Luck Spells
The type of lamp recommended is a hurricane or kerosene lamp.The basic fuel mixture is a blend of castor oil, olive oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil mixture. A simple terracotta oil lamp may also be used – the basic fuel mixture would then be olive oil, or palm oil.
Start with a clean lamp – a new one is best – but a used one is fine as long as it has been thoroughly cleansed.
At the bottom of the lamp place a magnet and a personal object from the person the lamp is intended for or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. Pour in two ounces of virgin olive oil that has been thoroughly infused with two tablespoons of the following mixture:
- Two parts cinnamon
- One part chamomile
- One part peony (flowers or oil).
Now select five of the herbs from the following list and add 1/2 teaspoon of each:
Alfalfa – Basil – Blessed Thistle – Mustard Seed – Yellow Dock – Irish Moss – Five-finger Grass – High John the Conquerer Root – Four Leaf Clover – Cinnamon – Red Clover – Buckeye – Tonka Beans – Golden Seal – May Apple or Mandrake Root – Sweet Flag Root – Vervain
Fill the rest of the way with your basic fuel mixture. Light the lamp and recite a prayer to Saint Expedite, or whatever deity you wish to invoke for quick help.
Once it is lit, the flame must not be extinguished until help arrives. Each day at the same time, your desire should be restated and the prayer recited while turning the lamp in a clockwise direction (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp should be refueled if necessary.
If some of the ingredients seem difficult to acquire, feel free to use any herbs and oils that are useful in spells for luck, success, or the removal of obstacles. For example, nutmeg can be substituted for peony flowers.
Aloe Vera is thought by the people of Africa to bring good luck to those who possess it. To create some good fortune of your own, place an Aloe Vera plant on your altar. Place pieces of agate in various places around the aloe plant, and place a yellow candle in front of the plant. Inscribe the words “To bring good luck” on the candle, and repeat the following verse while lighting the candle:
My home is a garden,
Surrounded by a wall of luck,
And made on peculiar ground.
This is a spot enclosed by grace,
Out of the reach of the world’s negativity
And surrounded by fortune’s flame.
Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it extinguishes itself.
Source unknown
Here is a great spell for good luck and for having your wishes come true:
Gather together:
- 4 red candles
- 4 green candles
- Cinnamon
- Glass of wine
- Edible seeds or nuts
- Round pebble
The red candles are for luck and the green for prosperity, but you may wish to substitute other colors more suitable to your specific wish. The seeds hold the promise of regrowth.
Here’s what to do:
Alternating the colors of the candles, make a large circle with them, aligning them to the eight compass directions. Put the glass of wine in the center of the circle, and place the dish of seeds and/or nuts next to it. Keep the pebble in your left hand through out the spell. The pebble represents the turning Circle of Life in the universe.
Sprinkle Cinnamon around the circle in a clockwise direction, then light the north candle. Once that candle is lit, enter the circle take your place at the center. Now, take a seed or nut, dip it in the wine, make your wish, and then eat it. Savor the flavor, the texture, enjoy the moment.
Working your way around the circle in a clockwise direction, light each candle. As you light each candle, take a seed or nut and dip it in the wine, make your wish and eat it, being sure to take the time to enjoy it. Do this until all the candles are lit.
When finished sit in the middle of your glowing circle. Drink the rest of the wine as a toast to the world. Once you have thoroughly enjoyed the moment, snuff the candles, toss a handful of seeds outside for the birds, and keep the pebble for good luck.
For an extra boost of power, do this spell when the moon is waxing.
Spell by: Madame Fortuna
You will need:
- Lighter
- White candle
- Vanilla essential oil
- White feather
- White flower
- White stone
- Salt
- Ceremonial broom
- Incense and holder
- Pen and paper
- Heatproof container
Before you begin gather all ingredients. Dress and bless the candle by carving it with a wheel of fortune, a horseshoe, a lucky clover and your name and birth date. Anoint the candle with vanilla essential oil OR you can use vanilla extract from you baking cupboard.
On a night when the Moon is waning, Cast a Circle in the usual way; include a sprinkling of salt around the perimeter. Place white flowers, a white feather and a white stone in the center of the Circle and pray:
Goddess Nemesis, I ask that you turn the wheel in my favor. Please accept these gifts as my offering to you. I offer them with humility and love. So Mote it be!
Sweep the Circle Widdershins (counterclockwise) with a ceremonial broom chanting:
Sweep away with magick broom
All misfortune bringing gloom.
Light a stick of incense; cleanse each Quarter beginning in the North and moving Widdershins while chanting
Northern (Western, Southern, Eastern) Quarter I purify
Misfortune now like smoke will fly.
Light the white candle and chant:
Candle flame is burning bright
Bad luck flies into the night.
Write down all the bad luck that you have been experiencing and then set it alight and place it in the heat proof container. Chant:
My bad luck goes up in smoke
Now good luck I do invoke.
Ring your bell and clap your hands, then say:
Bell will call good luck to me,
Clapping hands will set it free.
Now you will physically begin to “turn the wheel” in your favor! Stand in the center of your Circle and with arms outspread spin Deosil (clockwise) while visualizing the Wheel of Fortune bringing you good luck.
When you are finished, snuff the candle, open your Circle and dispose of the candle and paper ashes by burying them or throwing them into moving water. Place the offerings outdoors.
The oak tree is lucky for money and health. Try to catch a falling oak leaf in autumn, before it touches the ground. Keep the leaf safely in your purse or wallet to ensure it will never be empty. If an oak leaf accidentally catches you on your person, this is very lucky and you should keep it safe. Likewise, if a bramble catches on your clothes it is considered lucky.
This is a very simple spell. You will need two candles, a white one for you and a blue one for friends and family. As the full moon is rising, light the candles and say:
“I light these candles for luck for me,
and for my friends and family,
So they will burn by day and night,
and bring us joy by their bright light.”
Allow the candles burn until they are done. If something happens and you must put them out, pinch each flame out and say the following:
Little flame wait for me
I’ll be back and bright you’ll be.
Don’t blow them out it will stop the spell. Be sure to relight the candles later when you can allow them to burn completely down.
Source unknown
Rise before the Sun on the morning of the Spring Equinox. Find several stones and place them on the fence posts that surround your property, visualizing yourself, your home and your life filled with luck.
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic
Many good fortune spells feature seaweeds like bladderwrack and agar-agar, both popularly known as Sea Spirit. Seaweeds, in general, are perceived as auspicious; other species such as kelp and dulse may be easier to obtain, along with other seaweeds associated with Japanese cuisine or nutritional supplements.
Simply place the seaweed in a jar and cover with sake or whiskey. Keep the covered jar in the kitchen to magickally attract good fortune.
Note: For this spell, seaweed may be fresh or dried, but tablets may not be substituted.
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