Day of the Dead Magick and Rituals
According to traditional Chinese philosophy, some illnesses or other afflictions, particularly those of a chronic nature, may be caused by unhappy Ancestral Spirits. Ancestors may be aggrieved because a grave is neglected, or perhaps illness and disaster result from a lack of sufficient sacrificial offerings to sustain beneficial energy. These ancestors aren’t necessarily malevolent; they just lack enough energy and power to keep harm from your door.
What can be done?
First of all, feed them, and feed them well. Have certain days where they are invited to dinner, set places at the table for them, and have a nice chat. Take picnic lunches to grave sites, and share food with them there on sunny afternoons.
Secondly, verify if a grave needs tending. Make improvements if you can. If this is impossible, if a grave site is situated in a location beyond your reach, in parts unknown, or does not, in fact, exist, then explain this to the Ancestors in detail, including what your plans are for compensation. Divination may be in order to receive their opinions on the matter, too.
You can also create a small shrine or ancestral altar in your home, with old pictures or memorabilia and leave small offerings of sweets etc.
And last but not least, burn paper offerings. The traditional offering is joss paper – called “spirit money” or “ghost money.” In a pinch, any paper resembling money will do.
- Goal: To use if you feel the presence of benign spirits.
- Optional extras: White candle
You can do this spell in front of your altar or walking around the house (be careful to have the candle in something that will render it safe to carry) or any place in the house where you are particularly aware of the spirit’s presence.
Familiars are particularly helpful in working with spirit entities since they often sense energies that people do not. If you find your pet consistently looking at a particular spot in the house or acting as if they see something you can’t, you may want to do this spell, just in case!
This is not a banishing spell. If you want to be rid of a spirit, this is not the spell to use. This spell is essentially a way of saying, “I know you’re here, and you are welcome to stay as long as you don’t cause any problems.
The Spell:
Greetings, O spirit
Whose form was once flesh
And who lingers on
For reasons I cannot know
You are welcome here
In this place that is mine
As long as your intent is benign
And your energy mellow
I will not interfere with you
If you will not interfere with me
Let us live together in peace
And may your spirit be blessed.
This lovely little spell is great for Samhain.
It would also be appropriate if you celebrate The Day of the Dead.
It is simple but works wonders. It can also be used to protect and cast circles, for guidance, and most of all comfort. It gives me the warmth and guidance I seek WITHOUT fail!!
I call forth from space and time.
Ancestors of my blood line.
Gather around on this holy night.
Watch over me till morning light.
Blood of my blood,
I set you free,
Thanking you for coming,
Until next time,
blessed be!!
~Shalini Ahuja
For this spell, gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond.
Place the black cloth on your altar or on the floor. Position the feather in the east, the candle in the south, the bowl of water in the west, and the crystal in the north. Arrange the photos and other objects in the middle as you chant or whisper:
“May my loved ones touch me again-in the kiss of a breeze, in the light of candle flame, in the laughter of the rain, in the ground beneath my feet. Spirits of air, fire, water, earth, bring my loved ones close again.”
You may want to hold a photo or object and take time to feel the spirit of your loved one.
~by Sedwin
Samhain (aka Halloween) is a magical time of the year. It has Celtic roots. It marks the beginning of the “dark” part of the year. It’s also the moment when the “veils” between the realms of the living and dead are “thinned” making communication easier.
You can actually invoke blessings from “hungry” ghosts who are without any family or friends, and that have long been forgotten. You’ll love the little strokes of “good luck” and other goodies you begin to receive.
Beginning 1 or 2 weeks before October 31, (Samhain/Halloween), here’s what to do:
Every night before you go to bed, place a glass of milk and a plate of barley outside your home under the stars.
This will ease lonely ghosts’ “hunger” for attention. It will prevent any mischief, and will bring blessings, luck, and fortune into your life during the next week.
Source unknown
To speak to spirits that have passed on, gather together the following:
- Dried amaranth flowers
- Dittany of Crete
- Wormwood.
Using these materials, create an incense for burning. This incense, when burned in a cemetery, will allow you to speak to the dead while also protecting you from malevolent spirits.
Found at Simple Magick
It is traditional on Samhain night to leave a plate of food outside the home of the souls of the dead. A candle placed in the window guides them to the lands of eternal summer, and burying apples in the hard-packed earth “feeds” the passed ones on their journey.
For food, beets, turnips, apples, corn, nuts, gingerbread, cider, mulled wines and pumpkin dishes are appropriate, as are meat dishes.
Found at Simple Magick
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