

  • To melt hard feelings against you, gather snow that has fallen in a gentle storm. Write the name of a person who is giving you a hard time on a piece of paper. Put it in the middle of a glass plate. Take the snow and pile it on top. Add a dash of sugar. As the snow melts, the person in question will loosen their grip on you.
  • To banish someone or something that has given you a lot of pain, take snow from a wild storm and follow the same procedure as above. Be sure to ask Dame Holda’s blessing and that the spell not be reversed or place upon you any curse.
  • Snow poppets are fun to make. If a friend is sick, fashion a tiny snow person, add something of the persons, such as a lock of hair. As the snow melts your friend will get better.
  • Instead of using your athame in ritual, use and icicle!
  • Make snow wishes. With your staff, wand or athame, carve a wish into the snow. Ask Dame Holda to grant your wishes. Trace a pentagram next to the wish to seal it.
  • Write a wish on a piece of paper and pack snow around it. Place it in a jar. As the snow melts, your wish will be granted.

Found at: Ravensilverwing


All trees or boughs
That have been cut
And kept for luck
Within the house

Must not be cast
Away and scorned,
But gravely burned
To dust at last;

Chop them fine,
Give them flame,
Offer this rhyme:

Forgive our fire,
Faithful tree:
Warm us now
Who have warmed thee.

From: Crone’s Book of Magical Words

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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