This is a spell for when a toxic person, or unhappy relationship has left you feeling frozen and unable to move on. This spell calls for a “Ghost Apple.” You can read about the magickal qualities of Ghost Apples over at Magickal Ingredients. That post also includes a simple “how to” if you’d like to make a Ghost Apple for use in the following spell.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • A Ghost Apple“This is my problem”
  • A plate “It is on my plate”
  • Incense or sage – “I purify with smoke”
  • A feather“I purify with air”
  • A small candle – “I purify with fire”
  • Salt“I purify with salt”
  • Paper towels“I wipe the slate clean”

If you do the spellwork indoors, the Ghost Apple will melt quickly, so have everything ready in advance. Place the Ghost Apple on your plate and set them on your altar, saying” This is my problem. It is on my plate.”

Light the incense and hold the Ghost Apple over the top of it so that it fills with the smoke. As you do this, say, “I purify with smoke.” Place the Ghost Apple on your plate, and with the feather, “smudge” or brush the smoke from the incense around the outside of the apple. As you do this say, ” I purify with air.”

Sprinkle salt in a circle around the Ghost Apple, and then over the top of it. Say, “I purify with salt.” Wait and watch as the salt begins to melt the Ghost Apple. Imagine and feel  your own walls melting and purifying.

Now, light the candle saying “I purify with fire.” Place the candle close to the Ghost Apple and feel your heart warming and expanding in love. Continue to meditate on this feeling until the Ghost Apple is completely melted and the candle has burned down. If water from the melting ice puts the candle out, that’s fine.

When the ice is completely gone, wipe up the water and salt with the paper towels, and clean the plate. As you do this, say, “I wipe the slate clean.”

Dispose of the paper towels and whatever is left of the incense, and the candle by dropping it into a trash bin far from your home.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

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