Break A Hex Spells
This is a spell for when a toxic person, or unhappy relationship has left you feeling frozen and unable to move on. This spell calls for a “Ghost Apple.” You can read about the magickal qualities of Ghost Apples over at Magickal Ingredients. That post also includes a simple “how to” if you’d like to make a Ghost Apple for use in the following spell.
You will need the following ingredients:
- A Ghost Apple – “This is my problem”
- A plate – “It is on my plate”
- Incense or sage – “I purify with smoke”
- A feather – “I purify with air”
- A small candle – “I purify with fire”
- Salt – “I purify with salt”
- Paper towels – “I wipe the slate clean”
If you do the spellwork indoors, the Ghost Apple will melt quickly, so have everything ready in advance. Place the Ghost Apple on your plate and set them on your altar, saying” This is my problem. It is on my plate.”
Light the incense and hold the Ghost Apple over the top of it so that it fills with the smoke. As you do this, say, “I purify with smoke.” Place the Ghost Apple on your plate, and with the feather, “smudge” or brush the smoke from the incense around the outside of the apple. As you do this say, ” I purify with air.”
Sprinkle salt in a circle around the Ghost Apple, and then over the top of it. Say, “I purify with salt.” Wait and watch as the salt begins to melt the Ghost Apple. Imagine and feel your own walls melting and purifying.
Now, light the candle saying “I purify with fire.” Place the candle close to the Ghost Apple and feel your heart warming and expanding in love. Continue to meditate on this feeling until the Ghost Apple is completely melted and the candle has burned down. If water from the melting ice puts the candle out, that’s fine.
When the ice is completely gone, wipe up the water and salt with the paper towels, and clean the plate. As you do this, say, “I wipe the slate clean.”
Dispose of the paper towels and whatever is left of the incense, and the candle by dropping it into a trash bin far from your home.
Spell by Madame Fortuna
You will need:
- Lighter
- White candle
- Vanilla essential oil
- White feather
- White flower
- White stone
- Salt
- Ceremonial broom
- Incense and holder
- Pen and paper
- Heatproof container
Before you begin gather all ingredients. Dress and bless the candle by carving it with a wheel of fortune, a horseshoe, a lucky clover and your name and birth date. Anoint the candle with vanilla essential oil OR you can use vanilla extract from you baking cupboard.
On a night when the Moon is waning, Cast a Circle in the usual way; include a sprinkling of salt around the perimeter. Place white flowers, a white feather and a white stone in the center of the Circle and pray:
Goddess Nemesis, I ask that you turn the wheel in my favor. Please accept these gifts as my offering to you. I offer them with humility and love. So Mote it be!
Sweep the Circle Widdershins (counterclockwise) with a ceremonial broom chanting:
Sweep away with magick broom
All misfortune bringing gloom.
Light a stick of incense; cleanse each Quarter beginning in the North and moving Widdershins while chanting
Northern (Western, Southern, Eastern) Quarter I purify
Misfortune now like smoke will fly.
Light the white candle and chant:
Candle flame is burning bright
Bad luck flies into the night.
Write down all the bad luck that you have been experiencing and then set it alight and place it in the heat proof container. Chant:
My bad luck goes up in smoke
Now good luck I do invoke.
Ring your bell and clap your hands, then say:
Bell will call good luck to me,
Clapping hands will set it free.
Now you will physically begin to “turn the wheel” in your favor! Stand in the center of your Circle and with arms outspread spin Deosil (clockwise) while visualizing the Wheel of Fortune bringing you good luck.
When you are finished, snuff the candle, open your Circle and dispose of the candle and paper ashes by burying them or throwing them into moving water. Place the offerings outdoors.
To return a bad spell, boil pins or nails in War Water. Allow it to cool, strain out the solid material and throw the liquid at your target’s home, front door, or driveway.
A simple recipe for War Water can be found here: Magickal Apothecary
Gather certain fallen twigs;
One of hazel, one of oak,
One of elm, and one of willow;
Hold them to the fire’s smoke,
Say this softly, seven times all:
Turner be turned,
Burner be burned:
Let only good
Come out of this wood.
Spit on each and break it small
Cast them in the fire’s mouth –
The curse will die with the fire’s death.
In maritime lore, seawater was thought to cleanse a person thoroughly, absorbing any bad luck, due to the salt content of the water. Throwing salt into a fire for nine consecutive days was thought to break any chain of bad luck, while throwing salt at a person was sure to bring that person grief.
From: The Elemental Witch
War Water, also known as Water of Mars, draws on the power of iron. Although it’s most famously used to send notorious and powerful hexes, War Water also creates a powerful, protective shield that repels danger of all kinds. War water is easy to make, here’s a recipe: War Water
Before you initiate the bath, first cleanse the home with War Water, especially the room in which you will bathe.
- Add War Water to the bath water.
- Immerse yourself completely three times.
- Drain the water and allow yourself to air dry.
- As an optional extra, add seven or nine bay leaves to the bath.
War Water causes hexes but it also repels and removes them. Here’s a simple way to use it:
Add War Water to your bathwater. Light a white candle. As you soak, focus on the idea that the water is cleansing you and forming a protective barrier that no negative energy can penetrate. When you finish with the bath, visualize any negative energy that might have been attached to you, flowing down the drain. Dry yourself with a white towel.
War Water is not difficult to make, here’s a link to a simple recipe: War Water
by Madame Fortuna
The crossbones amulet is excellent for removing negative energy, and breaking a hex or any negativity that is or has been sent your way.
The amulet itself is made from two small bones taken from chicken wings. The chicken bones actually absorb and hold negativity. The bones are tied together with black thread in the shape of a solar cross (an equal armed cross).
The procedure is as follows:
Using your basic altar layout, bring with you the following: two bones, black thread, a white candle, a bottle of Power Oil, and Gris-Gris Faible Incense. Light your altar candles, and light your incense. Dress your white candle with Power Oil, and light it. As you do, pray that the individual who will wear the crossbones will grow in spiritual strength and enlightenment.
Begin tying the two bones together with the black thread as you chant:
The crossbones will work here,
absorb and hold negativity.
Into your marrow, it goes in thee:
all evil and negativity.
Consecrate the amulet with this procedure. Sprinkle with Holy Water as you say:
With water do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.
Sprinkle the amulet with salt as you affirm.
With earth do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.
Pass the amulet through the candle flame as you affirm:
With fire do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.
Pass the amulet through the incense while affirming:
With air do I consecrate this amulet
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.
Now that your amulet is completed, it should be worn over your heart next to your skin. Daily wear this amulet until your life improves decidedly for the better and you feel the negativity has been completely absorbed.
If, at any time, the amulet begins to feel heavy upon you heart chakra you must stop wearing the amulet. The crossbones have reached their maximum in absorbing negative energy, like a sponge that can soak up just so much water and that’s it. Since the excess negative energy being sent to you will not be able to enter the bones, it will have no choice but to attach itself to your aura. Once the old amulet is removed it must be discarded properly, and (if necessary) another one made.
Discarding the Old Amulet:
The safest method of doing this is through ritual. Using your basic altar layout, bring with you the following: your old amulet, the remainder of the white candle you used when you made the amulet, and a sheet of white paper.
Light your altar candles. Light some incense – something light and cheerful. Light your white candle. Sprinkle Holy Water on the white paper. Place the old crossbones amulet on the paper and begin folding the amulet in the paper.
Take your white candle and let the wax drip on the paper until it is completely sealed with the white wax as you affirm:
Crossbones you’ve served me well,
negative energy within you swells.
Now it’s time, I put you to rest,
for you have now done your best.
When the paper is completely covered with wax, the amulet can be burned in a fire, or discarded in the garbage. Follow with a bath.
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