
A fifteenth-century medical book tells us: “So that your wife stays faithful forever mix celery juice and honey and rub your genitals with the mixture. This way she will be satisfied and will want no one else but you.”

Consider too this German saying:

Fry me eggs, sweetheart,
with celery and lettuce,
on Sunday we will go courting,
my mother told me this.

This aspect of celery is also well known in France, the country of savoir vivre and l’amour, as in the following: “If a woman knew what celery does to a man, she would be willing to go from Paris to Rome to find it.” And, “If a man knew what celery does for him, he would plant his garden full of it.”

Celery is also used as a cure for impotence. Several sticks of celery need to be boiled in a saucepan of water until the celery turns into a pulp. The person with the problem needs to eat this while it is still hot, and can then look forward to a night of successful lovemaking.

Source: Encyclopedia of Herbology

The origins of this love spell are obscure, but there is a litany in archaic Italian of which I have provided an English translation. It is a ritual that requires a bit of effort and a lot of herbal materials as well as a profound belief in its success. Otherwise, its nothing more than empty words. The materials can be obtained readily in any food store, herb market or metaphysical supply store.

Herbal Mixture:

  • 3 parts lavender
  • 3 parts damiana
  • 3 parts patchouly
  • 1 part Dragon’s blood resin
  • 13 gardenia petals
  • 4 parts red clover
  • 3 Saw Palmetto Berries
  • 3 parts peppermint
  • 3 parts Rue
  • 13 drops of your favorite perfume

Other Materials Needed:

  • Frankincense incense (stick or resin)
  • Mortar and Pestle (for grinding herbs)
  • Small red drawstring bag or square of red fabric with red thread or cord


Prepare space to work in by making sure the area is clean and the floors swept. Meditate on power, success and love, and begin by slowly grinding the herbs in a clockwise movement in the mortar and pestle. Do not add the oils at this time. Stirring the herbs in a clockwise direction with your finger, slowly add the oil mixture until it is well blended. Hold the bowl in your hand and enchant with the words:

Diana, bella Diana!
Che tanto bella e buona siei,
E tanto ti e piacere
Ti ho fatto,
Anche a te di fare al amore,
Dunque spero che anche in questa cosa
Tu mi voglia aiutare,
E se tu vorrai
Tutto tu portrai,
Se questa grazia mi vorrai fare:
Chiamerai tua figlia Aradia,
Al letto della bella fanciulla
La mandera Aradia,
La fanciulla in una canina cinertira,
Alla camera mia la mandera,
Ma entrate in camera mia,
Non sara piu una canina,
Ma tornera una bella fanciulla,
Bella cane era prima,
E cosi potro fare al amore
A mio piacimento,
Come a me piacera.
Quando mi saro divertito
A mi piacere diro.

“Per volere della Fata Diana,
E di sua figlia Aradia,
Torna una canina
Come tu ere prima!”


Diana, beautiful Diana
Who art indeed as good as beautiful
By all the worship I have given thee
and all the joy of love which thou hast known
I do implore thee aid me in my love!
What thou wilt is true
Thou canst ever do
And if the grace I seek thou’ll grant to me,
Then call, I pray, thy daughter Aradia,
and send her to the bedside of the man/woman
And give that man/woman the likeness of a dog
and make him/her then come to me in my room
but when he/she once has entered it, I pray
that he/she may re-assume her human form
as beautiful as ever he/she was before
and may I then make love to him/her until
our souls with joy are fully satisfied
Then by the aid of the great Faery Queen
and of her daughter, fair Aradia
may he/she be turned into a dog again
and then to human form as once before

Draw a bath, and light fresh incense. Place the herbal/oil mixture into the red bag, or tie it up in the red cloth spuare. Submerge it into the bath water, and let it steep while you inhale the incense and focus on your desire. Enter the bath slowly, feeling the tingling of the bath on your entire body as you do. Take a deep breath, filling your lungs to capacity, and submerge yourself completely under the water.

While underwater, exhale all of the air completely out of your lungs, and visualize any obstacles in the way of your success with this spell leaving your body with the air. Do this three times. Let the water run out of the tub while you are lying in it, and do not get out until all of the water has drained. Let your body dry naturally; do not use a towel. When your body is completely dry, dress yourself and apply your favorite fragrance that was used in the herbal mixture. Leave your home and go out for the evening.

Within 28 days, you will have attracted attract the perfect lover.

Source: Anything for love?

Oshun is not only a goddess of love, sensuality, and sexuality – she is also the protectress of women and children. She is the orisha who is known to alleviate menstrual disorders, help us heal from physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, and increase our fertility – not an orisha to take lightly!

Oshun abides by the riverside. To invoke her spirit and pay homage to her sassy ways, you will need to work with an intimate partner.

  • Begin by setting out a brass or ceramic candleholder
  • Place a few cinnamon, honey, or orange-scented candles on the candle holder.
  • Light the candles.
  • Gaze into the flames and reflect on the beauty and mystery of Oshun

In unison, whisper the praise poem:

Barewa lele (The beautiful one emerges)
Umale (The spirit-god)
Arele umawo (One of the family reincarnated)

Repeat until you are both relaxed and comfortable.

  • Spread honey on each other’s lips and elsewhere if you’d like.
  • Share the honey between you.
  • See where this leads.

Afterward, as you go through your normal routine. Pay attention, and look around you and see which of Oshun’s gifts appeal to you. Collect a few items such as tumbled glass, driftwood, or river rocks. Bring these back to your altar at home.

From: Four Seasons of Mojo


Gather your rose on the 27th of June; let it be full blown, and as bright a red as you can get. Pluck it between the hours of three and four in the morning, taking care to have no witness of the transaction.

Convey it to your chamber, and hold it over a chafing dish or any convenient utensil for the purpose, in which there is charcoal and sulfur of brimstone; hold your rose over the smoke for about five minutes, and you will see it have a wonderful effect on the flower.

Before the rose gets the least cool, clap it in a sheet of writing paper, on which is written your own name and that of the man you love best; also the date of the morning star that has the ascendency at that time.

Fold it up and seal it neatly with three separate seals, then run and bury the parcel at the foot of the bush from which you gathered the flower.

Here let it remain untouched till the 6th of July. Take it up at midnight. Go to bed and place it under your pillow, and you will have a singular and eventful dream before morning, or, at least, before your usual time of rising. You may keep the rose under your head three nights without spoiling the charm. When you have done with the rose and paper be sure to burn them.

Found in:

Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World

The Summer Solstice love ritual is strongest done during the June full moon, but the ritual may be done on any full moon. It is best done out of doors, but may be done indoors.

For this love spell, you need:

  • 1 rose quartz
  • 1 crystal quartz
  • 1 blue quartz
  • 1 emerald
  • 1 citrine
  • 1 garnet
  • 1 black tourmaline
  • 1 bag
  • petals of 3 roses
  • daisies
  • red or orange cloth
  • 1 large candle in red, gold or orange

Bathe before doing the ritual. Add flowers to your bath. If you shower, rub you body with a flower scented lotion or oil. Clean the stones with running water.

Clean your altar. Cover your altar with a red or orange cloth to honor the sun. Add some daisy blossoms to your altar. The daisy gets its name from day’s-eye because it turns to follow the sun.

Place the gold, yellow or red candle to represent divine Fire at the top middle of your altar. Sprinkle the petals of three red or pink roses on the altar. Place the rose quartz in the middle of the altar, make a circle around the rose quartz, with the other stones.

Pick up the crystal quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as pure new snow.

Put the crystal quartz back and pick up the blue quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as peaceful as calm water.

Put the blue quartz back and pick up the citrine in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as warm as sunlight.

Put the citrine back and pick up the emerald in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as strong as the oak tree.

Put the emerald back and pick up the garnet in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as bright as fire.

Put the garnet back and pick up the tourmaline in your left hand and say:
May I be open to love and may my love protect my loved one.

Put the tourmaline back and pick up the rose quartz in your left hand and say:
May I always be filled with love as I fill my lover with love.

Kiss the rose quartz three times. Gather all the stones with a few rose petals in both hands. While holding the stones and rose petals in both hands say:

My love is strong and surrounds all I do
I will always have all the love I need
Love is part of everything I do.

As you hold the stones and rose petals in your hands, you will know that love is with you. Shake the stones three times and then put the stones and a few rose petals in the bag.

This part must be done outside. Take the remaining rose petals and throw them in the air so the breeze can multiply your love. Every full moon take the stones out of the bag and hold them.

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.

The following spell is for drawing someone into a sexual relationship. Here’s how to do it:

Lay two sewing needles together, with the eye of one beside the point of the other. Wrap them in a mint or basil leaf, wrapping it toward you. Secure with a red thread, knotting in your desire.

Wrap this in a piece of red silk or satin, again rolling or folding toward you. Place this in a red flannel bag and wear it around your neck or waist.

To end the spell: Remove the charm, take it apart and break both needles.

To reinforce the charm: Feed it with three drops of dark rum added to the open bag.

From: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells


If there is not enough romance in your life, try this little spell to add that special exotic energy to an already okay relationship, or even to help a new one start off on the right foot.

You will need:

  • New music CD (see note below)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • Sandalwood Oil
  • Hot pink or magenta paper

Choose a really romantic CD that you know for a fact your significant other will like, but choose one he/she doesn’t own. On a Friday night, open the CD, light the incense, put some sandalwood oil on your body, and have as much fun as a person can have alone (use your imagination) while clutching the CD to your heart, saying:

Sound of love,
Love of sound,
Bring it through,
Bring it round.
Eros Audiere!

Mark the top of the CD case with a pentagram, using the oil, then pass it through the incense smoke and say:

Full of lust, love and light,
Music of the heart fly free,
Fill us with joy and might,
As we listen, may it be tonight!

Wrap the CD in the pink paper and give it to your significant other. Make sure you listen to it the first time together, and wear a little of the sandalwood oil. Play the CD again… And make beautiful music together!


This spell is a little out dated, in that not everyone listens to music via CD anymore. So you may need to make some adjustments if all of the music you listen to is via iTunes or some other internet venue. Be creative, and have fun with it.

From The Little Book of Love Spells

Invocation for exciting love in the heart of the person who is the object of our desire with the help of the 137th Psalm.

Pour oil from a white lily into a crystal goblet, recite the 137th Psalm over the cup and conclude by pronouncing the name of the angel Anael (or Hamiel), the planetary spirit of Venus, and the name of the person you love.

By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat down, yea, we wept,
when we remembered Zion.
We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song;
and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying,
Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand forget her cunning.
If I do not remember thee,
let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth;
if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom
in the day of Jerusalem;
who said, Rase it, rase it,
even to the foundation thereof.
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed;
happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. 
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth
thy little ones against the stones.

(name of person you love)

Next write the name of the angel on a piece of cypress which you will dip in oil and tie the piece of cypress to your right arm. Then wait for a propitious moment to touch the right hand of the person with whom you are in love, and love will be awakened in his or her heart.

The operation will be more powerful in effect if you perform it at dawn on the Friday following the new moon.

Found in: The History and Practice of Magic


The ancient Greeks also had a great many aphrodisiacs meant to instill a desire that was more than just temporary. Most of them appear to involve the rubbing of pungent or stinging mixtures onto a man’s penis. Here’s an interesting one:

“Take a crow’s egg, the juice of the crow’s foot plant, the bile of an electric ray from the river, work them together with honey and say the spell whenever you work them and anoint your genitals with them.”

The spoken spell is this:

I say to you, womb of
{… name of woman… }
gape open and receive the seed of
{… your name… }

Say these things as you work the substances, and whenever you anoint your genitals, and so have sex with the woman you want. She will love only you, and no one but you will copulate with her.”

I take no responsibility whatever for the consequences of this spell. Do it at your own risk.


If you are madly in love and wish it to go full steam ahead, make him this excellent supermarket-ingredient love potion:

Get yourself some orange juice, some spring water, some rose water and a dash of nutmeg.(Oranges are very potent symbols of love, if your partner brings you one you can be sure he adores you.) Anyway, blend a beautiful refreshing drink from the above (don’t overdo the nutmeg) and drink it with your lover-you don’t have to tell him what it’s for. Look into his eyes – you’ll see the truth there about your future once he’s downed this powerful concoction.

Source unknown

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