This is a nice little spell that will draw money and prosperity to you. Here’s how it works.
You will need:
- 1 green candle
- 1 penny
- 1 nickel
- 1 dime
- 1 quarter
- 1 small magnet
- 9 fish hooks
- 5 teaspoons basil, dried
- 5 teaspoons orange peel, dried
- Green bottle with a cork.
Note: The mouth of the bottle must be wide enough to accommodate a quarter, and if you can’t find a green bottle, you can paint one green. Nail polish adheres very well to glass, and if you can find something with a gold sparkle in it.. that’s even better!
Place all of the materials in front of the candle and light the wick. Put the coins in the bottle one at a time while saying something like:
Penny, nickel, quarter, dime
Multiply in double time
Drop the magnet in and say:
Draw the cash to me.
Drop the hooks in one at a tie and say:
Grab it tight as it can be.
Sprinkle the spices over the top and say:
Spices, do your thing as well
To make this money grow and swell
Then offer the bottle to the Sun and say:
And Sun, shine brightly on this stash
To keep the flow of ready cash
Coming toward me every day
By my command, do as I say.
Using the candle, drop a bit of melted wax on the edges of the cork, and push the cork firmly into the bottle to seal it. Say something like:
By magnet and hook, by spice and coin
The fibers of the spell now join
By color of money, by light of the Sun
The magick of this spell is spun
By melted wax, this spell is sealed
Cash charm you are ~ Cash you shall yield.
Leave the bottle in front of the candle until the wick extinguishes itself, then place the bottle in a sunny spot in your home ~ a windowsill works well ~ where the golden rays of the Sun will shine on it each day.
From: Everyday Sun Magic
Here is a really simple spell to remove obstacles by tapping in to the power of the setting sun.
You will need:
- A handful of sand or dry dirt
Holding the sand in your hand, face the setting Sun and ask His assistance by saying something like:
Ancient Sun, with Your last breath
Send obstacles now to their death
Destroy all fences, break all locks,
Rid me of all stumbling blocks
Bring them all to swift demise
So they can no longer rise
And hold me back from what I need
Or my ability to succeed
Crumble them just as this dust
So I move onward as I must.
Turn in a counterclockwise circle three times, while seeing obstacles being reduced to nothingness. Then, facing the Sun again, blow the sand from your hand. Know that the Sun will handle the problem.
From: Every Day Sun Magic
Materials needed:
- Small glass of orange juice
Take the juice outside at daybreak, and, facing east, offer it to the Infant Sun by saying something like:
O Infant born into the sky
I offer this to You on high
And offer thanks for Your arrival
And for the role You play in our survival
Turning clockwise, pour the juice on the ground in a circle around you. Then ask the Sun for a fresh start by saying something like:
Oh Infant Sun, I call to You
Who starts each day with life anew
Whose birth brings warmth and gives us joy
Whose light the darkness does destroy
Who separates the night from day
Who guides us with His gentle rays
Who gives us hope and makes us smile
Who makes each step we take worthwhile
Who inspires and cultivates
Fresh ideas and captivates
All who feel His golden light
I ask You, Infant Sun, so bright
To bring to me a new beginning
That puts me on the path to winning
What I desire most in my life ~
Free of needless stress and strife ~
Oh, bring to me a fresh new start
And I ask You, too, impart
Your courage as I tread anew
The path that I now ask of You
Bring this at once now, Infant Sun
As I will, so it be done.
Kiss your hand to the Sun and step over the juice circle. Go indoors and know that a brand new beginning is on its way.
Found at: Book of Shadows
Take a small blue container and pour some water into it, preferably mineral water or spring water – but any will do. Then put some salt in it and leave it in a warm place near (or on) a windowsill.
As you pour the salt into the water, imagine it (the salt) evaporating the water into clouds. Then visualize the clouds lifting, thinning, and drifting away – leaving clear skies and bright sunshine.
Now leave the container of salt water to evaporate. Do not remove it until all the water has gone. When the container is dry, say thank you to the sun and enjoy the sunny weather coming your way.
Source: Magic Spells
You will need:
- Suntan lotion
- Carnelian or red jasper
- Orange candle
Light the candle. Rub suntan lotion into your hands and toss the stone from palm to palm seven times as you say:
“Golden Sol
bless and decree
that the sun shall shine on me”
Do this every morning leading up to your holiday or event that you want sunshine for.
Source: Magic Spells
Here is a great winter solstice ritual to bring in the unconquered sun. It’s very powerful, and requires no special ingredients.
About an hour before sunrise, plant yourself outside, preferably on a hill, or the top of a building. Face the direction where the sun will rise and begin to call the sun. Forcefully project the sound so that you imagine your body shaking; then the room or space where you are shakes; then the world, and finally the whole universe – by which time, you should be sweating. Eventually, you will feel that the sound is coming through, rather than from you.
Names or mantras you can use include the following:
- Shamash (Babylonian)
- Amun Ra (Egyptian)
- Sulis (Celtic)
- Helios (Greek)
- Surya (Vedic)
- Sol Invictus (Roman)
- Inti (Incan)
If it feels more comfortable, you can preface the name with “Hail, Hello, Wake Up,” or something similar. It may also help to begin the call more quietly, and gradually increasing the volume as you grow more comfortable with it.
When the edge of the sun becomes visible above the horizon, drop into a prayer position and remain so until the sun is completely risen. In the event of a cloudy morning, when the sky begins to brighten, you can imagine that the sun is becoming visible.
Note: This is something really powerful to do as a group.
An inscription to be written on a windowpane:
Darkness lies
Where it is born,
But Sun flies
To light this room.
On the darkest night of the year, gather together three dried leaves of holly and pulverize them into powder. On a clean, four-inch by four-inch piece of paper, write a single word in red ink that represents what quality you would like to be born within yourself along with the newborn Yule Sun.
Sprinkle the holly powder into the center of the paper, twist the whole thing closed with the holly powder inside. Light the wick of a red candle, and from this flame, light the holly- filled paper on fire. As it burns, see your wish fulfilled. The spell is done.
From: Earth Witchery
Day of the Eclipse…a Greek Myth Made Ritual
Today’s colors are black and white. Upon a black cloth set incense, a lantern with a bright flame, and two necklaces of figs strung together, one of dark figs and one of light ones. On this day of magickal possibilities lets purify some evil thing from your life. As darkness overwhelms us let it be the darkness that steals our mind and heart…as the light comes back in the world, so too should light cleanse your soul and body. During the eclipse there should be fasting.
Eclipse Invocation
Long ago on days as this
The people chose two from the crowd,
One man and one youth
Coupled in life
Who had incurred their wrath,
Or were sinners, or merely ugly,
And they paid them gold in the name of Apollo
Bright God of the Sun
Whose rath the city must invoked
To steal their light from the sky
Apollo, he whose other face
Is the ravening wolf Lycaon.
They fed them, marched them around
The boundaries of the city,
And then drove them out
Pelted with figs and squills,
With all the sins of the city on their backs.
And soon the light returned
And the city felt blessed
And comforted in their action
Yet sins are not so easily driven out.
To lay them on a human back
Is too easy, and we do not walk the easy path.
So on this day we cast out the sins
Of the house, the family, the community,
Yet we each take responsibility for those sins,
And as dark returns to light
We admit that we are each the Pharmakoi
A scapegoat, but of our own actions
And that none of us can lay that on another.
Pharmakoi Pharmakoi
We cast you from our home
*All lay hands upon the fig wreaths and speak what sins they would cast out and be rid of. They are then carried outside to be thrown on a fire and burned, and the ashes turned into the compost heap or scattered about the garden.
Found here: David Bolgert
A Particular Performance by Which it is Caused that a Person will Always Obtain Right Before a Court of Justice.
Take the herb called suntull (skunk cabbage) gathered during the month of August, while the sun stands in the sign of the lion, wrap a little thereof in a bay leaf, add a dandelion to it, carry this talisman on your person, and you will have the best of everybody, and receive the greatest advantage from it.
From: Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore and The Occult Sciences
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