• Goal: To use if you feel the presence of benign spirits.
  • Optional extras: White candle

You can do this spell in front of your altar or walking around the house (be careful to have the candle in something that will render it safe to carry) or any place in the house where you are particularly aware of the spirit’s presence.

Familiars are particularly helpful in working with spirit entities since they often sense energies that people do not. If you find your pet consistently looking at a particular spot in the house or acting as if they see something you can’t, you may want to do this spell, just in case!


This is not a banishing spell. If you want to be rid of a spirit, this is not the spell to use. This spell is essentially a way of saying, “I know you’re here, and you are welcome to stay as long as you don’t cause any problems.

The Spell:

Greetings, O spirit
Whose form was once flesh
And who lingers on
For reasons I cannot know

You are welcome here
In this place that is mine
As long as your intent is benign
And your energy mellow

I will not interfere with you
If you will not interfere with me
Let us live together in peace
And may your spirit be blessed.

From: Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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