Here is a great winter solstice ritual to bring in the unconquered sun. It’s very powerful, and requires no special ingredients.
About an hour before sunrise, plant yourself outside, preferably on a hill, or the top of a building. Face the direction where the sun will rise and begin to call the sun. Forcefully project the sound so that you imagine your body shaking; then the room or space where you are shakes; then the world, and finally the whole universe – by which time, you should be sweating. Eventually, you will feel that the sound is coming through, rather than from you.
Names or mantras you can use include the following:
- Shamash (Babylonian)
- Amun Ra (Egyptian)
- Sulis (Celtic)
- Helios (Greek)
- Surya (Vedic)
- Sol Invictus (Roman)
- Inti (Incan)
If it feels more comfortable, you can preface the name with “Hail, Hello, Wake Up,” or something similar. It may also help to begin the call more quietly, and gradually increasing the volume as you grow more comfortable with it.
When the edge of the sun becomes visible above the horizon, drop into a prayer position and remain so until the sun is completely risen. In the event of a cloudy morning, when the sky begins to brighten, you can imagine that the sun is becoming visible.
Note: This is something really powerful to do as a group.
The Summer Solstice is one of the holiest days of the year. At first light, take a tall white or yellow candle and a short black candle outside; light them to symbolize the longest day and shortest night of the year. A flower-scented incense is good to burn while you intone the words below:
Brother Sun and Mother Moon,
Day is longest now.
Energies of the brilliant Sun
Aid all at work or having fun.
Longest day, a blessing is,
From rise to set supreme is the Sun.
Fueling growth and passions bright,
Strong and true is the solar light.
Bounty grows and river flows,
As Earth is warmed and lighted.
Creative energy reaches zenith
on this day of shortest night.
Crops grow high and excitement grows,
with each new ray of Sun.
Every day, all creatures play
and hail the mighty Sun.
Ancient solstice, fires burning,
Honor the Sun and feed the light.
Druid, Indian, Norse, and Celt all danced
on Summer Solstice, joyously felt.
Solar winds and solar flares
Wash away our hunger and our cares.
Mighty Sun, King of warmth,
Makes humans to frolic and bees to swarm.
Keep this day in memory bright,
To warm you on long winter nights.
May the rays of solstice keep us warm,
All through the year.
The Sun has kissed
Flower field and tree,
The Sun is supreme.
So mote it be.
Courtesy of: Abby Willowroot
If one goes on Christmas night in the morning twilight into a wood or forest without uttering a word or letting a sound be heard, without looking around, without eating or drinking, without seeing any fire, and follow a path leading to a church, when the sun is rising, he will see as many funerals as will pass that way during the year. He can also see how the produce will be in the meadows and pastures, and whether any fires will break out, or epidemics occur; in fact, for the time, he will be clairvoyant.
Found in: Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore,
and the Occult Sciences of the World
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