
And see in that loveliness
A measure of their love for us.
Hail Flora, who lights up our eyes!
Oh, She will bring the buds in the spring,
And laugh among the flowers.
In summer’s heat Her kisses are sweet,
She sings in leafy bowers.
She cuts the cane and gathers the grain
When fruits of fall surround Her,
Her bones grow old in winter’s cold,
She wraps Her cloak around her.
(All come forward and plant flower seeds in the pots of earth, which are afterwards carried outside and transferred to the garden. As they plant, they say, “I plant beauty in my life,” and say what sort of beauty they hope to see. The pots are watered, and the rest of the water is poured out as a libation for Flora. The rest of the day is spent adding beauty to the House.)
Found in: Pagan Book of Hours
Take a fully blooming rose, and chant:
________ and __________,
side by side,
Passion and desire fill your hearts and loins.
May this night be one of great delight!
Scatter the petals in the bed and sleep with your lover in it, and make passionate love together. The next day, gather the petals together, and put them into two pink or red cloth (preferably silk or linen) and keep under each one’s pillow.
This little spell will be an excellent tonic for those whose sexual excitement in a relationship is fading. Even better if performed just before a full moon, or in a moon travelling through Libra.
Some dates are just waiting for the right spark to make them truly passionate. Here are just the right ingredients to throw in that spark.
You will need:
- Red lipstick
- Rose Oil
Before your date, put on that red lipstick. Dab some oil on your temples and chest, saying:
From seed to bud,
Root to flower,
As a rose I open to the sun.
As all should open to my power!
Touch a dab of the oil onto your lips, press them together, and smile. Visualize yourself as a bright red rose opening, then go on your date.
Source unknown.
Do the dead rest easy? Flowers and flowering shrubs may be planted on the grave to serve as barometers. Allegedly if the flowers thrive and bloom, there’s no need to worry about whoever’s in the grave. Of course some plants are considered better barometers than others. Marjoram is believed to provide a good guarantee – if it thrives on a grave, the person within is certain to be content.
Other grave site plantings include the following:
Plant Aloe Vera on the grave site in order to soothe the deceased, ease any sense of loneliness or abandonment, and prevent their longing for the living.
A carpet of chamomile planted over a grave encourages the dead to sleep and also eases their passage to the next realm.
Cover graves with a carpet of daisies and blue bells to bring peace to the deceased and joy to the bereaved, and to invite the presence of benevolent guardian spirits.
Plant rowan trees in the cemetery, especially overlooking graves, to watch over the spirits of the dead.
To encourage the dead to sleep peacefully and deeply, strew wild poppy seeds throughout the cemetery.
Asphodel is allegedly among the favored foods of the dead. Asphodel is sometimes planted on graves, however the legend is also taken literally. Prepare asphodel – it’s typically roasted – and leave it atop a grave to comfort and satisfy the deceased within.
Tansy is described as an herb of life everlasting. It allegedly comforts the bereaved while assuring the dead that they will not be forgotten.
Cosmos, bless me with your essence
Fill my being with your presence
Cosmos, let me be like you
I will never be discouraged
I will never feel despair
Finding in the harshest winds
Music to which I will dance
With pure delight upon the air
Cosmos, make me wise like you
I will never feel confusion
Will perceive the patterns clear
Finding balance in myself,
Harmonic order in the world,
Listening with my soul’s ear.
Cosmos, bless me with your essence
Fill my being with your presence
From: Flower Society
Author Unknown
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