Chanting Spells

The date of the invocation/chant to Cerridwen is unknown. Its origins date back to the Celtic centuries of Scotland. Chant the following invocation as often as desired to summon the power of Cerridwen into your body, soul, and spirit. Through this invocation, may your Being become Her living Temple of Witchcraft.

Chant the ancient chant three times, and your answer will be there:

Amores Cerridwen
calami carbones stultorum moenia chartee
calami carbones stultorum monia chartee

Found at: Gaia Moon

The ancient art of using Power Chants comes to us from the mystical lands of India and Tibet. The Secret of the Power in Chants is that they enable you to Bypass your doubting mind and enables you to reach the Miracle Powerhouse within you-your Inner” of SubConscious mind.

You possess within this Marvelous Inner mind a tremendous Mental and Spiritual Power with which you can literally perform Miracles in your own life. This remarkable Inner Power is what the Great Master Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, called the “Kingdom Within” He taught that you must first find this “Kingdom Within” and then All Other Things would be added onto you.

There are many ways of finding this “Kingdom Within” and one of them is by Repeating an Affirmation Chant over and over until the message of the chant is imprinted upon the Inner mind. Repeating a affirmation, though chants, will lead the inner mind to the State of Consciousness where it Accepts as True that which you wish it to Believe.

When this is accomplished the Powerful Inner Mind will cause to appear as a Reality in your life the things for which you asked in your Chant. Your desires will appear as a Reality in your life without fail if you do not set up doubts in your Consciousness mind by Not Believing in the power of your Chant.

You must be careful not to say aloud or to even think to yourself that your chant has no power or it will not work for you. Repeat your chants—Believing—morning and night, on a regular schedule and then relax in a state of anticipation.

Do not worry about How your Good is to come to you. Just rest assured that your Power Inner Mind will answer your request in the Best Possible way for You.

Power Chant For Money

“I invoke the Powerful Cosmic Guardians of all Worldly Goods and Abundance. I now identify myself with the Infinite Source Of Supply. I am One with the Abundance of the Universe. My “Inner” voice leads and guides me in my quest for Wealth and Prosperity. I am successful in all my undertakings and I am well Rewarded for all my efforts. I Declare that what is Mine will Claim me, Know me, Rush to me. I always have an Abundance of Money. There is a continuous movement toward me of Money. My Mystical Cone of Prosperity is Full and Runneth Over. I now Magnetize my Inner Mind with the thought that Money and Supply—All that I need—are now Mine”.. “So Mote It BE”

Power Chant For Good Luck

“I call upon the Mighty Cosmic Guardians who have the Power to bring Good Luck and Good Fortune to those who demand. it. I Know the Magic Wheel of Fortune now Guides me as I select the chances in the Contests I shall enter. I Declare and Affirm that I am Led and Guided by you, Most Powerful Guardians Of Fortune, to make the Right choices in All games that I shall play. I Affirm my Luck is True and all wages that I shall make are returned onto me a Hundredfold. I am Guided to Success and Abundance…..My Luck Is Good” “So Mote It Be”

Power Chant for Strength and Protection

“I call upon the Powerful, Cosmic Guardians who have the magnetic Force to bring Power and Strength to those who believe. I now Declare and Affirm that I am a living Electro-Magnetic. I am Positive. I have a Strong Will. I am Fearless-absolutely fearless. Nothing can Harm me. I am the Master of my Destiny. I Surround myself with a Mental Atmosphere of Protection. No Harm can penetrate this Positive Armor. Those would harm me shall be Powerless and their “Evil” shall return to them a Thousandfold. I am Strong. I am safe. I am Positive, I am Powerful.” “So Mote It Be”

Power Chant for Love and Romance

‘Mighty Cosmic Guardians of Love and Goodness I call upon thee. My Magic Circle of Love is complete. I now create the New Self-Image of charm and charisma that I wish to Protect to the Whole world. I now Overcome and feelings of self-consciousness or inferiority and I condition my Inner Mind to thoughts of Self-Confidence, Poise and Charm. I send out thoughts of Love to All People and I Know that people will Love Me in return. I Know there is that within me which all people recognize as Worth-While and Desirable, and everyone whom I meet Loves this self of Mine recognizes its worth. I know there is a Perfect Lover waiting to Love and Cherish me. My Circle of Love is Complete and I now Invoke the law of Magnetic Attraction and Draw this Perfect lover onto me.” “So Mote It Be”

Source Unknown

Find a quiet place, light a candle if you wish, and then begin the following chant. Chant until you begin to feel a deep connection to the Goddess. Then be silent. Your guidance will come.

Speak to Me
Speak to me,
Speak to me Goddesses.
Speak to me,
Speak to me all the Gods.

~ by Phoenix

This one is cool because what you do is insert the actual names of the goddesses, gods, and whomever you are invoking. For example: Hekate, Diana, Isis, Gaia, Ancestors, your choice.

Group Chants are one of the most effective (and fun!) ways of raising energy, especially when combined with dancing, stylized movement, gestures, and swaying. Some of the most popular chants are those taken from Amerindian sources, such as:

I am the Circle,
I am Healing you,
You are the Circle
You are healing me,
Unite Us
Be One
Unite Us
Be as One.
We are at one
With the Infinite Sun
Forever, Forever, Forever

Such chants as these express and reinforce a sense of belonging, both between immediate group members, and with the wider world or universe. Chants tend to build up slowly, and pick up speed as people feel the growing rhythm and pulse of the words and beat, which “carries” people along – it is easy to get so caught up in the chant that you begin to enter a trance state – but don’t just take my word for it – try it out!

The Darksome Night and Shining Moon chant of Wicca is another good example of a group chant – especially when each line is chanted by a different group member. The words of the chant serve to resume the central concepts of Wicca – the four elemental directions, the magical weapons, and the complementary natures of Goddess and God, Darkness and Light.

From: The Magical Use of Voice

In the most commonly used form of chants, each member of the group repeats the entire verse. However, the “Spinning Mantra” differs in that one member intones the first line of the chant, the next person, the second line, and so on. One note can be used throughout, with the same syllables stressed in each line.

Another variant is to start the Spinning Mantra off, and have the members of the group wander around, stopping briefly in front of each other to chant their lines. This can be very disorienting, but is very effective if performed with a large group.

Try it with this magick chant for power and protection:

“I call upon the Powerful, Cosmic Guardians.
I call upon the Ones who bring Power and Strength to those who believe.
I am a dynamic living Electro-Magnetic Force.
I am Positive.
I have a Strong Will.
I am Fearless – Absolutely fearless!
Nothing can Harm me.
I am the Master of my Destiny.
I Surround myself with a Mental Atmosphere of Protection.
No Harm can penetrate this Positive Armor.
Those would harm me shall be Powerless.
Their negative energy shall return to them a Thousandfold.
I am Strong.
I am safe.
I am Positive,
I am Powerful.
As I say
So shall it be.

This ritual combined with this chant can be very powerful. For best results each participant should have a copy of the chant and a chance to practice their lines. The idea is to repeat the chant over and over allowing the energy to build.

From: The Magical Use of Voice and various other sources

Why does singing and chanting have such a powerful effect on us? Repetitive or boring tasks are easier to perform if there is a tune in the background, or if someone starts to sing.

I remember with particular fondness the “work songs” which were evolved when I spent a few months picking oranges and grapefruit in Israel, and they certainly livened up what was a boring and strenuous task. Songs and chants establish rhythms, which not only distract from the boredom of a task, but also seem to add energy and help “carry” each person along. Group spirit and enthusiasm is raised.

One of the key factors seems to be rhythm. rhythms carry our consciousness along, from heartbeats, to cycles of breathing, sleeping, night-day and the passage of seasons. rhythms promote associated body movements and adjustments, and act as a signal to begin movement without conscious effort, so that less energy is expended when you begin; for example, it has been shown that soldiers can march further, and in better form, with less fatigue, when accompanied by a marching band.

The feeling of being “carried” comes from the structure that rhythm gives to our time-sense, and the pattern gives a sense of continuance. It becomes a motor attitude, and one’s attention is freed (if this is desired). rhythms also become “mirrored” by our brain activity, and they have powerful physiological effects on us. Music Therapists have found that people suffering from Aphasia or Huntingdon’s Chorea (both neurological disorders which impair speech) can carry a tune, and group singing is a common element in therapeutic voice training.

Rhythms are everywhere around us, and group chants and songs reflect this fact and bring us towards an enhanced sense of participation in the world.

From The Magical Use of Voice

On any day or evening from the new to full moon, sit quietly and close your eyes. Relax. See yourself as the energy of prosperity. Be the energy of prosperity. Chant, or repeat in your mind:

Circle, circle, round round;
round round, circle round.

Calm and center yourself, thinking of yourself as the energy of success and prosperity. BE the energy of prosperity. This spell is a terrific one to do anytime, and is especially helpful when those financial worries start to get you down.

~Silver Raven Wolf
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity

The ancient Egyptians used this powerful meditation to infuse their bodies with light. Each body part was dedicated to a divinity who directed the flow of life energy. This meditation may be recited upon waking while standing in an eastern window facing the sun, or before sleeping while lying in repose. After deep relaxation, begin naming the parts of your body that you dedicate to the Divine:

My head is the head of Seshat,
filling with thoughts of the power of the Divine, remembering my soul’s purpose.

My face is the face of Nefertum,
the golden child arising above chaos in beauty.

My eyes are the eyes of Hathor
shining in the darkness. I see love and joy in all things.

My ears are the ears of Anubis,
hearing the messages of the Divine.

My nose and longs are the nose and lungs of Shu,
receiving fresh breezes that fill me with creative life energy.

My throat is the throat of Meret,
it’s words are gentle songs.

My lips are the lips of Mut.
What touches them receives my blessing and thankfulness.

My teeth are the teeth of Serket,
strong and nurturing.

My neck is the neck of the Renenutet,
which supports me and connects my intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies.

My right (or dominant) hand is the hand of Khnum,
endlessly creative, giving life to things of beauty.

My left (or nondominant) hand is the hand of Anket,
receiving abundance from the bounty of the world.

My forearms are the foreamrs of Neith,
who weaves the destiny of one humankind.

My shoulders are those of Wadjet,
powerful, healing, and strong.

My chest and rib cage are those of Tefnut,
containing and protecting the delicate inner parts of myself.

My heart is the heart of Ma’at,
living in truth and keeping my life in balance.

My backbone is the backbone of Seth,
the foundation of the world.

My womb is the womb of Isis.
My phallus is the phallus of Osiris.

My reins are the reins of Satis,
receiving abundantly what is needed and eliminating what is not.

My belly and back are the belly and back of Sekhmet,
source of my spiritual fire and power.

My hips and legs are those of Nut,
carrying me safely through the day and night.
Wherever I need to be, there I find myself

My feet are the feet of Ptah,
a firm foundation for all of myself.

My fingers are those of Orion and Sirius,
sparkling and brilliant, creating anew, rebuilding, tearing down, heralding new life.

My bones are the bones of all the living gods and goddesses,
the living Uraei that protects and energizes and life to its spiritual source.

There is no member of my body that is not the member of a divine being. My body knows what it needs to give and to receive. Thoth and Isis shield my body wholly, filling it with energy and radiating love. I am shining as Ra and Raet day by day. These are the words of power that live forever. As I rise and walk on earth, so do I rise and walk always in the realm of heaven, under the nurturing care and the divine power of the gods and goddesses.

From: Feasts of Light

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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