The type of lamp recommended is a hurricane or kerosene lamp.The basic fuel mixture is a blend of castor oil, olive oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil mixture. A simple terracotta oil lamp may also be used – the basic fuel mixture would then be olive oil, or palm oil.

Start with a clean lamp – a new one is best – but a used one is fine as long as it has been thoroughly cleansed.

At the bottom of the lamp place a magnet and a personal object from the person the lamp is intended for or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. Pour in two ounces of virgin olive oil that has been thoroughly infused with two tablespoons of the following mixture:

  • Two parts cinnamon
  • One part chamomile
  • One part peony (flowers or oil).

Now select five of the herbs from the following list and add 1/2 teaspoon of each:

Alfalfa – Basil – Blessed Thistle – Mustard Seed – Yellow Dock – Irish Moss – Five-finger Grass – High John the Conquerer Root – Four Leaf Clover – Cinnamon – Red Clover – Buckeye – Tonka Beans – Golden Seal – May Apple or Mandrake Root – Sweet Flag Root – Vervain

Fill the rest of the way with your basic fuel mixture. Light the lamp and recite a prayer to Saint Expedite, or whatever deity you wish to invoke for quick help.

Once it is lit, the flame must not be extinguished until help arrives. Each day at the same time, your desire should be restated and the prayer recited while turning the lamp in a clockwise direction (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp should be refueled if necessary.


If some of the ingredients seem difficult to acquire, feel free to use any herbs and oils that are useful in spells for luck, success, or the removal of obstacles. For example, nutmeg can be substituted for peony flowers.

From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas

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