
We all suffer from stress at one time or another, and in a workplace it is often difficult to reverse the situation. This spell can be taken to your workplace or used in other stressful situations, with minimum disturbance. For healing and magic, the earth, or Mother Earth, from whence all things spring, is unsurpassed. Add a little Borage, the flower of courage, and some of your own essence, and even the most difficult of predicaments can be overcome.

Here is a Mediterranean spell to charge you with the strength to overcome a stressful situation. The items you will need are as follows:

  • A handmade cloth bag
  • Some dry earth
  • A small bunch of Borage flowers


Make a small bag. It can be very plain and simple, but it is important that you stitch it together by hand, so that you are putting your self-essence into it. The bag needs to be large enough for you to get both hands inside, with a drawstring to secure it. As a special touch, embroider your initials on it in your favorite color.

On a bright, sunny day collect a few handfuls of dry earth and some borage flowers. Feel the sun’s rays warming your body and the flowers and the soil in your hands, and store the memory carefully.

Dry the Borage flowers, then place them with the earth in your bag. pull the drawstring to secure them. keep the bag in an accessible place. When things are going badly or you need a pick-me-up, it will only take a few moments to place your hands in the bag, touch the dried Borage flowers, reflect on your stored memories, and let Mother Earth work her magic.

By PentaGold

The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, celebrates the longest day of the year. It falls between June 20 – 22. The Summer Solstice ritual focuses on the god because summer is his time. Celebrate it outdoors if you can, or if indoors, during the day so the sun is a prominent part of your ritual.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Piece of cloth or cloth pouch
  • Midsummer herbs
  • Piece of red string or yarn
  • Midsummer flowers
  • Gold or yellow robe, shirt or dress
  • Yellow or gold candle
  • Summer fruit

Prepare for the Summer Solstice ritual by gathering a piece of cloth or cloth pouch and midsummer herbs. Use any combination of sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, lavender, Saint John’s wort and vervain that appeals to you. Meditate on your pain, troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Tie up the cloth or pouch with a red string or yarn and save it for the ritual.

Think about the qualities of fire because the Summer Solstice ritual is a fire ritual. Contemplate what you need protection from (debt-collectors, a jealous friend, an abusive family member). Write down in what aspects of your life you need strength because the Summer Solstice ritual is a time to gather courage.

Collect flowers for your Summer Solstice ritual that are golden yellow, deep red, white, pink and purple. Whatever you wear, choose a gold or yellow color to honor the sun. Use a gold or yellow candle to represent the god in ritual.

Cook dishes with midsummer herbs such as basil, sage, thyme and rosemary. Tomato soup or sauce, with its fiery red color, is suitable for the season. Eat fresh fruit or fruit salad at the close of the ritual for a sweet end to summer.

Set up your altar with your summer flowers, golden candle, pouch of herbs and any other tools you wish to use and cast the circle. At the point most suitable to you during your Summer Solstice ritual, hold the pouch of herbs in both hands. Mentally pour all your troubles, sorrows and pain into it. At the end of the ritual, bury the pouch deep in the ground.


The Summer Solstice is one of the holiest days of the year. At first light, take a tall white or yellow candle and a short black candle outside; light them to symbolize the longest day and shortest night of the year. A flower-scented incense is good to burn while you intone the words below:

Brother Sun and Mother Moon,
Day is longest now.

Energies of the brilliant Sun
Aid all at work or having fun.

Longest day, a blessing is,
From rise to set supreme is the Sun.

Fueling growth and passions bright,
Strong and true is the solar light.

Bounty grows and river flows,
As Earth is warmed and lighted.

Creative energy reaches zenith
on this day of shortest night.

Crops grow high and excitement grows,
with each new ray of Sun.

Every day, all creatures play
and hail the mighty Sun.

Ancient solstice, fires burning,
Honor the Sun and feed the light.

Druid, Indian, Norse, and Celt all danced
on Summer Solstice, joyously felt.

Solar winds and solar flares
Wash away our hunger and our cares.

Mighty Sun, King of warmth,
Makes humans to frolic and bees to swarm.

Keep this day in memory bright,
To warm you on long winter nights.

May the rays of solstice keep us warm,
All through the year.

The Sun has kissed
Flower field and tree,
The Sun is supreme.

So mote it be.

Courtesy of: Abby Willowroot

If you possibly can, on the day of the Solstice go to the seashore, and at the low tide draw a solar image in the sand. Make it as large and ornate as you can, for this is in honor of the Sun. In the center place three stones or pieces of wood for three things you would like to change in your life. Position yourself where you can watch the incoming tide slowly erasing your image. As this happens, visualize the waters taking away the old and bringing in the new.

If you are unable to get to the shore then gather flower petals in reds and oranges and perform the same spell at the top of the highest hill you can reach. Try to time your arrival so that the sun is at its zenith just after you have created your image in petals. Let the wind take them in the same way as the tide above. If it is a very still day you may need to leave the pattern after your visualization, but rest assured that the magic will still work.

Whichever of these you choose to perform, follow it by taking a walk. As you go, take care to notice the seasonal changes around you. The Solstice marks the start of Summer proper. This is the season when the crops are ripening and the trees and bushes are starting to produce fruit. It is also the time when we should look at our own lives and give thanks to the Gods for those things which have born, or are bearing, fruit.

From The Real Witches’ Year


Even if you live in a part of the world where the Moon’s shadow doesn’t fall during this eclipse, you can still work magic for new opportunities and to bring change into your life. Light a white candle for the Sun god and a black one for the Moon goddess. Then repeat the verse:

As the Sun god and Moon goddess embrace today,
May new opportunities start to come my way,
During this eclipse, the Moon’s shadow is cast on the Earth,
Ushering in a time of balance, magic, and re-birth.

Allow the spell candles to burn out in a safe place.

By: Ellen Dugan


A solar eclipse occurs as the Sun casts the Moon’s shadow across the Earth. It unites the powers of Sun and Moon, light and darkness, logic and intuition. It is “a day without a night, a night without a day,” magically suspended from normal routines: a cosmic exception that proves the rule of Sun and Moon.

An eclipse is a perfect time for changing patterns. Use its power to break curses, bad habits, and so forth. Choose a small item representing what you want to dispel.

At the time of the eclipse, take the item far from your home. Hold it and concentrate on all that binds and limits you, symbolized by this object. Then say:

Eclipse, break
through the past
Smashing all
that held me fast.
Shadow come,
shadow go,
Take this nasty
thing I throw.

Throw the item as far away from you as possible. Quickly bury it where it falls, then say:

Hide it far, far away
Lost between the night and day.
Leave it there, let it be,
Never more to
trouble me!

Cover the site with fallen leaves or grass to obscure it. Then walk away without looking back.

– By: Elizabeth Barrette


Eclipses are opportunities for major transformation; this is a time when the energies of the lunations are more amplified and focused.

Solar eclipses always occur on the New Moon, and Lunar eclipses occur on the Full Moon. The eclipses reflect the lunation they correspond to, but they’re much more intense and their effects are more long-lasting, so it is a powerful time for rituals of transformation and release.

For the Eclipse Meditation Ritual you will need:
  • a white candle
  • salt
  • purified or spring water
  • incense
  • small pieces of paper and pen

Take a ritual bath (add hyssop and lavender if you have it, salt if you do not) and visualize yourself releasing any blocks and fears, and affirm that you are ready to take yourself to the next level, and face the truth with an open heart and mind.

After your bath, sit in front of your altar, and do some basic grounding and rhythmic breathing. (You can ground by imagining your spine growing roots that grow down into the earth, and with each inhale, breathe in the energy from the core of the Earth… with each exhale, release anything you need to release, i.e. fears, doubt, sadness, apathy, etc. The earth can turn almost anything into fertilizer, so transform your “negatives” into something you can use!)

Drumming is a great way to get you in the correct meditational state as well… one of the fastest ways to reach alpha state is to follow the tempo of the heartbeat with your drum.

Pour the salt into the water, and clear yourself with it by lightly sprinkling yourself and anointing yourself with it.

Light your candle. Meditate on the symbolism of the flame, that fire transforms and illuminates, and stare into the flame for a while, and ask for clarity and truth during this eclipse cycle. Give yourself permission to release any and all thought forms that no longer serve your highest good. Ask the following:

  • What area of my life needs some new ideas and a fresh perspective?
    Write it down on a small piece of paper, and create an affirmation supporting your new goal.
  • How can I break through restrictive “safe” constructs, to be fully alive and, like the Phoenix, be reborn thru transformation?
    Write it down on a small piece of paper, and create an affirmation supporting your new goal.

Save those pieces of paper for later.

Write down on the remaining pieces of paper (one at a time) what keeps you from achieving the goals you are after… focus on it, then say something like:

“All energy is neutral. I now release and transform this energy into an energy source that can be utilized for the highest good for all concerned (or “in the name of Goddess / Universe / God / Creator” etc.)

Burn the paper, focusing on the transformation of the energy.

When you feel like you’re clear, thank the Deities, energies, spirits, guides, angels, etc. you’ve worked with, and bury the ashes in the earth, and imagine your goals for transformation fulfilled. Blessed Be.

The use of symbols can sometimes help make a spell more powerful… let your imagination guide you as you set up your personal lunar altar.

  • Use white or silver candles and altar cloths
  • Lunar Goddesses: Isis, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, Kwan Yin
  • Lunar Herbs: mugwort, camphor, sandalwood
  • Lunar Metal: silver
  • Lunar Stones: moonstone, selenite, pearl, mother of pearl, sapphire
  • Draw the symbol for the Moon on your candles
  • Make a medicine bag representing what you want to transform and consecrate it; carry your medicine bag next to your skin

Tell no one about your spell work! Make a strong floor wash out of mugwort and a pinch of camphor, and clean ritual area and psychic tools with it.

©1997-2005. Sarolta G. DeFaltay
DSAS, Inc. Deep Skies Astrological Services

At the Full or Waxing moon phase just before midnight stand at a window where you can see the moon. If possible, open the window or go outside and allow the light of the moon to touch your body. Envision the moonlight, the power of the Moon entering your body….


Now, take a purple candle and anoint it with real vanilla extract or essential oil. Imagine the power of the moon and flowing through you and to the candle while you anoint it.

Place the candle on the ground or windowsill and light it. Say:

“Fair Selene,
Goddess of the Moon, love and light,
I ask you to send me your magickal powers
this moon lit night,
by the power of the myriad starlight above me,
and your moonlit heavens,
so shall it be!”

Stretch your arms out as if you are ready to embrace the moon. Visualize your outstretched arms as soaking up the moonlight and the moonbeams being absorbed into the pores of your skin. You will feel the Goddess giving you her awesome power.

Snuff your candle and leave it overnight where it is (or if that’s not possible, leave it on your altar).

The next day, either at the sunrise, or just before mid-day. Place the candle in the same place and stand arms outstretched towards the Sun soaking up the energy of its heat and sunbeams, Say:

“Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power,
lend your fiery magick to me.
Let this witches power be reawakened and be empowered
by the forces of the cool Moon and burning Sun.
By soil, wind, flame and sea,

Grant my desire.
So mote it be!”

Now your Magickal powers and your desire to use them will have been reawakened. Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and relight it there to burn out as a mark of respect to the God and Goddess.

  • 1/2 teaspoon tarragon
  • 1 paper coffee filter
  • 3 family-size tea bags
  • 1 quart cold water
  • Quart jar with screw-on lid
  • Twine or string
Note: This spell invokes the young Sun, and is best performed during the hours of dawn and 9 am.
Sprinkle the tarragon in the center of the coffee filter, then gather the edges to form a bag, and secure well with string. Toss the tea bags and tarragon bag in the jar, fill it with cold wter, screw on the lid, and take it outdoors. Holding the jar up to the Sun, ask His help by saying something like:
O Growing Child – Our Sun and Star –
Cast Your rays both near and far
Upon this tea and bless it well
So that its properties expel
Worn-out notons and perceptions
Old ideas and misconceptions
And as You brew it, please imbue
It with an accepting, tolerant view
Of those things I find so difficult
So its ingestian shall result
In a freedom that I’ve never known
From expectations that I’ve sown
In others’ gardens as they tread
Their personal paths; and please, too, shed
Your light upon me – guide my way –
As I work through this today
Oh Young Child Sun, now hear my plea
And do just what I ask of Thee

Place the jar in a sunny spot and leave it there to brew until sunset. Then remove the bags, dilute if necesssary, sweeten as desired and serve it to those who need it, and drink it yourself.

From: Everyday Sun Magic

A total lunar eclipse took place on December 20/21, 2010. Called the Christmas lunar eclipse, it was visible after midnight Eastern Standard Time on December 21 in North and South America. This was a very rare event, and the following spell was very powerful at that particular time. This does not mean that this spell could not be used, with a few minor variations, during any lunar eclipse coming up in the future.


This combines the power of the full and new moon all at once. Any spell performed this night needs to be done carefully as you will be invoking the Triple Goddess in each of her forms. That it falls on Yule brings into play the birth of the Unconquered Sun, and invokes the full power of the God as well. Total lunar eclipses always involve the full moon, and as such, are the time of perfect union between the sun and the moon. Spells for fertility, new ventures, success, love, and miracles are greatly enhanced when worked during the eclipse.

Consider carefully what you wish and write it out before hand. I would strongly suggest writing your ritual on parchment in sacred ink using a “pen of art” or a sacred writing utensil. Remember, use only consecrated tools as this is a time not only of the full moon, but of the new.

Once you have your spell written (mine will be for happiness and wealth never being detrimental, but only to their and my benefit) and your candles ready (for happiness I have chosen yellow and pink. For wealth, I have chosen forest green and blue) and your altar set up, relax, and take a nice long bath in something heavy with Jasmine.

Drink a cup of Jasmine tea if possible. I can get dried Jasmine flowers from a local herb shop and so include them in my bath and on my altar. My altar for the full/new moon is dedicated to the Morrigan and Brigid, two Goddess whom I never choose.

Cast the circle and once cast, light the non-ritual candles. Meditate gently and allow your mind to go blank then focus on your spell. Now, light the candles related to your spell, using whatever chants you have chosen. Take the scroll of paper you wrote the spell on and pass it over each element. See the energy of that element weaving it’s own magic into the spell on the paper. Wave the parchment over each of the spell candles.

If you can, light the spell from each of the spell candles and allow it to burn in a safe place, visualizing the energies trapped in the paper of the spell being released to do their purpose. Allow the candles and all ritual items to burn themselves out. Do not reuse any candles, incense, salt or herbs that were used in this ceremony. Take all ashes, salt and whatever else “disposable” you used and wrap in a piece of cotton or silk. Treat this as you would the ashes of a sacred fire, using them to bless an area or keeping them as a talisman.

-Sources Phoenix Ravenmoon and Wicca Spells

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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