
Where there is an apple tree, a unicorn is never far. For this wish granting spell, visit an apple tree with a bottle of cold champagne and a moonstone.

Take a moment to relax and connect with the spirit of the tree, as well as its unicorn ally who is likely dwelling nearby, just beyond the veil. When you feel grounded and connected to the magical realm, safely open the champagne and pour it around the roots of the tree.

Then, speak from your heart. Explain that you have come in the hopes of enlisting the unicorn’s help in granting your wish. If you feel a rush of positivity and love, that is an affirmative: the unicorn desires to grant your wish. So speak your wish aloud. Then feel and express gratitude, and place the moonstone by the base of the tree.

Source: Tess Whitehurst

  • Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.
  • Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.
  • Write your problem on a slip of paper.
  • Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.
  • Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.
  • Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon.
  • Bury the apple. Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…

Source: Rose Ariadne

This is a spell for when a toxic person, or unhappy relationship has left you feeling frozen and unable to move on. This spell calls for a “Ghost Apple.” You can read about the magickal qualities of Ghost Apples over at Magickal Ingredients. That post also includes a simple “how to” if you’d like to make a Ghost Apple for use in the following spell.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • A Ghost Apple“This is my problem”
  • A plate “It is on my plate”
  • Incense or sage – “I purify with smoke”
  • A feather“I purify with air”
  • A small candle – “I purify with fire”
  • Salt“I purify with salt”
  • Paper towels“I wipe the slate clean”

If you do the spellwork indoors, the Ghost Apple will melt quickly, so have everything ready in advance. Place the Ghost Apple on your plate and set them on your altar, saying” This is my problem. It is on my plate.”

Light the incense and hold the Ghost Apple over the top of it so that it fills with the smoke. As you do this, say, “I purify with smoke.” Place the Ghost Apple on your plate, and with the feather, “smudge” or brush the smoke from the incense around the outside of the apple. As you do this say, ” I purify with air.”

Sprinkle salt in a circle around the Ghost Apple, and then over the top of it. Say, “I purify with salt.” Wait and watch as the salt begins to melt the Ghost Apple. Imagine and feel  your own walls melting and purifying.

Now, light the candle saying “I purify with fire.” Place the candle close to the Ghost Apple and feel your heart warming and expanding in love. Continue to meditate on this feeling until the Ghost Apple is completely melted and the candle has burned down. If water from the melting ice puts the candle out, that’s fine.

When the ice is completely gone, wipe up the water and salt with the paper towels, and clean the plate. As you do this, say, “I wipe the slate clean.”

Dispose of the paper towels and whatever is left of the incense, and the candle by dropping it into a trash bin far from your home.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

Prick a red apple full of holes with a needle, invoking the name and image of your beloved as you pierce. Sleep with this apple between your legs, as high as you like. The next day, dress the apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on an altar dedicated to Aphrodite and/or surround the apple with burning red candles.

When the candles have burned down, incorporate this apple into pie, cake, or pastry and serve to the one you love.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

You’ll need:

  • A red apple
  • A needle
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Red candles

Price the red apple full of holes… with each prick say another desire you have in the realm of Love.

For example: I want someone who really cares about me… or I want a new and special best friend… or I want someone that likes to cook… etc…

Be as specific as you can with all of these wishes…but don’t ask for a specific person. Sleep with this apple by your bedside…put it on a plate to catch any juice that falls.

In the morning, dress the  apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on your altar and surround it with burning red candles.

Let the candles burn for 7 minutes…and during that time, sit quietly with your eyes closed, and visualize your exact desires coming into your life… “see” who and what you desire as vividly as possible… along with exactly how you feel.

Then… be ready to find what you seek…but don’t dwell on it or “wait” for it… go on about your life.

Spell by Rose Ariadne

As we travel we are all faced with choices. Hecate is the goddess of the crossroads. Go to her if you need to make a decision in matters having to do with travel or life opportunities.

Take three apples and go to a three-way crossroads that is not busy with traffic, ideally at night. Cut each in half so the pentacle formed of the seeds is showing. Thinking of your choices, place one-half of an apple at each intersection. Then make your wish and place the last three halves in the center, where the roads join. Ask for Hecate’s help in making your decision.

Go home and eat an apple or drink an apple beverage before bed. Dream of possibilities. Save apple seeds to plant in the crossroads area next spring, and ask again for Hecate’s blessings.

By: Nancy Bennett

Items Needed:

  • 2 apples
  • a knife

Get an apple and cut it in half horizontally across the middle. Once you cut it you will see a five pointed star. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or the affected area. Now say:

“Apple, sacred fruit of the Goddess,
with this gift, I do caress the blemish that brought me shame,
I banish now this affliction in your name”

Now get the other apple and cut it vertically from top to bottom. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or affected area as well. Then say:

“I love and accept myself as I am today,
Clear skin I summon to come my way,
By my will – so mote it be,
Three times three times three”

Bury the first apple by a tree, bush or flower that is outside. Bury the second apple by water. If you can’t find a place with water, just bury it anywhere and pour water over it.

Source: Blessed Be Me

img0564Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.

Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.

Write your problem on a slip of paper. Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.

Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.

Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon. Bury the apple.

Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…

Spell by: Rose Ariadne

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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