Miscellaneous Spells
When you have chosen your kitten from the kindle (litter), being sure that this little mite is the one upon whom you wish to bestow your friendship and protection, know that this is a magickal pact, for you are guardian of the spirit of your cat, and he or she in like manner is invested with the occult power to guide and guard your spirit. You must think next of the naming ceremony, which is best done after some little acquaintance with the nature of your new friend.
Choose a pet-name for the cat’s child-spirit, and it is better if this be a folk-name, for these names have been magickally sealed with power and tradition through the ages, and the flavor of the earth is in them, and of the spirits of the earth, and of hearth and home.
Your friend may retain no more than a child-spirit for all his or her life long, but let it be given a secret, occult name also, in any event, for such a name will nurture the mysteries in the cat’s soul. It will protect the creature from malignant forces, will throw the Devil askew, and aid in the unfolding of his or her heart so that in the next life the animal may return with a spirit more gracious, bright and fair.
And if it should be that, after a year’s passing, you discover unto yourself that your cat has indeed already achieved seniority of soul, then it is meet that the animal should be given a grander name, a Name of Distinction, to inspire, foster and encourage the qualities that are beginning to reveal themselves, so that this treasure-hoard may grow and grow, and come to shine with divine brilliance like the stars of the night.
Do not hesitate to give your cat three names, for there is the inspiration of the Holy Trinity in it, and cats especially are animals of the Soul of All Things.
To name a cat three times whispers too of the uniform nature of the moon, for does not the night Goddess appear to us with either a full round face, or waxing with horns towards the east, or yet waning with horns towards the west? And in her pretty crescent or her majestic fullness, do we not see a likeness when we study the cat’s eye, for does not the contraction and dilation of its pupil speak to us of Bride and Artemis, goddesses of the new moon and the full? The cat is ever the creature of the night and goddess of the night.
- For a long list of cat names see this post on Magickal Cat Names
To name your kitty, it is well to choose one of the Egyptian days of our calendar, and to gather valerian to make into a few drops of oil, so that you may anoint him or her just on the tip of the nose and behind the ears.
An old manuscript says:
Three days there are in the year which we call Egyptian days, and this is so because they were days of great divinity and consequence to the astrologers of ancient Egypt. These three days fall on the last Monday in April, the second Monday in August, and the third Monday in December.
All of the Egyptian days are Mondays, that is, days of the moon, and so we may call upon Butis, the Goddess of Night, Diana, the Goddess of the Ascended Moon, Isis, the Goddess of the Moon at her Rising, and Sekhmet, the Lady of Flame, for she is of vital power, a seer by night, and a goddess of might whose inspiration fires the mind and elevates it to acts of heretic magick and wmoan’s wisecraft.
On such an Egyptian night, take your kitten in your arms and stand in some sequestered place, wild and lovely, where you may see the moon as she rides the skies. Have a little vial of Valerian oil ready in your pocket, and scatter a few drops around yourself upon the turf to make a magick circle.
Call upon the four angels, Kokaviel, Ghedoriah, Chokmahiel and Savaniah, for these angels are of Mercury’s messenger spirit, and he is Lord of Naming. Call down the blessing of the goddesses of the night, and imagine yourself to be standing in a pure white temple, framed by magick’s skill.
Anoint the kitten, and tell the baptismal name to the stars, afterwards proclaiming thus:
Your name I set upon your brow
And to four shining angels bow
This mark of grace your guardian be
And make your name a magick key
Goddesses of Moon and Might
Bless my spells this Egypt’s night.
The spell is now worked. After thanking the angels, spirits and goddesses who worked with you, and bowing three times to the moon and the stars, you may homewards wend your way, deservedly satisfied with the night’s enterprise and your weaving of woman’s mysteries.
Found at: It’s A Cat Astrophe
Repeat the chant below when you are stuck in a traffic jam.
“Gods of Movement and of flow,
ease this mess that causes woe.
Move these cars along their way,
And keep traffic moving through the day”
Source: Blessed Be Me
Ma’at is the Egyptian goddess of justice and fairness, whose symbol is an ostrich feather. In mythology, Ma’at’s feather was used to weigh against mortal hearts in the Hall of Justice to determine their fate in the afterlife.
Is there an issue in your life at the moment that can benefit from the attention of Ma’at, requiring more equity? For this spell you will need a feather and a blue candle. On the candle, engrave the symbol of a feather and the name of Ma’at. If you have any items that relate to the injustice, such as a letter, place them on your altar. Light the candle and say:
There is a situation that seems unfair,
I look for an outcome that harms none.
Ma’at, you have a right to effect what you deem is fair
To ensure that order and justice are done.
From: A Witches Perspective
Dreams can be merely entertaining or intense and prophetic. Many natural aids to dreaming can be found in the garden!
- If you want peaceful dreams that are relaxing, place a vase of jasmine by your bed.
- If you are having nightmares and wish them stopped, place morning glories in the vase instead.
- If you need to learn something in a dream, place a bay leaf under your pillow and ask for the knowledge.
- If you just want nice dreams, use a sachet of lavender.
- If you want to send a psychic dream to a loved one, blow the seeds off the top of a dandelion in his or her direction and project your wish, then go right to sleep.
If you want your dreams to come true, you can do one of two spells:
At midnight on a Friday, in silence, gather nine small non-spiny holly leaves and wrap them in a cloth. Place them under your pillow, make your wish, and go to sleep. Your dreams will come true.
Another ancient spell is to scatter marigold flowers under your bed, make your wish, and then say:
Wish I want and wish I may
Come to me through dream so fair
Come by night and come by day
Come, thou wish, and ride thee here
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
A Dragon needs a home; create a lair or cave or peak filled with treasure. The nature of the treasure determines the nature of the Dragon. Determine whether the dragon you wish to summon has a solitary nature; if not, add images of other dragons and attractive human figures to keep the Dragon company.
To summon the Dragon, light red candles and provide offerings of candy and sweets. The invocation can be a simple heartfelt invitation, but if you’d like to use a prewritten prayer, or something more elaborate that’s fine too. Here is an invocation found at the Dragon Magick Book of Shades:
Oh Dragon Here,
Of Purest Fire, Full Of Love
Lifting Higher, And Higher
Come To Me,
Oh, Dragon Of Light
Oh, Thou Of Truth
Lift Me Higher, This Hour
Let This Be Our Desire
To Be As One, To Work Together
Deep In Love
And Happy Forever.
Be patient. This may take some time. Do the Dragon invitation or summoning every day until you feel the power of the Dragon inhabiting the lair.
There are many, many good reasons that have nothing to do with theft for why one would need to open a locked door to which one does not have a key. Of course, should one possess the right to enter, summoning a locksmith might be easier. Just in case, however, you find yourself outside a locked door without a key, without anyone willing to let you in, and without access to a locksmith, let’s hope that you’re carrying lotus root or moonwort, or (better still) chicory.
Lotus Root Door Unlocking Spell:
Place a lotus root beneath your tongue. Face a locked door and say “Sign Argis.” Allegedly the door should open.
Moonwort Door Unlocking Spell:
Place a bit of moonwort into a keyhole to loosen the lock.
Magical key Spell to Open Locked Doors:
Chicory allegedly removes obstacles. If gathered correctly, it may open locks. Silently gather chicory on Midsummer’s Eve at midnight, or on Midsummer’s Day at twelve noon, using a golden knife. Dry the plant. Allegedly this will serve as a key to open locks if it is held against them.
A very old spell to open a door:
A Greek text from Egypt, apparently copied about 350 GC, describes a spell for opening doors:
Taking the navel of a male crocodile and the egg of a scarab and a heart of a baboon, put these into a blue-green faience vessel. And when you wish to open a door, bring the navel to the door, saying,
{I call on you} who have power in the deep, for myself,
that there may now be a way open for me, for I say to you,
From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and other sources
Old Mother Goose, when
She wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air
On a very fine gander.
Today, Mother Goose is limited to the nursery, her rhymes intended to entertain only the youngest, least sophisticated children, yet MotherGoose’s namesake bird links her to a host of powerful spirits: Aphrodite, too, rides through the air on a goose. The bird is sacred to Egyptian Hathor and Roman Juno, both valiant protectors and advocates for women.
In the Middle Ages, the once sacred goose became associated with witchcraft and disreputable women. Attempts to discredit Lilith and the Queen of Sheba depict them as dangerously beautiful, seductive women, with one goose’s foot peeping from beneath a skirt.
Interestingly, the recent backlash against “nursery rhymes” being taught to our children has a lot to do with the content of the rhymes; if you’ve never read them as an adult, you may not realize just what they actually “say.” In fact, most of the “nursery rhymes” were not originally intended for children!
Why is Mother Goose never portrayed as a plump Grandmotherly type bouncing a grandbaby on her knee? Why always an elderly hag? Gasp! Could Mother Goose be the prototype of the stereotypical “witch”?
Witches were the keepers of knowledge for the common folk– it was she who nursed the sick babe as well as birthed calves or treated illnesses. She was a “wise woman”. She was a valued member of her community; but, as in any human endeavor, she was not infallible. It was when things went wrong that this woman – often old with no close family ties – was accused of heinous acts. (We are all human and tend to blame others for our misfortune. In today’s society we hire a lawyer and go for blood… in earlier times… they just went for blood.)
One thing is certain… if “she” were one individual, she was passing down oral history, lore and adages… from people of other eras. In the early days, before they were “collected” into the somewhat familiar form of today; these rhymes were actually methods of preserving history, customs, lore and fears for the common man. (We need to recall that the majority of people in the earlier centuries could neither read or write. That is why roving troubadours, bards and minstrels were so popular.)
Here is a short grimoire of Mother Goose spells, charms, chants, and divinations, taken from the 1916 edition of “The Real Mother Goose.”
Hawthorn Beauty Spell
The fair maid who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at break of day,
And washes in dew from the hawthorn-tree
Will ever after handsome be.
Rain Begone Chant
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day;
Little Johnny wants to play.
Bridal Protection Spell
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a sixpence in her shoe!
Bee Omens and Luck
A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.
Storm Prediction Lore
As the days grow longer
The storms grow stronger.
Lucky Pin Spell
See a pin and pick it up,
All the day you’ll have good luck.
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you’ll have all the day.
Friday Dream Divination
Friday’s dream,
on Saturday told,
Is sure to come true,
be it never so old.
Sneezing Divination for the Days of the Week
If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger;
If you sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
If you sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter;
If you sneeze on a Thursday, something better;
If you sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
If you sneeze on a Saturday, joy tomorrow.
Rain Prediction
A sunshiny shower
Won’t last half an hour.
Saturday Night Love Ritual
On Saturday night
Shall be all my care
To powder my locks
And curl my hair.
On Sunday morning
My love will come in.
When he will marry me
With a gold ring.
Counting Love Divination
One, he loves;
Two, he loves;
Three, he loves, they say;
Four, he loves with all his heart;
Five, he casts away.
Six, he loves;
Seven, she loves;
Eight, they both love.
Nine, he comes;
Ten, he tarries;
Eleven, he courts;
Twelve, he marries.
Health Wealth and Wisdom Ritual
Cocks crow in the morn
To tell us to rise,
And he who lies late
Will never be wise;
For early to bed
And early to rise,
Is the way to be healthy
And wealthy and wise.
To Stay Young
Tommy’s tears and Mary’s fears
Will make them old before their years.
Birthday Predictions
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for its living,
But the child that’s born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Collected from various sources including an article by Ashlynn Ward found at Lady of the Earth, Project Gutenberg, and The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
This is a spell that can be used to help you get whatever it is that you want: healing, guidance, courage, peace, harmony, love, success, money, energy, insight, power… anything. What is required is a clear idea of what you want and/or need, a tree receptive to your need, a leaf from that tree, a charcoal tipped stick, piece of flexible vine, and a dime.
When you have found the tree you are going to be working with, spend a few minutes getting centered and soaking in the energy of the place and developing a sense of connection with the tree. Then, sitting beneath your chosen tree, write or draw a symbol of your need onto the leaf with your charcoal tipped stick.
Rise and walk nine times around the tree clockwise, saying the following or similar words:
Ancient one of the ancient Earth,
Older than time can tell,
Grant me the power at your command
To charge my magic spell.
Repeat as often as necessary until you have walked nine times around the tree.
When finished, tie the leaf around the trunk as tightly as you can with the vine. If this isn’t possible, find a branch and tie it on there. When you are sure that the leaf is secure, take the dime and bury it at the foot of the tree in the Earth in payment for its help. Now leave the area and let the tree do its work.
If, when you return to the tree, the leaf is gone – don’t worry. The forces have been set in motion.
From: Earth Power
Goal: To come up with new ideas.
Optional extras: A yellow candle (to represent intellect); a cauldron or empty bowl (to represent the open possibilities)
Note: The best time to cast is early morning, just as the sun is rising. Stand in front of the empty bowl, light the candle, and hold out your empty hands in front of you. Try to visualize yourself as being as open and empty as the bowl, waiting to be filled with ideas and inspiration.
The incantation:
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Open up my mind and heart
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Let the thinking process start
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Send ideas new and old
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Planning subtle or actions bold
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Show the path to resolution
Focus, focus, hocus pocus
Grant to me the best solution.
After: Write down any ideas that come to you.
- To melt hard feelings against you, gather snow that has fallen in a gentle storm. Write the name of a person who is giving you a hard time on a piece of paper. Put it in the middle of a glass plate. Take the snow and pile it on top. Add a dash of sugar. As the snow melts, the person in question will loosen their grip on you.
- To banish someone or something that has given you a lot of pain, take snow from a wild storm and follow the same procedure as above. Be sure to ask Dame Holda’s blessing and that the spell not be reversed or place upon you any curse.
- Snow poppets are fun to make. If a friend is sick, fashion a tiny snow person, add something of the persons, such as a lock of hair. As the snow melts your friend will get better.
- Instead of using your athame in ritual, use and icicle!
- Make snow wishes. With your staff, wand or athame, carve a wish into the snow. Ask Dame Holda to grant your wishes. Trace a pentagram next to the wish to seal it.
- Write a wish on a piece of paper and pack snow around it. Place it in a jar. As the snow melts, your wish will be granted.
Found at: Ravensilverwing
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